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Overcurrent Protection

2 of Transmission Line

Jntroduction, Thermal Relays, Over Current Relays, Types ofRelay Characteristics, Application of
Definite Time &IDMT O.C. Relaysfor Protection ofFeeder, Relay Coordination, Directional Over
Current Relay, Limitations of 0.C. Relays.

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Themal Relays . .Summer-18, Marks 4

2.3 Induction Type Relays ... Winter-16,17,18,19,

. . . Summer-15,17,18, Marks 7

2.4 Universal Relay Torque Equation

2.5 Overcurent Relays .. Winter-10,17,18,
Summer-14,15,17,18, Marks 7
2.6 Nondirectional Induction Type Overcurent Relay
' ' ' ' ' ' Winter-12,13,15,17,18,20,
... Summer-13,14,16, Marks 7

2.7 Directional Power Relay

2.8 Directional Induction Type Overcurrent Relay
.. . Summer-13,14,15,16,18,19,
. .Marks 7
. . Winter-14,15,16,
2.9 Introduction to Feeder Protection
2.10 Overcurrent Protection of Transmission Lines
2.11 Nondirectional Time and Current Graded Protection
Winter-18, Summer-18, Marks 4
2.12 Directional Time and Current Graded Protection

'''''' '.
Marks 7
2.13 Short Questions and Answers

(2 1)
Overcurrent Protection of Transmission Lin
Switchgear and Protection
Swltchgear and Protection 2-3 Overcurent Protection of Transmission Line
2.1 Introduction
rating current then 2.3 Induction Type Relays GTU Winter-16,17,18,19, Summer-15,17,18
When the current beyond the acceptable
in the system exceeds
the protection against such
is called overcurrent situation. The
overcurrent protection is The induction type relays are also called magnitude relays. These
The three types of overcurrent of the induction motor or an
relays work on the
excessive currents. It generally operates instantly. nrinciple energy meter. In these
relays metallic disc isa

situations are short circuit,

overload and ground
faults. Overcurrent relays
are llawed to rotate between the two electromagnets. The coils of the electromagnets are
overcurrent protection to the transnmission lines
against tho
he energized with the help of alternating currents. The torque is produced in these relays
commonly used to provide
line faults. The overcurrent ralys
overcurrent protection schemes can
used in the be de to the interaction of one alternating flux with eddy currents induced in the rotor by
nondirectionai or directional. anather alternating flux. The two fluxes have same frequency but are displaced in time
and space. As the interaction of alternating fluxes is the base of operation of these
2.2 Thermal Relays GTU Summer-18 relays, these are not used for the d.c. quantities. These are widely used for protective

Thermal relays work on the principle

To relaying involving only a.c. quantities.
trip Based on the construction, the various types of the induction type relays are,
of heating effect of an electric current in coil
the relay coil. Instead of the measurement 1. Shaded pole type
of temperature, these relays sense the 2. Watt hour meter type
temperature rise produced by the Spring

relay, a 3. Induction cup type.

In a simplest thermal
bimetallic is used. The strip is Before studying these types in detail, let us derive the torque equation for the
strip Bimetallic
mounted above a resistance coil carrying strip induction type relays, which is same for all the three types of relays.
current to produce necessary heating O000000
effect. The spring is used to make the
2.3.1 Torque Equation for Induction Type Relays
connection between contacts and the strip. The alternating currents supplied to two electromagnets produce the two alternating
The insulated lever arm is used to carry Heating
Heating coil fluxes 1 and o2 These two fluxes have same frequency but they have a phase
the contact which is pivoted. To have Current
Fig. 2.2.1
difference of a in between them such that o2 leads o. Thus the two fluxes can be
variable settings, the tension in the spring mathematically expressed as,
can be adjusted. The Fig. 2.2.1 shows the schematic diagram of thermal relay.
1 I m Sin d t (2.3.1)
Under normal conditions, the heating due to current I is not enough to heat the strips
and contacts remain closed 2 2m Sin (0 t +a) (2.3.2)
as strip remains straight.
When there is overloading, then the current I increases beyond safe value producing These alternating fluxes cause the induced e.m.f.s in the rotor. Due to the induced
very high 1R losses and corresponding large heat. Thus the strip gets heated up and e.m.f.s, the eddy currents i and i, are circulated in the disc. The two eddy currents react
bends. Due to the bending of the strip, the spring opens the contacts and current i5 with each other to produce a force which acts on the roto.
interrupted. The Fig. 2.3.1 shows how the
In some cases, the bimetallic strips themselves carry the current without using a forces are produced in a section of
heater coil.n Theseofrelays are
commonly used in protection of low voltage a.c. and de rotor due to the alternating fluxes.

motors. case large motors, the bimetallic strip is connected through current The instant considered to show the
transformer various quantities is when both the
fluxes are directed downwards and
Review Question are increasing in magnitude. The
induced eddy currents lag behind
1. Write note on thermal the respective fluxes by 90.
relays. GTU Summer-18, Marks Fig. 2.3.1 Torque production

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Overcurent Protection of Transmission Lina
Switchgeer and Protection
2-4 Switchgear and Protection 2-5 Overcurrent Protecton of Transmiaaion Line

rotor currents flow

have negligible seld
The parts of rotor in which Sashstituting the r.m.s. values of the fluxes instead of maximum values we
Assumption get,
with the respective induced
currents are in phase
inductance and hence the rotor F 01 92 sin a ... (2.3.11)
to the rate of change of fluxes and hence tho It is important to note that the net force or torque acting on the disc is same at every
The induced voltages are proportional
Hence we can write
to the rate of change of fluxes. relay under such force is free from vibrations.
eddy currents also are proportional instant. The action of
be observed from the equation (2.3.10) that if a is zero then the net force is
.(2.3.3) It can
zero and dise cannot rotate. Hence there must exist a phase difference between the two
when the phase difference a is 90.
fluxes. The torque is maximum
2 (2.3.4) The direction of the net force which decides the direction of rotation of disc depends
on which flux is leading the other. In practice various constructions are used to produce
Substituting and from (2.3.1) and (2.3.2) we get,
phasedisplacement between the two fluxes.
d(imsint) oCim cos ) t (2.3.5)
i dt
2.3.2 Shaded Pole Type Induction Relay

io I2m Sin (0t+a)]

2m cos (ot +a) .. (2.3.6) The construction of shaded pole induction relay is shown in the Fig. 2.3.2
The forces are produced due to the interaction of with iz and with i.
F 1 l2 (2.3.7) Shading ring
and F2 21 (2.3.8)
The directions of Fh and F2 can be obtained by Flemings left hand rule. It can be seen
Input -Disc
from the Fig. 2.3.1 that the two forces are acting in the
opposite directions and hence the
net force acting on the disc is the
proportional to difference between the two forces.

