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series Conversation Topics + CD aiHitHii aa ITUATION girlfriend, Michelle. Why is he unhappy? So, how's Michelle? You guys are still going out together? Yeah, we are, but, | don't know. it's actually getting kind of weird’. I'm not sure it's going to last. Are you serious? Man, you've got to find a way to make it last’. Michelle is awesome’! ‘She's got everything! Yeah, she is great. Really energetic — Yeah! And fun to be with, and... But, this is going to sound stupid. : What? It's her piercings. Yeah, so, what about them? Well, first she gat her nase pierced. Coot ‘And then her belly button’ Her belly button? Wow. | didn't know she did that I guess that was okay. Yeah! But then she went and got her tongue pierced. | don't know if | can deal with it Tongue piercing? Have you kissed her yet? 11 Philis talking with his friend Brian. Phil is unhappy with his 4. What do you think of LELLD piercing? 2. Do you have ary piercings? Would you lke to get some? 3. Do any of your friends have parts of their bodies piorced (ears, nose)? Yeah, | did kiss her! Cool, huh? It was disgusting"! Disgusting? It felt dirty! And now every time | think about it just start wondering what part of her body she's going to pierce next. Well, have you told her how you feel about it? Yeah, I tried. And? asked her if she could stop wearing some of them, at least when we were together. What did she say about that? She said it was her right to express herseff’ You know, she said something like, "Look, you can't control the way | !ook. You should accept me the way | am.” | was, like, what? don't know, man, | think you just don't get it You can't let a few pieces of metal get between you and the woman of your dreams. Well, | don't know if she's the woman of my dreams anymore. What? Besides, now every time when we get together she telis me how good I'd look with pierced ears. I's bad enough that she's getting pierced. Now she wants me to do it, too? Why not, man? It's no big deal. And, you know, if it turns Michelle on’... | can't believe you agree with her. Totally’, I don't know what I'm going to do. : You're going to get a piercing, man! CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 1, How does Phil fea! about Michelle's piercings? 2. What does Brian think about them? 3, What does Michelle want Phil to do? LTUUEMCLALSD Read these three opinions. Anton Monica If Michelle really loves Phil, Body piercing is neither natural she will stop wearing her nor beautiful. piercings. Match the supporting statements with the opinions. Write the numbers in the boxes. Each opinion has two supporting statements. sapere statements If Phil really ries her, he will get used to her body piercing. 3 In any relationship, people have ‘ (We were born without holes in tobe understanding. (our bots peer cae 4 Our bodies are gifts that we Phil needs to be patient. People Michelle should not be overly should not change or damage. can get used to almost anything. concerned about fashion, Now compare with a classmate. Work in a group of three. Ask your partners: Do you agree with Amber? Do you agree with Anton? Do you agree with Monica? ‘Answer for each person: / really agree / | agree / | disagree / | really disagree. LOGUE Uacel Lm Leu see How should Phil and Michelle solve their problem? Write your advice and your reasons. Use new ideas in addition to the ideas above. “Advice ‘Rewons > eee St ika 3 What would you do for fashion? Fill out the chart. Work with a partner. Talk about each idea. * pierce my ‘+ wear a (an) ‘pat of body) ‘Gen of dothing) * get atattoo of on my + use i ‘Gomething? “partat body ‘ind color of makeup) + dye my hair + your idea (colon DETTE 1jtiow much televeion do 1) Leah is talking about her time as a college student. (Graveny, (canes a CTE LEAD why did she decide to stop watching television? 3-4 hours a dey) 2. Why Go you watch television? My family loves television. My earliest iB What profane do you Sey, memories are of watching TV with my family. | think we had five or six television sets at home— the bedrooms, the kitchen, everywhere! At least ‘one television was on all of the time. When | went to university, | lived in a dor- mitory' my first year. Of course | had a TV, so | continued watching my favorite programs. But after a while, | realized | had a problem, My cours- es were hard — much harder than high school — and there was a lot of homework. Also, | felt stressed in my new environment. | started watching more TV to help me relax. Guess what? Soon I was spending more time watching TV than | was on homework. Plus, | didn't