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Supermarket management and billing system

Maharaja Jivajirao Shinde Mahavidyalaya



Project report submitted
In the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of


Submitted by

Ransing Komal Pandurang

Under the guidance of
Prof. Mrs Ware. P.M

Prof. Mrs Jadhav. D.R

Prof. Ms Damgude. N.

Prof. Mr Salve. S.

Submitted To

BBA (CA) Department

Maharaja Jivajirao Shinde Mahavidyalaya, Shrigonda.

Supermarket management and billing system


Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s

Maharaja Jivajirao Shinde Mahavidyalaya, Shrigonda
Date: / /2019

Certified the project/field work Report titled


Has been completed satisfactory in partial fulfilment of BBA (CA),

Course of “SAVITRIBAI PHULE PUNE UNIVERSITY” for the academic Year

2018-2019 by the following student of “MAHARAJA JIVAJIRAO SHINDE

Name of Student:-Ransing Komal Pandurang


Internal Guide H.O.D of Dept. External Examiner

Supermarket management and billing system


Its great pleasure to present a project report entitle as


I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude towards

all the faculty member of institute, for helping successful compilation
of my project.

I thank to H.O.D of BBA (CA) department Mrs Ware P.M.

Prof. Mrs Jadhav D.R

Prof. Ms Damgude .N.

Prof. Mr Salve .S.

For giving me constant source of inspiration and help in preparing

the project, personally correcting my work and providing
encouragement throughout the project.

I also thank to my other entire faculty member for steering me

through the though as well as easy phase of project in result oriented
manner with concern attention.

I also thankful to my all friends in giving me valuable thoughts and


Thank you all…

Ms Ransing Komal Pandurang

Supermarket management and billing system


Sr.No Content Page No

Ch. 1 Introduction

Supermarket management and billing system



Supermarket management and billing system


The Supermarket Management System is a project that deals with supermarket

automation and it includes both purchasing a selling of items. This project is designed
with a goal to making the existing system more informative, reliable, fast and easier.
There are many reasons for the starting of the project because in the selling of items
through the manual system of salesperson faces a lot of inefficiencies. It requires
handling of large record books that consist of both irrelevant and important
information’s thus making it difficult to find out the required information as per

This is also a clumsy and untidy process that disturbs the smooth flow of work. But this
system introduced by us will reduce the huge number of paper works while on the
other side there are many more problems that persist in the manual system. They
reduce efficiency as well as the productivity level of human. Administrative module,
purchase module, employee module, sales module and billing module are some of the
various modules that make up our project.

The administrators consist of a unique password and names of the employees. It helps
the employees to make secure login. The ids and passwords are kept secret from others.
The modules of sales and purchase include all the details of selling and purchasing. In
the billing module the details of payments are clearly shown.

This is one of the best systems that can be introduced in the supermarket for efficient
management. It will also reduce the cumbersome job of finding the most accurate data
from the huge log books. It also helps the management to keep efficient records of all
the purchases and sales. The introduction of ID and password will further reduce the
manipulation and thus providing the accurate and transparent data. This system will
increase the productivity and reduce the need of manual system to a large extent.

Supermarket Management System is a web-based application implemented in VB.NET

using Ms Access as the database. This project is targeted for mainly big supermarkets
and particularly aims at automation of various management procedures such as
managing sales and purchases, stock details, etc. All the details and records in the
supermarket are maintained in a centralized database.

Supermarket management and billing system

Existing System:

The existing system is very paper based in small as well as medium supermarkets. Even
though the paper work and man power requirement is less, the existing system is not
very economical for these markets. Relevant and irrelevant information are entered and
stored in the same place, which is very clumsy and untidy process.

In case of big supermarkets, the existing system is computerized to some extent, but it is
not fully automated to cover all the aspects of the supermarket. The data entry, storing,
and retrieval procedure is very inefficient. Further, there are chances of data
misplacement and wrong data entry. The system is still very insecure and inflexible to
adapt to user requirements.

Description of the Existing System

Many Supermarkets use this type of billing system for a decade. It is also improved
many times according to requirements of sellers and customers.
It does the same work that is calculating the bill, gives it to the customer and maintain
proper database. They are accurate in calculation and printing, they also generate
A new concept is also added in the billing system is that they also maintain relationships
with the customers who purchase more products from the store regularly. System also
concerns their requirements and gives them more commission. It also shows the overall
profit and profit on a particular product and gives reports which items are required and
which have cross their expiry date.