F 2i- 1 i2 .(2.3.9)
Substituting the proportional expressions of o1 O iy iz from (2.3.1), (2.3.2), (2.3.5) Fig. 2.3.2 Shaded pole type induction relay
and (2.3.6) in the equation (2.3.9) we get, It consists of an aluminium disc which is free to rotate in an air gap ot an
F sin (o t+
2m a) m COS ot -

imsin ot O2mCos(0 t+ a) electromagnet. The part of pole face of each pole is shaded with the help of copper band
or ring. This is called shading ring. The total flux 9 produced due to the alternating
Im 2m sin (o t +a) cos ( t) -

sin (o t) cos (» t +
a)] current split into two fluxes displaced in time and space due to the shading ring
*Im2m sin (t +a-o t)] Due to the alternating flux, e.m.f. gets induced in the shading ring. This drives
oIm 2m Sin a ... (2.3.10)
the currents causing the flux to exist in shaded portion. This flux lags behind the flux in
The equation (2.3.10) gives the the unshaded portion by angle a.
net force acting on the disc which is
Sin a. proportional to
3Fluxin shaded portion
Flux in unshaded portion
E E.M.F. induced in the disc due to


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Overcument Protection of Transmissilon Lin.
Switchgeer and Proiection
Switchgear and Protection
2-7 Overcurent Protection of Transmission Line
EM.F. induced in the disc due to q
Induced current due to E, E shaped
Relay magnet
L Induced current due to E co
E lags behind by 90° while E,
current 1, lags
lags behind a by 90°. The
E, by small angle ß while l, lags E, by 900
small angle B This angle is generally Secondary- To trip circuit
and assumed to cOll
neglected , and are
be in phase with E, and Ey respectively,
in practice The phasor diagram is
shown in the Fig 2.3.3. s
As proved in the previous section,
neglecting ß we get, Flg. 2.3.4 Wathour meter typo induction relay
E Ey
T « u sin a Fig. 2.3.3 Phasor diagram
Assuming that the entire flux 1 enters the disc from upper magnet and entire flux
where T Torque 2 enters the disc from lower magnet, we can write,
Assuming fluxes o and , to be proportional to the currentI in the relay coil we can T 1 2 sin d
In this relay, the tapping can be provided on the primary With the help of this
T sin a
suitable number of primary turms can be selected and hence aurrent setting can be
T k . k = Constant
Most of the induction relays are of this type. An mportant feature of this relay is
As sin a is constant for the given
design. Thus the torque is proportional to the that its operation can be controlled by opening or closing of the secondary winding. t is
square of the current through the coil.
opened, no current can flow through secondary hence flux o2 cannot be produced and
hence no torque can be produced. Thus relay can be made inoperative opening the
2.3.3 Watthour Meter Type Induction Relay
secondary winding.
The construction of this of
type relay is similar to the watthour meter which is very 2.3.4 Induction Cup Type Relay
popularly used everywhere. Thus relay has double winding structure. The arrangement
is shown in the
Fig. 2.3.4. The construction of this type of relay is very similar to an induction motor. The
It consists of two
magnets, one E shaped magnet and other U shaped arrangement is shown in the Fig. 2.3.5.
disc is free to rotate in between magnet. The
these two magnets. The The stator consists of two, four or more poles. These are energized by the relay coils.
both primary upper shaped magnet carries
winding which is relay coil and the secondary winding. The primary
The Fig. 2.3.5 shows 4 pole structure and the two pairs of coils. The coils 1 and 1' are
carries the relay current
I which produces the flux o, The e.m.f. induced in the
connected while the coils 2 and 2' are connected to form two pairs of coils. The rotor is
secondary due to this flux. This drives current I gets hollow cylindrical cup type in structure. Compared to induction motor the difference is
I fux o2 gets produced in the lower magnet. Thisthrough
secondary. Due to this current that in this relay the rotor core is stationary and only rotor conductor portion is tree to
angle a. Due to the interaction of these two lags behind the main flux 01 Dy
rotate about its axis.
and disc rotates. fluxes, the torque is exerted on the
al The currents and respective fluxes produced by the two pairs of coils are displaced
from each other by angle a. Thus the resultant flux in the air gap is rotating. So rotating


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Protection of Transmlsslon Line
2-8 Switchgear and Protection
Switchgeer end Protection 2-9 Overcurrent Protection of Transmission Line

Review Questions

1. Discuss about wattmeter type induction disc type velay.

GTU : Wirter-18, Marks 3
2. Draw a neat diagram of induction cup type relay and explain its operating principle.
GTU: Winter- 16,17, Summer-17, Marks 4
Cup type 3. Discuss about shaded pole type induction relay.
2 GTU Summer-18, Winter-19. Marks 3
Electromagnet LAAA 4. Derive the expression for the torque produced by an induction relay

GTU Smmer-15,17, Winter-16,17,18, Marks 7

2.4 Universal Relay Torque Equation
Coil Most of the protection relays consist of some arrangement of electromagnets with
armature or induction disc, which carry contacts. The relays also carry the closing or
core opening of contacts control devices like trip coils of circuit breaker. The electromagnets
have current, voltage or both the types of windings. Currents through windings produce
fluxes and torque is developed by the interaction between the fluxes of
magnetic same
windings or between the fluxes of both the windings. In general the torque produced by
Fig. 2.3.5 current winding is proportional to square of the current the torque produced by voltage

magnetic field is produced by two pairs of coils. Due to this, eddy currents are induced winding is proportional to square of the voltage, and the torque produced by both the
in the cup type rotor. These currents produce the flux. The interaction of the two fluxes windings is proportional to product of voltage and the current. Mathematically we can
produce the torque and the rotor rotates in the same direction as that of rotating write,
Torque produced by current coil - KI
magnetic field. A control spring and the back stop carried on an arm attached to the Torque produced by voltage coil - K,v
spindle of the cup, are responsible to prevent continuous rotation.
These relays are very fast in operation. The operating time of the order of Torque produced by both the coils- KVI cos(e-1)
and Constant 6 Angle between V and I
10 milliseconds is possible with this type. Thisis Core
where K, K2 K3 =

because the rotor is light having very low moment t Maximum torque angle
of inertia. The induction cup structure can be used Torque produced by control spring = K4
for two quantity or single quantity relays. A single (induction The control springs are used as restraining elements.
quantity relay means both the coils are fed by the loop)
then total torque produced by all the causes
fall the elements are present in a relay
actuating quantity with a fixed phase angle can be expressed by a general equation as,
shift in between them. To reduce the rotor inertia
Fig. 2.3.6 Double induction loop T K+K,V + K^VI cos(8-1) +K
and to make the
operation more fast, double structure the term K4 can be a
induction loop structure is used. Such a structure This equation is called universal relay torque equation
is shown in the restraining torque due to springs or gravity.
Fig. 2.3.6. other constants
and negative signs to certain constants and lets
In all, the induction relays are By assigning positive
widely used for protective relays involving at to be zero and sometimes by adding similar other terms, the operating
quantities. High, low and adjustable speeds are possible in these relays. Various shapes can be obtained from
universal equation.
of time equation of all the types of protective relays
against operating quantity curves can be obtained.

