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Biology Revision Assignment - 2021-22, Semester I

Class: VIII
Topic: Cell structure and functions
Section A
Multiple Choice Questions
Q.1 Match the Column-I with Column-II and choose the correct option:-
Column – I Column- II
P – Lysosomes 1.Lacks photosynthetic pigments
Q – Ribosomes 2.Lack a membrane
R – Leucoplast 3.Contain digestive enzymes
S - Golgi Apparatus 4.Site of modification & transport of proteins
a. P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4 b. P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3
c. P-3, Q-2, R-1, S-4 d. P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1
Q.2 Find the main difference between an onion peel cell and a human cheek cell.
a. Presence of mitochondria in an onion peel cell only.
b. Presence of cell wall in an onion peel cell only.
c. Absence of plasma membrane in human cheek cell only.
d. Absence of nucleus in human cheek cell only.
Q.3 Which out of the following cell organelle is called semi-autonomous?
a. Mitochondria b. Nucleus
c. Chloroplast d. Both (a) & (c)
Q.4 Nucleoplasm contains entangled mass of thread-like structures which are
observed when the cell is not dividing. What are these threads known as?
a. Genes b. DNA
c. Chromatin d. Chromosomes
Q.5 Assertion (A) - Endoplasmic reticulum is the network of tubes and sheets
running through the cytoplasm.
Reason (R) - Endoplasmic reticulum is the main site of all the metabolic
reactions taking place in the cell.
a. Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A & R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
Section B
Q.1 Define 'magnifying power of a microscope'?
Ans- It is the ability of a microscope to magnify the image of an object.
Q.2 Give technical terms for the following:
i. The membrane around the sap vacuole- Tonoplast
ii. The colourless plastid- Leucoplast
Q.3 Name the following:
i. The longest cells in the human body-Nerve cells or Neuron
ii. Smallest cell in the living world- Mycoplasma or PPLO
Q.4 Define 'Cytoplasmic streaming'.
Ans- It is the movement of cytoplasm which helps in the distribution of material
within the cell.
Q.5 The cell membrane is called ‘selectively permeable membrane’. Give a reason.
Ans- The cell membrane allows only selective substances to enter and exit the
cell. Thus, it maintains the internal composition of the cell.
Q.6 State the location and function of F0F1 particles.
Ans- Location- On the cristae of mitochondria.
Function-They act as ATP synthase enzyme and help in the synthesis of
energy in the form of ATP.
Q.7 Why is the nucleus called the control centre of the cell? (Give reason)
Ans- Nucleus contains DNA (genetic material) which controls all cellular activities
and helps in transferring hereditary information from parents to offspring.
Q.8 Give the important function of the following in Amoeba:
i. Contractile vacuole- It helps in osmoregulation.
ii. Food vacuole- It helps in digestion of food.
Section C
Q.1 Name the cell organelle which is called ‘the digestive bag’ of the cell. Why is it
called so?
Ans- Lysosomes are single membrane bound vesicles containing digestive
enzymes. They digest and destroy any harmful and unwanted materials
present in the cell. So, they are called the digestive bags of the cell.
Q.2 Differentiate between the following on the basis of their location and function in a
cell : RER and SER

1. Located near the nucleus. 1. Located near the cell
2. Helps in the synthesis and membrane
transport of proteins. 2. Helps in the synthesis and
transport of lipids.

Q.3 What is staining? Name the stains used for staining plant cells (guard cells) and
animal cells (Human cheek cells).
Ans- It is a technique used to view cells and their components with certain
coloured dyes called stains so that they are clearly distinguishable from each
other under the microscope.
Safranin stain is used to stain the plant cells. Methylene blue is used to stain the
animal cells.
Q.4 i. What is meant by ‘Division of Labour’?
ii. How is division of Labour shown in a unicellular organism?
Ans- Division of labour means sharing of workload between different cells or
different parts of the cells for increased efficiency.
In unicellular organisms, it is shown by the cell organelles. e.g Mitochondria
provides energy , chloroplast helps in synthesis of food.
Q.5 ‘Cells have different shapes related to the specific functions they perform’. Justify
the statement by giving two suitable examples.
Ans- 1.Skin cells are flat and multilayered to provide protection.
2. Nerve Cells are elongated and have branched processes to transmit messages
within the body.
Q.6 Give two points of difference between chromatin and chromosomes.

