Ehtics of Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence, AI refers to mixture or a stimulation of human intelligence into machines

in such a way that they are enabled to think like humans or act like humans. It can also be said
that it is like embedding a human brain into a machine in such a way that it is beneficiary for
the human by getting the work done by the machine in a much better and an economical way.
Artificial intelligence has recently proven to be one of the most important human discoveries.

Artificial intelligence is based on the principle that human intelligence can be

defined in a way that a machine can easily perform a given task that may be next
to impossible for a human with its current brain capacity.

Ethics may be defined as moral principles or philosophy that guide actions which
should be taken which are ethically or morally right in any situation. It may also
be defined as the discipline which is concerned with what is morally right or
morally bad.

Characteristics of artificial intelligence

Eliminates full and boring tasks
Many times humans are not able to perform a given amount of work due to
some problems or stress but that is not the case with artificial intelligence. The AI
softwares can perform a given number of work any number of times without any
problems unlike humans as they are programmed to work like that so they don’t
feel any stress and thus eliminate full and boring tasks for many people.
Data ingestion
Data ingestion is one of the most important characteristics of artificial
intelligence. Artificially intelligent systems are able to deal with huge and complex
datas and thus with proper softwares even a small company of 50 people can
compute various data which for a normal human is not even possible. As the
machines are programmed to compute various complex data’s, data ingestion
thus plays a very vital role in today’s World.
Imitates human cognition
One of the distinct features of artificial intelligence is that it is able to improvise
according to the environment and thus it is able to perform activities and think
like a human, which is one of the most important features of the human brain as
well which is improvising according to the situation and thus evolve. This is what
makes AI unique, just like the humans to systematically adapt and improvise
according to the environment, even artificial intelligence is able to mimic and
process like the human brain which helps it imitate the human cognition or vision.

With the current technology, it may not be possible for the artificial intelligence
softwares to complete adapt and think like the human mind but many scientists
are still trying to work on the theory of self awareness and thinking into AI, after
which there shall be a time when the AI shall be able to fully imitate human
nature and the human behind and thus behave exactly like humans. With the
help of there enhanced capactities artificial intelligence systems are also able to
gather and store information from various sources in a systemized manner which
enhances there ability to perform a action in a much better and an economical
way then a human mind could perform the same work.

Quantum computing
AI is not only used to help cope with the normal activities of a person but not it is
also used to solve complex physics problems and now with the help of
supercomputers play a very important role in computational science now can
help discover the various outbreaks which the humans are unaware of as of now.
With the help of supercomputers now people can also forecast weather, quantum
mechanics, climate research and etc.
Chatbots are a unique software which act like a window by solving problems of a
customer by either textual or audio input.
With that level of technology, the bots could only reply to specific commands or
the commands which were either processed or duly programmed in the bots so
the not was not able to respond to any wrong text or the commands which were
not processed in it . But now after these chatbots are enabled with artificial
intelligence, the bots are even able to understand the language. So the bots now
can also respond to a unclear command and thus the commands now don’t have
to be more specific, thus saving more time and turning out to be more efficient in
response to the commands given to it.
Disadvantages of Artificial intelligence
The AI softwares to be built properly require a huge sum of money, which also
needs proper and time to time maintenance which requires a huge some of
money and other resources.
Not everlasting
It is almost impossible to predict the current dynamic situation as with a change
in technology, the older technology becomes obsulete. So firms have to spend a
huge sum of money on proper research and development analysing the various
market changes as to cope up with the current dynamic environment, there has
to be a proper research analysing various market trends as if the current
technology doesn’t cope up with the new forms of technology then it may act as a
drawback rather then being the asset of the firm.
Drawback for humans
The AI systems were developed to ease the work of humans , but now with the
rapid development in artificial intelligence people now rely more on AI rather then
humans which acts as a drawback for humans and arises problems like
unemployment and poverty. Though AI was created to ease the work of humans
but because of the overdepence on it , it is acting as a severe drawbacks for
humans only.
Artificial general intelligence
Artificial general intelligence may be defined as the hypothetical ability of any
robot or any systemized intelligence agent to understand, think or perform any
actions or task done by a human and to be performed by it in a similar manner.
AGI can also be referred to as strong AI or general intelligent action. In contrast
to strong AI , we have weak AI which means not intended to perform like human
congnitive and intellectual abilities.

Machine ethics
Machine ethics may be defined as the newest forms of technology which seeks to implement
moral decision making or ethics with the artificial intelligence softwares through which even
machines are able to think morally just like a human brain which helps it cover one of the major
drawbacks of artificial intelligence which was moral decision making power . We already have
independently acting robots and software agents that diobey ethical standards as a matter of

Ethics of machine learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) is doing what the tech-world Cassandras have been predicting for
some time: It is sending out curve balls, leaving a trail of misadventures and tricky questions
around the ethics of using synthetic intelligence. Sometimes, spotting and understanding the
dilemmas AI presents is easy, but often it is difficult to pin down the exact nature of the ethical
questions it raises.

Super intelligence
The new ways of artificial super intelligence raises a number of serious society crisis, shocks of
artificial intelligence, machines will trigger fundamental change and how should we cope with
the resulting transformation. What would the implication be if artificial intelligence takes over
and transforms the way we live and work.
AI code of ethics

AI code of ethics , also referred as AI value platform is a policy statement that clearly defines
the functions and power of artificial intelligence and it’s accordance with the human race. With
the everlasting developments in artificial intelligence, there is also a need to draw a line as the
AI softwares which were designed to ease the work of humans don’t turn out to harm them
only with further developments given there unique formations or way of thinking. The AI code
of ethics is to provide people guidance when facer with an ethical decision regarding the use of
Artificial intelligence. Many scientists and researchers who had forecasted or researched about
these predictions prefer framing up of laws which stop the robots from harming the humans, to
obey them and to protect them so that they don’t turn out to be dangerous in the near future.


AI has acted because the most driver of emerging technologies like big data and robotics, and
it will still act as a technological innovator for the foreseeable future. Artificial intelligence can
also be thus called as one of the most important human discoveries thorough which humans
are now able to programme much complex work which wouldn’t have been possible with the
ordinary human brain. Artificial intelligence plays a very important role now in everyone’s life
but the overdepence on it may act as a drawback for humans only as now humans are replaced
by computers. That’s why it is important to carefully manage the needs of people and
accordingly depend on the AI to combat one of its major drawbacks.


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