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IFAC/IFORS Workshop Production 30 Octobe~ Kyoto, Japan Prof. T. Takamatsu,

Control in Process Industry 2 November Kyoto University, Japan
1989 Institute of Systems Research,
4 Yoshida-Ushinomiya
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606, Japan

IFAC/IFIP Workshop (3rd) 30 October- W. Lafayette,

Experience with the Management 2 November USA
of Software Projects 1989

IFAC/IFIP Symposium Low Cost 8-10 November Milan, Italy I FAC- LCA "89 Secretariat,
Automation: Components, 1989 Dip. Informatica e Sistematica,
Instruments, Technique and Via Eudossiana 18,
Applications 1-00184 Rome, Italy

1989 Meeting of the American 9-12 November Virginia Beach, Christoph Berendes,
Society for Cybernetics 1989 VA, USA Center for Cybernetic Studies
in Complex Systems, Old
Dominion University, Norfolk,
VA 23529-0248, USA
Tel: (804) 683-4558
email: chrisber@well.uucp

AI '89 Australian Joint AI 14-17 November Melbourne, AI '89 Secretariat,

Conference 1989 Australia Dept of Elec. & Comp. Systs
Eng., Monash University,
Wellington Rd, Clayton,
Victoria 3168, Australia
Tel: (03) 565-3470
Fax: (03) 565-3454
Telex: Monash AA 32691

I F A C / ( I M A C S ) / I F I P Symposium 15-17 November Vienna, Austria Austrian Centre for Productivity

Skill Based Automated Production 1989 and Efficiency - OEPWZ,
Rockgasse 6, A-1014 Vienna,
AIDA "89: 5th Annual 16-17 November AIDA "89,
Conference on Artificial 1989 Dept of Comp. Sci.,
Intelligence and Ada George Mason University,
4400 University Dr., Fairfax,
VA 22030-4444, USA
Tel: (703) 323-2713

Eng. Appli. of AI, 1989, Vol. 2, September 251



Latin American Symposium on 20-24 November San Carlos de CICELPA-INTI, Secretaria del
Remote Sensing 1989 Bariloche, Rio 4 Simposio Latinoamericano de
Negro, Argentina Sensores Remotos,
CC 157-(1650), San Martin,
Provincia de Buenos Aires,
Rep0blica Argentina

Tencon 1989: AI and Neural 22-24 November Bombay, India V. Seshadri,

Networks 1989 AT&T Bell Laboratories,
MT3G122, 200 Laurel Ave,
Middletown, NJ 07748, USA
Tel: 1-201-957-7545
email:.., r atfl mtfmif sesh

IEEE Workshop on the 27-29 November Austin, TX, Eric Grimson,

Interpretation of 3D Scenes 1989 USA Artificial Intelligence Lab., MIT,
545 Technology Square,
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

lEE Conference on Neural 27-30 November Denver, CO, Kathie Hibbard,

Information Processing S y s t e m s - 1989 USA NIPS 89 Local Committee,
Natural and Synthetic Engineering Center,
Campus Box 425, Boulder,
CO 80309-0425, USA

10th International Conference on 4-6 December Boston, MA, Dr John F. Rockart, Director,
Information Systems 1989 USA Center for Information Systems
Research, MITR Sloane
School of Management, 77
Massachusetts Ave, (E 40-187),
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Tel: (617) 253-6608

IFAC/IFIP Workshop Safety of 5-7 December Vienna, Austria Austrian Centre for Productivity
Computer Control S y s t e m s - 1989 and Efficiency - OEPWZ,
SAFECOMP "89 Rockgasse 6, A-1014 Vienna,

International Conference on 11-13 December Bombay, India Dr S. Ramani, Chairman,

Knowledge Based Computer 1989 Program Committee, National
Systems Centre for Software
Technology, Gulmohar Cross Rd
No 9, Bombay 400 049, India
email: uunet!shakti! ramani
shakti! ramani@

Intelligent Autonomous Systems 2 11-14 December Amsterdam, IAS-2 Conference Secretariat,

1989 The Netherlands PO Box 41882, NL-1009 D B
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Sixth Israeli Conference on 26-27 December Tel Aviv, Israel Dr J. Rosenschein,

Artificial Intelligence and 1989 6th IAICV, Dept of Computer
Computer Vision Science, The Hebrew University,
91904 Jerusalem, Israel
email: jeff@humus.bitnet

252 Eng. Appli. of AI, 1989, Vol. 2, September



Artificial Intelligence and 2-5 January Kaihia-Kona, HI, Dr Michael J. Prietula,

Organization Theory - 23rd Hawaii 1990 USA Graduate School of Industrial
International Conference on Administration, Carnegie-
System Sciences: HICSS-23 Mellon University, Pittsburgh,
PA 15213, USA
Tel: (412) 268-8833

