The Level of Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 GAS Students

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Background of the Study

Reading is one of English skills besides speaking, listening and writing. It is the way to
understand written messages. Reading is one of four important language skills that should be
mastered by students. It is one of the ways for getting knowledge that cannot be separated from
every learning process and it does not only happen in educational field but also in our daily life.
For getting knowledge and information, people read books, magazines, newspapers,
advertisement and etc.

According to Nuttal (2000) reading means a result of interaction between the writer’s
mind and the reader’s mind. It is the way how to the reader tries to get the message or the
intended meaning from the writer. In this process, the reader tries to create the meanings
intended by the writer, the reader can get the message, and the writer’s meaning sense.
According to Richard and Schmidt (2002), reading means perceiving a written text in order to
understand its contents. This can be done silently (silent reading). It is a particular way in which
the readers understand texts, passages, paragraphs even books and an ability to understand and
find out the information presented in the form of written text.

Reading is a fundamental skill to acquire information, for it is a process that aids in

meaningful construction (Temur, 2010). For the past two decades, many studies have been done
about reading comprehension. Most results are based on research about how good readers
interact with texts. Research has likewise found that good readers are act or strategic and use a
variety of comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading a text.

Since reading is a problem-solving process, an analysis of reading strategies can provide

insights as to how readers interact with the text, and how their choice or use of strategies
influences their comprehension of the text. A focus on reading strategies likewise helps
researchers determine the extent to which readers understand the purpose of what they read, how
they make sense of what they read, and what they do when they do not understand some aspects
of the reading material. (Williams & Moran, 1989)

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to investigate the Level of Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 General
Academic Strand.

Specific Problem

1. What is the Level of Reading Comprehension of General Academic Strand 11 students of

Southern City Colleges?
2. Is there a significant difference on the Level of Reading Comprehension of Grade 11
General Academic Strand students of College of when they are grouped according to:
a. Sex

b. Age

Conceptual Framework

Grade 11 General
Academic Strand The level of Reading
students of Southern Comprehension.
City Colleges.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

a. Sex
b. Age

Intervening Variable

Figure 1.1 A model presenting the interrelationship of the different variables in the study.
Significance of the study
The result of this study is beneficial to the following group of people:


This study will give them an awareness about the Level of Reading Comprehension of
the students therefore, they are able to improve their teacher strategies/techniques to help
students on their reading skills.


This study will give them awareness of what is the level of the Reading
Comprehension of their children and them to be able to assess the Reading Comprehension skill
of the students.


This study will help them to realize their level of Reading Comprehension. It will
serve as a motivation to improve.

Future Researchers

This study will serve as guide for them when they conduct the same research study.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focused and limited the level of Reading Comprehension of grade 11 General
Academic Strand students of Southern City Colleges Central Campus. This study expected to be
done by this 1st semester S.Y 2019-2020.


Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents local and foreign literatures, references, articles, journals, and
studies that are relevant to the study. These may help the proponents to gain empirical findings
which could give an overview to the study and use to achieve the data analysis of the study.

According to Pang (2003) reading is defined as understanding written texts. He says that
reading consists of two related processes: word recognition and comprehension. Word
recognition is defined as the process of getting how written symbol correspond to one’s spoken
language while comprehension is the process of making the meaning of words, sentences and
connected text. He adds his statement that the reader who has background knowledge,
vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, experience with text and other strategies can help them
understand written texts. Bell (2005) stated also students can combine their background
knowledge with the information from the text while reading. It can help students in
understanding the text easily. Reading cannot be separated from comprehension because the
purpose of reading activity is to comprehend what has been read.

Research suggests that children reading skills progress through developmental stages, to
become a skilled reader, children need a rich language and conceptual knowledge base, a broad
and deep vocabulary, and verbal reasoning abilities to understand messages that are conveyed
through print. (McCardle, Chhabra, Scarborough, & Catts 2004).
Torres (1981) asserted that reading is a valuable asset for a pupil to develop. It helps
him/her to avoid embarrassment due to incorrect pronunciation, gain self-confidence, and shine
in class recitation, discussion, programs, and thus get high grades, Moreover, it helps him/her
command attention, respect, admiration, popularity, and satisfies the needs to belong and be
accepted by the group.

