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Asszertivitás Tréning

6 fő
8x45 perc
Menetrend terv

1. blokk 1 8:30 9:15

2 9:15 10:00
2. blokk 3 10:15 11:00
4 11:00 11:45
3. blokk 5 12:45 13:30
6 13:30 14:15
4. blokk 7 14:30 15:15
8 15:15 16:00

Bemutatkozás: 5 perc

Normázás: 10 perc

Belépő szintű Ice breaker:

 ha a csapat jól ismeri egymást: guess who játék


1- Pass around blank 3” X 5” cards to each of your participants

2- Ask each person to write down one personal thing about them that no one else knows

3- Collect all cards and mix them up well

4- Distribute the cards once more making sure no one gets the card they wrote

5- Ask each participant to read out the card they have been handed and ask the whole group to
guess who is the writer of the card.

 ha nem: name salad

This is another fun ice breaker that gets people to quickly get introduced and bond together. Each
person approaches another person, shakes hand and gives their name. after the introductions, each
participants takes on the name of their partner as their own then goes on to introduce him/herself as
their partner, this should go on until the person gets his/her name back. It’s a lot of fun specially
when a male participant gets the name Suzy or when a female participant gets the name Jeff.
felkészülés: 5 perc
feladat: 10-15 perc

Kettes szintű icebreaker

I am circle: Have everyone stand in a circle with one person in the middle. That person says
something that’s true about themselves. If it’s true of anyone else, they quickly have to switch places
(like musical chairs).

felkészülés: 2 perc
feladat: 15 perc

1. feladat: assertiveness test. Tesztet kitöltetni velük, önértékelés.

előkészület: 2 perc
feladat: 10 perc
megbeszélés: 3 perc

2. feladat: body language game

Kapnak kártyákat a különböző stílusok testbeszéd jegyeivel és azt kell előadják, a többieknek meg
kitalálni, hogy melyik stílus volt az

felkészülés: 5 perc
feladat: 20 perc
megbeszélés: 10 perc (melyiket volt a legkönnyebb, mindenki kap mindenből)

3. feladat: videoclip a különböző kommunikációs stílusokról

különböző filmes karakterekből készített videoclip összeállítása, answer sheet készítése a tanulóknak,
mindenki magának véleményez, majd megbeszéljük

felkészülés: 2 perc
feladat: 6 perc
megbeszélés: 8 perc

4. feladat: Kommunikációs stratégiák mondatainak felismerése

A terem 4 pontját kinevezem Passzív, Agresszív, Passzív-Agresszív és Asszertívnek. Esetleg jelölöm

vagy színkörökkel (piros: agresszív, kék: passzív, lila: PA, zöld: asszertív). Felolvasok tipikus
mondatokat és az emberek oda kell szaladjanak ahol szerintük adott kommunikációs stílus

felkészülés: 2 perc
feladat: 20 perc
megbeszélés: 5 perc (melyiket volt nehéz eldönteni és miért)

Passzív- Agresszív

• Á, semmi bajom….
• Persze… menj csak el… én itthon is maradhatok.
• Ha szeretsz, itthon maradsz velem!
• Csináld, ahogy gondolod! Tégy amit akarsz!
• Majd meglátom…
• "Ja, azt nem tudtam, hogy most azonnal kellene..."
• "Azt hittem, tudod."
• "Magadhoz képest egész ügyesen csináltad!"
• "Áh, csak vicceltem."
• "Miért lettél olyan szomorú?" "Most mi baj van?"
• "Én nem vagyok mérges."
• "Rendben. Nekem aztán mindegy."
• "Ott leszek! Megcsinálom!"

• Én a munkáimat mindig leadom határidőre.

• Ez nem fog működni! Ennek semmi értelme!
• Semmi közöm hozzá, te tehetsz róla!
• Így lesz és kész! Ezt kell tenned!
• A te hibád, hogy…
• Mindig elkésel.
• Felháborító, amit csinálsz, vedd már észre magad!
• Csak nem gondolod, hogy…
• stupid
• You are a….
• get on with it
• because I said so
• Shut up and listen
• you’d better
• What a nerve

• Ne haragudj, hogy az idődet rabolom, de…

• Nagyon sajnálom, hogy zavarom…
• Ha így gondolod, akkor legyen így!
• Esetleg lehetne arról szó, hogy…?
• Normális körülmények között nem mondanék ilyet, csak azt szeretném, hogy
• Nekem végül is mindegy.
• Ez persze csak a saját véleményem.
• Biztosan igazad van, hogy ezt teszed.
• sorry to bother you
• It’s only me
• Would you mind
• I could come back later
• I wonder if
• Excuse me
• I guess

• Én úgy gondolom/azt érzem/az a benyomásom, hogy…

• Nagyon tetszett, ahogy…
• Zavar, hogy ismételten késtél 20 percet, kérlek a jövőben érkezz pontosan.
• Szeretném ezzel kapcsolatban a véleményedet kérni.
• I’d like to hear your views on.
• could you tell me about them?
• I think we are approaching this from 2 different perspectives.
• What are all our options here?
• What does the situation look like from your perspective?
• I respect your view.
• I believe that…
• How can we resolve this?

