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Unit 2: The Colonial Era

Topics: The Age of Exploration

Spanish Institution

Overview: This module is designed and written in consideration of

you and your level of knowledge as well as your capacity to learn and apply
the necessary skills needed. It is made to train your mind appreciating the
History of the Philippines. To further your ideas and imagination in relation
to the topic, this module offers various activities that are contextualized and
At the start of the module, you are to take the pre-assessment test to
see how much background information and knowledge you have about the
topic. This module is self-instructional. You can read, analyze the concepts
and ideas presented and reflect on them. The activity help you assess how
you expected progress as you go through the module. Remember you are to
work on this module independently. It is that you will make the most of this
module and grow academically.

This module is intended for Midyear Class. After studying and scrutinizing
this module please submit your answers on the assessment in our LMS
group. The deadline of submission will be on July 17, 2021 at exactly 4 in
the afternoon.

Learning Outcomes:
What Should You Learn?

At the end of this module, you should able to:

1. Evaluate the political and economic aspect of Spanish colonization;
2. Analyze the political and economic system of our country between Spanish era and
today; an
3. Cite relevance of Spanish colonization in present-day Philippine society.

Pre – Assessment
Challenge Yourself!
Lesson Opening:
Let’s Start!
When the European traders, in search for a new route to the Spice Island, stumbled into
the Philippine archipelago in 1521, they found the people living in a comparatively high state
of civilization. The Spanish at first viewed the Philippines as a stepping-stone to the riches of
the East Indies (Spice Islands), but, even after the Portuguese and Dutch had foreclosed that
possibility, the Spanish still maintained their presence in the archipelago.

Guiding Questions:
Questions To Ponder
1. What are the positive and negative effect of Spanish colonization in today’s Philippine
2. What are the similarities and differences of political and economic system during Spanish
era and todays Philippines?
3. What are the evidence of Spanish colonization in present day Philippines?

Discussion/Lesson Proper:
Read Up, Absorb and Discover

Age of Discoveries and Colonization

The era known as the Age of Exploration, sometimes called the Age of Discovery, officially began in the
early 15th century and lasted through the 17th century. The period is characterized as a time when Europeans
began exploring the world by sea in search of new trading routes, wealth, and knowledge. The impact of the
Age of Exploration would permanently alter the world and transform geography into the modern science it is

Many nations were looking for goods such as silver and gold, but one of the biggest reasons for exploration
was the desire to find a new route for the spice and silk trades.

Treaty of Tordesillas
This agreement was the Church’s solution to the endless competition between the 2 Christian
nations. The Kings of Portugal and Spain, with Pope Alexander VI’s blessing, signed an agreement that
divides the world between the two countries. All countries lying to the east belongs to the King of
Portugal (Africa, India and Brazil) All countries to the west belonged to the King of Spain (‘New

Magellan’s Voyage:
He wanted to sail to the orient using westward route (Atlantic, Southern tip of America (Straight
of Magellan), Pacific Ocean, Ladrones Island, Philippines – *Moluccas, Spain. Aims: Gospel, Gold and
a. Not supported by Portugal.
b. King Ferdinand & Queen Isabela from Spain financed his expedition
c. His aim is to reach the east through a “secret passage” (Magellan’s Strait) to the West.

How :
a. 20th of September the year 1519 – Magellan’s Fleet left Spain.
b. They sailed southwestward down to the tip of South America using the following
1. Trinidad (Flagship)
2. San Antonio
3. Concepcion
4. Victoria (reached the spice island and returned to Spain )
5. Santiago
c. They crossed the “secret passage”
d. They crossed northwestward across the Pacific Ocean.
e. 16th March the year 1521 – They Finally reached the Philippines

The “Discovery of the Philippines:

a. Asian View – Philippines had established relationships with other Asian nations before
the Spaniards came.
b. European View – Philippines was “discovered”. Its purpose is to keep away other rival
European Nations (Portugal, England, France, & Netherlands). The most powerful of
them all was Spain and Portugal (who are competing for new lands.)
- Met some chiefs such as Raja Humabon and Raja Zula
- He was killed by a Filipino Chief, Raja Lapu-Lapu

Significance of Magellan’s Expedition

Europeans learned the existence of the Philippines;It proved that the Earth is round;
It established the vastness of the Pacific Ocean; It proved that the East Indies could be reached by crossing
the pacific; It showed that the Americas were really separated from Asia. Magellan’s voyage vastly increased
the geographical knowledge of mankind and proved once and for all that the earth is round. The voyage
paved the way to Spanish Colonization and Christianization of the Philippines From the point of view of the
Filipinos, Magellan’s expedition was significant because it paved the way for contacts between the Philippines
and Western civilization.

