Consolidation 3

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I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others’ in
each line.
1. A. atmosphere B. cradle C. natural D. biogas
2. A. adolescence B. kerosene C. emotional D. ceremony
3. A. triathlon B. breathing C. breathtaking D. athletics 
4. A. fundamental B. museum C. unique D. argument
5. A. teenager B. generation C. gorgeous D. gossamer
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others’ in each line.
6. A. ‘affluence B. ‘prosperous C. mag’netic D.’ octopus
6. A. go’rilla B. an’tennae C. tran’sparent D. ‘crocodile 
6. A. ‘definitely B. eco’nomics C. govern’mental D. secre’tarial
6. A. ‘actually B. co’herent C. ‘educate D. ‘decorate 
6. A. conti’nental B. con’taminate C. mi’raculous D. e’mergency
I. Choose the correct option to complete each of the following sentences.
1.  ‘Do you need my husband’s signature?’
‘No, ______ you or Mr. Jones can sign this.’
A. also B. both C. either D. none of
2. Take your umbrella just ______ it rains.
A. in fact B. on condition C. in case D. for
3. Our car broke down twice on the way to the wedding. ______ to say we arrived two hours
     A. Needless B. Pointless C. Regardless D. Worthless
4. I hope the lecturer wasn’t referring ______ my assignment when he made that remark.
A. in B. for C. to D. of
5. Languages ______ over time so dictionaries need to be regularly updated.
A. eliminate B. evolve C. establish D. elicit
6. My teacher said her essay was ______. She said she couldn’t follow her arguments.
A. incompetent B. inaccurate C. incoherent D. incisive
7. It is important to teach children not to ______ lies.
A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell
8. Air ______ is cheaper than other forms of long-distance transport in my country.
A. trip B. journey C. travel D. travelling
9. A large number of houses were ______ by  the storm. 
A. affected B. effected C. influenced D. involved
10. She burst into ______ when she opened the letter. 
      A. crying B. sadness C. misery D. tears
11. I believe that farmers should be banned from using ______ near waterways.
A. crops B. contamination C. pollution D. pesticides
12. Zoos should try to recreate the animals’ ______ habitat rather than keeping them in cages.
A. nature B. native C. natural D. naturalist
13. I don’t think we will ever find another planet that can ______ life.
A. suspend B. survive C. supply D. sustain
14. He thought that if he admitted that he was afraid of swimming, he would lose ______ with
his friends.
 A. spirit B. honour C. face D. nose
15. I imagine astronauts spend a lot of time thinking about life ______ Earth.
A. in B. of C. down D. on
16. A plant is only as healthy as the ______ it grows in. 
A. habitat B. water C. soil D. vegetation
17. I felt extremely ______ when I couldn’t remember my neighbour’s name.
     A. embarrassing B. embarrassed C. ashamed D. unhappy
18. He prefers string instruments so the ______ is his favourite.
     A. flute B. saxophone C. cello D. drum
19. We were too far away to make ______ what the sign said.
A. for B. into C. out D. up
20. The path was very ______ because of the wet weather. 
A. stony B. muddy C. sandy D. dusty
21. We had a perfect ______ from the aeroplane because the skies were clear. 
A. scene B. vision C. view D. seeing
22. I haven’t done any sport this week because I’m feeling a bit off ______.
A. shape B. colour C. fitness D. sorts
23. The crowd ______ as the team came onto the pitch. 
A. roared B. yawned C. hummed D. barked
24. There is ______ that people lived in eastern North America at least 50,000 years ago. 
A. belief B. evidence C. opinion D. fact
25. They had only a (n) ______ idea where the place was. 
A. faint B. vague C. uncertain D. muddy
II. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined word or
1. He invented a new game, and it soon caught on.
A. disappear B. became popular
C. was forgotten D. became expensive
2. We could not afford to turn a blind eye to such a serious offence. 
A. pretend to see B. see to
C. overlooked D. give away
3. In the past, women had little or no access to education and were barred from most
A. controlled in B. low-paid in C. prevented from D. forced to
4. Only those over 70 are eligible for the special payment.
A. qualified with B. suitable for C. available to D. acceptable
5. There is such a wide variety of animals in the jungles that scientists can never finish doing
research on all of them.
A. range B. mixture C. abundance D. longevity
III. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the passage.
In the second half of the twentieth century, toys like model cars and Barbie dolls made the
perfect gift for young children. Most of these toys were played with until they fell apart, but
others were looked after very (1. CARE) ____________ by children who were more interested
in building a (2. COLLECT) ____________. Today most of these toys belong to adults and
some have become valuable antiques.
Barbie has been popular with girls since she made her first (3. APPEAR) ____________
in toy shops over fifty years ago. She has been sold in hundreds of different fashionable (4. FIT)
____________ as well as the clothes suitable for a (5. VARY) ____________ of professions
including secretary, flight attendant and astronaut. Today (6. FULL) ____________ clothed
Barbies are sold for hundreds of dollars, the most expensive being those in (7. DAMAGE)
____________ condition, with their original packaging and accessories.
If you're interested in starting a toy collection, another good (8. INVEST)
________________ are Japanese battery-operated robots of the 1960s. Although not
very (9. IMPRESS) ____________ by today's standards, some of these toys are now very rare.
If they are in full (10. WORK) ____________ order, they can cost thousands of dollars.
IV. Complete the sentences using the words given in the box. You may have to change
the form of the word you use if necessary.
reserve survive spectacl like imitat confid
e e e
adventure breakdow trap su lonely new
r n n
1. ____________ should be made in advance of your visit.
2. You need a lot of ____________ to stand up and speak in public. 
3. The road to Elgol on the Isle of Skye provides one of the most ____________ and
beautiful journeys in Scotland. 
4. The increase of ____________ has led to an increase in the amount of garbage,
especially along the most popular route to the summit. 
5. Batteries used for flashlights or radios and the food stored in plastic bags or cans are
what they need for ____________. 
6. The tendency to use ____________ energy sources is on the increase when fossil fuels
are running out.
7.  ___________ energy is one of the most important alternative sources of energy
8.  Riding in a hot balloon is a surprisingly calm and peaceful experience, quite
____________ any form of flying. 
9. Although Jane had always wanted a pet parrot, her parents argued that a parrot would
suffer from ____________ if it lived in a house. 
10. Martin was wearing ____________ snakeskin boots.
V. Circle the underlined word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs to be corrected.
1. A lunch of soup and sandwiches do not appeal to all of the students. 
     A      B             C     D
2. Some of us have to study their lessons more carefully if we expect to pass this exam.
        A B     C  D
3.  Mr. Anderson used to do jogging in the crisp morning air during the winter months, but 
  A B     C   D
now he has stopped. 