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TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS an up-thrust for knowledge
Switchgear end Protection
2-10 Overcurent Protection
Transmission Line Switchgeer end Protection
2-11 Overcurrant Protectlon of Transmission Line

0 and the spring

negative so
torque is negati. 0.01 seconds. This speed of operation can be achieved
for overcurrent relay K2
K -

For example, hy hinged armature type electromagnetic relay. These Operating

time in
we get, relays are effective only when the impedance between
T K - K seconds
is negative
spring torque the relay and the source Z, 1s very small compared to

0 and the
For the directional relay Ky
K2 =

the impedance of the protected section Z.

So we get The relay characteristics is shown in the Fig. 2.5.2.
T= K, VI cos (8-t) - K of relay is used for the outgoing feeders.
This type

2. Inverse Definite Time Relay:

Review Question
In this relay two conditions are required to be Pickup Current
? Current in Amps
torque equation ? What is its
1. What S uniDETSa! relay satisfied. One is that the current must exceed the
arosetvalue and the other is that the rauit must De Fig. 2.5.2
2.5 Overcurrent Relays GTU Winter-10,17,18, Summer-14,15,17,18 Instantaneous
continuous at least a time equal to the time setting of overcurrent relay
An overcurrent relay has a current setting and it operates to give trip output when the relay. Thus it has two adjustments namely
time setting and current setting. Operating
the fault current exceeds a preset value. The value of current at which it operates is time

called pickup viaue of the current. In overcurrent relays, the nature of the
time-current characteristics can be obtained by
The pickup vlaue of the current is adjusted in terms of Current adjust using the suitable core and by varying the point
Plug Setting Multiplier (PS.M) of the relay while its operating P.S.M.
of saturation of the core. In definite time relay
time is adjusted in terms of Time Multiplier Setting (T.M.S).
Thus the Fig. 2.5.1 shows the block diagram of an overcurrent the saturation occurs at very early stage and the t

Over time of operation almost remains same over the Definite

relay. current time
entire working range. This is called definite
Trip relay Input Current
The PS.M. is obtained as, output time characteristics and is shown in the in Amps
Current Pickup
Fig. 2.5.3. Such relays are used for the back up value of
Fault current in relay coil Current
PS.M Time adjust protection of distance relay of transmission line
Rated C.T. Current T.M.S. and differential relay of power transformer. Fig. 2.5.3 Definite time characteristlcs
secondary x setting These are also used to provide main protection
Fig. 2.5.1 Block diagram
current of relay of over current relay to outgoing feeders and bus couplers.

If P.S.M. is less than one, fault current is less than 3. Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) Relay:
pick up value indicating normal
load is lowing. For relay to current level increses,
pick up, P.S.M. must be greater than 1. This relay has inverse time-current characteristics. As the fault
characteristics is
the operating time of the relay decreases. In this type, the inverse
2.5.1 Types and Characteristics of Overcurrent Relays dominating near the pickup value of the current
and then becomes definite time
is obtained for plug
The overcurrent characteristics for higher currents. Practically inverse characteristics
relays are classified depending upon the time of operation and the than 10 the characteristics is
nature of time current charactiristics.
setting multiplier values less than 10 while for values more
curve'a' in the Fig. 2.5.4.
minimum definite time characteristics. This is shown by the
1. Instantaneous distribution lines.
Overcurrent Relay These relays are widely used for the protection of
As the name
indicates, these relays operate very fast and there is no intentional fime
delay provided in these relays. The operating time of these relays can be as low
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TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS an up-thrust for knowledge
2-12 Overcurent Protection Transmission I ine
Switchgoar and Protection Switchgear end Protection
2-13 Overcurrent otection of Trensmission Line

4. Very Inverse Time Relay 2.5.2 Advantages of Overcurrent Relays

characteristics than that
of IDMT type of relay as the core
This gives more inverse The inverse nature contin The advantages are,
than in the IDMT relay. des
saturates at a further later stage
curve b in the Fig. 2.5.4. This 1. Very high speed of operation.
for longer range and takes shape
as indicated by relay
gives better selectivity
than IDMT relay. 2. Fast reset.
P.S.M. for this relay is given by,
between T.M.S. and 3. Directional feature may be present.
The mathematical relation

13.5(T. M.S.) 2.5.3 Limitations of Overcurret Relays

t (P.S.M.)-1

The fault current at a particular position depends on,

These relays are suitable if

the short circuit current drops rapidly with the distancoe i) Type of fault, i) Source impedance.
effective for the ground faults.
from the source. These are These values are unpredictable hence the reach of the over current relay keeps on
changing. Hence the over current relay has following drawbacks,
5. Extremely Inverse Time Relay:
the saturation of the core occurs at very later stage and the curve is
1. The reach is variable depending on the type of fault and source
In such relays,
more inverse nature than very
inverse time relay. The inverse nature exists for almost 2. Likely to suffer from lack of selectivity.
entire working range. This curve is called extremely inverse time characteristics and
3. In extra high voltage system, lack of selectivity can cause instability of power
'c in the Fig. 2.5.4.
indicated by the curve
system. This can cause large disturbance to the loads.
The mathematical relation between T.M.S. and P.SM. for this relay is given by,
Review Questions
80(T. M.S.)
1. Explain the various characteristics of overcurrent relays.
(P.S. M.) -1
GTU: Winter-10,18. Summer-14,15,18. Marks 7
These relays are used for the protection of distribution feeders, alternators, 2. Write atnd explain drawback of over current relay. GTU:Summer-17, Winter-17, Marks 4
transformers, expensive cables etc. These are also suitable for the load restoration 3. Differentiate DMT and IDMT over current relay. GTU Winter-17. Marks 3
Operating 2.6 Nondirectional Induction Type Overcurrent Relay
time in seconds
GTU: Winter-12,13,15,17,18,20, Summer-13,14,16
1DMT This relay is also called earth leakage induction type relay.
20 Very inverse
The overcurrent relay operates when the current in the circuit exceeds a certain preset
Extremely inverse
value. The induction nondirectional overcurrent relay has a construction similar
type to
101 a watthour meter, with slight modification. The Fig 26.1 shows the constructional
details of nondirectional induction type overcurrent relay.
It consists of two electromagnets. The upper is E shaped while the lower is U shaped.
The aluminium disc is free to rotate between the two magnets. The spindle of the disc
contacts in contact
contacts and when the disc rotates the
PS.M. carries moving moving
5 10 20 with fixed contacts which are the terminals of a trip circuit.
Plug setting multiplier
Fig. 2.5.4 Time current characteristics of overcurrent relays

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TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS an up-thrust for knowledge
Switchgesr end Protection Ln Switchgear and Protection
2-15 Overcurent Protection of Transmission Line

hanging the setting while relay 1s in service then relay automatically adopts a higher
trip circuit rent setting thus secondary of C.T. is not
open circuited. So relay remains operative
for the occurring during the process of
fault changing the setting,
Upper electromagnet
The secondary winding on the central limb of
uPPer magnet is connected in series
Primary with winding on the lower magnet. This winding is energized by the induction from
winding nrimary. By this arrangement of secondary winding, the leakage fluxes of
upper and
lower magnets are sufficiently displaced in space and time to produce a rotational
torque on the aluminium disc. The control torque is provided by the spiral spring.

