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The rapid growth of Internet application and development of Web technology
pro- vides an ideal platform for Organization Workflow Management App and
To Do List system and the Web based Organization Management service
Workflow Information Systems,
provides con- dition for distributed working and inter-enterprise corporation
Vol. 3 (2008), No. 1,
and it has become the characteristic of the next-generation Organization
pp. 003-009
Management. It is a web- based application; it will be accessed
Received By:- simultanewously from many fields of offices. Field offices are supposed to
Accepted:- enter information of Employee of their region.This infromation is compiled
and used at for informatin purposes.
The project has been developed to fulfill the requirements of the employees in
working their task.The tools and technologies used for developing the software
are React for analysis and design phases for developing the code for the application and
Firebase as the back end tool on this platform
Key words
Organizational Management System Android App, XML, Reasearch and
Introduction managers, and so on
The process of constructing such kind of systems
is not so simple. It involves a mutual development
of application program and database. The
application program is actually the bridge between
the users and the database, where the data is stored.
Thus, the well-developed application program and
database are very important for the reliability,
flexibility and functionality of the defined
systems differentiate to each other and their
development comprises a great variety of tasks to be
resolved and implemented.
Every elementary book dealing with Figure1:- Information System Diagram
management problems includes the elements of
specialization, and especially always popular “Organizations depend on Information
functional organizations dividing and organizing Systems in order to stay competitive. Productivity,
the enterprise to product lines, geographical which is crucial to staying competitive, can be
position of some parts, on the basis of production increased through better Information Systems.”
process, types of consumers, and so on. In
addition, large companies can be organized in Need for the System
auxiliary segments, doing it often according to  Employees and Managers to set goals and track
different methods at different operative levels. progress with shared tracking tools.
As a potential source of these organizational
forms, fast increasing software industry is identified  Appraisal data can be used to spot flight risks,
that has developed the long practice in under utilized, high per- forming employees or
developing big software application programs, low performing employees who are consistently
decomposing them into the series of comparative below standards.
small software  Automated reminder emails encourage
Information system suggests a computer employees to take notes on their ac-
technology to be used in order to complishments all year long allowing for
provide information to users in an improved communication through- out the year
organization (for instance), as for the purposes of and more well informed appraisals.
data transformation into useful information;  Goal tracking throughout the year leads to
computer hardware and software are improved productivity and im- proved
productivity. Managers and employees can work
more collaboratively ensuring expectations are
set and met.
designed and used a particular case is the
 Collect data and allows leadership to make
Human Resources Information System
informed, data based decisionsthe same
development. This kind of systems are
product; thus, it suits to the consumer’s wishes
responsible for storing data of the staff within an
even more.
organization and generating reports upon request.
Such kind of system could be integrated with
Detailed Problem Statement
other Information systems or modules:
Accounting Information System (AIS) – designed This report’s documentation goes through the
to transform financial data into information, or whole process of both applica- tion program and
Management Information System (MIS) that database development. It also comprises the
provides decision-oriented information to development tools have been utilized for these
purposes. This system should consist of an appli-
cation program, on one hand, and a database • It requires maintenance
(repository of data) on the other. The program • Lack of Communication
should perform the basic operations upon the • Inconsitent Message
database as retrieving, inserting, updating and
deleting data. Any additional functionality is a Feasibility of System
goal of a further module development.It is a kind
of strategy to start the development from Projects can be seen as unique temporary
designing and constructing the database, as this endeavours in which multifunctional and
structure will determine the further structure of multidisciplinary teams work together to
the application program. collaboratively accomplish tasks within the agreed
The logical database model (tables, their constraints of time, cost and quality (Cicmil,
content and the relationships between them) 2005:157). They are delivery vehicles for products
should respond to the given task and cover the and services in a global economy (Jackson,
basic requirements.The Interface of the program 2008:329). A project is composed of many
should be user-friendly, and the program should activities, that each have to be described in terms of
be as easy for use as it is possible. a completion time, areas it will influence, persons
responsible, goals, resources necessary, input/output
Both controls and forms should logically and
requirements as well as organizational constraints
functionally be related within the program and
that might influence it. Many different teams and
fully respond to the structure of the
resources are involved in a project, resulting in a
database.Another problem is establishing the
large amount of information flowing between the
connections with the database, every time, when
a query is needed to be performed upon it.
