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Name: Janua Rhey B.

Lungay Section: BEED 2C Date Completed: 03/31/21

What makes a good teacher great?

This question is pretty much good to make change the teachers’ way of teaching. Teachers are
really great when they listen to their students, we don’t just teach but we should make them feel that
we are a friend who listens and willing to learned from them. Teachers has a great role in molding them,
so we must passionate every lessons and learnings that they acquire.

I just somehow mesmerized and ask this question why am I studying Education course? And
now I realized that I can make change for the young’s. Studying this course is not just to graduate or to
have bachelor degree. I’m studying for my future and for my students’ future. Why am I included this,
because from the past few days I was just nothing and not even passionate of what course I had taken,
in short I admit I did not take it seriously but I made an effort. And now I had so much reasons why I
should continue and be motivated. I was amazed of how can teacher do. In this very moment, I want to
touch the lives of the young’s by listening and respecting them and learnings will follow. One of the
student of teacher Azul Terronez said; “A great teacher understand that students have a life outside the
school” the student means that school is different from their home, we might know some of their
abilities in school but we don’t know their struggles at home so with this knowing their profile or
background can help them for us to understand why they do disappointment. Disappointment that they
did not mean it, they maybe try their best but it was not good enough for us, teachers. We should
appreciate every single answer they had. As Azul Terronez said “Great teachers make themselves
humble before their students”, students will start trust us if we put our setting humbly.

I know that teacher has so much challenge in handling children because we are seeking for their
learnings, the classroom is setting up as students centered. Learnings is just nothing if they don’t apply
it, so for us to know if they really value every lessons, let them show that you also valued the learnings
that they also advised. The video was really helpful in changing another teacher. Teacher Terronez was
the instrument in giving techniques and strategies to teach fruitfully.

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