When current exceeds its preset value, disc rotates and moving contacts on spindle
make connection with tip circuit terminals. Angle through which the disc rotates is
between 0° to 360. The travel of the moving contacts can be adjusted by adijusting
Aiuminum disc
Disc Moving angle of rotation of disc. This gives the relay any desired
time setting which is indicated
Secondary contact by a pointer on a time setting dial. The dial is calibrated from 0 to 1. This does not give
winding Spindle
direct operating time but it gives multiplier which can be used along with the time-plug
Plug setting multiplier curve to obtain actual operating time of the relay. The time-plug
1seting is provided by the manufacturer.
bridge setting multiplier curve

2.6.1 Time Current Characteristics

electromagnet Time required to rotate the disc depends on a torque. The torque varies as current in
the circuit. More the torque, lesser is
primary the time required hence relay has inverse

Curent time characteristics. The Fig. 2.6.2 shows the time-current haracteristics for the
teminals overcurrent relay. Such characteristics are called Inverse Definite Minimum Type
from C. T.
(LD.M.T.) characteristics. This is because, the characteristics shows inverse relation
between time and current for small values of currents. But as current increases, some
Fig. 2.6.1 Nondirectional induction overcurrent relay definite time is the relay. So the characteristics becomes straight line for
required by
The upper
magnet has two higher values of currents. Such LD.M.T. characteristics can be obtained by sathurating
windings, primary and secondary. The primary 1s iron in the upper magnet so that there cannot be increase in the
flux once current
connected to the secondary of C.T. on the line to be protected. This
intervals. The tappings are connected to winding is tapped at achieves certain high value.
plug setting bridge.
With the help of this The P.S.M. can be obtained as,
bridge, number of turns of primary winding can be adjusted.
Thus the desired current Fault current in relay coil
setting for the relay can be obtained. There are usually seven
sections of tappings to have the P.S.M. Rated secondary C.T. current x Current setting
overcurrent range from 50 % to 200 % in
These values are steps of 25 o. -

percentages of the current rating of the relay. Thus a relay

rating may be 10 A i.e. it can be connected to curre Fault current in relay coil =
Line fault current x C.T. ratio

10 A but with 50
C.T. with secondary current rating
% setting the
relay will start operating at 5 A. So ot he
Current seting is made
by inserting a pin between spring loaded u
jaw of the
Socket, at the proper
tap value required. When the pin is withdrawn for the bnag
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TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS an up-thrust for knowledge
Overcurrent Protection of Tran8mission Line Switchgeer and Protoction
Switchgoar and Protectlon
2-16 2-17 Overcurrent Protection of Transmission Line

time in 8ec8 The relay operating time can be obtained as,


Tleing the C.T. ratio, convert the fault current level

to relay coil current level.
a Calculate the plug setting multipljer from the relay coil current and current
3. F ron the Time/P.S.M.curve on data, obtain the
0 -I. D. M. T characteristics
calculated above. corresponding to the plug
setting multiplier
Multiplying the time obtained by time multiplier setting, the actuai relay time
5 can be obtained.
Example2.6.1 An 1.D.M.T. overcurrent Time
relay has a current setting of 150 % and
a time multiplier setting of
0.6. The

primary of relay 1s connected to

10 12 4 16 secondary of C.T. having ratio 400/5.
Opereting current (P. S. M.) Calcuiate the time of operation if the
Fig. 2.6.2 Time current characterlstics circuit carries a fault current of 5000 A.

2.6.2 Operation The time-Current characteristics of the

The torque is produced due to induction principle, as explained in the section 2.3.1. relay is shown in the Fig. 2.6.3. 15 20 P. S. M
Fig. 2.8.3
This torque is opposed by restraining force produced by spiral springs. Under normal
Solution: Let us calculate P.S.M. first.
conditions the restraining force is more than driving force hence disc remains stationary.
Under fault conditions when current becomes high, the disc rotates through the preset Fault current in relay coil = Actual fault current x C.T. ratio
angle and makes contact with the fixed contacts of trip circuit. The trip circuit opens the
circuit breaker, isolating the faulty part from rest of the healthy system. =
5000 x - 062.5 A
2.6.3 Calculation of Relay Operating Time Rated secondary of C.T. = 5 A

Practically, it is necessary to calculate the actual operating time of the relay, under Current setting 150 % -
the specific fault current levels. For these calculations, the following parameters related
to the relay must be known. P.S.M. 5x15 8.333
1. Time/P.S.M. curve or tabular data.
2. Current setting From Fig. 2.6.3, approximate time for P.S.M. of 8.33 is 1.8 sec

3. Time setting multiplier. Actual operation time 1.8 x Time setting multiplier
4. Level of fault current. -1.8 x 0.6 1.08 seconds

Corresponding C.T. ratio.


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2-18 Overcurret Protectlon of nsmission Ling
Sutchgeer and Proiection
Switchgeer end Protectlon 2-19 Overcurent Protection of Transmission Line
column the fault current is 2000
Fig 2.6.4 and tabular A,
With reference to
Example 2.62 between the relays 1s U.5 sec, the plug seti. 3.6 6.6
grading margin PSM 15
for discrimination time is 125 % and
muitiplier of relay R2 time
is 100 %, the phug seiting Time for TMS 1 (Secs)
10 3.9 3.
multiplier of relay R the two relaus
= 3.15 2.2
is 0.2.
Determine the time of operation of
multtpher settmg of reiay R is shown in the 2.6.5.
Solution The system Fig.
10 5 20
3.6 B
PSM IF -5000A
3.15 2.8 2.2 2.1 A TU
Operating C.T. secondary current = Ip X En 1 10 A 500/1 500/1
time (s) C.T. C.T.F 5000 A
Fig. 2.6.5
200/1 200/1 A Relay 1: Plug setting 125 %
Relay current setting =
125 of 1A 1.25 A

= 2000A Secondary current 10

PSM of R 1.25
= 8
Relay current setting
Fig. 2.6.4
Opening time of R for PSM of 8 =
3.15 sec from the table for TMS =
1 sec

hence actual oprating time of R1 0.2 3.15 0.63 sec

Current setting is 100 % i.e. 1.
R given x

As TMS of 0.2
For reiay
Solution: 1:

Fault current = 2000 A, C.T. ratio = 200/1 Relay 2: Plug setting 150 %
Relay current setting =
150 % of 1A 1.5 A
Fault current in relay coil = 2000 x = 10 A
200 PSM of R2- 10.
i6.667 - 66

P.S.M. = Faultcurrent 10
1 x ] 10
Rated current x Current setting Operating time ofR, for PSM of 66 3.5 sec for TMS 1 sec

