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4 Of the basic values listed in the PowerPoint presentation, what are the top 5

that you lived with. Why?

It would be Open Mindedness, Simplicity, Understanding and, Generosity,

Cheerfulness and Sincerity. These things are the least needed my attention to live with.

It helps me to be more aware, responsible, and sane when acting and deciding unto

different set of situations and environment.

5. How can I be a productive member in the community?

As I’ve been always facing this and been asked this question many times, my

always and forever answer is would be to focus on things at hand and do not compare

your achievements and pacing to everyone else. If you are a student then face your

responsibility as a student and do well in your studies, wherein if you are a active

working citizen then make sure you pay your taxes and anything we are required and

need of our responsibility as an individual. Being a productive member is just about

doing things we can in our scope of our capability.

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