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Task Sheet 1: Paraphrasing

Read Chapter 1 from "Paraphrasing, summarising and synthesising skills for academic writers" and
answer the following questions.

1. What is a paraphrase?

2. What is typically paraphrased in academic writing?

3. What must be kept unaltered in a paraphrase?

4. What must be always changed in a paraphrase? Why?

5. How does the length of a paraphrase compare to that of the paraphrased text?

6. What additional features characterise paraphrases?

7. Why should direct quotations not be overused?

8. For what else can paraphrasing be used in addition to restating someone else's ideas in the
writer’s own words in an assignment?

9. What is paraphrase plagiarism?

10. What is patchwriting?

11. What are the features of a good paraphrase?

12. What information can be used as locating detail?

13. What is the signal phrase connected to directly in an academic paper?

ELTE/DEAL  BBN-ANG11-104 Academic Skills 1  Autumn 2014


14. How can readers be reminded in a long paraphrase that they are still reading a paraphrase?

15. How can the writer express an attitude towards the paraphrased ideas?

16. Why must the original content be restated fully and accurately?

17. What is an inanimate subject and why is it useful?

18. What kind of text is ideal for paraphrasing?

19. What does a writer have to make sure of before starting to paraphrase?

20. What is a thematic unit and what is its use?

21. What paraphrasing strategies are advisable to use?

22. Which words do not have to be changed?

23. What is elegant variation?

24. What does word level grammatical change refer to?

25. What sentence level changes are recommended by the reading?

26. What is to be checked when a paraphrase is revised?

ELTE/DEAL  BBN-ANG11-104 Academic Skills 1  Autumn 2014

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