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7/19/2021 A.

Final Examination

A. Final Examination Total points 30/30

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Lumba, Marc Joseph S.


Wednesday 10:15PM

TRUE OR FALSE. 30 of 30 points

Select the best answer for each number… 1/11
7/19/2021 A. Final Examination

It is in the interest of all government sector to make sure that people have 1/1
enough to eat *



Low- and middle-income countries are mostly affected by achieving the 1/1
objective of zero hunger *



Poverty and food security have no link at all * 1/1



A strategy to reduce food security is reduce population size * 1/1


False… 2/11
7/19/2021 A. Final Examination

GMO crops such as BT corn and BT talong destroys balance of our 1/1
biodiversity by altering the natural feed-feeder relationship of the eggplant
and the borer. *



Challenge to food security is the way how much money one has * 1/1



Developed countries have less food that they need and low levels of waste * 1/1



The Golden Rice Case is an example of serious violation of ethical standards 1/1
wherein there is lack of protection to the minors who are considered
vulnerable subjects and are unable to protect themselves *… 3/11
7/19/2021 A. Final Examination



Residential and commercial areas require more land allotment than rice crops 1/1



Temperature increase is occurring all over the world resulting in melting of 1/1
icebergs and polar ice caps in ocean and land thus affecting species diversity
such as the polar bear which is already endangered *



Characteristics of the soil should be understood to choose correct way to 1/1

farm long term *



Alternate farming/crop rotation cannot achieve crop sustainability * 1/1… 4/11
7/19/2021 A. Final Examination



Food security is only one determinant of nutritional outcomes, especially for 1/1
children *



Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid- 1/1
20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic
GHG concentrations *



If a country has high food security can people still be undernourished? * 1/1



Choose the best answer/s for each questions… 5/11
7/19/2021 A. Final Examination

The most serious consequence of a loss in ecosystem biodiversity would be 1/1

the *

loss of ecosystem services on which people depend.

gene pool contamination

increase in the abundance and diversity of edge-adapted species.

low genetic diversity

Reasons for uneven distribution of food includes * 1/1


Rising prices

Social and economic

All of the above

The ability of a community either to resist change or to recover to its original 1/1
state after change is? *



d ti it… 6/11
7/19/2021 A. Final Examination


Which of the following levels of organization is arranged in the correct 1/1

sequence from the most to least inclusive? *

community, ecosystem, individual, population

ecosystem, community, population, individual

individual, population, community, ecosystem

population, ecosystem, individual, community

Which of the following is not a scientific concern relating to creating 1/1

genetically modified crops? *

Herbicide resistance

Insect pests resistance

Non-target contamination

None of the above

All of the above

The following are the most direct threat to biodiversity except? * 1/1

overcoming genetic incompatibility within species

i dl l f t h i b di id… 7/11
7/19/2021 A. Final Examination
increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide

the depletion of the ozone layer

habitat destruction

What is food security? * 1/1

It relates to efforts to prevent terrorist from poisoning food suuplies

It is about ensuring everyone’s access to food

Its component elements include availability, utilization, and stability, as well as access

Food Security focuses primarily on ending micronutrient malnutrition

The following are immediate potential benefits of introducing genetically 1/1

modified crops except *

increasing crop yield.

reduced costs for food or drug production

overcoming genetic incompatibility.

increasing the amount of land for agriculture.

How does agricultural research help reduce hunger and poverty? * 1/1

Agricultural research mainly benefits commercial farmers in developed countries

Research focused on the problems of poor farmers and consumers is a 'public good'
with little profit potential but high social benefits; public investment is needed to
support it.… 8/11
7/19/2021 A. Final Examination
Pro-poor research should only focus on organic farming.

transnational private-sector firms are the main source of research oriented towards
poor farmers and consumers.

Which of the following, the most impactful action you can take to reduce your 1/1
carbon footprint is: *

Use hybrid electric cars

Throw waste in a designated bins only

Turn off your lights more often

Eat a plant-based diet

What difference will urbanization make for hunger and malnutrition? * 1/1

Urban dwellers depend more than rural people on purchases to acquire food, have
little opportunity to grow their own food, and so are much more vulnerable to food
price increases

No significant difference: low income urban and rural people face similar constraints
in accessing food and consume similar diets in developing countries

It will reduce poverty and hunger because these are almost entirely concentrated in
rural areas

Poor city people eat mainly root crops, maize and sorghum, so lot more those foods
will need to be produced as the world urbanize… 9/11
7/19/2021 A. Final Examination

What are the effects of globalization on food security? * 1/1

Developing countries need to create publicly-owned food reserves in order to realise

the potential benefits.

Supermarkets are so far the only way in which food and agriculture have experienced

World Trade Organisation rules do not cover agriculture, so globalisation really has no
bearing on food security.

Wealthy countries subsidies and trade barriers make it difficult for developing
countries to take advantage of the potential of globalisation for advancing food

Which is NOT a reason for current food crisis? * 1/1

Climate change

Rising prices

Poor soil

Farming technology

Why are forests important for mitigating climate change? * 1/1

Roots prevent soil erosion

Forests serve as a sink in the carbon cycle… 10/11
7/19/2021 A. Final Examination
Forests serve as a sink in the carbon cycle

Leaves of trees reflect all sunlight away from the Earth

Trees provide raw materials

How will climate change affect food security? * 1/1

There currently is no scientific consensus as to whether climate change is occurring o

whether it will over the next 50 years

It will have negative impacts in most developing countries because of the increased
frequency of droughts, storms and floods

The impact will be positive because there will be more carbon dioxide available for
plant photosynthesis

The impact will be positive, because drier weather will mean less habitat for malaria
mosquitoes, so fewer workers will be sick at harvest time

This form was created inside of CENTRAL LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY.

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