-The entangled mass of thread-like - Thick, rod shaped structures
structures seen during the seen during the cell division.
non–dividing stage of the cell. -Chromosomes can be counted.
-Chromatin cannot be counted.
Q.7 Why are Mitochondria and Chloroplast called ‘semi autonomous cell organelles’?
Ans- Mitochondria and Chloroplast have their own ribosomes and DNA. So, they
can synthesize some of their own proteins. Therefore, they are called semi
–autonomous cell organelles.  
Q.8 How is a Prokaryotic cell different from a Eukaryotic cell? (Give 2 points each)
Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell
-They lack a true nucleus. -They have a true nucleus.
-Membrane bound cell organelles -Membrane bound cell organelles
are absent. are present.
Example-Bacteria, Example- Animals and Plants
Blue green algae

Section D
Q.1 State any three important functions of Golgi apparatus in a Eukaryotic cell.
Ans- 1.Storage, modification and packaging of products in vesicles.
2. Synthesis of cell wall during cell division.
3. Formation of lysosomes.

Q.2 Differentiate between chromoplast and chloroplast on the basis of their colour,
location & function.


• Colour- Coloured plastids (other than • Colour-Green coloured plastids.

green). • Location- Present in green parts of the
• Location -They occur in flowers and plant.
fruits. They may occur in some roots • Function-Chloroplasts trap solar energy
too, like carrots, beet etc. with the help of chlorophyll pigment to
• Function-They provide colour to flowers manufacture food through the process
and fruits to attract animals for of photosynthesis.
pollination and seed dispersal.

Q.3 Draw neat and well labelled diagrams of the following:

i. Mitochondria ii. Nucleus
iii. Chloroplast iv. Plant cell
v. Animal cell (Practice diagram from the handout)
Biology Revision Assignment — 2021-22, Semester I
Class : VIII
Topic : Crop production and Management
Section A
Multiple Choice Questions
Q.1 In the given picture, the woman is
a. separating grains from hay &
b. mixing different grains
c. throwing away grains
d. mixing chaff with grains
Q.2 The branch of biology that deals with rearing and management of honeybees
for honey & bee wax is called ______________
a. Pisciculture b. Sericulture
c. Agriculture d. Apiculture
Q.3 The government maintains 'Buffer stock' of grains after harvesting. Which out
of the following is the correct reason for the same?
a. To export the grains to other countries.
b. To stock the grains for emergencies.
c. To stock the grains before selling them to market.
d. None of the above
Q.4 Which out of the following methods enable the farmers to select healthy
seedlings for the cultivation of rice?
a. Broadcasting b. Transplantation
c. Manuring d. Weeding
Q.5 Complete the analogy -
Traditional method of irrigation : _______________ : : Modern method of
irrigation : Drip Irrigation
a. Sprinkler system b. Traditional tool
c. Hoe d. Rahat
Section B
Q.1 Name the modern agricultural implement used for the following agricultural
i. Harvesting as well as Threshing- Combine
ii. Levelling the field- Iron leveller
Q.2 Give an example of each of the following:
i. a kharif crop- Rice
ii. a biofertilizer- Anabaena
Q.3 Enlist any 2 harmful effects of using pesticides.
Ans- 1. Pesticides remain in our environment for a long time and cause
2. Pesticides may enter our food chain and cause serious diseases like
Q.4 Define 'Field Fallow'.
Ans- It is the practice of leaving the field uncultivated for some time before
growing the next crop.
Q.5 How is a seed drill better than the traditional tool for sowing seeds?
Ans- It saves time and labour.
Q.6 State the importance of Irrigation for the plants. (Give 2 points)
Ans- 1. Water is required for photosynthesis, seed germination, seed
dispersal etc.
2. Water helps in the absorption of water and minerals from the soil.
Q.7 Name the tool shown in the picture. Also state its use in Agriculture.