International Symposium on AI and 3-5 January Fort Lauderdale, Prof. Frederick Hoffman, Dept of
Mathematics 1990 FL, USA Mathematics, Florida Atlantic
University, Boca Raton,
FL 33431, USA
email: hoffmanf@servax.bitnet

IJCNN-90: International Joint 15-19 January Washington, DC, IJCNN-90-WASH DC,

Conference on Neural Networks 1990 USA Adaptics, 16776 Bernardo
Center Dr., Suite 110B,
San Diego, CA 92128, USA
Tel: (619) 451-3752

3rd Conference on Theoretical 4-7 March 1990 Pacific Grove, Moshe Y. Vardi,
Aspects of Reasoning About CA, USA IBM Research, Almaden
Knowledge Research Center K53-802
650 Harry Rd, San Jose,
CA 95120-6099, USA
Tel: (408) 927-1784
email: vardi@almvma.bitnet

IEEE International Conference on 12-15 March New Orleans, Alexander L. Wolf,

Computer Languages 1990 LA, USA AT&T Bell Laboratories,
MH 3C-533, 600 Mountain Ave,
Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA
Tel: (201) 582-6443

I F I P / I F A C International Conference 21 23 March Rome, Italy Conf. Secretariat,

Modelling the Innovation: 1990 c/o Dr A. Tornambe,
Communications, A u t o m a t i o n and Fondazione Ugo Bordoni,
Information Systems Via Baldassarre Castiglione 59,
1-00142 Roma, Italy

IFAC Workshop on Algorithms and April 1990 Bangor, UK

Architecture for Real-Time Control

CHI "90: Human Factors in 1-5 April 1990 Seattle, WA, Toni MacHaffie,
Computing Systems USA PO Box 5847, Beaverton,
OR 97006, USA
Tel: (503) 591-1981
email: tonimc@

9th A C M S I G A C T - S I G M O D - S I G A R T 2-4 April 1990 Nashville, TN, Patrick C. Fischer,

Symposium on Principles of USA Dept of Computer Science,
Database Systems ( P O D S ) PO Box 1679B, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville,
TN 37235, USA
email: pcf@vuse.vanderbilt.ed u

Eng. Appli. of AI, 1989, Vol. 2, September 253



M E T A 90, 2nd International 4 6 A p r i l 1990 Leuven, Belgium Danny De Schreye,

Workshop on M e t a p r o g r a m m i n g K.U. Leuven, Dept of Computer
and Logic Science, Celestijnenlaan 200A,
B-3030 Heverlee, Belgium
email: dannyd(a kulcs.uucp

EMCSR 1990: 10th European 17-20 April Vienna, Austria Robert Trappl,
Meeting on Cybernetics and 1990 Dept of Med. Cybernetics & AI,
Systems Research University of Vienna,
Freyung 6/2, A-1010 Vienna,
Tel: +43 (222) 532810
Fax: +43 (222) 630652
Telex: 75312311

European Computer Vision 24-26 April

Conference 1990

5th Conference on AI for Space 22 23 May Huntsville, AL, University of Alabama in

Applications 1990 USA Huntsville, Divn of Continuing
Education, Tom Bevill Center,
Room 285-F, Huntsville,
AL 35899, USA
Tel: (205) 895-6372

Canadian AI Conference: 2 ~ 2 5 May Ottawa, Ont., Ken Charbonneau,

CSCSI-90 1990 Canada National Research Council,
Conference Services Office,
Bldg M-19, Montreal Rd,
Ottawa, Ontario KIA OR6,
Tel: (613) 993-9009

International Conference on 29 May 1 June Tokyo, Japan Att: T. Nakajima,

Manufacturing Systems and 1990 The Japan Society of Mech.
E n v i r o n m e n t - Looking Towards Eng., Sanshin Hokusei Bldg,
the 21st Century 4 9 Yoyogi 2-chome,
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 151
Tel: Tokyo (03) 379-6781
Telex: 2322493 JSME J

World Organization of Systems and 11 14 June New York, USA Prof. Constantin V. Negoita,
Cybernetics 8th International 1990 Congress Chairman,
Congress Dept of Computer Science,
Hunter College, City University
of New York, 695 Park Ave,
New York, NY 10021, USA

IN R I A / I I A S A / I F A C / I E E E / S I A M 12 15 June Antibes, France INRIA, Service des Relations

9th International Conference on 1990 Ext6rieure, Domaine de
Analysis and Optimization of Voluceau Rocquencourt,
Systems BP 105, F-78153 Le Chesnay
Cedex, France

254 Eng. Appli. of AI, 1989, Vol. 2, September



10th I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e on 17-21 June Atlantic City, c/o Conference Dept,

Pattern R e c o g n i t i o n ( I C P R ) 1990 N J, USA IEEE Computer Society,
1730 Massachusetts Ave, NW,
Washington, DC 20036-1903,