have a lot of friends. Maybe a childhood full of television made me less social. At the end of my first year, my grades weren't very 900d, and | was really disappointed in myself At home that summer, | watched television with my family a lot. At first | thought it was great. But then | noticed something. We talked all the time, but...always about TV. ‘Something was missing. Television brought us together, but in a way it also kept us apart. When | got back to university, | made up my mind” to. do better. | walked into my dormitory, and started to turn the TV on. But then an idea popped into my head: “Stop watching TV!" Suddenly it became crystal clear’: my old friend television was really my enemy! It had kept me from getting good grades, and from making friends. | had to stop watching TV. | did. I quit. | gave away my television, and I've never looked back. | started doing better in school, made more friends, actually started having more energy. I don't know if I'l continue to lead a TV-free life. But if | do watch television again, it won't be like before. | have vowed" that tele- vision will never again be a major part of my life ROS cel Ld 1. What role does TV play in Leah's family? 2. Why di Leah stop watching TV? \ 3. What hanpened after Leah stopned watching TV? Read these three opinions. & 8 James Tn Pablo Our lives would be better if we It is okay to watch some TV, Television is an important part didn’t watch TV. but not too much, of our i Match the supporting statements with the opinions. Write the numbers in the boxes. Each opinion has two supporting statements. supporting statements 1 2 3 (Watching television takes the place) Television is a major source of ») (Some TV programs are valuable, ») of more important things in life, —_/ | news, information, and pleasure.) \ but some are a waste of time." ) 4 5 8 (When people watch a lot of ( Sometimes we need entertainment.) / Television is a good form of television, they gain weight, ) \ TONSUINSS WE DSSS SASHES) emtertainment Now compare with a classmate. Work in a group of three. Ask your partners: Do you agree with James? Do you agree with Trin? Do you agree with Pablo? Answer for each person: | really agree / | agree / | disagree / | really disagree. WHAT ARE YOUR VALUES? ‘Should Leah start watching television again? State your position and support your ideas. Use new ideas in addition to the ideas above. our Position Supporting Statements > LEU ed] Tay Work with a partner. Find out what your classmates think about television. Make about 10 questions. | 6 ta example —— 2, 7 i" a 1. like to watch television. True? False? a a 2. Why do you watch television? : oe 3, What is your favorite program? 5. 10. ‘Ask your classmates and your teacher your questions. Write their answers. Analyze your results and write a short report. Share the results with the class. 1 Yumi and Amani have just started dating. They're talking about each other to their friends. What is Amani like? What is Yumi like? 1. ls beauty impor ETD tin coon For yours"? For other poopie? 2.Do you Ike to be called “beautiful"?: 3.Canyou name come “boaut ful" reo? ‘Actors? TV personaites? SITUATION Yumi: I'm so glad you finally got a chance to meet Amani, because | think I'm falling in love with him Sara: Wow! Yumi: What did you think of him? Sara: Come on. You can't really be serious about @ guy who wears makeup? Yumi: Why not? | mean, he's beautiful, and... and | think that men should be beautiful if they want to Sara’ But it's just not natural, you know? | — okay — he was beautiful, and... | don't know if | prefer a guy looking beautiful. Maybe more, you | know, naturally good-looking. Rugged, masculine”. Yumi: Why? | mean, you wear makeup. Look at you: you've got on foundation’ and blush’. Sara:_ | know. Yumi: And how long did you spend on your hair this morning? Sara Well, an hour. But, okay — that’s not the point. I'm a woman. Women wear makeup. Women spend an hour on their hair in the morning. It's just — that’s how itis. I's totally different Yumi: And who came up with these social stereotypes"? Why can't men look beautiful if they want to? ‘Amani: 'm so glad you finally got to meet Yumi, because | think I'm falling in love with her. George: Amani, she doesn't wear any makeup. ‘Amani: Well, no, She doesn't wear makeup, but that's okay. George: Doesn't that seem weird’ to you? ‘Amani: No. What's wrong with that? There's no problem with her not ‘wearing makeup. She looks 80 beautiful without that... George: Well, wouldn't she be, then, more beautiful if she were to wear makeup? | mean, it’s not a question of whether she needs it or not... doesn't it just strike” you as a little... Well ..0dd that she doesn't wear makeup? Well, | mean, why should she be forced to wear makeup, really, when you think about it? | mean, she doesn't need it. Because that's what women do. Oh, but who came up with these social stereotypes? Why do women have to wear makeup to be considered beautiful? 