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IE 496:Graduation project

Underwater Design for Tourism—Human factors &

Ergonomic Issues

Prepared For:
Dr. Rabiel Ehsan
Dr. Fahad Alqhtani

Bader Altharmani 437107101

Mohammed bin Yousef 435102193


The underwater construction of buildings is an advancement that can benefit

the people and the environment as they are constructed under water. Each
type of underwater building built has a specific purpose, depending on the
type of building. If such technology is adapted, everything such as buildings,
houses, shopping malls, museums, entertainment hubs, restaurants, hotels,
sports stadiums, and shopping complexes can be built underwater.

Underwater Buildings, Construction, Materials, Maintenance, Constraints 


Entrepreneurs who have created hotels at the bottom of the sea have been
inspiring to us  over the past few years.  Observing these remarkable projects
of Fiji and Dubai brings to mind what the future entails for mankind and its
interaction with the ocean.  Climate change, energy needs, and ever
increasing populations have made man aware of the vital importance of better
understanding and better utilizing the world water. The reasons for studying
the future of buildings and their use stem from these ideas. Under the waves,
you play an important role. Examining the benefits of a life at the sea, I
Humanity can develop a whole new horizon of experience and introduce a
new facet to society. A unique approach to architectural development.   The
purpose of this document is to propose that life underwater is not only
feasible, but also beneficial A new paradigm in the discipline of building
undersea is desirable It is possible for life offshore to be an important part of a
city's architecture Functionality.

 To find the materials which can be used for the construction of

underwater building.
 To study about the different methods of underwater constructions.
 To study about the challenges of underwater construction and its


In the first stage of study former examples from engineering standpoint will
be studied to constitute a background. Subsequently, architectural design
parameters will be defined and explained according to the conditions and
limitations of the environment in order to set the fundamentals for
architectural approaches to underwater design. After defining the parameters,
a comparative study on contemporary examples will be performed and each
example will be studied one by one. The applicable parameters will be
evaluated focusing on the examples to discuss the design considerations from
architectural point of view. Results of the comparison and comments about
the examples will be presented with tables and figures. In addition several
alternatives and suggestions relating to examples will be offered to constitute
a background for further applications and researches.


There are many materials available for the building, but we only have a few
Materials should be selected so that they meet our needs The item must meet
a requirement and be available at a minimal cost. While in choosing the
materials to be used in manufacturing, it takes into consideration The burden
restriction must not be violated Achieved Fabric used in construction Steel
and acrylic changed underwater. Acrylic fabric is used for visibility on the
outside, while steel is used for reinforcement (enabling). Steel is
particularly energy-intensive as it is It is reasonably priced and has a high yield
of electricity. Then Occasionally, it is not also a great conductor of electricity
heat. It has an excessive corrosion resistance. Acetate Fabric is preferred over
glass because it is stronger than glass Due to being much less dense, and it
also has a higher effect Glass is more energy-efficient than glass. The herbal
duration is given by acrylic. The encompassing materials have different colors
than glass. That's It is also a good insulator of strength when searching for
Ensure the safety and fitness of clients and underwater creatures.  


Maintenance method is a high-priced gadget, especially When dealing with

underwater protection. It may be a hassle The problem can be solved by
dividing the building into sections Components that can be separated from
the whole The additives can be applied to land in order to build Area can be
taken by a less expensive renovation. According to the apparent a part of the
constructing want to be usually clean, so that the customers can see the
marine surely in all the time. This situation can be executed through an
automated gadget which may be used as self-cleansing system.[1]

building under water is a very costly endeavor since it involves the usage of
heavy machinery, devices, and professional employees . In addition to welfare
and large price range, building below water also includes some economics. [2] 

pressure Stress:

plays a large role in persuading the guidelines of the building in addition the
individuals tend to experience issues at some point during the construction
phase or just a state of protection.[3] 
Environmental building elements:

At the same time as talking about the development of underwater systems, it

is obvious that aeration is a problem that must be addressed initially.
Renewable air is needed for respiratory purposes, as well as removing
unwanted gases. The airflow problem became solved in conjunction with the
development of the underwater Holland tunnel. Gases produced by trains and
cars pose an exceptional problem for ventilation in tunnels in particular.
Clifford Holland, the tunnel's designer, changed into able to solve this issue. In
order to accomplish this, he figured out how to use aeration towers, and fans
to transport air in and out, to ease exhaust fumes and pump in clean air.
Ultimately, air can be transformed every 90 seconds.[4]

[4] ]

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