Every Child Is Special by Perry

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Republic of the Philippines


Graduate School
Lucban, Quezon



SCI 514

1. What is the problem of the learner?

Ishaan Awasthy, a nine-year-old child who faces the difficulty in reading, learning and
writing because he suffers a neurological disorder called dyslexia. Since he has this condition he
can't write and read properly.

Letters and numbers are written inverted and words are commonly misspelled. He cannot
follow multiple instructions and has poor motor skills. Being different from other normal growing
children, he is always thought to be dumb, idiot and lazy. His teachers, classmates, neighbors and
even his own family did not realize what he is going through.

2. How did the teacher address or solve the problem?

The substitute teacher recognizes the sign of being dyslexic because he is also one of it.
Therefore, He uses appropriate intervention measures like constant practice, drills and problem
solving were given to Ishaan. This confirms the theory of operant conditioning by Frederick
Skinner. A person can be trained by presenting a reward or punishment as a consequence of his
Republic of the Philippines
Graduate School
Lucban, Quezon

3. If you were the teacher what would you do to solve the problem?

The kind of relationship we established to our students affects them on what they will
become. We teachers must have patience, love, care, kindness and must aware of their intellectual,
physical, and emotional condition, because without this, they may feel being unwanted and
unworthy that will lead to their failures. But in reality it is difficult to recognize students with being
dyslexic just by looking skin-deep because nowadays I experienced having students in Grade 11
and 12 that stutter and have difficulty in reading, in Senior High School it is actually not the focus
of the teacher to teach them how to read because those skills must be taught in lower years, but if
I were in the position of being an elementary teacher and having a student like Ishaan, then I
would also exert an extra effort to make my student learn at their own pace and feel inclusive in
my class because children should be educated together whatever their problems are. Until these
children learn to read and write normally like any other children, we, teachers, who are responsible
for them should be patient about their learning progress.

Children are like wet cement, whatever land on them makes an impression so I believe that
as a teacher we must make every student feel equally supported, we must first make sure that we
are not treating some students better or worse than others. In order to make every student feel
wanted, we need to make sure that we are teaching in an inclusive manner. Individual attention is
important too in creating a strong teacher-student relationship. You should endeavor to make your
students feel comfortable about approaching you, whether it’s during or after class. By being
available, you are sending the message that all your students matter and that you want them to
Republic of the Philippines
Graduate School
Lucban, Quezon

4. Cite at least three methods of teaching used in the movie. In which part was it applied?

In the movie, we have Ishaan gaining self-esteem and progressing due to the work of Ram
(the substitute teacher). Ram used a sensorial diversified approach that made reading and writing
active and concrete by the use of writing sand, clay, chalk, touch, and movement.

A multisensory learning approach is a term many schools use to describe teaching methods
that involve engaging more than one sense at a time. Involving the use of visual, auditory and
kinesthetic-tactile pathways, a multisensory approach can enhance memory and ability to learn.

Ishaan is interested in painting so his art teacher use watercolors and silly putty to take
attention while the teacher was trying to inroduce letters to him.
Republic of the Philippines
Graduate School
Lucban, Quezon

In the movie the teacher also uses heuristic or discovery method. Heuristics are methods
or strategies students can use to solve complex math word problems.

And of course, the teaching-learning process integrated and aided with the use of ICT
Republic of the Philippines
Graduate School
Lucban, Quezon

Positive approaches to learning are considered also in the movie. It is essential for young
children’s school readiness and early school success. Researchers have reported that positive
learning approaches, such as attentiveness and goal orientation, are associated with higher levels
of early school achievement in math and reading.

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