4 Oo) ELL RETA 1. Deseribe Yumis boyfriend. 2. What is Sara's view about men who wear makeup? 3. What is Amani's ew of women who don't wear makeup?, POINTS OF VIEW Carmen ‘Anton Itis okay for mer Makeup is for women, No one (men or women) should makeup. 5 Itis wrong for men to wear care too much about how they makeup. f=) ll look, i Hil Match the supporting statements with the opinions. Write the numbers in the boxes. Each opinion has two supporting statements. supporting statements 2 3 ‘Men should look masciiline, ‘Men and women should not spend Men are behaving too much like \aotbeautiful. =) {_toomuch time and money on ‘women these days. cosmetics, Naturalis best. 5 6 i People often judge others by their) (“It is important for young men to inner beauty is more important { looks. So men should make every | \ be nice-looking to attract women, ) | than looks. Use your time and effort to look neat, too, money for getting skills or knowl- edge, rather than on cosmetics, Now compare with a classmate. Work in a group of three. Ask your partners: Do you agree with Carmen? Do you agree with Anton? Do you agree with Monica? ‘Answer for each person: / really agree / | agree / | disagree /| really disagree. LOCLELIecelL Malate Is it okay for men to wear makeup? State your position and support your ideas. Use new ideas in addition to the ideas above. STs What “beauty care” activities are okay? Make a check for each activity. Do it quickly. Don’t think too long! Okay for Okay forboth Depends on Okay for Okay forboth Depends on ‘women ly fer and women Wont only men and women ‘wearing lipstick ee al getting pedicures : shaving logs, wearing earrings shaping eyebrows applying face pack having long hair ‘add your own ideas: ‘wearing foundation Compare answers with a partner. Then, compare answers as a class. ry Cosmetic Surgery ™,important are “900d looks’ @ASAARENRNRE (1) Ayu is 18 years old. She wants to have cosmetic ee surgery on her face. What does she want to change? Why? What does her mother think? y nat Ayu: — Mom, | have something exciting to tell you. Mother: What's up? Ayu: ing to have an operation to get my eyelids fixed’ Mother: What? Are you saying that you're going to get cosmetic surgery’? At a hospital? Ayu: Well, its... it's not so expensive, and it’s only my eyelids. Mother: Only your eyelids?! Ayu: Yeah. I's not like I'm going to, you know, do anything drastic’. I'm just going to fix it so | can look prettier. And Mom, it's my money. I've saved it. 've been working to save my money, and I... i's my body. Mother: So that explains it. That's why you've been working all those jobs. You're beautiful the way you are, You look great. ‘Ayu: But, Mom, boys don't see what you see in me. If | look beautiful, then, you know, I'll be approached" by more boys. Maybe I'll have a chance to get jobs that wouldn't be able to if | didn't fix my eyelids Mother: Honey, you should attract’ people with your inner beauty. Your personality, your intelligence — not your looks. ‘Ayu: Mom, you don't understand. Boys aren't attracted by your intelligence and your wit’, The first thing they see is your looks. If you're not beautiful, they won't approach you at all. Then how are they to know if you have wit or intelligence? atter Mother: You can't do this Ayu: Mom, I'm doing it whether you like it or not. Mother: | think you're making a terrible mistake, before ——————_ TO fe LT 1. What is Ayu's idea about beauty? Is it the same as her mother's idea? 2. How is Ayu going to pay for her cosmetic surgery? 3. Will Ayu take her mother's advice? elie Mel ATT. Read these three opinions. Pablo Ayu should have the cosmetic Ayu should think more about Ayu should not have the surgery surgery now. itand decide later Match the supporting statements with the opinions. Write the numbers in the boxes. Each opinion has two supporting statements. supporting statements 1 2 3 Your body is what's given by Cosmetic surgery can give you | / Women can be beautiful by nature and by your parents. You) better .) | sweating makeup. Cosmetic J rg (( Your ideas and values might \ change in tim Now compare with a classmate. Work in a group of three. Ask your partners: Do you agree with Pablo? Do you agree with Ray? Do you agree with Amber? ‘Answer for