Actual operating time of R2 = Operating time of R1 +Time grading margin

From the given table, for P.S.M, = 10, the time required is 2.8 sec

Actual time of operation = Time x T.M.S. = 0.63+0.5 1.13 sec

Actual operating time ofR2 1.13

TMS of R2 0.322
2.8 x 0.2 0.56 sec
Operating time of R, for TMS = 1 3.5
For relay 2: Actual time of
operation is 0.5 sec later than relay 1. is 5 A. The relay has a piug
Actual time of
Example 2.6.4 The current rating of an over current relay
operation of R2 =0.56 +0.5 1.06 sec Setting of 150 % and time multiplier setting of 0.4. The CT ratio is 400/5. Deternine the
Example 2.6.3 A radial feeder ABC is sectionlized into parts AB and BC. Part AB near ne 6000 A. At TMS 1, operating ime at
operating time of the relay for a fault current of
sOurce, has a relay R and part BC at the GTU Winter-17,18, Marks 7
far end has a relay R. R, is set on 125 o an various PSM are given in following table:
R2 is set on 150 % plug setting. CT ratio
4time grading
for both the relays is 500/1. For discriminar PSM 2 10 20
margin of 0.5 sec is taken. Determine the time of operation of both ne

relays when a fault occurs at the end of the Operating time in seconds 10 5 2.8 2.4
TMS of
feeder section BC. The fault current is 5U
R is 0.2. Determine TMS of R. Both the relays
below. follouw the characteristics g Solution:
GTU Winter-13, Marks 7 Fault current = 6000 A, C.T. ratio = 400/5


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2-20 mission Lin Switchgear a n d Profection 2-21 Overcurrent Protection of Transmiss/on Line

6000X 75 A
Fault current in relay

400 Upper
of C.T. -
5 A
Rated secondary V
= 1.5 i.e. 150 %
Current setting Relay fault current 75 From
5 x1.5 10 P. T.
P.S.M Rated current x Current setting
Totrip circuit
time for P.S.M.
10 is 2.8 sec.
given table, the operating
From the
multiplier setting 2.8 x0.4 =1.12 sec Current

time = Time x Time

Actual operating coil

Review Questions magnet
induction cup type nondirectional relay.
1. With a neat sketch explain
GTU: Summer-13, Winter-13, 15, Marks 7 From C. T.
2 Describe with a neat sketch the operating principle ofIDMT type over current relay. Hou Fig. 2.7.1 Directlonal power relay

relay operating time is calculated ? GTU Winter-12, Summer-14, Marks 7 type watthour meter relay. The difference is that in
relay is similar to the induction
3. Explain TSM and PSM for IDMT relays. How relay operating time is calculated ? due to interaction of the fluxes
watthour meter type relay the torque is produced
GTU: Summer-16, Winter-18,20, Marks7 produced by only the current derived from secondary of C.T. while in directional power
due to interaction of the fluxes produced from both voltage
4. The current ratings of an overcurrent relay is 2 5 A. It has a PSM =
relay the torque is produced
acts as voltage coil while
TSM-0.3, CTratio 400/5, fault current =
4000 A. Deterine the time
of operations ofthe and current of the circuit. The relay has two windings, one
coil or
relay assuming normal IDMT characteristics. Ans.: 1.2 sec] other as current coil, similar to a wattmeter. The upper magnet carries a voltage
5. Determine the actual time of operation of a 5 ampere, 3 second over current potential coil which is from P.T. while the lower magnet carries a current coil
relay having a
Current setting of 125 % and a time energized from C.T. in the line to be protected. The construction is shown in
setting multiplier of O.6 connected to supply circuit which is
through a 400/5 current transformer when the circuit carries a fault current of 4000 A. Time| the Fig. 2.7.1.
of operation is 3.5 seconds for the estimated value of PSM.
Ans.: 2.1s]| The number of tappings are provided to the current coil with which desired current
6. The current The
rating ofa relay is 5 A. PSM =
1.5, CT ratio 400/5, fault current 6000 A. setting be achieved. The restraining torque is provided by the spiral spring.
Determine the

| can
operating time of the relay for a TMS 0.4. At TMS 1, the

operating time
spindle of disc carries the moving contacts which
at various PSM are
[Ans.: 1.12 sec make contact with tripping circuit terminals when
the disc rotates. The voltage coil provided on the 90
8 10 20 the flux This
lags the
upper magnet produces o1.
Operating time (s) 5 3 voltage V by 90°. The current I the
is sensed by
2.8 2.4
current coil on lower magnet which produces the
2.7 Directional Power Relay
flux p2. This is in phase with current I. The current
I lags voltage V by an angle . The angle between 1
The directional relay means the
relay operates for the specific direction of te 1 and 02 is a as shown in the phasor diagram in Fig. 2.7.2
actuating quantity in the circuit. The
directional power relay the Fig. 2.7.2.
circuit flows in the in he
specific direction. The construction and operates when power u
principle of of
operation uu
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Overcurent Protectton of Trensmissia.
Switchgear end Protection Lins Switchgear and Protectlon 2-223
Ovsrcurent otection of Transmission Line
the torque. Hence we can write
The interaction of fhuxes o and 02 produces
T 02 sin a
But 1
Voltage. E Voltage from P T
while a 90-
T« VI sin ( 90 -)
Vicos o Power in circuit

conditions, the driving torque acts in the same direction Current

Under normal working the moving contacts away from the fixed trinn coil
This moves
that of restraining torque. Current
arcuit contacts. Thus relay
remains inoperative as long as power flow is in' from C. T.

particular direction.

But when there is current reversal and hence the power reversal then the drivino
Ving Plug setting bridge
direction to the restraining torque in such a manner that th
torque acts in opposite
ircuit contacts. This opens the circuit breaker
moving contacts close the tripping h

isolate the fauity part.

This relay is used for providing the reverse power protection to synchronous
mactines. The relay can be single phase or three phase.

Review Question
1. Explein with the help of neat diagram the construction and working of induction type element

directional power relay.

2.8 Directional Induction Type Overcurrent Relay

GTU: Summer-13,14,15,16,18,19, Winter-14,15,16
The directional power relay is not suitable to use as a
To trip
protective relay under short

ircuit conditions. This is because under short circuit conditions the
voltage falls
drastically and such a reduced voltage may not be sufficient to the driving produce
torque required for the relay
operation. Hence in practice, directional induction type
Overcurrent relay is used. This
relay operates almost independent of system voltage and
power factor.
The directional Fig. 2.8.1 Directional overcurrent relay
induction type overcurrent relay uses two relay elements mounted on
but a directional power relay
common case. The directional element is nothing
These elements are, Directional element :
direction. The voltage
circuit flows particular in a
1. Directional element which is directional which operates when power in the a potential
power relay. cOl of this element is energized by a system
voltage through
2. Nondiredtional element which is nondirectional current through a
overcurrent is energized by the system
relay. h e current coil on the lower magnet
connected in series with
schematic arrangement of such of this relay (1 1) are

a directional relay is shown in the Fig. 2.8.1. Current transformer. The trip contacts
nondirectional element.
the secondary winding of
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2-24 Switchgear and Protection
Switchgeer and Protection Overcurent Protection of Transmission Line
element is connected in
coil of the directional 2.8.2 Directional Characteristics
Nondirectional element : The current
plug setting bridge
of nondirectional element.
series with the primary winding the phasor diagram
element to adjust current setting
as per the requirement. The trin Iet us study to understand the directional characteristics
of the
provided in this on lower magnet of nondirectional element relay.
contacts (1 1) are in series with winding

