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Greetings and salutations,

Sometimes rights are defined as privileges, but when used in the context of “human
rights,” it describes something more basic. The entitlement of fundamental rights that
every individual, simply because they are a human being is, called human rights.

A human is born with these rights which are present until his death. All humans on this
planet are entitled to these rights. These rights are effective for everyone, irrespective of
who they are, where they are from or how they choose to live their lives. These rights
were developed to protect from anyone who wanted to harm or violate someone.

These rights give people the freedom to live and express themselves as they want to.
Everyone gets to be themselves because of these rights.

Due to the enormous loss of life, horror and abomination caused during the World War
II, the United Nations signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in the
year 1948 on the 10th of December; to propose a common understanding for everyone’s
rights. Even today, the world is being built based on freedom, justice and peace based
on these rights.

10th of December is celebrated as the International Human Rights Day, to mark the

adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The UDHR has promoted several humans, civil, economic and social rights among its
member states.

There are two core human rights treaties, including the Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights. These rights are to protect an individual from the power of a state. Right to life
and liberty, protection from torture, fair trials and the freedom of expression, religion,
peaceful assembly are included in these rights.

Economic, social and cultural rights covenant: These rights are namely the right to
education, housing and health. All the available resources need to be utilized by the
government to achieve them.
Forced labour, enforces disappearances, and torture is the focus of other treaties. There
are also treaties protecting the rights of women, children, refugees, the LGBTQ+ society,
minorities, disabled and domestic workers.

Various principles, declarations and guidelines have been adopted by the United
Nations along with these treaties to enhance the meaning of a few rights.

UN Human Rights Committee and UN special rapporteurs are international institutions

responsible for interpreting human rights treaties and monitoring compliance.

It is completely the duty of the government themselves to implement international

human rights. It is the duty of the government to protect and promote human rights by
barring violations by officials or stand, punishing offenders. Also creating ways for the
citizen to seek help on breach of their rights. It is itself a human right violation if a
country fails to take any step against private individuals abuses as domestic violence.

Non-governmental organizations hold publically accountable, governments that commit

human rights violation. On behalf of individuals or groups, organizations bring lawsuits
to protect human rights. There are other organizations proving services such as human
rights education and legal counsel.

Thank you.

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