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Exercise 1: Look at the following list of words. Try to divide each word into parts.

1. timetable (time+able)

4. grammarian (grammar+ an)

7. recreate (re+create)

2. emptiness (empty+ness)

5. personified (person+ify+ed)

8. unfriendly (un+friendly)

3. meaningful (mean+ing+ful)

6. non-smoker (non+smoke+er)

9. surfer (surf+er)

Exercise 2: The following words are made up of either one or two morphemes: isolate them and
decide for each if it is free or bound.
a. Cats = bound morpheme.

d. Broken = bound morpheme.

g. Biggest = bound morpheme.

j. Entrust = bound morpheme.

b. Unhappy =bound morpheme.

e. Milder = bound morpheme

h. Childhood = bound morpheme.

k. Signpost = free morpheme.

c. Rejoin = bound moprheme.

f. Hateful = bound morpheme.

i. Greedy = free morpheme.

l. Spacious = bound morpheme.

Exercise 3: Analyze the following words in terms ROOT, BASE, PREFIX, and SUFFIX
a. Base: cats
Root : cat

d. Base: breakable
Root: break
Suffix: -able

g. Base: Hatefulness
Root: hate
Suffix: -ful + -ness
b. Base: unhappy
Root: happy
Prefix: un-

e. Base: unbreakable
Root: break
Prefix: un-
Suffix: -able

h. Base: reorganize
Root: organ
Prefix: re-
Suffix: -ize

c. Base: rejoin
Root: join
Prefix: re-

f. Base: hateful
Root: hate
Prefix: -ful

i. Base: organization
Root: organ
Suffix: :-ize + -ion

Exercise 4: Decide whether each of the following words is LEXICAL or FUNCTIONAL?

a. Above: functional morpheme

d. Network : lexical morpheme.

g. Future: lexical morpheme.

b. There: functional morpheme

e. Some: functional morpheme.

h. Furthermore: functional morpheme

c. Build: lexical morpheme.

f. Uncertain: lexical morpheme.

i. Yet: functional morpheme.

HOMEWORK: Identify a part of speech (lexical category): ADJECTIVE, NOUN, PREPOSITION, ADVERB,
1) Slowly: Adverb 2) funny: adjective 3) freedom: noun 4) friendly: adjective

5) pass by: verb 6) selection: noun, 7) fast: adjective 8) complain: verb

9) from: preposition 10) single: adjective 11) roses: noun, 12) across: preposition,

13) satisfy: verb, 14) satisfactory: adjective, 15) memorable: adjective

16) memory: noun, 17) always: adverb, 18) above: preposition,

19) round: adjective, 20) around: adverb, 21) kiss: verb , 22) moving: adjective,

23) company: noun, 24) hiss: verb, 25) teddy bear: noun

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