contacts (1 - 1) are closed by

the movement of the disc oaf V Relay voltage through P.T.
So unless and until trip Let
Thus the movement of
nondirectional element cannot operate.
directional element, the
nondirectional element is controlled by
the directional element. I Relay coil current through C.T.
Angle between Vand I.
2.8.1 Operation Note: The system current is generally lagging the voltage but with suitable
Under normal conditions, power flows in the proper direction and hence directional
connection the relay current is made to lead the voitage by angle 9.
element of the relay is inoperative. Thus the secondary winding on lower magnet of
Due to this, the correct operation of relay at all the types of faults under all system
nondirectional elemernt is open and hence nondirectional element is also inoperative.
condition is ensured.
When the fault takes place, the current or power in the circuit has a tendency to flow
So current I leads voltage V by angle 6.
in reverse direction. The current flows through current coil of directional element which
produces the fux. The current in the voltage coil produces another flux. The two fluxes y Flux produced by voltage V.
interact to produce the torque due to which the dise rotates. As disc rotates, the trip
This flux oy lags voltage V by an angle o
contacts (1 1 ) get closed. Note that the design of directional element is such that it is
very sensitive and though voltage falls under short ircuit, the current coil is responsible 1 Flux produced by current I
to produce sufficient torque to have disc rotation. It is so sensitive that it can operate The flux o is in phase with the current I.
even at 2 % of power flow in reverse direction.
The phasor diagram is shown in the Fig. 2.8.2. The voltage V is taken as reference.
The current also flows through the primary winding on the upper magnet of
nondirectional element. Thus energizes the winding to produce the flux. This flux region ,I for maximum torque
induces the e.m.f. in the secondary winding of the nondirectional element according to Non
induction principle. As the contacts (1 - 1) are closed, the secondary winding has a operating
closed path. Hence the induced e.m.f. drives the current through it, producing the
another flux. The two fluxes interact to produce the driving torque which rotates the
disc. Thus the contacts of trip circuit get closed and it opens the circuit breaker to isolate
the faulty section. Directional
characteristic 900

So directional element must line

operate first to have the operation of the nondirectional
The following conditions must be satisfied have the Zero torque line
to operation of the entire relay
1. The direction of current in the circuit must
reverse to operate directional element.
directional characteristic
2. The current value in the reverse Fig. 2.8.2 Phasor diagram and
direction must be greater than the current
seting angle between the two
3. The high value of current must and sine of the
persist for a time period which is greater than tne ne torque is proportional to the
fluxes oy, 0
time setting of the
relay. fluxes.
T y P. sin (0v

y Osin ( +)
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2-26 ission Line Switchgear and Protectlon 2-27 Overcurent Protection of Transmission Line

y V and The various connections used for the directional overcurrent

relays are denoted as
20 , 60 and 90° connections. The 60 cOnnection can be achieved in two ways. The
T KVi sin (+) connection indicates the angle between fault voltage and the current. The Table 2.8.1
K Constant indicates the different connections used for directional overcurrent relay.

Maximum torque occurs when sin (9 +

0) is 1 i.e. Relay R Relay Y Realy B
Type of
8+ 90
Voltage Current Voltage Current Voltage Current
shown dotted in the Fig. 2.8.2.
The condition for the maximum torque is
90 Vyb
The is zero when sin ( + ) - 0 ie.
60 No.1 Vrb ,-
0 ° or 180° 60 No.2 -bn
This will be satishied when the relay current I phasor lies along the dv phasor or in
antiphase with oy. The corresponding line is called zero torque line and is shown in the
30 Vb VyT Voy
Table 2.8.1 Connections for directional overcurrent relay
Fig. 2.8.2. right angles to the maximum torque condition line.
This line is at
Thus the directional element operates, provided that the current phasor lies within The Fig. 2.8.3 shows the phasor diagrams for all the four connections for the relay R.
9 of the maximum torque line. If it is displaced more than 90° then the element will Note that the voltage V,,Vy Vp are the phase voltages with respect to neutral hence
restrain. Both operating as well as nonoperating regions are shown in the the line voltage are given by,
Fig. 2.8.2.
Maximum torque angle : The angle by which the current
supplied to the relay leads Vyb Vy -Vb Vrb =V,-Vb Vry =V -Vy
the voltage supplied to the relay so as to obtain the maximum
torque is called
Maximum Torque Angle (M.T.A.). It is denoted as t in the
Fig. 2.8.2.
From the Fig. 2.8.2, we can write,
Substituting in the torque equation,
KVI sin (+90°-1)
T KVI cos (-) V
(a) 90° connection (b) 60 No. 1 connection
This is the
torque equation interms of maximum torque The
the maximum angle t.
typical values or

torque angle are 0°, 30°, 45° etc.

2 8.3 Connections of Directlonal Overcurrent 60° ,-Vpn L30
The three
quantities affecting
the performance of the
and the
angle between them which decides the
relay are the voltage, the curre
relay must be such that these power factor. The connections or
quantities produce positive and VD
operation of the relay. All the time, sufficiently
torque, which ensures the large operau (d) 30 connection
to relay cannot be conne cted
perate on power i.e. true (c) 60° No. 2 connection
watts because for some
power factor is very low. Hence the faults voltage is very low Wu
some faults for
connections for the relay R
Fig. 2.8.3 Different
overcurrent relay are proper connections for the ional
necessary for the proper
operation the relay.
of dree
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2-28 smission Lina Switchgear and Protection 2 29 vercurrent Protection of Transmission Line

