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In a literal sense, the term modern physics means up-to-date
physics. In this sense, a significant portion of so-called classical
physics is modern. However, since roughly 1890, new
discoveries have caused significant paradigm shifts.

He postulated the nuclear
structure of the atom,
discovered alpha and beta rays,
and proposed the laws of 1907
radioactive decay. He received
the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in ROBERT A. MILLIKAN
1908. He succeeded in precisely
determining the magnitude of the
electron's charge. Small
electrically charged drops of oil
were suspended between two
metal plates where they were
subjected to the downward force
1912 of gravity and the upward
attraction of an electrical field.
pioneer British scientist in
solid-state physics who was a
joint winner (with his son Sir
Lawrence Bragg) of the Nobel
Prize for Physics in 1915 for his
research on the determination
of crystal structures. NIELS BOHR

He proposed a model of the

atom in which the electron was
able to occupy only certain orbits
around the nucleus. This atomic
1924 model was the first to use
quantum theory, in that the
LOUISE DE BROGLIE electrons were limited to specific
orbits around the nucleus..
He gained worldwide acclaim
for his groundbreaking work on
quantum theory. In his 1924
thesis, he discovered the wave
nature of electrons and
suggested that all matter have
wave properties.


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