Ans- Traditional tool. It is used for sowing seeds.

Q.8 Explain, what is the need for proper drying of grains before storage?

Ans- Grains are dried properly to reduce their moisture content as moisture
encourages the growth of microbes, which spoil the food grains and
reduce their germination capacity.
Q.9 What is Transplantation?
Ans- Seeds are first sown in a nursery and are allowed to grow into seedlings
by providing them good nutrients.Then, only healthy and well developed
seedlings are picked from nursery and are transferred to the main
field.Examples of plants: Rice, Tomato, Onion, Chilies.
Q.10 Define ‘Pisciculture’.
Ans- It is the rearing and management of fish on a large scale for cod liver oil
and meat.
Section C
Q.1 Explain how Drip Irrigation is a better method of irrigation than the Sprinkler

Ans- This is because in this system, water is provided drop by drop directly to the
roots .Thus, it helps to conserve a lot of water.
Q.2 Enlist the precautions to be taken by the farmers before spraying weedicides.
Ans- 1. Weedicides are diluted with water before spraying in the field.
2. Weedicides are sprayed on the weeds before flowering and seed formation.
3. Farmers should cover their nose and mouth while spraying weedicides.
Q.3 Differentiate between Crop rotation and Multiple cropping. (State 2 points)

Q.4 i. Excessive use of fertilizers should be discouraged. Give reason.

Ans- Excessive use of fertilizers alter the soil chemistry by making it too acidic or
basic. Fertilizers harm the useful microbes present in the soil which
reduces the natural ability of soil to replenish its nutrients. Fertilizers may
drain into water bodies which lead to soil pollution.
ii. State an advantage of levelling the field.
Ans- 1.It packs the soil and prevents soil erosion.
2.It helps to distribute the water evenly in the field during irrigation.
Q.5 How is green manure prepared? Explain.
Ans- Plants like Sunhemp and Alfalfa are grown in the field and then, are
ploughed back into the soil. These green plants turn into a green matter
which increases the soil fertility.
Q.6 Why is ploughing considered to be an important agricultural practice?
Ans- 1. It allows the roots to penetrate deeper into the soil.
2.Loose soil has more air spaces so roots get proper oxygen.
3.Loose soil mixes well with manure.
4.It helps in the growth of useful microbes and worms which make the soil
fertile by decomposing organic matter.
5. It brings nutrient rich soil to the top.
Q.7 Identify the tool shown in the picture. Also state
advantages of using this tool.
Ans- Cultivator. It is used for ploughing the

Q.8 How is Threshing different from Winnowing?


It is the process of separating It is the process of beating out

grains from the mixture of grains from their outer covering
grains, hay and chaff. called chaff.

It can be done manually with It can be done manually or by using

the help of a winnowing a thresher.
basket or by using a
winnowing machine.

Q.9 What are Weedicides? Give 2 examples of weedicides.