4.  Malnutrition is a major cause of death in those countries where the cultivation of rice 
    A B
have been impeded by recurrent drought. 
   C    D
5. No sooner had entered the office than he realized that he had forgotten his wallet at
       A   B   C    D
6.  John’s wisdom teeth were troubling him, so he went to a dental surgeon to see about 
                                 A      B
have them pulled. 
7.  The results of the test proved to Fred and me that we needed to study harder and 
      A    B     C
watch less movies on television if we wanted to receive scholarships. 
8.  Bluegrass music is a kind of country music, that was pioneered by Bill Monroe of 
                                               A    B  C    D
Rosine, Kentucky. 
9.  Chestnuts were once the most common tree in the United States, but almost of them 
 A  B    C
were destroyed by a disease called chestnut blight. 
10.  Many places of history, scientific, cultural or scenic importance have been designated 
      A         B      C
national monuments. 
VI. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and
some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (√) by the
number. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word on the left. There
are two examples at the beginning (00) and (0).

Upon discovering the joys of backpacking, Leeanne Barr she decided 0………she ………
to 00..… √ ………..
set up a web site featuring the various regions she had visited. For the  1.
next three years, Leeanne really conscientiously updated her site 2.x
every time she returned from another one trip. However, 3
Leeanne's life took up another path - she got married - and her
days of travelling came to finally an end. This meant that
she had nothing new to post on her web site. This is nothing unusual;  
unlike those who set up personal web journals or blogs,
as they are referred to in computer jargon, often lose 7
interest in their sites when their lives change. According to recent  8.a recent
one study, conducted to determine if how many blogs 9.x
on the World Wide Web were being abandoned or out of date, 10
two-thirds had not been maintained for over two months 11
and a quarter of had been created by some enthusiast, 12
never to be visited again. So what does all this mean for the 13
average computer user? As cyberspace becomes increasingly that  14
cluttered with 'dead wood', users will find it more and more difficult 15
and tedious to find the worthwhile web sites.
I. Read the following passage and choose the most suitable answer to each question.
The ancient Egyptians firmly believed in the afterlife and spent their time on earth
preparing for it. Elaborate burial rituals included preparing the burial site, providing for
all of the deceased's material needs (food, clothing, jewels, and tools of their trade),
and preserving the corpse so that it would not decay. This preservation was
(5) accomplished through a process of mummification. The ancients left no written
accounts as to the execution of this process, so scientists have had to examine
mummies and establish their own theories. The embalming process might have taken
up to seventy days for the pharaohs and nobility and only a few days for the poor.
The embalmers spread a variety of compounds of salt, spices, and resins in and over
(10 the corpse to preserve it. They followed this with a prescribed wrapping, a procedure in
) which they wound strips of fine linen around, over, and under the body while placing
various amulets within the wrappings to protect the deceased from harm on the long
journey to the afterlife. They also painted resins over the wrapped linen. Finally, a
pharaoh or noble would have been encased in a wooden box before being placed in a
1. How have we been able to learn about the mummification process? 
A. Accurate records have been handed down to us.
B. Interviews with embalmers who still use the process have revealed the secret.
C. After studying mummies, scientists have developed their own theories.
D. Chemical analysis of the compounds has led us to an explanation of the method used.
2. The word "they" in line 13 refers to ______.
A. embalmers B. spices C. pharaoh D. the poor
3. The embalming process can best be described as ______.
A. lengthy and complicated B. short and simple
C. strict and unfaltering D. wild and terrifying
4. The word "decay" in line 4 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. die B. deteriorate C. embalm D. rejuvenate
5. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT ______.
A. bodies were preserved as a matter of religious belief 
B. all mummification took seventy days to complete 
C. special compounds were used to embalm the bodies 
D. it has been difficult to determine the process used
6. Why did the ancient Egyptians mummify the deceased?
A. To preserve the body from destruction
B. To scare tomb robbers
C. To encase the body in a sarcophagus
D. To protect the body from harm on the journey to the afterlife
7. It can be inferred that the Egyptians buried food, ‘clothing, jewels, and tools’ with the
deceased because ______.
A. the family did not want anyone else to share them
B. that was the wish of the deceased
C. they were afraid
D. the deceased would need them while en route to the afterlife
8. The word "amulets" in line 12 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. weapons B. coins C. charms D. curses
9. In line 4, "accomplished" is closest in meaning to ______.
A. performed B. forsaken C. reproduced D. dwindled
10. The distinction between' mummification of bodies from different classes is explained in lines
A. 1 - 4 B. 6 - 8 C. 9 - 10 D. 10 - 13
II. Read the following passage and choose the most suitable option A, B, C or D for each
numbered gap. 
Not everybody (1) ______ the benefits of new developments in communications technology.
Indeed, some people fear that text messaging may actually be having a negative (2) ______ on
young people's communication and language skills, especially when we hear that primary
school children may be at (3) ______ of becoming addicted to the habit. So widespread has
texting become, however, that even pigeons have started doing it. What’s more, in this case, it's
difficult to view the results as anything but positive.

Twenty of the birds are about to (4) ______ to the skies with the task of measuring air pollution,
each armed with sensor equipment and a mobile phone. The (5) ______ made by the sensors
will be automatically (6) ______ into text messages and beamed to the Internet - where they will
(7) ______ on a dedicated 'pigeon blog'. 

The birds will also each have a GPS receiver and a camera to capture aerial photos, and
researchers are building a tiny 'pigeon kit' containing all these gadgets. Each bird will carry
these in a miniature backpack, (8) ______, that is, from the camera, which will hang around its

The data the pigeons text will be displayed in the (9) ______ of an interactive map, which will
(10) ______ local residents with up-to-the-minute information on their local air quality.