Serrano and Bello (2001) in their popular freshmen textbook, better English for college,
stress that reading is the most important skill to develop in order to study well. They point out
that one should learn to increase his rate of reading without decreasing his comprehension. Rates
of reading and comprehension depend on the different factors. What is difficult for a student to
read may be easy to another. Rate of reading may also depend on the difficulty of material one’s
purpose in reading it.

Evidence that age often affects educational attainment and reading performance. Many
researchers (Crosser, 1991; La Paro & Pianta, 2000; Milling Kinard & Reinherz, 1986) presented
evidence that older children fare better academically than their younger age appropriate peers.
Additionally, Uphoff and Gilmore (1985) using research evidence about the relationship between
age and achievement argued that the older and/or more mature students in a class fare better than
younger classmates.

In contrast, some studies (Demeis & Stearns, 1992; Dietz & Wilson, 1985) found no
significant reality between age and achievement, while other (Langer, Kalk, & Searls, 1984)
found significantly higher achievement of the oldest as compared to the youngest students.

Gender had a big role in reading comprehension. This conclusion was proven by
Martinez (2013) in her research on Analysis of the Effect of Content Familiarity and Gender on
English as a Foreign Language Reading Comprehension by Spanish University Students.
Martinez (2013) asserted that sexuality characteristics and subject matter awareness were found
to have to do with the large number of learners reading comprehension. The male learners are
found to perform better than girls in their reading comprehension performance in familiar and an
unfamiliar text.

Makabuhay (2004) conducted a study about Gender influences on the reading

comprehension of selected freshman students of Dominican Colleges and according to the study;
the male respondents scored 3,272 parts or 34% in reading comprehension. The female
respondents scred 6,392 points or 66%. The findings indicate that the females have better reading
comprehension than males.

Bhishikar (1980) found that intelligence plays a significant role in the acquisition of
reading skills. The low intelligence group showed significantly greater improvement in
comprehension, and the high intelligence group showed significantly greater improvement in
vocabulary. He also found that there was no sex different in reading skill.

Strong reading comprehension skills are critical to students’ success in twenty-first

century classroom. The ability of students to comprehend what they have read is truly an inter-
disciplinary skill. In addition to being required to comprehend stories, novels, and poems in
language arts classes, successful students in today’s classrooms must be able to read and
understand math problems to find the correct solution. They need to understand written
directions to successfully complete experiments in science, and they must be able to interpret
vast amounts of information available on the Internet and in textbooks to complete projects in
social studies. Reading comprehension skills are particularly critical for students as they progress
in school and the focus becomes no longer on learning to read, but rather reading to learn (Lapp
and Ness 2009).

This chapter presents the researcher method. It focusses the method used in conducting
this research which covers research design, research locale, papulation and sampling data,
research instrument and data gathering procedure.

Research Design
This study is a Quantitative Research since the purpose the is to predict the level of
Reading Comprehension among the students. And also to determine the relationship of the
variables in the study.

Research Locale
This study will be conducted at Southern City Colleges Central Campus, Pilar Streeet
Zamboanga City.

Southern City Colleges founded on December 8, 1946 by Francisco M. Caliolio Sr., and
his wife Arecelie F. Caliolio. It was once established as Southern Academy in 1946, then
renamed as Southern City Colleges of Commerce in 1952, and as Southern City Colleges in
1962. The institution has been expanding into three campuses. The Central, West and East
Campus located all in Zamboanga City. And now managed by their grandchild, headed by Mr.
Edwin M. Caliolio as its president.
Population and Sampling Design
This study utilizes stratified random sampling design where in the total population of the
General Academic Strand is 387, from this total population, the strata is 43. To get the exact
sampling size of the respondents, the researcher divided the population of each section with the
total population of the strand and multiply each with the number of strata of the population.

Thus, this study has total respondents of 43.