5. feladat: Aggressive, Submissive and Assertive Responses

A great way to learn how to be assertive is to know how it contrasts with being aggressive or
submissive. This activity helps delegates to analyse a given situation and analyse various responses
delivered and see how their feelings are affected as a result of each response.

Analyse a situation and formulate your responses if you were to be aggressive, submissive or

What You Need

Three copies of Assertiveness Sheet provided below for each delegate.

A copy of the Assertiveness Example Sheet provided below for each delegate.


Distribute the Assertiveness Sheets and Assertiveness Example Sheets to all delegates.

Ask them to consider a situation and use one form to analyse it.

Given the situation, they should formulate an aggressive, submissive/passive and assertive response.
They should record their analysis in their forms.

felkészülés: 2 perc
feladat: 35 p
megbeszélés: 5 perc

Energizer: Emotional Intelligence Exercise: Making Eye Contact


This exercise helps delegates to understand and appreciate the power of eye contact and how it can
affect emotional connection and emotional states. It is ideal in teaching emotional intelligence, body
language and communication skills. You can get the most from this exercise with the follow up
discussions so make sure you allocate enough time for this.

Objective:Make eye contact with others following the instructions given by the trainer.

What You Need:

An empty room where a group of delegates can easily walk around.

Blank cards that are easy to write notes on them while standing.


Distribute a blank card to each delegate.

Ask the delegates to spread around the room.

Explain that they should assume they are in an art gallery or a museum.
Stage 1: Ask the delegates to roam around the room as if they are in a public space while not making
eye contact with anyone else. They should improvise and act the role.

Allow one minute for this part.

Stop everyone and ask the delegates to make a note of their feelings on their cards.

Stage 2: For this round, ask the delegates to seek out eye contact as they go about the room.
However, as soon as they have made eye contact, they should break it and look away.

Allow two minutes for this part.

Stop everyone and ask them to record their feelings on their cards.

Stage 3: In this round, ask the delegates to seek out eye contact and as soon as they have made eye
contact with anyone they should pair up with that person. They should stand side by side and do not
establish eye contact with anyone else.

Allocate two minutes for this part.

Stop everyone and ask them to record their feelings on their cards.

Bring everyone back together and follow with a discussion.

Előkészület: 5 perc
Feladat: 5 perc
Megbeszélés: 2 perc

6. feladat: expressing an opinion excercise

1. rész: nyelvi kifejezések gyűjtése egyénileg vélemény kifejezésére 2 perc

2. rész: csoportosítása (kártyákra felírva) erősség szerint 8 perc
3. érvelés, vita: páros feladatban role play a korábbi kifejezések begyakorlására 20 perc

felkészülés: 5 perc
feladat: 25 perc
megbeszélés: 10 perc

7. feladat: Listening excercise: so what you mean, is….

This exercise helps delegates to understand the importance of acknowledging the view of a person
they are having a conversation with irrespective of whether they agree with it or not. The exercise
helps to create a vivid example which can then be discussed and explored further.

The main aims are:

Develop rapport through having a friendly conversation as opposed to being antagonistic with
opposing views

Improve listening skills

Learn to listen and show that you are listening


Go through a series of conversations based on the instructions given and then compare the quality of
these conversations to see how one conversation differs from the other.

Stage 1:

Explain that each pair needs to pick a topic. It doesn’t matter if groups pick the same topic but it is
better if they don’t so they don’t over hear from other groups.

The topic should be safe in that it doesn’t lead to heated emotional conversations such as politics or
religion. They should choose a topic that they can easily roleplay opposing views. An example topic is
buying digital books versus buying paper books.

Stage 2:

Explain that each pair needs to discuss the topic by choosing two opposing views. The first person
should make a statement and the other person should make a counter statement and they continue
one statement at a time until instructed to stop.

Ask them to start the conversations and allow them to continue for 2 minutes.

Here is an example conversation:

Person A: Digital books are cheaper.

Person B: Your device may go obsolete and you could lose the book.

Person A: You can carry thousands of books on your device with no extra weight.

Person B: These days with all that’s going on, we are likely to read very few books anyway, so why
have thousands on the go.
Person A: You can search, you can translate, you can lookup terms, you can take notes.

Person B: Nothing beats the smell and feeling of a paper book in your hands.

Stage 3:

At this stage, the first person should make a statement. The second person should start with, “So,
what you mean is…” and continue by paraphrasing the statement the other person just said.

The first person should then say, “Yes, that’s what I mean”, if the paraphrase matches what he
intended to communicate. Otherwise he should correct accordingly.