each person: | reaily agree // agree / | disagree / | really disagree. WHAT ARE YOUR VALUES? Should people have cosmetic surgery? State your position and support your ideas. Use new ideas in addition to the ideas above. Your Position Supporting Statements > Work with a partner. One of you is A, one of you is B. Read your “roles.” Have a conversation. A S ‘You have an altractive giririend/boyiriend (B), You are in ‘You had cosmetic surgery about five years ago. You have love. One day at B'shovse, ou finda photo cther/him not OW A, your Doytrend/gitiend. A esks you about from ta yeas ago. B looks tly diferent & had cosmetic surgery! You are shocked and say, useful phrases enota 09 dea Teel more : _Nowiean Beto | Why? That's realy. Fm not suet 4. Do you like to help your friends? Why or why not? 2.Do you ask your friends for help? 3. Would you ever pay a friend for helping you? When? story. What is his problem? hate to admit it, but | think | have a problem. Actually, I'm not sure what my problem is. But whatever itis, | need help. It seems like I'm always doing favors for peo- ple, and | never have time for myself. | mean, | like people, and | want them to like me, but i's getting be too much. You see, like this week, I'm taking care of Rex. It's a dog that belongs to a woman in my office. How did | end up taking care of this dog? | don't even like dogs. | guess, it was in the office, and Sheila mentioned’ that she was having trouble find- ing a dogssitter’, and she said if she couldn't find a dogssitter, she couldn't go on vacation. And suddenly I said, “Oh, | can take care of the dog for you. No problem.” Why did | say that? | always seem to get into this kind of situation, Just last week, this guy across the hall had a problem with his toilet. So he called me! And | don't even know this guy. He said that another a 1 Brad is a busy man, but somehow he is always helping people. Read his CTO ol ML SC LLY neighbor said that | was really good at fixing things, and that she was sure | would be willing” to help him, so how could | say no? So | fixed it, and | really didn't mind’, it only took me about an hour. It's not only my neighbors and people at work. Like yesterday, my brother needed helping fix- ing a broken window. | drove two hours to his house to help. tt only took ten minutes to repair, but my whole day was shot’. And Rex chewed up my sofa while | was gone. These sorts of things happen to me all the time. Oh, there's the phone, That's probably Emily. ‘She's moving out this weekend, and | told her I'd help her pack. I just couldn't say no. Oh, what am | going to do? 1. What are some things Brad is doing to help people he knows? 2. Why do people ask Brad for holo? 3. What does Brad want to change about himself? TIERCE AT SD Read these three opinions. 8 2 ® Brad needs to learn to say no. Brad should help only his fam- Brad is lucky that people need He should refuse to help people. ily and close friends. him. He should be happy that he can help people. Match the supporting statements with the opinions. Write the numbers in the boxes. Each opinion has two supporting statements. supporting statements 1 2 3 (We can’t do everything. ») (Brad needs to focus on his own >) (- He needs to show ee | emit ) his time is important, \ activities his time is important 4 5 6 (Sometimes when we help people ») (Some people like to have busy lives.) ( Kindness is always returned, (we get in trouble, See Now compare with a classmate. Work in a group of three. Ask your partners: Do you agree with Trin? Do you agree with Monica ? Do you agree with Koji? ‘Answer for each person: | really agree // agree / | disagree / | really disagree. WHAT ARE YOUR VALUES? ‘What advice would you give to Brad? Write your advice and your reasons. Use new ideas in addition to the ideas above. Advice Reasons & facuancine ‘Now form groups and discuss your advice and reasons. oe eh mail iiag How do you fee! about helping other people? What would you do in these situations? | v Lend a friend money Yes Yes, but (Limit: $ 1 No Holp a friend move Yes Yes, but [Limit:_hours] No Give someone a seet on a crowded train or bus Yes Yes, but [Conditions: | No Lota frend tive with me Yes Yes, but (Conditions: J No Share my umbrella with a stranger Yes Yes, but [Conditions: } No Look atter my friend's pet Yes Yes, but (Conditions: J No Give a fiend a ride home Yes Yes, but [Conditions: =| ie Help my friend with a home repair Yes Yes, but [Conditions __———}-—«(No your idea ss wwennse Y@8 Ye, but [Conditions: ——] No Share your answers with a classmate. e

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