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What tool allows scientists to discover and study organisms that cannot be seen by the naked

eye? – Microscope

Which of the following classic experiments of life discovery refers to the electrical discharge
theory? - Confined methane, ammonia, water, and hydrogen in a closed broiler. This was also
exposed to heat and subjected to continuous electrical sparks

Snowshoe hares have fur that turns white in winter so that they are almost invisible in a snowy
background. They also have large feet like snowshoes for traveling on top of the snow. Which of
the following characteristics of life is being presented by the situation of the snowshoe hare
during winter? – Adaptation

You want to observe how Earth’s atmosphere became oxygenated. Which evidence would you
observe? – The presence of stromatolites, which are believed to be early forms of bacterial
colonies that performed photosynthesis.

You want to recreate how the theory of Spallanzani was disproved. Which of the following
should you do? – Leave the flask open while heating the broth to cause microbial growth

Which of the following is the fundamental unit of life? – Cell

Who among the following scientists proposed that cells come from preexisting cells? – Rudolf

Which of the following statements is not true about the size of the cell? – The small cell is a
disadvantage in acquiring adequate nutrients because of the small surface area.

Which of the following is not a premise of the cell theory? – The cell requires water for survival

Which of the following observations disproves the long-held belief that life comes from
inanimate entities? – The rotten meat was not observed to produce maggots because maggots
cannot enter a sealed jar.

No matter how big an elephant is, its cells need to be small in size. Why is it so? - The smaller
the size of a cell, the more efficient it is for that cell to obtain nutrients from its sources.

Why are cells considered the fundamental units of life? - The cells perform the basic processes
necessary for the survival of an entire organism

Which of the following situations does not refer to the application of the principles of cell
theory? - In an air-conditioned room, colds can spread easily in humans because viruses can
replicate faster

Specific endocrine cells of the pancreas produce hormones that regulate blood sugar levels. In
addition, some cells of the body are also sensitive to the changes in blood sugar concentration,
which may trigger pancreatic cells to release the necessary hormone. Whose principle of cell
theory explains these features of cells? – Matthias Schleiden
Which of the following statements is not related to the three principles of the cell theory? –
Viruses use a host cell to replicate faster. Once the cell is already invaded by the virus, it controls
its cellular processes through the nucleus to replicate more viruses

Which of the following is being described by the fluid mosaic model? - The fluidity of
phospholipids and the pattern of proteins in the membrane

Which of the following statements is incorrect about cell walls? – Cell walls are made up of
cellulose in plants and bacteria

Which of the following statements is correct about the transport that takes place in the plasma
membrane? - Water molecules, though polar, can pass through the hydrophobic region of the
bilayer, while glucose molecules rely on carrier proteins.

Which of the following organelles are found in the cytoplasm known for synthesizing proteins? –
Free ribosomes

Which of the following situations in the protein synthesis will follow after the mRNA molecule
carries the information to build a certain type of protein? – The mRNA exits through pores in
the nuclear envelope and travels to the cytoplasm, where it then binds to ribosomes.

These are carriers of genetic information located in the nucleus of the cell. What do you
call this content of the nucleus? – Chromosomes

Which of the following statements correctly describes the Golgi bodies? – The finished
products of Golgi Bodies are sorted and packaged into new vesicles that carry them to
the plasma membrane or to lysosomes

Which of the following sets of substances can be broken down by the peroxisome?

1. lipids, amino acids, alcohol

2. amino acids, water, base
3. alcohol, toxins, water
4. lipids, oxygen, nutrients

Answer: 1 only

Which of the following statements is true about vacuoles? – This organelle is larger in
plant ell than in animal cell and is filled with a fluid called cell sap.

Which of the following part of the chloroplast refers to the interconnected sacs that are
suspended in the stroma? – Thylakoids

Which of the following situations in the protein synthesis will follow after the mRNA
molecule carries the information to build a certain type of protein? – The mRNA exits
through pores in the nuclear envelope and travels to the cytoplasm, where it then binds
to ribosomes.
Which of the following statements justify how smooth endoplasmic reticulum differs in
function with rough endoplasmic reticulum? – The enzymes of the smooth ER are
important in the synthesis of lipids, including oils, phospholipids, and steroids while the
ribosomes of rough ER produce proteins that will be inserted into the growing ER

In which of the following statements best explains why lysosomes can be the reason for
having a pancreatic disease such as pancreatitis? – Pancreatic cells secrete digestive
enzymes from the lysosomes

Which of the following statements best describes the difference between mitochondria
and chloroplast? – Mitochondria produces ATP through cellular respiration while
chloroplast uses light energy to convert it into organic molecules.

Which of the following statements justify how smooth endoplasmic reticulum differs in
function with rough endoplasmic reticulum? – The enzymes of the smooth ER are
important in the synthesis of lipids, including oils, phospholipids, and steroids while the
ribosomes of rough ER produce proteins that will be inserted into the growing ER

What cell part in eukaryotes contains the genetic materials? – Nucleus

What is the process of producing new genetic material in a semiconservative manner? –

DNA replication

What process in the eukaryotic cells involves the removal of noncoding part of DNA? –
Post-transcriptional Processing

Which of the following best describes a prokaryotic cell? – Genetic Meterial is not

Cell A contains a part that is responsible for sorting materials to be transported. What
distinguishing feature is described in the given? – Endomembrane System

A bacterial cell culture is subjected to high pressure. How does it maintain the integrity
of the cell structure? – It has a rigid cell wall made up of peptidoglycan

Why are cyanobacteria incapable of performing several cellular processes without

intrusion from one another? – They do not have an endomembrane system

A certain mutation affects the gene that codes for histone. What will be the effect of
histone malfunction in bacterial cells? Its DNA will ______. – Not be affected

An unknown cell is discovered living in a volcanic vent. Which of the following is a

possible characteristic of the unknown organism? It has _____. – a rigid cell wall and
cell membrane

Which of the following organisms reproduce by dividing the cell into two diploid
somatic daughter cells? It is a cell with a ____. - Nucleus
Prokaryotic Cell - type of cell that does not have a nucleus and membrane-bound
organelles within its cytoplasm.
- Like a studio-type condo unit that does not have several compartments

- Greek pro- meaning before and karyon or kernel that refers to the

Prokaryotes – small, single celled organisms that have prokaryotic cells

- All bacteria that include the organisms of domains Archaea and

Bacteria are considered as prokaryotes.  
- Greek eu- meaning true and karyon or kernel

Eukaryotic Cell – characterized by the presence of nucleus and membrane-bound

organelles within its cytoplasm

Eukaryotes – organisms that consist of eukaryotic cells

- Domain Eukarya which includes protists, fungi, plants and animals are
examples of eukaryotes

In a prokaryotic cell, the genetic materials (DNA) are concentrated in a region of the
cytoplasm called the nucleoid .

The cell wall provides shape and rigidity to the cell and the cell membrane provides
protection and plays an important role in the transport of materials.

Cell wall present in almost all prokaryotic cell, but not in most eukaryotic cells (these are not
found in animals and most protest)

Peptidoglycan – a complex sugar (polysaccharide) and a few amino acids

Cell Wall of Prokaryotes – Peptidoglycan

Eukaryotes – Cellulotes in plants; chitin in fungi

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