Ans- These are the chemical substances that destroy the weeds and help to
control their growth. Examples: Metachlor, Butachlor, 2,4-D.
Q.10 What is meant by the ‘biological control of pests’? Explain by giving a suitable
Ans- Pests can be controlled with the help of living organisms which feed on a
particular pest. This type of pest control is safe for our environment and
Example- Australian ladybird is used to destroy the scale insects.
Section D
Q.1 Give reasons :
i. Dried neem leaves are added while storing food grains.
Ans- Dried neem leaves act as natural insect repellants. They protect the
grains from the attack of pests.
ii. Excessive use of manure does not harm the soil.
Ans- Manure is prepared by decomposition of dead and decaying organic
matter of plants and animals. So, it is bio-degradable and does not harm
the soil even if used in excess.
iii. Seeds should not be sown in highly wet soil.
Ans- Seeds will not germinate due to lack of proper aeration in the soil.
Q.2 What is 'Eutrophication'? How does it affect the aquatic ecosystem?
Ans- The fertilizers rich in nitrates and phosphates drain into the nearby water
body and lead to the overgrowth of algae on the surface of water bodies
(algal bloom).Algal bloom blocks the sunlight from entering the water
body and cuts off the oxygen supply. The decomposition of algae further
reduces the oxygen level leading to increase in the BOD (biological
oxygen demand) in the water body. This results in the death of aquatic
plants and animals leading to the death of lake.
Q.3 What are the various advantages of transplantation? (Give 2 points)
Ans- 1. It helps to select only healthy seedlings for the cultivation of crops.
2. Seedlings are planted at right spacing so that they get proper sunlight,
water and nutrients.
3. Better penetration of roots and better development of the shoot system.
Q.4 Define ‘Animal Husbandry’. What are the various aspects of animal husbandry?
Ans- Animal Husbandry is the rearing and management of animals on a large
The various aspects of animal husbandry are-
BREEDING- It includes mating of good quality males and females, with desired
characteristics, to produce superior hybrids.
FEEDING- It includes providing proper and healthy food to the animals.
HEEDING- It means providing proper health care facilities, clean and airy shelter
to animals.
WEEDING- It means separating the diseased animals from the healthy ones so as
to prevent the spread of diseases.


Biology Revision Assignment — 2021-22, Semester I
Class : VIII
Topic : Conservation of plants and animals
Section A
Multiple Choice Questions
Q.1 Which out of the following is promoted by creating wildlife reserves in a
particular area?
a. Use of biocides b. Preservation of species
c. Use of biological control d. Exploitation of species
Q.2 Which zone of biosphere reserve allows agriculture, settlements and forestry?
a. Core Zone b. Transition Zone
c. Buffer Zone d. Natural Zone
Q.3 Which out of the following birds migrates from Siberia to India every year?
a. Passenger Pigeon b. Arctic tern
c. Siberian crane d. Ivory - billed woodpecker
Q.4 The process of replanting the same species of trees in a destroyed forest area
is called __________
a. Reforestation b. Deforestation
c. Afforestation d. Both (a) & (b)
Q.5 Match the Column-I with Column-II and choose the correct option :-
Column - I Column- II
P - Red Data Book 1. World Conservation Union
Q - Forest Conservation act 2. Protection of Tigers
R - Project Tiger 3. Preservation of Forests
S - WCU 4. List of Endangered species
a. P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2 b. P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1
c. P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4 d. P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3
Section B
Q.1 Give an example of each of the following:
i. Extinct species- Dodo Bird
ii. Threatened species- Bald eagles
Q.2 Give technical terms:
i. Illegal killing of animals for commercial use- Poaching
ii. Gradual conversion of fertile land into desert- Desertification
Q.3 Name the two wildlife sanctuaries located in Pachmarhi Biosphere reserve.
Bori wildlife sanctuary, Pachmarhi wildlife sanctuary
Q.4 Define ‘Species’.
Ans- It is defined as a group of individuals with similar characteristics that can
reproduce amongst themselves to produce fertile offspring.
Q.5 Give reason: Recycling of paper should be encouraged.
Ans- By recycling paper, we can save trees, energy and water needed for
manufacturing paper. Moreover, the amount of harmful chemicals used in
paper making will also be reduced.
Q.6 What are Rockshelters?
Ans- These are the shallow caves which provide the evidence of prehistoric
human life in jungles. These give us an idea about the life of the primitive
Q.7 Name the book published by IUCN. What information can you get from this
Ans- Red Data Book was published by IUCN in 1991 (presently known as WCU-
World Conservation Union).
It provides information about the endangered species of plants and animals.
Q.8 Mention two main reasons for the destruction of Ecosystem.
Ans- Natural Calamities- Floods, drought etc.
Human activities- Deforestation, poaching etc.
Q.9 Define the term ‘Biodiversity’.
Ans- Biodiversity refers to the variety of organisms existing on Earth, their
interrelationships and their relationship with the environment.
Q.10 What is the aim of the Forest Conservation Act in India?
Ans- The Forest Conservation Act is aimed at preservation and conservation of
natural forests and meeting the basic needs of the people living in or near
the forests.
Section C
Q.1 i.What are Endemic species?