Bottlenecks of the Existing System

Every system has pros and cons so existing system also have many advantages and
disadvantages. So the bottlenecks of the existing system are as follows:

1. User Interface: User Interface is not so much good that operators feel problems in
2. Graphical User Interface: GUI is not good so the operators get bored by watching
3. Processing speed: Processing speed of the software is not so much good to operate
4. Flexible: Existing system is not so much flexible that can be changed according to the
operators and customers.
5. Automatic generation of the Reports: Not able to automatically generate the
reports and documents.
6. Workload: Sometimes the system hangs when workload is more.
7. Error Free: Sometimes the system gives error in the calculation in making the bill
and in the information of the products due to workload.
8. Man Power: Existing system uses so many people to operate the system.
9. Resources: System does not use the resources properly.

Supermarket management and billing system

” software developed for a company has been designed to reduce the time taken to
handle the sales activity. It is designed to replace an existing manual record system for
reducing time taken for calculations and for storing data. The system uses VB.NET as
front end and MS-ACCESS as a backend for the database. The system is strong to handle
daily operations where the database is cleared over certain time. This system will
reduce manual work, calculations and will also provide periodic reports any time.”

Proposed System:

The proposed supermarket management system aims at full automation of big, medium,
and mini supermarkets by making the system reliable, fast, user-friendly, and
informative. It reduces paperwork, manpower requirement, and increases the
productivity of the supermarket. Using this application, one can add, modify, update,
save, delete, and print details. There’s also a search feature to find products available in
the supermarket.

My project has a big scope to do. Project can:
1. Calculate the bill.
2. Give the bill to the customer.
3. Store how many products are sold.
4. Store products and their prices and with other information.
5. Set the rates of taxes and commission on the products.
6. Can see the report of the product in a fix period of time.
7. Change the Graphical User Interface of the system.

It reduces the time and manpower required for management and maintenance of
different tasks.
It reduces the paper work in existing system; hence it is economical and efficient.
With this system, customers get quality of service; customers can even give feedback
which can be stored in the database. As the entire system is fully computerized, records
of daily and monthly purchases and sales can be recorded and analysed.
This system is very secure, user-friendly, and reliable.

Supermarket management and billing system

Modules Overview:

The main modules in supermarket management system are:

Administrative module:
This module is handled by an admin who has full control over the system. Admin is
required to log in to the system with a unique user id and password. They have control
over all the modules and features of the system. Admin can allocate unique user id
(username and password) to the employees and staffs.

Employee module:
Employee can use this module with their user id. They can keep track of items in the
supermarket, and are responsible for recording details of purchases and sales.

Purchase module:
This module stores all the purchase details of the supermarket.

Sales module:
This module stores all the sales details of the supermarket.

Billing module:
With the help of this module, all the payment details based on purchases and sales can
be shown.

Supermarket management and billing system

Chapter 2


Supermarket management and billing system

Feasibility Study

“Feasibility Study” is a test of the system according to its workability, impact of the
organization, ability to meet user needs and effective use of the resources.
We can test our system by different type of the feasibilities. There are 5 types of the
feasibilities which are discussed here. These are as follows:

1. Technical Feasibility:

A study of resources availability that may affect the ability to achieve an acceptable
system. This evaluation determines whether the technology needed for the proposed
system is available or not. This system can be made in any language that support good
user interface and easy database handling.

2. Economic Feasibility:

In this we consider following costs:

1. The cost to conduct a full system investigation.
2. The cost of hardware and software for class of application being considered.
3. The benefit in the form of the reduced cost.
Our system has a lot of features at a minimum cost so it is feasible to implement and it
will be very much beneficial to the sellers in the reduced cost.
It’s software and hardware cost is also low then the existing system.

3. Operational Feasibility:

In this feasibility we consider following points:

1. What changes will be brought with the system.
2. What new skills will be required? Do the existing staff members have these skills? If
not, can they be trained in due course of time?
In the new system we made some major changes for the staff members so that they
have to be trained to use the newly added facilities. These major changes are possible
and give a new era in the Supermarket in production and sales management.

4. Schedule Feasibility:

Time evaluation is most important consideration in development of the project.

So the project is concerned should be completed with fixed in scheduled time as far as
company is concerned. New system is not so much big so it is easy to make in few days .

5. Behavioural Feasibility:

People are inherently resisted to change and a computer means “change is the only
certainty”. An estimate should be made of how strong a reaction the user staff in going
to have towards development of new system. Thus special efforts can be made to
educate and train the staff.

Supermarket management and billing system

Fact Finding Technique

1. Sampling of Existing Documents

 To follow this particular method of fact-finding, Analyst has to study well existing
documentation, forms, and files of existing system. A good analyst gets fact first from
existing documentation rather than from people.

