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Name: Cristy T.

Course and Year: CTE-1B


Primary Source vs. Secondary Source

1. Using the Venn diagram below, compare and contrast the characteristics of primary and
secondary source materials. Explain the overlapping characteristics of the space provided.

*Primary source provides direct *Secondary Sources serve as

and first hand evidence about an interpretation or readings of
event. primary sources.
*It also provide the *Both resourceful
original materials *Usually the author of the
*Research uses both piece incorporate his or her
*The published materials in personal insights and
primary and
primary sources came from the
time period that being discussed,
secondary sources interpretations.
or produced by someone who *It were also created by
experience of the event. someone who did not experience
*It also fundamental to first-hand or participate in the
history events

Primary Secondary

Explanation for overlapping concepts:

The Venn Diagram shows the differences of primary and secondary source materials. The
differences of these materials is, the primary source is a direct or first-hand evidence about an
event while secondary source serve as interpretation of primary sources. The diagram also shows
the similarities of these two sources material. Primary and Secondary sources are both
resourceful and uses in a research.

2. List down eight (8) examples of primary sources.

a. Speeches e. Autobiographies
b. Survey research f. Speeches
c. Video recordings g. Diaries
d. Letters h. Photographs

3. List down eight (8) examples of secondary sources.

a. Bibliographies e. Histories
b. Websites f. Textbooks
c. Biographical works g. Commentaries, criticisms
d. Magazines and newspaper articles h. Dictionaries, Encyclopedias

4. List down five (5) examples of sources which can either be primary or secondary depending
on the context and use.
a. Newspaper
b. Journal
c. Abstracts
d. Documentaries
e. Review and essays

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