Exception-handling should also be taken into an Implimentation
account during the system’s development due to
eventual exceptions that may occur.recent and  The Analysis and design phase is the recursive
professional attitudes, to represent three basic nature of requirements. Pro- cess usually starts
forms of the organization for project with knowing of customer existing systems,
management, with their description, characteristics,customer needs, expectations, constraints and
advantages and disadvantages, as well as to try elicitation of requirements. In the analyzing
to identify cases where some of them can be pro- cess, requirements’ conflicts are removed.
seen. These requirements are then used in the design
process to define the functionality of proposed
system and to docu- ment functionality and
Advantages: architecture of the system. So, this paper is all
• Increased collaboration and teamwork about the analysis and design process, next
• Access to reliable data and information in steps are the work to be done in the
real time future.Experts in the department can be
• Reduced waste and reduced operating costs grouped to exchange knowledge and experiences
• Promotion of continuous process they possess. Thus, the project team has the
improvement access to any technical knowledge existing in that
• Assistance in decision-making and strategic functional group. Further, it can be the big
planning from the company resource of synergic solution for solving some
• Increased profitability of the company technical problems;
• Reduction of human failures  Functional departments also serve as a basis of
technological continuity when some experts
Disadvantages: decide to quit the project team, and the
enterprise, too. It is equally important, both in qualification, experience and other related
technological continuity and in the continuity information such as health problems, more
of procedural, administrative and other policies responsibilities than this job and so on
which will result when the project continues in  After that, when time and days of work are
that department of the home enterprise. specified then manger create him/her
 The last, but not the least important is that the attendance according to work time and dates
functional department possesses the organized then maintain it. Manager can view or update
way of advancing individuals as experts in their employee details or status
functional fields. The project can be an  Employee login to system each work day and
opportunity for promotion all those who took mark attendance of current date or view
part in its successful work, but the functional his/her own details.
department is their home base and the focus of  Manger calculate net salary at the end of each
their professional advancement. month for employees according to attendance
 The implementation stage contains all the and it is viewed and approved by admin
steps followed in the construction in practice,
 When salary was approved by admin, then
all the parts that compose the project with
Finance is responsible to pay salary approved
different aspects of them and how do they
by admin, payment is possible to send
interact with each other and other some
employee’s account or giving a check.
important details of the implementation
Task Assigned:
process. It also describes the important files in
each part and the problems found during the With Assigned Task, This project assigned
implementation and how they where solved. the task to the appropriate em- ployee
according to the designated trigger.
Data Entry:
A workflow can be triggered when all
the appropriate information is added and
assigned the person based on the task
and to start the working on the task.
Figure 2: Development Life Cycle
With a form registration workflow, a set
of rules can be automated after a user has
registred on a sign up page to response
Scenario according to dictionary: a written plan of accordingly such as it gives a reference
the characters and events in a play or film, taking id and password.
about the way in which a situation may develop.
Scenario is an important issue in software New work Assigned and Delete:
engineering, it is like a story of functions of the Implement a project and devide to the
system and working with system. Scenario is employee and to spot where the processes
better to explain major parts and functions of the can be further imporoved and deleted the
system. So, we have written the following finished task.
scenario for our project of Employee Performance Evaluations:
Management System:
With a perfomace review workflow
 In Registration process the admin need
template, evaluations are simplified with
employee’s personal information like: name,
a checklist to complete that includes
date of birth, national identity no/ passport
filling out necessary documents and
no, mobile, email, depen- dents, educational
submitting them easily to Admin for
information like: field of study,
record keeping. nowadays, has the necessity of managing its staff on
Conclusion a really good level as the staff has definitely the
greatest merit of building up a company as such as it
 The project entitled ”Organization
is. The well- managed staff means giving the
Workflow Management App and To Do
appropriate financial award-ness and all kind of
List ” is developed using ReactJs as front benefits as such as they have been deserved. That’s
end and Firebase as a database to back end why the development of such systems is not just a
to computerize the process. This project programming business – a lot of people are
covers only the basic features required ordinarily involved in such projects and one of the
like registered to employee,signup and basic requirements is the reliability of the system,
assigned the task. This project is able especially what concerns the storage of data and all
create, modify, delete or view all of the operations that will be performed upon it.
 This project shows an example of References
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Some additional stuff could be implemented and
integrated into the application code making it much
more reliable and flexible; especially what concerns
a pay-roll module, for instance.
Apparently, the role of such systems is basic and
essential within each company that wants to keep a
really good control and record concerning its
personnel data, functionality and performance on all
levels in its structure. Every organization, in

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