Other Expeditions sponsored by Spain:

The Loaisa Expedition- Commanded by Fray Juan Garcia Jofre de Loaisa

Cabot Expedition – Commanded by Sebastian Cabot
The Saavedra Expedition – Commanded by Alvaro de Saavedra
The Villalobos Expedition – Commanded by Ruy Lopez de Villalobos
The Legaspi Expedition - Miguel Lopez de Legaspi

Colonialism – the invasion of a smaller nation by a bigger power which leads to the control of economic
& political freedom of the smaller nation.

Reduccion Bajo El Son dela Campana

Resettlement Under the Sound of the Bell. A “civilizing” device to make the Filipinos ultimate
“little brown Spaniards”. All new Christian converts were required to construct their houses
around the Church and the unbaptized were invited to do the same.

Dates to be remembered
✓ The Age of Discoveries and Exploration
a. Ferdinand sighted the island of Samar – March 16,1521
b. Magellan landed on Homonhon and named the islands “Archipelago of St. Lazarus” –
March 17, 1521
c. The first blood compact was held between Magellan and Rajah Kulambo of Limasawa –
March 29,1521
d. The First Christian mass officiated by Father Pedro de Valderrama was celebrated in the
island of Limasawa, Southern Leyte – March 31, 1521
e. Magellan was killed in the Battle of Mactan – April 27, 1521

The causes of exploration

- ‘Set up colonies under control of a mother country
- Colony provide goods and profit to the mother country
GOLD- was the item that explorers were looking for, but it is really wealth not just literal gold those
explorers were after.
- Europe needed gold and silver to fuel the rising banking system
- Europeans desired spices ( De Gamas Voyage to India made him 3000% profit)
- Other natural resources would come to be sold for profit as well ( timber, sugar tobacco, ivory,
- This competition will be enhanced by the idea of mercantilism that emerges, the idea that there
is only so much wealth in the world , and that to make your kingdom strong you must have
more gold and wealth than the other kingdoms.
GLORY- was a relatively new idea in Europe.
- Came out of the Rennaisance ideal of Humanism and the focus on individual achievement.
- With the rise of the printing press, the idea of gaining fame for one’s action was more possible
- Also, individual kings wanted glory for their kingdoms, competition spreads.
GOD- As a members of universalizing Europeans had always seen spreading Christianity (
Catholicism) as a good thing.
- Especially after the Reformation, Competitions will spring up
- Colonization will become a race to convert native peoples to a particular brand of Christianity.
- Jesuits are some of the most active.

New Technologies enabled explorations

- The caravel was a new, faster, more maneuveral ship. The caravels had a triangular sails
(easier to change direction)
- Bilge pump system enabled ship float higher
- Compass, astrolabe, maps, sextant and other technologies from Islamic culture all helped
make explorations possible
- New maritime technology
( Hartman Astrolobe(1532), mariners compass, sextant, caravel, wheel lock)

Post – Assessment
It’s Your Time to Shine!

Activity 1: Critical Essay

Directions: Give comprehensive answer to the following questions/statements.

1. Discuss the reasons and impact of Spanish expeditions and colonization of the

Activity 2: Map Making

In a long bound paper, draw a map of Magellan voyage in circumnavigating the world.

KNOW What You Learned!

My generalization statement about the topic:

Supporting Details:

Supporting Details:

Supporting Details:

What’s on your Mind?
Congratulations for finishing this module! You can share your thoughts and
insights about the Spanish Colonization by leaving a message below.




See you on your next adventure!

Agoncillo, T. A. (1990). History of the Filipino People Eight Edition. Quezon City: GAROTECH

Halili, M. C. (2010). Philippine History. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Electronic Sources: (2019). Retrieved August 30, 2019, from
Steinberg, David Joel. "Republic of the Philippines." Microsoft® Encarta® 2009 [DVD]. Redmond,
WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2008.

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