Strand/Section Population Sampling Size

1. GAS A (am) 44 5
2. GAS B (am) 45 5
3. GAS C (am) 42 5
4. GAS D (am) 37 4
5. GAS E (am) 42 5
6. GAS A (pm) 44 5
7. GAS B (pm) 41 4
8. GAS C (pm) 54 6
9. GAS D (pm) 38 4
Total Population 387 43

Table 1.1 the table presents the sampling size of the study

Research Instrument
To get the data needed, the researcher used a survey questionnaire. It contains a reading
comprehension text. This text is a narrative and have a 10 questions with a multiple- choice
format and to be answered by the respondents within 10-15 minutes.
Validity and Reliability
The research instrument was standardized because it was validated by research teacher,
Ms. Marites Cabusog who did look into correctness, relevance, and quality of the instrument.

Data Gathering Procedure

The research come up first with a title, since the title finalized the next step is to has a
research problem, as it serves as the flow of this research. The conceptual framework exemplifies
the relationship among the variables, then the research finds a research instrument, followed by
validation of instrument and approval letter, and lastly the researcher gather the data needed in
the study.

 Tittle Information Conceptual framework
 Research Problem Instrument
Approval letter tion of Instrument
Data collection
Table 2.1 illustrates the Data Gathering Procedures



The Level of Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 General Academic Strand (GAS) Student of
Southern City Colleges S.Y 2019-2020

Table 4.1 Sex Data Analysis

Respondents Number Male Female

1 0 1
2 0 1
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 0 1
6 1 0
7 1 0
8 0 1
9 0 1
10 0 1
11 0 1
12 0 1
13 0 1
14 1 0
15 1 0
16 1 0
17 1 0
18 0 1
19 0 1
20 0 1
21 0 1
22 1 0
23 1 0
24 1 0
25 1 0
26 1 0
27 1 0
28 0 1
29 0 1
30 0 1
31 0 1
32 0 1
33 0 1
34 0 1
35 0 1
36 1 0
37 1 0
38 1 0
39 1 0
40 1 0
41 1 0
42 1 0
43 1 0
TOTAL: 43 22 21
Total number of Sex ÷ total number of Respondents × 100

22- Total number of male 21-Total number of female

43- Total number of respondents 43-Total number of respondents

×=22÷43 ×=21÷43

×=0.51×100 ×=0.49×100

×=51% ×=49%
Sex Data Analysis


The graph shows that the highest population of Grade 11 GAS Students is male with an
average of 51% followed by female with an average of 49%.

Table 4.2 Age Data Analysis

Respondents 15-16 years old 17-18 years old 19 above

1 0 1 0
2 1 0 0
3 0 0 1
4 0 1 0
5 0 0 1
6 0 1 0
7 0 1 0
8 1 0 0
9 0 1 0
10 0 1 0
11 1 0 0
12 0 1 0
13 0 1 0
14 0 0 1
15 1 0 0
16 1 0 0
17 0 1 0
18 0 1 0
19 0 0 1
20 0 1 0
21 1 0 0
22 0 1 0
23 0 1 0
24 1 0 0
25 0 1 0
26 0 1 0
27 0 1 0
28 1 0 0
29 1 0 0
30 0 1 0
31 0 1 0
32 1 0 0
33 1 0 0
34 1 0 0
35 0 1 0
36 1 0 0
37 0 1 0
38 0 1 0
39 1 0 0
40 1 0 0
41 0 1 0
42 0 1 0
43 0 1 0
Total:43 15 24 4
Total number of Age ÷ total number of respondents × 100

15- total number of age 15-16 24-total number of age 17-18

43-total number of respondents 43-total of respondents

×=15÷43 ×=24÷43

×=0.35×100 ×=0.56×100

×=35% ×=56%

4-total number of age 19 above

43-total number of respondents



Age Data Analysis

44% 19 above


The graph shows that the highest population are the age of 17-18 with an average of 56%
followed by 15-16 with an average of 35% and lastly the age of 19 above with an average of 9%.