2. Interview:
 This technique of fact-finding is most popular, productive for good analysts and most
probably widely used. Interviews are a fact-finding technique where by the systems
analysts collect information from individual fact to face. Interviewing can be used
to find-facts; verify facts; clarify facts; general enthusiasm etc.

3. Observation:
Observation could be Formal or Informal. This is most effective when and analyst wants
to obtain an understanding of a system. This technique used when analyst wants either
participates in or watches a person perform activities to learn about the system.

4. Questionnaires:
 This is a special purpose document that allows the analyst to collect information and
opinions from respondents. Questionnaires become useful when a little information is
required from a number of people.

5. Research and Site Visits:

Analyst has to research with data of the organisation. The data could be collect from the
documents, files or from computer. Most organisations like to maintain their web site.
Analyst can get data and information of their existing system from their web site.

Supermarket management and billing system

Hardware and software requirements

Hardware requirement:-
 Processor: Intel core2 Due
 RAM: 1 GB
 HDD: 80 GB
 Printer: Any Printer (Dot Matrix)

Software requirement:-
 Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
 Front End: Microsoft Visual Studio2010
 Back End: Ms Access 2010
 Framework: .NET Framework

Supermarket management and billing system

Chapter 3

System Design

Supermarket management and billing system

ER Diagram for Super market management system:-

Contact No
Password Address
Ename EId

Contact No Manage
Admin Employees

Cname Saves
ProID Type

Purchase Price
Customer Product

Name Weight

DName Organisation

Contact No

Supermarket management and billing system

Zero Level DFD:-


Super market

Supermarket management and billing system

First level DFD:-

Product Generate
management product report

Sales Generate Sales

Management report
Payment Generate
Management Payment report
Stock Generate Stock
Management report

Customer Generate
Management Customer report

Employee Generate Emp

Management report

Frist Level DFD For supermarket management System

Supermarket management and billing system

Second Level DED:-

2.0 2.2

Login to Check roles of



Supermarket management and billing system

Chapter 4

Form Design

Supermarket management and billing system

Welcome Form:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Login Form:-

Supermarket management and billing system

MDI Form:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Customer Details Form:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Product Details Form

Supermarket management and billing system

Grocery Stock Form:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Oils Stock Form:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Vegetable Stock Form:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Cold Drinks Form:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Dealer Details Form:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Employee Details Form:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Purchase and Billing Form:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Payment Form:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Report Form:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Chapter 5

Database Design

Supermarket management and billing system

Login Table:-

Customer Details Table:-

Product Details:-

Grocery Stock Details:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Oils Stock Details:-

Vegetable Stock Details:-

Cold Drinks Stock:-

Employee Details:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Purchase and Billing:-

Dealer Details:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Chapter 6


Supermarket management and billing system

Product Details Report:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Grocery Stock Details:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Oil Stock Details Report:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Vegetable Stock Details:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Cold Drink Stock Report:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Customer Details Report:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Purchase and Billing Report:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Employee Details Report:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Dealer Report:-

Supermarket management and billing system

Chapter 7

Advantages and Limitations

Supermarket management and billing system


To reduce the bottlenecks of the existing system there is a need to develop a new
system. The new system should concern the requirements of the customer and the
sellers. It has the following advantages:

1. Reduction in processing cost.

2. Error reduction.
3. Automatic posting.
4. Improve reporting.
5. Automatic production of the documents and Reports.
6. Faster response time.


1. Calculate of the salaries of the employees.

2. Calculate the expanses on the product.

Supermarket management and billing system

Chapter 8
Conclusion and
Future Enhancement

Supermarket management and billing system

My project is on supermarket Billing System. I have successfully completed it. I take this
opportunity to express our sense of indebtedness and gratitude to all those people who
helped us in completing this project. This project has contributed a lot to my knowledge
that has proved to be a value addition for me.

This is my first experience to perform such profession work. Object of this project was
to satisfy the users successfully implementation of system. Conceptual and practical
experience of project implementation using Microsoft visual studio 2010 and Ms Access
as back end. I also thankful to University of pune for including this project as a part of
BBA(CA) degree.

Supermarket management and billing system

Future Enhancement

 More security provided for reports and transactions.

 This system will be modified by multi user system.
 More security provided for member data.
 More services provided for user.

Supermarket management and billing system

Chapter 10


Supermarket management and billing system



 .Net Black Book

-Steven Holzner

 Software Engineering
-Mr Mahesh Pawar.

-Mr Goutam kudale.

Web Sites:-


Supermarket management and billing system

Thank you……


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