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Haban, Joshua P.

AR412(995): Urban Design Studio

Assignment II

1. In your own understanding, when can you consider Philippines contested? Cite a visionary

Contested spaces for me is just like the mentality of “for us”, “by us” and “up to us” that
conceived spaces depending on their purpose and use. It’s like a discourse of shapes and boundaries
themselves. As an example of it let us simply imagine that the Philippines would be the central focus
of culture, religion, history, and architecture. The nation itself would then produce discourse and then
would classify its spaces dividing it between the powerful and the weak, the rich and the poor and any
other factors that could be part of it.

2. Give an example of a contested space in your locality. Cite 1 example and justify your
claim. Include Pictures if possible.

Location: Deca Homes Resort and Residences, Tacunan Davao City

Space: Deca Wakeboard park
Deca wake board park is known in Davao for being the only wakeboarding site in the city. The
space itself should just be intended for the recreation itself. Yet with passing of time and of the
pandemic, the land use is of somewhat in discourse of being in-active for a lot of time. Thus, the officials
in said location decided to make it a market for small to medium business owners as to make use of
the area. Aside from being a public market, the area is also being used as gatherings, meetings, and
of different other events.

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