1. A. recognizes B. believes C. agrees D. approves

2. A. result B. outcome C. effect D. conclusion
3.   A. danger B. threat C. risk D. peril
4. A. make B. launch C. reach D. take
4. A. studies B. readings C. reviews D. inquiries
4. A. adapted B. converted C. revised D. applied
4. A. attend B. present C. issue D. appear
4. A. instead B. except C. apart D. besides
4. A. shape B. way C. form D. size
4. A. offer B. produce C. donate D. provide
III. Read the following passage and think of the best word to fill in each numbered gap.
112 PETS
A woman living in the city centre has asked for assistance to find a bigger house and garden –
so that her 112 pets can live in (1) ____________ overcrowded conditions. Jenifer Symons, 26,
has always loved animals and now has a (2) ____________ of twelve cats, seven dogs, four
monkeys, two horses and a variety of smaller creatures, (3) ____________ hamsters, parrots
and tropical fish.

She also has a number of snakes, and although none of them, she says, is (4) ____________,
some of her neighbours in Lower Market Street remain unconvinced and are (5) ____________
that they might escape. Generally, though, people seem to like Jenifer’s pets and always
friendly to her. 
However, all these (6) ____________ have to be looked after, and Jenifer has to get up at 5
every morning to start (7) ____________ some of them. Cleaning and other tasks take up so
much time (8) ____________ taking care of them has now become almost her main occupation,
leaving her with only her (9) ____________ from a part-time job at a local supermarket to
maintain the 112 and herself. It is hardly surprising, that she can’t really (10) ____________ to
move into a bigger house. 

I. Complete the second sentence so that its meaning stays the same as the first one,
using the word provided. You should use NO MORE THAN FIVE words for each sentence.
1. They had very little petrol left in the car by the time they reached the filling station.
🡪 They had almost ___________________________ by the time they reached the filling station. 
2. My cousin’s unexpected visit enabled me to get out of doing my homework.     
🡪  My cousin’s unexpected visit ___________________________ perfect excuses for not doing
my homework.
3. Nobody can predict the real consequences of global warming.      
🡪 There’s ___________________________ real consequences of global warming will be.
4. The football club is now being run by an experienced accountant.   
🡪 An experienced accountant ___________________________ running of the football club.
5. Some loss of support for the government is a likely consequence of these drastic
🡪 These drastic measures are _________________________ the government losing some
6. Even if we drive very fast, we’ll never get to the airport on time.      
🡪 No ___________________________, we will never get to the airport on time.
7. He answered the judge’s question as accurately as he could.         
🡪 He gave ___________________________ as he could to the judge’s question. 
8. The first employee to arrive in the morning should turn on the heating.                 
🡪 The heating should ___________________________ of staff arrives first in the morning. 
9. We will have no choice but to reinforce the fence of those dogs keep getting through.
🡪 Reinforcing the fence ___________________________ if those dogs keep getting through. 
10. Leila’s interference in her sister’s wedding plans has only caused trouble.             
🡪 Leila’s interference in her sister’s wedding plans has led ___________________________.
11. The students did not return from the end-of-term party until dawn.      
🡪 It was ___________________________ back from the end-of-term party.
12. We were horrified to see smoke coming out of the bedroom windows.           
🡪 Much ___________________________, we could see smoke coming out of the bedroom
13. Mrs. Moore is not happy that her daughter goes to that club every evening.          
🡪 Mrs. Moore doesn’t ___________________________ her daughter goes to that club every
14. It’s ages since the vending machines in the canteen worked.
🡪 The vending machines in the canteen ___________________________ for ages. 
15. Repairing that old computer is pointless in my view.
🡪 I can ___________________________ that old computer being repaired. 
16. ‘I was disappointed to hear that Leo had decided not to play basketball anymore.       
🡪 Leo’s decision to give ___________________________ a disappointment to me. 
17. Jack went to the doctor who said he had chicken pox.    
🡪 Jack went to the doctor who ___________________________ chicken pox.
18. The ban on parking in the city centre is probably going to be very unpopular.
🡪 It ___________________________ ban in the city centre is probably going to be very
19. I wish I had invited her to the party.      
🡪 I ___________________________ to the party.
20. You may not have noticed, but Sally is wearing an engagement ring.      
🡪 It ___________________________ but Sally is wearing an engagement ring. 

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