Table 4.3 Answer Data Analysis

Respondent No. Score Percentage Descriptor
1 3 60% Poor
2 5 75% Poor
3 2 60% Poor
4 4 70% Poor
5 5 75% Poor
6 5 75% Poor
7 6 80% Average
8 4 60% Poor
9 7 85% Good
10 7 85% Good
11 5 75% Poor
12 5 75% Poor
13 6 80% Average
14 3 60% Poor
15 4 65% Poor
16 8 90% Very Good
17 4 65% Poor
18 5 70% Poor
19 7 85% Good
20 6 80% Average
21 6 80% Average
22 5 75% Poor
23 4 70% Poor
24 3 65% Poor
25 2 60% Poor
26 4 70% Poor
27 4 70% Poor
28 4 70% Poor
29 4 70% Poor
30 9 95% Proficient
31 2 60% Poor
32 3 65% Poor
33 6 80% Average
34 4 70% Poor
35 6 80% Average
36 6 80% Average
37 3 65% Poor
38 3 65% Poor
29 5 75% Poor
40 6 80% Average
41 5 75% Poor
42 5 75% Poor
43 9 95% Proficient
Mean Percentage
Total # of score – 209

Total # of items – 430

X = 209 ÷ 430

= 0.49 × 50

= 24 + 50
= 74%

The table 4.3 shows that the level of reading comprehension of General Academic Strand
Students is 74% which is poor thus, in this study the students need to improve their reading
comprehension to get excellent.

Table 4.4 Answer Data Analysis for Male and Female


Respondents Score Percentage Descriptor

3 2 60% Poor
4 4 70% Poor
6 5 75% Poor
7 6 80% Average
14 3 65% Poor
15 4 70% Poor
16 8 90% Very Good
17 4 70% Poor
22 5 75% Poor
23 4 70% Poor
24 4 70% Poor
25 3 65% Poor
26 2 65% Poor
27 4 70% Poor
36 6 80% Average
37 3 65% Poor
38 3 65% Poor
39 5 75% Poor
40 6 80% Average
41 5 75% Poor
42 5 75% Poor
43 9 95% Proficient
Total 100
Mean Percentage

 Total number of score - 100

 Total number of items – 220

X = 100 ÷ 220
= 0.45 × 50
= 23+ 50
= 73%


Number Score Percentage Descriptor

1 3 65% Poor
2 5 75% Poor
5 5 75% Poor
8 4 70% Poor
9 7 85% Good
10 7 85% Good
11 5 75% Poor
12 5 75% Poor
13 6 80% Average
18 5 75% Poor
19 7 85% Very Good
20 6 80% Average
21 6 80% Average
28 4 70% Poor
29 4 70% Poor
30 9 95% Proficient
31 2 60% Poor
32 3 65% Poor
33 6 80% Average
34 4 70% Poor
35 6 80% Average
Total 109

Mean Percentage

 Total number of score – 109

 Total number of items – 210

X = 109 ÷ 210
= 0.52 × 50
= 26 + 50
= 76%

The table 4.4 shows that there is no significant difference between the percentage
of level of reading comprehension of male and female. The total percentage of male is
73% which is poor. While the total percentage of female is 76% which is also poor. Thus,
the study concludes that both male and female should read more reading materials to
enhance their reading comprehension.

Table 4.5 Data Analysis for the different Age Brocket


Respondent number Score Percentage Descriptor

2 5 75% Poor
8 4 70% Poor
11 5 75% Poor
15 8 90% Very Good
16 6 80% Average
21 3 65% Poor
24 4 70% Poor
28 3 65% Poor
29 6 80% Average
32 4 70% Poor
33 6 80% Average
34 5 75% Poor
36 6 80% Average
39 4 70% Poor
40 4 70% Poor
Total 73

