Model Questions On Law of Contract

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Model questions on law of contract

1. Define the term ‘contract’.

2. What are the essential elements of a valid contract?
3. Define ‘proposal’
4. Define ‘promise’
5. Discuss the provisions of law relating to communication and revocation of proposal. Illustrate
your answer with the help of suitable examples.
6. What are the differences between specific and general offer? Explain with the suitable examples
and case laws.
7. Is invitation to treat an offer. Explain your answer with the help of suitable examples and case
laws wherever necessary.
8. Define ‘Acceptance of a proposal’.
9. Discuss the provisions of law regarding communication and revocation of acceptance. Illustrate
your answer with the help of suitable examples.
10. What are the essentials of a valid acceptance?
11. How can an offer be revoked? Illustrate your answer with suitable examples and caselaws
12. Write short notes on the following
(a) Valid Agreement and Void Agreement
(b) Voidable Agreement
(c) Illegal Agreement and Unlawful Agreement
13. What are Standard forms of contract? What are there usages?
14. What are the differences between Void Contract and Void Agreement?
15. Write short notes on E contract
16. Define ‘consideration’.
17. What are different types of consideration?
18. What are the essentials of a valid consideration?
19. What do you mean by Privity to Consideration? Explain your answer with suitable examples and
case laws.
20. Are stranger to consideration enforce a contract? Explan. In this light also discuss what are the
difference between legal position on this aspect relating at India and in U.K.
21. What do you mean by the rule of Privity to contract? Are there any exceptions to this rule?
Illustrate your answer with suitable examples and case laws.
22. Can a stranger to the contract enforce it? Are there any exception to this rule. Discuss with
suitable illustration and case laws.
23. Who are competent to enter into a contract? Discuss the provisions of law relating to
competency in a contract.
24. Explain the legal position in India relating to the Contract entered into by a minor.
25. What is lucid interval ? Explain with the help of examples

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