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A Selected Cost-Benefit Analysis Bibliography

Cost-Benefit Analysis: Concepts and Practice, 4th Ed


Anthony Boardman, David Greenberg, Aidan Vining, David Weimer

Pearson, Prentice Hall, Copyright 2011
ISBN 0-13-143583-3


1. Air Pollution 2
2. Hazardous Waste (including nuclear waste) 15
3. Noise Pollution 18
4. Water Pollution 22
5. Waste Disposal 28
6. Parks, Lakes, Rivers, Open Space and other Recreation 31
7. Wilderness, Wetlands, Wildlife and Biodiversity 37
8. Health, and Health and Safety Regulation 47
9. Crime and Drug Abuse (Including Alcohol) 66
10. Transportation/Transit (Including Safety) 76
11. Energy and Energy Conservation 90
12. Education and Employment/Training Programs 96
13. R&D 106
14. Development, Industrial Policy and Regulation (not Professional) 110
15. Professional Regulation 117
16. Public Infrastructure (Non-Transit) 118
17. Recreational and Commercial Fisheries 120
18. Forestry 123
19. Migration 127
20. Water 129
21. Housing and Zoning 133
22. Redistribution Programs 135
23. Agriculture and Rural Life 137
24. Information 143
25. Tourism, Sports, Culture and Entertainment 145
26. Gambling 148
27. Social Programs 149

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Barnes, D. “Back Door Cost-Benefit Analysis Under Safety-First Clean Air Act,”
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Bayless, M. “Measuring the Benefits of Air Quality Improvement: a Hedonic Salary

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Brady, G., Bower, B. and Lakhami, H. “Estimates of the National Benefits and Costs of
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Burtraw, D. & Toman, M. “The Benefits of Reduced Air Pollutants in the U.S. From
Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Policies,” Resources for the Future, Discussion Paper
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Burtraw, D., Krupnick, A., Mansur, E., Austin, D. & Farrell, D. “Ancillary Benefits of
Reduced Air Pollution in the US from Moderate Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
Policies in the Electricity Sector,” Journal of Environmental Economics and
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Burtraw, D., Krupnick, A., Palmer, K., Paul, A., Toman, M. & Bloyd, C. “Costs and
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Economic Policy 16(4): 379-400, 1998.

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Farrow, S. & Toman, M. “Using Environmental Benefit-Cost Analysis to Improve
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Forster, B. “An Economic Assessment of the Significance of Long Range Transported

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Freeman, A., III, “The Hedonic Price Technique and the Value of Climate as a
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Garcia, P., Dixon, B., Mjelde, W. & Adams, R. “Measuring the Benefits of
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Giannias, D. “Consumer Benefit From Air Quality Improvements,” Applied Economics

21(8): 1099-108, 1989.

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Goldsmith, J. & Friburg, L. “Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health,” in A. Stern (ed.)
Air Pollution, Volume II: The Effects of Air Pollution New York/London:
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