flowing in the tripping direction with

I and are the line currents
in phase with 2.10 Overcurrent Protection of Transmission Lines
While 1,, l, I, is in phase with V, ,ly
Due to unity power factor,
power factor. The overcurrent protection is the simplest and cheapest nethod of providing
and iy is in phase with Vp.
transmission lines. The relays used in this method need readjustment
which the load current leade the nrotection to the
The connection type is
indicated by the angle by there is change in the system. The operating times of relays used in this
Key Point whenever
voltage applied to relay potential
method are large.
is further divided into following methods,
The overcurrent protection
and current graded method.
Review Questions 1. Nondirectional time
and current graded method.
directional overcurrent relau with 2. Directional time
and operation of induction type
1. Describe the construction
Explain its operations
characteristics. GTU Summer-13,18,19, Marks 7 Nondirectional Time and Current Graded
neat diagram. 2.11 GTU Winter-18, Summer-18
the principle of directional relay with phasor diagrams for 30, 60° and g0
2. Explain
connections. What is maximum torque angle is mainly used for the radial feeders. The
The nondirectional time graded protection
GTU Summer- 14, 15, 16, Winter-14,15,16, Marks 7 are used in this method.
These relays have instantaneous overcurrent
definite time relays
The contacts of the timing relay trip the circuit breaker.
relay followed by timing relay.
to Feeder Protection
2.9 Introduction The basic principle used
in this method is that the minimum time of operation
of the
substation. This is
The feeder is the part of the power system which
is used tor transmission and the generating power station to the remote
relays decreases from
distribution of electric power from the power station to other points. The term feeder is in which accurate time setting independent of
possible because of definite time relays
lines shown in the Fig. 2.11.1
generally used in broad sense which includes overhead transmission and C.T. saturation can be achieved. This method is
underground cables.
The Fig. protection of a radial feeder. For a fault beyond
2.11.1 shows the overcurrent
first with relay time of 0.3 sec. The protections at A,
The protection of transmission lines is broadly classified as, D, the circuit breaker at D operates
For faults between C and D, the relay at C trips
1) Overcurrent protection. 2) Distance protection. B and C operate as backup protection.
time at C is 0.8 sec. Thus for the section
with a time delay step of 0.5 sec. The relay
3) Pilot protection. increased. The time delay step generally
and AB, the time delay is successively
The selection of the protection scheme depernds on the following factors. between 0.3 to 0.5 sec.
1) Economic aspects which ensures 100 % continuity of supply. relay
X Circuit breaker
2) Type of feeders whether parallel, ring main etc.
3) Availability of pilot wires.
4) Number of switching stations in series between power station and receiving end.

5) Earthing of the system whether neutral is earthed or insulated. Power Time (t) Relay tripping
time increases
Review Question
1.3 0.8 0.3
1. What is
feeder protection ? On which
factors the selection of protection scheme for feeaer
Sec. sec. sec. sec.
epenas for radial feeder
Fig. 2.11.1 Time grading
of relay at power station
method is that the time
The main disadvantage of this than
value if many sections are in series.
If this time is more
ncreases to very high
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Overcurent Protection of Transmission Line Switohgear a n d Protection
2- 30 2-31
Switchgear and Protection
'rotection of Transmission Line
is not recommended.
Hence the tripping time for the faults otected by
h the relay, neglecting the d.c.
component of fault
2 seconds then the protection mponent of fault current wave urrent. The d.c.
supply must be limited to 2
seconds. produces thetransient over-
reach. The portion of
be protected depends
protected on the % over-Teach of
Relays reach of relay is given by. relay used. The
2.11.1 Use of Inverse Time % over
current along the length
the principle that the short circuit
This method is based on
of the protected
transmission line decreases as the
distance of the fault location increases
% Over reach =

are set to trip at a

Thus the relays near the power station

from the power station.
current. This is called current grading protection. The relays used where,
A Relay pick up current in steady state r.m.s. value
progressively higher
are called high-set overcurrent relays. B The steady state r.m.s. current
which when fully offset
The current graded be
can system shown in the Fig. 2.11.1 with relavs
to the
causes the relay pick up
used as high-set overcurrent relays. Thus relay at A operates for the faults between A
211.2 Setting of Inverse Overcurrent Relays
the faults between B and C and so on. But this
and B, the relay at B operates for
method has following limitations, The relays are so selected that,
1. t is dificult for relay to differentiate the fault on either side of a certain section, 1. They operate for short circuits in their own section
as the difference in currents is small.
2. Provide backup protection for faults in next section
2. The magnitude of the fault current cannot be obtained accurately.
The operating time of relay is graded as,
3. The accuracy of the relays differ in transient conditions
Hence instead of using current grading alone, Inverse Definite Minimum Time TATp *********
+CB2 +OA +F
(ADMT), relays are added in the relay system. Thus the scheme becomes the combination time of
Where, TA Operating relay at A
of current arnd time graded protection. For differentiating the operation, the relays are
set to protect only part of the feeder, generally 80 % of the feeder. Tp Operating time of relay at B

The characteristics of such combined high-set overcurrent instantaneous relay and CB Operating time of circuitbreaker at B
IDMT relays are shown in the Fig. 2.11.2. Overtravel time of relay at A
OA =

For proper differentiation of operation, the instantaneous relays are set so that they
F Factor of safety
do not operate for the faults beyond the protected feeder. The overtravel is the operation of relay moving elements due to inertia, though
assumed for inverse
The instantaneous element Time gained due to actuating force is removed. The overtravel of 0.1 sec. is generally
should be set for more than Time t) instantaneous time relays.
for inverse time relays.
Setting (TMS) is another setting required
relay at B The Time
150 % of maximum fault Multiplier
current at the end of the line It is given by,
section which is protected by
the relay. This care takes into TMS Tm
account the effect of transients IDMT
** ********************

and over-reach. IDMT

at B Where, T = Required time of operation
curve at TMS 1.0
Over-reach is a tendency of m Time obtained from the relay
to maximum fault current

relay to pickup for the faults, B and using PSM equivalent

Instantaneous Instantaneous
relay at A for TMS = 1.0 is the curve of Plug
which are located further away relay at B
called IDMT curve

E relay characteristic curve

from the point, expected to be Flg. 2.11.2 Combnation of instantaneous and 1DMT relays the time.
Setting Multiplier (PSM) against
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2-32 2- 33
vercurrent Protection of
Feeder Protection
2.12.1 Parallel
Primary current
Primary current Primary operating current
PSM C.T. ratio i
Relay curent setting
2.12.1 shows the parallel connection of three
a power station and remote supply point.
feeders which are connected
current is 4000 A and relay operating
current is 400 A then betw

Thus if maximum fault en

from characteristics Let the fault occurs on the second eeder. This fault
PSM 4000/400 10. Then
for PSM 10, read the time=
relay for is
supplied from three
obtain TMS. From power station directly.
TMS 1.0 which is Tm and using
this T 1)
2) From feeder 1 through receiving end busbar
Disadvantages of Nondirectional Time and Current Graded Method indirectly.
2.11.3 3) From feeder 3 through receiving end busbar indirectly.
The various disadvantages of nondirectional time and current graded method are,
T+is necessary to
open, arcuit breakers 3 and 4, to clear this fault and disconnect
1. The time lag is not desirable for short circuit faults, which is provided in this the
feeder. Thus the nondirectional relays are employed on supply side
directional relay are employed on receiving end. The directional relays on while end

2. For new connections, the co-ordination of relays is difficult and require changes, in operate only when the fault power is feeding in the direction of the arrow
settings. Receiving end

3. For long transmission lines, the method is not suitable as very rapid fault clearing
is necessary in long transmission ine systems.
4. Not suiable for ring mains or interconnected systems.
Review Questions
1. Discuss time and current Directional
grading schemes of over current protection. relay
GTU Winter-18, Marks 4
toith neat graded protection of feeders GTU:Winter-18, Marsk
2. Explain diagram the time 4 Circuit
3. Explain the concept of current discrimination for the protection of radial feeder. F
GTU : Summer-18, Marks 3
4. Hoo setting of inverse overcurrent is achieved
relays From power station
5. What the
disadvantages of nondirectional time and current graded methods ? Fig. 2.12.1 Parallel feeder protection

2.12 Directional Time and Current Graded Protection Hence when fault F on feeder 2 occurs, then all three nondirectional relays on supply

Side will 4 will operate receiving end. But it is

GTU Winter-13,14,18, Summer-14,18 operate while only directional relay on

should not operate.

