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NAME: Mariel G.


Task # 1: Metacognition: Oral Communication Competence Assessment

Developing a better understanding of your management and communication style is essential in

today’s workplace. Take this Communication Competence Assessment to help measure how well you


Instructions: The following survey was designed to assess your communication competence.

Consider your everyday conversations at school, work, and home when completing the survey. There

are no right or wrong answers to the statements? Circle your answer by using the rating scale

provided. After evaluating each of the survey statements, complete the scoring guide.

1. During conversations I often use eye contact …………………. 1 2 3 4 5

2. I often initiate new topics during conversations .………….……. 1 2 3 4 5

3. During conversations I do not feel the need to interrupt the

person speaking ………….……… 1 2 3 4 5

4. I try to regulate the speed of my speech based on the audience ……….…………. 1 2 3 4 5

5. While speaking I rarely fidget or play with things (e.g., pencil,

rings, hair, etc.) ……………….… 1 2 3 4 5

6. While speaking I avoid pauses, silences, uses of “uh,”

and so on ……………………... 1 2 3 4 5

7. While speaking I try to exude vocal confidence — I am not too

tense or nervous sounding ……………………. 1 2 3 4 5

8. During conversations I ask follow-up questions. ………………... 1 2 3 4 5

9. I try to encourage the people I am speaking with to join in the

topic of conversation ……………...…. 1 2 3 4 5

10. I try to include the use of humor or stories in my conversations .………….... 1 2 3 4 5

11. During conversations I try to not talk too much about

Myself …………...…… 1 2 3 4 5

12. I try to control the volume at which I speak (neither too loud nor

too soft) …………………...…. 1 2 3 4 5


Total score for all items ______

Comparative Norms: Total score of 12–24= Low communication competence;

Total score of 25–47= Medium communication competence;

Total score of 48–60 = High communication competence.

Interpreting the Result

Communication competence is the extent to which you regularly practice communication behaviors

which are known to be effective. This is not so much a measure of what you communicate, but rather

a measure of how well you communicate. It is a measure of the quality of how you use your voice, the

extent to which you listen and actively participate in conversations, how you use non-verbal

behaviors, and your tendency and ability to use humor and other techniques to bolster your message.

If your score is in the low range, this may indicate you have considerable room for improvement in

your communication competence. Since the ability to communicate well is fundamental in many

business contexts, it would be wise for you to seek to improve in this area.

If your score is in the high range, this may indicate you are a fairly effective communicator.

Nonetheless, there is every reason to continue to hone your skills. There is always room for


If your score is in the moderate range, this may indicate that you are in a good position to pursue

significant improvement in your communication competence.

Action Steps

No matter what your score is on this self-assessment, there is always room for improvement in your

communication competence.
Task #2: Provide one statement reflection or action to be taken to improve your oral communication


Based on the results that I have above, I really feel the need to improve my oral communication
competence. I would probably start it knowing the audience/listener, so that I could adjust my tone, the
way I relay the message and to make it not too complicated to understand. I really have this bad tone
when speaking especially at the point when I get too excited to share what I wanted to tell, my tone gets
too loud that the people listening to me thought that I’m mad because I literally am shouting they said.
So adjusting my tone in speaking according to the listeners would really help improve my oral
communication. “Think before you speak”, this statement would also help me, this might be one of the
things that I will keep in mind, because every time there’s an argument we tend to speak out the things
that we have in mind, it may be good or bad, and the words that we throw to a certain person means a
lot to them, and it will affect them in a good or bad way, and this happens to me a lot so I will always
keep it in mind. Also being a good listener can help me improve my communication competence,
because by this, I could learn to understand more about people emotionally on how they deliver their
messages based on their moods. The last one may be making your message or idea precise or direct to
the point, use simple and straightforward words t be more understandable.

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