1990 A C M C o n f e r e n c e on Lisp and 27-29 June Nice, France Gilles Kahn,

Functional P r o g r a m m i n g 1990 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis,
2004 Route des Lucioles,
06565 Valbonne Cedex, France
Tel: (33) 93 65 78 01
email: kah n (c~,

University of G e n o a / O h i o S t a t e July 1990 Genoa, Italy

University J o i n t C o n f e r e n c e on
N e w Trends in System T h e o r y

IFORS/IFIP/IFAC International 2-6 July 1990 Paris, France Dr P. Bourgme,

C o n f e r e n c e on Economics and AI CEMAGREF, 26 rue St Louis,
C E C O I A II F-78000, France

4th I n t e r n a t i o n a l S y m p o s i u m on 23-27 July 1990 Zurich, Prof. Kurt Brassel,

Spatial Data Handling Switzerland Geogr~phisches Institut,
Universit~t ZLirich,
Winterthurerstrasse 190,
CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel: 0041-1-257 51 51
Fax: 0041-1-257 4004

CADE-10: 10th I n t e r n a t i o n a l 2 ~ 2 7 July 1990 FRG Mark E. Stickel,

C o n f e r e n c e on A u t o m a t e d Artificial Intelligence Center,
Deduction SRI International,
333 Ravenswood Ave,
Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA

DIAL-90: Directions and 28 July 1990 Boston, MA, Douglas Schuler,

Implications of A d v a n c e d USA Boeing Computer Services,
Computing MS 7L-64, BO 24346,
Seattle, WA 98124-0346, USA
Tel: (206) 865 3226

AAAI-90 29 July- Boston, MA,

4 August 1990 USA

4th I n t e r n a t i o n a l S y m p o s i u m on 10 August HelsinkL

D i f f e r e n t i a l Games and 1990 Finland

Xl IFAC World Congress A u t o m a t i c 13-17 August Tallinn, USSR I FAC "90 Congress Secretariat,
Control at t h e Service of M a n k i n d 1990 Institute of Cybernetics,
Akademia tee 21,
200108 Tallinn, USSR

Eng. Appli. of AI, 1989, Vol. 2, September 255



COLING 90 20-25 August Helsinki, Fred Karlsson,

1990 Finland Dept of General Linguistics,
University of Helsinki,
Hallituskatu 11,
SF-00100 Helsinki, Finland
Tel: +358 0 1911
Fax: +358 0 6591
Telex: 124690 unih sf
6th I M E K O / I F A C Conference on 2 ~ 3 1 August Sopron, Hungary
Measurement in Clinical Medicine 1990

I F A C / I E E E / I F I P / I M EKO Symposium 1 ~ 17 January Singapore

on Adaptive Control and Signal 1991

I F A C / I F I P / I E E E Workshop on 2 ~ 3 0 May Bergen, Norway

Computer Software Structures 1991
Integrating A I / K B S Systems in
Process Control

IFAC Workshop on Electric Power June 1991 Vienna/

System Control Centres Semmering,

I F A C / I F O R S Symposium (9th) on 8-13 July 1991 Budapest,

Identification and System Hungary
Parameter Estimation

A A A I 91 14-19 July Anaheim, CA,

1991 USA

5th I F A C / I M A C S / I F I P Symposium 15-17 July Swansea, UK

on Computer Aided Design in 1991
Control and Engineering Systems

12th IFAC Symposium on 19-23 July Southampton,

Automatic Control in A e r o s p a c e - 1991 UK
Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles

IFAC Symposium on Distributed 1 ~ 1 5 August Washington, DC,

Intelligence Systems - DIS '91 1991 USA

E F M I / I I A S A / I F A C International 19-22 August Vienna,

Congress on Medical Information 1991 Austria
Systems and Expert Systems

IJCAI-91 24-30 August Sydney,

1991 A ustralia

IFAC Symposium on Design 4-6 September Zurich,

Methods of Control Systems 1991 Switzerland

IFAC Symposium on Fault 10-13 September Darmstadt, FRG

Detection, Supervision and Safety 1991
for Technical Processes -

256 Eng. Appli. of AI, 1989, Vol. 2, September



I F A C / I F I P / I M A C S S y m p o s i u m on 16-18 September Vienna,

Robot Control: S Y R O C O 1991 Austria

IFAC S y m p o s i u m on A d v a n c e d October 1 9 9 1 Toulouse,

C o n t r o l of Chemical Processes: France
A D C H E M "91

Twenty-second Midwestern 7 9 October Rolla, Mo Walter L. Ries,

Mechanics Conference 1991 USA Continuing Education,
University of Missouri Rolla,
Rolla, Mo 65401, USA
Tel: 314-341-4132

IFAC S y m p o s i u m on Expert 21-23 October Newark, DE,

Systems for O n - L i n e Fault 1991 USA
I d e n t i f i c a t i o n and Control in t h e
Process Industry

Eng. Appli. of AI, 1989, Vol. 2, September 257

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