Once a person hears, “Yes that’s what I mean”, it is his turn to make a statement. This could be
related or unrelated to the previous statement. This time the other person should paraphrase.

This then continues until stopped by the trainer.

Allow the conversations to continue for 4 minutes.

Here is an example conversation:

Person A: Digital books can be purchased instantly anywhere you are and you can start reading them
right away.

Person B: So, what you mean is that I can just order the book, get it on my device instantly, open it
and start reading it, even when I am traveling.

Person A: Yes, that’s what I mean.

Person B: You can recall the contents of a paperback much more than a digital one. If you need to
learn something paperbacks are better.

Person A: So what you mean is that by reading a paperback I am more likely to remember the
contents than if I was reading it on a digital device.

Person B: Yes, that’s what I mean.

Stage 4:

Ask each group to discuss what they went through. Ask them to compare their two conversations—
one with opposing views and one with paraphrasing. How did they feel during the first one? How
about the second conversation?

Allocate 10 minutes for this part.

Bring back everyone together and follow with a discussion.

Előkészítés: 5 perc
Feladat: 25 p
Megbeszélés: 10 p

8. feladat: Broken records

You repeat the same answer until it becomes clear that you won’t change your mind. Example: I
understand you would like me to work late tonight, however, I do have prior engagements. Szituációs
kártyák kiosztása, amire mindenki elő kell álljon egy saját válasszal, majd párban az egyik próbál
meggyőzni, a másik meg broken record-t játszik

Előkészítés: 5 perc
Feladat: 6 perc
Megbeszélés: 4 perc

9. feladat: Fogging
How to accept criticism without letting it bring you down or avoid that someone elicits an aggressive
response from you
Examples: you never work late. You don’t care about this company.
Yes, I rarely work late. I work hard on my time management to ensure I achive all my goals and
objectives within my scheduled worktime.
Kritika kártyák kiosztása a résztvevőknek, páronként néhány kártya, fejenként 3 perc

Előkészítés: 5 perc
Feladat: 6 perc
Megbeszélés: 4 perc

10. feladat: Assertive Role play

A résztvevők kapnak szerepkártyákat és a rajtuk szereplő jelenetet kell előadni asszertíven

Asserting Yourself With Friends and Family

 You lend a friend one of your books. She returns it with pages missing.
 Your friend always asks to borrow a few dollars when you go out, but he never repays you. You
begin to resent that he does this all the time.
 A relative calls you late at night just to talk. You are tired and have to get up early in the morning.
 Your friend comes to you with a problem you don't know how to handle. You know your friend
has a counselor that she likes and you recommend that she talk to them, but your friend keeps
asking you what she should do.

Asserting Yourself in Medical and Personal Safety Situations

 Your doctor prescribes a medicine but doesn't tell you what it is for or if there are any side
 You are eating lunch and the person next to you smokes throughout the meal; this really bothers
 You went to a party with some people but the person who was driving had too much to drink and
refuses to let anyone else drive.
 You are walking home with a friend and realize it is getting late. A car pulls up and asks if you
want a ride. Your friend is tired and wants to take the ride but you think it's too risky.

Asserting Yourself in Social and Everyday Situations

 Someone in the van you are riding in decides to sing and does so for 15 minutes. It begins to get
on your nerves and you politely ask her to stop, but she doesn't.
 The new shoes you bought three weeks ago are already starting to fall apart. You take them back
to the store where you bought them.
 You bring your car to a garage for service. You ask the mechanic to call and let you know how
much it will cost before doing the work. He doesn't call and when you call him he tells you he has
already done the work and your bill is $250.

Asserting Yourself in Work and School Situations

 A counselor at the school you want to attend is interviewing you. The counselor notices that you
haven't worked or taken any special courses for the last two summers and asks why.
 Someone in your class asks you to work with him on his homework after the teacher has
specifically told the class that the assignment should be done without any help.
 You are being interviewed for a job in a new field and the director asks, "Why should I hire you
when you have no experience?"
 Az egyik szülője, vagy idős rokona elvárja, hogy ott tölthesse a karácsonyt. Mi a partnerünkkel
egy csendes karácsonyt szeretnénk kettesben tölteni.
 Családi nyaralásához szabadságot (egy hónap múlva esedékes, már befizetett út) kér a főnökétől.
Mindkettőjük leterhelt, mivel számos megoldatlan feladatuk van.
 Bár elmagyaráztuk a késedelem okát, az ügyfelünk továbbra is veszekszik és agresszív módon
 A mi feladatunk, hogy beszéljünk a személyzet egyik tagjával egy személyes higiéniával
kapcsolatos problémáról.

Előkészítés: 5 perc
Feladat: 30 p
Megbeszélés: 10 p

Lezárás: Ki mit visz el? 15 perc

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