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MIN-305 Heat & Mass Transfer

Tutorial – 8
8.1 Determine the view factor F12 and F21 for the following geometries.

1. Sphere of diameter D inside a cubicle box of length L=D

2. Diagonal partition within a long square duct
3. End and side of a circular tube of equal length and diameter
8.2 Determine the shape factor, F12 for the rectangles shown in figures below.

8.3 Two parallel plates 0.5by 1.0 m are spaced 0.5 m apart. One plate is maintained at 1000
C and the other at 500 C. The emissivities of the plates are 0.2 and 0.5 respectively.
The plates are located in a very large room, the walls of which are maintained at 27 C.
The plates exchange heat with each other and with the room, but only the plate surfaces
facing each other are to be considered in the analysis. Find the net transfer to each plate
and to the room.
8.4 A wall having an emissivity of 0.9 is 6 m wide and 4 m high. It is at a distance of 4 m
from a 20 cm x 20 cm opening in a furnace wall. The center line of the opening lies 1 m
lower and 1 m left of center of the wall. The furnace temperature is 1500 C and that of
the wall is 27 C. calculate the radiation heat transfer.
8.5 Consider the very long duct constructed with walls that are diffuse gray and of 1 m
width. Calculate the emissive power of the radiation that emerges from a small aperture
on the enclosur surface.

1. Determine the net radiation transfer from surface A1 per unit length of the duct.
2. Determine the temperature of the insulated surface A3.
8.6 A cryogenic fluid flows through a long tube of diameter D1=20 mm, the outer surface
of which is diffuse-gray with 1=0.02 and T1=7.7 K. This tube is concentric with a
larger tube of diameter D2=50 mm, the inner surface of which is diffuse-gray with
2=o.05 and T2=300 K. The space between the surfaces is evacuated.
1. Calculate the heat gain by the cryogenic fluid per unit lenth of tubes.
2. If a thin radiation shield of diameter D3=35 mm and emissivity 3=0.02 (both sides)
is inserted midway between the inner and outer surfaces, calculate the change
(present) in heat gain per unit length of the tubes.
8.7 A paint baking oven is in the form of a long, triangular duct in which one surface is
maintained at an elevated temperature of 1200 K, and another surface is insulated.
Painted panels, which are maintained at 500 K, occupy the third surface. The triangle is
of width W=1 m on a side, and the heated and insulated surfaces have an emssivity of
0.8. The emissivity of the panels is =0.4. During steady-state operation, at what rate
must energy be supplied to the heated side per unit length of the duct to maintain its
temperature at 1200 K? What is the temperature of the insulated surface?

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