Ans- Endemic species are found exclusively in a particular area and are not
naturally found anywhere else. Example: Bison and Flying squirrels are
endemic to Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve.
ii. Enlist the effects of man’s activities on Endemic Species.
Ans- 1.Deforestation destroys their natural habitat.
2. Increasing human population and introduction of new species may also affect
their natural habitat.
Q.2 What is the need to conserve plants and animals?
Ans- 1.MAINTENANCE OF ECOLOGICAL BALANCE- All plants and animals are
dependent on each other. Removal of any of the species would lead to
disturbance of ecological balance.
protection of non-renewable resources by preventing their wastage and
rapid depletion.
Q.3 What is the ‘Greenhouse effect’? How does it lead to global warming?
Ans- The layer of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor
etc. present in the Earth’s atmosphere absorb the heat radiations emitted
back by the Earth surface and doesn't allow them to escape . This gives a
warming effect to Earth’s atmosphere and helps in maintaining the
temperature of Earth. This is called the greenhouse effect.
Due to deforestation, the concentration of carbon dioxide ( greenhouse gas)
in the atmosphere has increased leading to an increase in the greenhouse
effect. Thus, the average temperature of Earth is increasing leading to
Global warming.
Q.4 How does deforestation lead to droughts? Explain.
Ans- Due to deforestation, the amount of water vapor released by the process of
transpiration reduces drastically. This further reduces the rainfall and
disturbs the water cycle leading to drought and famine.
Q.5 Differentiate between Deforestation and Reforestation.
Deforestation Reforestation
It is the cutting down of trees on a It is restocking of the destroyed
large scale to clear the forest area. forests by planting new trees.
It leads to soil erosion. It prevents soil erosion.
Q.6 i. When was Project Tiger initiated in India?
ii. What is the main purpose of this project?
Ans- The Project Tiger is a conservation program launched by the government
of India in 1973.
The objective of this project was to ensure the survival and maintenance of
the tiger population in the country.

Q.7 How is a National Park different from a Wildlife Sanctuary?



It is a large area protected It is an area strictly reserved for

and maintained by the the conservation of wild
government to conserve animals in their natural
the wild plants and wild habitat.

Private ownership rights Private ownership rights are

and manipulation of allowed but only under the
habitat is not allowed. state legislation.

Activities like grazing of Minor activities such as grazing

domestic animals, by livestock, collecting
cultivation collection of medicinal plants, firewood,
forest products , poaching harvesting of timber etc. are
etc are not allowed allowed but hunting and
poaching are prohibited.

Section D
Q.1 i. What are biosphere reserves?
ii. Name the 3 zones of biosphere reserve. State the significance of each zone.
Ans- These are the large areas of protected land for conservation of plant and
animal resources and traditional life of the tribal living in the area.
The three zones of biosphere reserves are-
1. CORE ZONE (innermost zone) - No human activities are allowed.
2. BUFFER ZONE (middle zone) - Minor human activities are allowed.
3. MANIPULATION ZONE (outermost zone) - Human activities are allowed.
Q.2 Explain any three causes of extinction of biodiversity.
Ans- 1. HUNTING of animals for various reasons put the animals on the verge of
2. FOREST FIRES kill the animals and cause the destruction of plants and loss of
natural habitat for animals .
3. POACHING is the illegal killing and capturing of animals.
4. INTRODUCTION OF NEW SPECIES increases the competition for food and
space and may destroy the habitat to suit their own needs.
5. WIDE USAGE OF PLANT AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS for various purposes like
food, medicine , cosmetics etc.

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