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Name of client: Patient D Age: 23 Sex: M Date: 9-21-2021

Room No. 204 Diagnosis: Post appendectomy operation

Prescribing doctor:

Prepared by: Angelika Joy M. Dimaala

Danielle Evangelista

Side Effects/
Drug Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Action Nursing Responsibilites
Adverse Effecsts

Generic Name: Perioperative Should not be The drug (ceftriaxone Local: Before:
Ceftriaxone Sodium prophylaxis. used in patients sodium (Rocephin)) Pain, induration and Assess and check the patient
Treatment of with excessive acts by preventing tenderness on the IV for previous sensitivity to
site of ceftriaxone penicillin or cephalosporins.
serious sensitivity to mucopeptide
sodium Check the doctor's prescription
Brand Name: infections after cephalosporins synthesis in the
Rocephin surgery. and comparable bacterial cell
Check and note for the right
Infections antibiotics. membrane. The β- Nervous System: drug, dosage, time, route, and
caused by Attentively used lactam moiety of Headache the client.
Therapeutic susceptible in patients with ceftriaxone binds to
Antibiotics organisms in GI disease carboxypeptidases, During:
intra-abdominal history, renal endopeptidases, and Hematologic:
Eosinophilia Gather all the equipment
infections. impairment or transpeptidases in the
Thrombocytosis needed.
Pharmacologic Single dose of penicillin bacterial cytoplasm.
Leukopenia Perform handwashing
classification: preoperative allergy. Those mentioned are
Administer the right drug
Third-generation antibiotics Patients with involved in cell wall (ceftriaxone sodium), dose
cephalosporins (ceftriaxone) non-perforated synthesis as well as (500 mg), route (IV), time (q8)
was sufficient in appendicitis cell division. Pseudomembranous to the right patient (Patient
reducing Patients that do Ceftriaxone works by colitis D).
Dosage: surgical site not have any binding to these SevereDiarrhea
ceftriaxone IV infections bacterial enzymes, causing the Abdominal pain After:
500mg q8 (SSIs) after infections such enzyme to lose Write the documentation on
appendectomy as critical forms function and the the medical administration
record immediately (MAR).
for NPA. of pneumonia, bacteria to die.
Route: Administer IV E. coli, or
Intravenous infusion. meningitis.
Intravenous (IV) Hypersensitivity Monitor the patient for
Without seeking reaction; rash to fever superinfection. The drug can
professional make an overgrowth of non-
Onset:Immediate during and after
help. treatment (more appealable bacteria or fungi.
common in patient Observe some allergic and
Peak: Immediate
allergic to cephalosporin skin reactions that may occur
and penicillin) on the patient.
Duration:Unknown Stop the use of the drug if
Serum sickness
Anaphylaxis this happens. Be cautious
that allergic reactions might
occur again when the patient
Effects of ceftriaxone
has stopped symptomatic
sodium on laboratory test
therapy; the patient might
need longer treatment and
Increase the number of
Check for fever and severe
eosinophils and
diarrhea; if it occurs, report to
the physician immediately
White Blood Cell (WBC)
and treat it appropriately.
count may decrease.
Instruct the client to report
Can increase alkaline
discomfort at the IV site, and
phosphatase, alanine
the nurse should also monitor
transaminase (ALT),
the injection site and check
for pain, swelling or irritation.
(AST), bilirubin, blood
urea nitrogen (BUN)
Do not administer the
and lactate
medicine or drug if the color,
dehydrogenase (LDH).
smell, consistency has
Can falsely increase
changed or if it has particles.
serum or urine
Document for side and
creatinine levels.
adverse effects of the patient,
Prothrombin time (PT),
as well as if the patient
partial thromboplastin
time (PTT), and
international normal
ratio may be increased

Ceftriaxone. (2005, June 13). Retrieved from Drugbank Online:

Ciccone, C. D. (2013). Davis's Drug Guide for Rehabilitation Professionals. F. A. Davis Company.

Cleveland Clinic . (n.d.). Ceftriaxone injection. Retrieved from Cleveland Clinic:

Mayo Clinic. (2021, February 1). Ceftriaxone (Injection Route). Retrieved from Mayo Clinic:

Monthly Prescribing Reference. (2021, July 22). Ceftriaxone Dosage & Rx Info | Uses, Side Effects. MPR.

Sadraei-Moosavi, S. M., Nikhbakhsh, N., & Darzi, A. A. (2017). Postoperative antibiotic therapy after appendectomy in patients with non-perforated
appendicitis. Caspian journal of internal medicine, 8(2), 104–107.

University of Michigan Health . (2020, September 15). ceftriaxone (injection). Retrieved from University of Michigan Health :

Wilkins, L. W. (2021). Nursing 2021 Drugh Handbook (41 ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.

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