Total number of score – 73

Total number of items – 150

X = 73 ÷ 150
= 0.49 × 50
= 25+ 50
= 75%


Respondent number Score Percentage Descriptor

1 3 65% Poor
4 4 70% Poor
6 5 75% Poor
7 6 80% Average
9 7 85% Good
10 7 85% Good
12 5 75% Poor
13 6 80% Average
17 4 70% Poor
18 5 75% Poor
20 6 80% Average
22 4 70% Poor
23 2 60% Poor
25 4 70% Poor
26 4 70% Poor
27 9 95% Proficient
30 2 60% Poor
31 6 80% Average
35 3 65% Poor
37 3 65% Poor
38 5 75% Poor
41 5 75% Poor
43 9 95% Proficient
Total 119

Total number of score – 119

Total number of items – 240

X = 119 ÷ 240

= 0.50 × 50
= 25 + 50
= 75%

19 above

Respondent number Score Percentage Descriptor

3 2 60% Poor
5 5 75% Poor
14 3 65% Poor
19 7 85% Very Good
Total 17

Total number of score – 17

Total number of items – 40

X = 17 ÷ 40
= 0.425 × 50
= 21 + 50
= 71%
The table 4.5 shows that there is no significant difference between the percentage of level
of reading comprehension of age 15-16, 17-18, and 19 above. The total percentage of 15-16 is
75% which is poor, while the total percentage of 17-18 is 75% which is poor and also the age of
19 above garnering a percentage of 71% which is also poor. Thus, the study concludes that the
three ages should spent a time to read a reading materials to enhance their reading


Summary, Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation

Reading Comprehension is defined as a fundamental skill to obtain academic learning
success. The researcher aims to know what is the level of reading comprehension of Grade 11
General Academic Strand Students. Moreover, the researcher aims to find out what could be the
best way to improve their reading comprehension skill for them to perform well in academic
performance. The study is a Quantitative Research. The research instrument used in the study is
a survey questionnaire. Where in it sought to know the level of reading comprehension of the
respondents. The sampling design used in the study is stratified random sampling with 43

1. The level of Reading Comprehension of Grade 11 General Academic Strand Students of
Southern City Colleges.
 Based on the gathered data, it shows that the level of reading comprehension of
Grade 11 GAS Students is 74% which is poor. Thus, in this study the students
need to improve their reading comprehension to get excellent.
2. The significance difference in the level of reading comprehension of Grade 11 GAS
Students when they are group according to:
 There is no significant difference between the percentage of level of reading
comprehension of the respondents when data are group according to sex. The total
percentage of male is 73% which is poor. While the total percentage of female is
76% which is also poor. And also there is no significant difference between the
percentage of level of reading comprehension of different age brocket. The total
percentage of 15-16 is 75% which is poor, while the total percentage of 17-18 is
75% which is poor, and also the age of 19 above garnering a percentage of 71%
which is also poor.

Based on the results, this study concludes that the overall average of the level of reading
comprehension of Grade 11 General Academic Stand Students is 74% which is poor.
Furthermore, when it comes into their sex, it shows that the male and female has no significant
difference. The total percentage of male is 73% which is poor. While the total percentage of
female is 76% which is also poor. Additionally, when it regards in the different age brocket, the
15-16,17-18, and 19 above also show that there is no significant difference. The total percentage
of 15-16 is 75% which is poor, while the total percentage of 17-18 is 75% which is poor, and
also the age of 19 above garnering a percentage of 71% which is also poor. Thus, in this study
the students need to develop the reading comprehension skills to get an excellent.

Based on the finding and conclusion of the study the following are hereby

The Teacher

This study will help them to differentiate the performance of reading comprehension of
the Students. Moreover, they can evaluate to take another test to be able to identify the
difficulties of the students concerning to their reading comprehension abilities. Additionally,
teachers can think some strategies that may help the students to enhance its performance in
reading comprehension.

The Students

This study will help them to be aware on the results of their reading comprehension. For
them to have the chance to reflect what will be the best way to improve their reading
comprehension skills that will give them opportunities to help themselves.

The Parents

This study gives them an awareness about the results of reading comprehension of their
children. Therefore, they can help in improving the reading comprehension of the student. So
that students have a guidance not only in the school but also at home.

The Future Researcher

This study may help them in their research to gather more information or ideas that may
easy their task.

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