In mportant that circuit breakers on feeder 1 and 3 on supply side
many case, it is
necessary to obtain the information about direction of flow ot his is achieved in practice by keeping the time of operation of relays 1 and 5 more
power where power can flow to the fault from both the directions. In such
cases, it is current in feeders 1 and 3 is much
necessary that the circuit breakers on both sides must trip. Thus the directional
tnan the time of
operation of relay 3. The fault
as fault
relays Smaller than the fault current in feeder 2 as 1 and 3 provide high impedance
necessary for such systems. The examples of such time characteristics hence for
teeders, ring mains and interconnected
systems are parallel feeders, Tee 8Cs supplied indirectly. The relays have inverse 3 operates and
system. The protection of such systems 1s Thus by the time relay
obtained using both directional as well as rrent, the relays take long time to operate. the relays 1
nondirectional relays. Once fault gets cleared,
the tault, the relays 1 and 5 do not operate.
e and 3 keep on supplying
the power. This is time
and feeders 1
e m a i n operative
8daed overcurrent protection of parallel feeders.

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Protection of Transmission Line Switchgeer a n d P r o t e c t i o n 2 35 OvercuTent Protectton of Transmission
2-34 Line
Switchgeat end Protection

The relays near generating stations must be nondirectional while the other relays are
Protection tional. The current and time settings of directional relays are lower than the
2.12.2 Tee Feeder used in the protectiOn
feeders is also
used for the parallel irctional relays. The outgoing directional relays are set with the decreasing time
The method of protection the Fig. 2.12.2.
is shown in
of tee feeders. The X Circuit breaker
Nondirectional relay TE the fault develops in a particular section say CD, then it will be fed from the
Directional relay
through path 'p' and path 'g as shown in the Fig
2.12.3. In such case, the
at the relays at Di and D2 only will trip and discornect the faulty
are such that
relays are inoperative.
section. The remaining
When an interconnector
is used in such system, the relays used on it must be of
nondirectional type.
The following points are important while providing such a protecting scheme
Recelving end

At the lines leaving the power sources,

the nondirectional relays are provided.
protection 1.
Fig. 2.12.2 Tee feeder
At each substation, for both incoming and outgoing lines, the directional relays
that the relay elements near the 2.
In this method also,
the arrangement is such
the receiving ends are directional, used.
nondirectional while those near
generating station are as well as current setting than 3. The proper time grading is provided for the outgoing relays.
set for the lower time setting
The directional relays are before the nondirectional.
Thus the directional relays operate
the nondirectional relays. Disadvantage
can be
Interconnected Systems The only disadvantage of this method is the number of feeders which
2.12.3 Ring Main and limited. The time delay between the relays should not be
protected by this scheme is
substations are interconnected by the alternate be fed is about
In main system, the various
ring closer than about 0.3 to 0.5 sec and the longest time that a fault can

form a closed path. This ensures

the continuity of limited too 6
routes and hence the overall system 2.8 sec hence the maximum number of sections which can be protected get
the supply to the healthy part if any section
of the ring is damaged and separated for to 7.
the repairs.
2.12.3 shows the method of protection used for the ring systems using Review Questions
The Fig.
nondirectional as well as directional relays. 1. Discuss the protective schemes used for the protection of parallel feeders system.
GTU Winter-13,14, 18, Summer-14, Marks 7
station Winter-14, Marks 4
X. Circuit breaker 2. Explain protection of ring mains. GTU: Summer-14, 18,
Nondirectional relay
.Directional relay 2.13 Short Questions and Answers

Q.1 Name the different kinds of overcurrent relays.

A Induction non-directional overcurrent relay, induction type directional
BX Ans. type
inverse definite time overcurrent
instantaneous overcurrent relay,
overcurrent relay,
Telay, inverse definite minimum time
overcurrent relay, very inverse overcurrent relay.
on a
for two altemating fluxes acting
Q.2 What are the necessary conditions
common rotor ?
between the two alternating
Fault Ans. There must be some phase shift
a) °

fluxes must be 90 for

The shift between the two alternating
Flg. 2.12.3 Protection of ring main system maximum torque.

TECHNICAL up-thrust for knowledge

of Transmission Lin Switchgeara n d P r o t e c t l o n 2537 Overcurent Protection of Transmission Line
Switchgear and Protection

types ? in relay coil =

Line fault current x C.T. ratio 6000 x
electromagnetic 75 A
of overcurrent relays Fault
What are the advantages
(Refer section 2.5.2)
PSM 15-10
What are over and under current relays
when the current in a line or Clearly distinguish the terms"overload and "overcurrent". GU Winter-18,Marts 3
those which operate Q.11
Overcurrent relays are
Undercurrent relays are those which operate
Overcurrent is very excessive current due to fauit than the acceptable current
a predetermined value. Ans.
equipment or line drops below a
ing. An overload oad is the condition where the load takes more current than the normal
whenever the current in an equipment
Overload causes overheating as it is a
much excessive.
of induction relays. ted current but it is not
Q.5 Name the different types n g current while overcurrent causes damage to the apparatus to stop its working.
3. Inductiorn cup type
1. Shaded pole type 2. Watt hour meter type wattmeter is consldered as a directional relay, then its MTA will be
a 12 If
of induction type relays. d) 60
Q6 State the advantages a)90 b) zero c) 30 GTU:Summer-17, Mark 1
Ans. b
Ans. obtained.
1. High, low andadjustable speeds can be For a CT feeding an OC relay
curves can be obtained. Q.13
shapes of time against operating quantity
error is important
2. Various a) ratio error is important b) phase angle
both are important d) neither ratio nor phase angle error is important
3. Directionai feature can be incorporated. c)
GTU: Summer-17, Mark*1
What the features of directional relay ?
Q.7 are
Ans. a

Ans.1. High speed operation 2. High sensitivity

3. Ability to operate at low voltages 4. Adequate short-time thermal ratio

Q.8 What is meant by directional relay ?

Ans.: The directional relay means the relay operates for the specific direction of the
actuating quantity in the ircuit A directional relay is one that functions when input
curent is in a predetermined phase position when compared to a reference, or
polarizing quantity. The polarizing quantity may be a reference voltage or current.

Q.9 A relay is connected to 400/5 ratio current transformer with current setting of
150 %. Calculate the PSM when the fault current is 4000 A.
Ans.: The PSM is given by,
Fault current in relay coil
Rated secondary C.T.current x Current setting
Fault current in 5
relay coil =
Line fault current x C.T. ratio =

4000 x 50A

viE 6.667
Q.10 A relay is connected to 400/5 ratio current transformer with
150 %. Calculate the PSM current setting o
when the fault current is 6000 A.
Ans.: The PSM is
given by,
PSM Fault current in
relay coil
Rated secondary C.T.currentxCurrent setting
an up-thrust for knowledge

up-thrust for knowledge

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