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to be forced to abandon to abandon stg
1 Abandon abandon abandonment abandoned completely/entirely
2 Absorb absorb absorbent to absorb quickly/rapidly
to be abused
3 Abuse abuse abuse abuser abusive to be/become abusive
4 Accelerate accelerate acceleration quickly accelerate rapid acceleration

accomplish successfully /easily become

5 accomplish accomplish accomplishment accomplished accomplished great/significant accomplishment
take sth into account bank account
accountability to be accountable for sth to
6 Account account accountable make/hold sb accountable
to acquire knowledge/skills language
7 Acquire acquire acquisition acquisition
effective/firm/strong action
8 activate action active actively become/keep active
adaptation to adapt successfully/well to be adaptable
9 Adapt adapt adaptability adaptable highly/very adaptable
adequacy adequate adequately adequacy of sth to be/seem
10 Adequate/Inadequate inadequacy inadequate inadequately adequate for sth
to admit doing sth to admit that +
sentence to admit honestly/openly/freely
to refuse to admit to be willing to
11 Admission admit admission admit
to adopt a baby/child to adopt a new
12 Adopt (idea) adopt adoption adopted approach

13 adverse adverse adversely adverse condition/impact adversely affect sth

to handle an affair to deal with an
affair current affairs
national/international affairs
affair European/foreign affairs to have an affair with
14 Affair affairs sb secret/love affair


to aim for/at sth to aim to do sth

15 Aim aim aim aimless aimlessly the aim of sth main/primary aim
16 Aircraft aircraft
allocate something for/to something
Allocate allocate allocation
17 allocate time/money
amusing to amuse sb with sth to be/look amused
18 Amuse amuse amusement amused amusement park
to analyze carefully/in depth/scientifically
19 Analyze analyze analysis detailed/thorough analysis
to be/look ancient extremely/very
20 Ancient ancient ancient

21 Anticipate anticipate anticipation to anticipate a problem in anticipation of sth

anxiety about/at/over sth to cause/lead
to/suffer from anxiety to
feel/look/sound anxious
extremely/very/desperately anxious
22 Anxiety anxiety anxious anxiously to be anxious about sth
23 Anyhow anyhow
to be/become/seem apparent
24 Apparent apparent apparently to be apparent that + sentence

to appeal to sb/sth to appeal for/to sth

to have/lose appeal great/special/strong/ appeal
25 Appeal to appeal appeal desperate/urgent appeal for sth
26 appliance appliance modern/electrical appliance
potential applicant attract applicants job
27 applicant apply applicant applicants

to really/fully appreciate to deeply/greatly

appreciate to
have/show/develop appreciation
deep/great/real appreciation to
express/show appreciation a
28 Appreciate appreciate appreciation appreciative appreciatively lack of appreciation appreciative audience
Approach approach somebody for something
approach a problem /task the approach
29 approach approach approachable of something
30 Approximate arrow approximate time of sth


31 Arrow (symbol) approximate approximately to follow the arrows

32 artifact cultural artifact Egyptian artifacts
33 Aside aside to put sth aside aside from
all aspects of sth in every aspect of
sth key/crucial aspects to
34 Aspect aspect have/focus on/study an aspect

to assist greatly/actively great/invaluable

assistance to give sb assistance
assistance to offer (sb) assistance to have/hire an
35 Assist assist assistant assistant a personal/shop assistant

to be associated with stg to associate sth

with sth a business/political associate
associate (inter)national/voluntary association
36 Associate associate association association between sth and sth
to be/look/seem astonished
astonished astonished at/by sth really/truly
37 Astonish astonish astonishment astonishing astonishingly astonishing
38 Atom atom
to attend regularly to attend a
39 Attend attend attendance concert/meeting
40 Available availability available to be/become available
to be awarded sth for sth award for sth
41 Award award award to receive/win award

aware to have awareness a lack of

42 Aware /Unaware awareness unaware awareness to be/become aware of sth
to give/provide background info
43 Background info background info general/cultural/economic background
44 Bad-tempered bad-tempered to be/seem/sound bad-tempered
45 Balance balance balance balanced to be well balanced
to go/be/become bankrupt to face/escape
46 Bankrupt bankruptcy bankrupt bankruptcy
to be completely bare to be barefoot
bare to be barely alive
47 Bare barefoot barely barefoot to walk barefoot


to fight in a fierce battle to win/lose a battle

to win a battle against sth
48 Battle battle battle constant/long/ongoing battle
49 beam beam a laser beam
to beg for sth to beg sb (not) to
50 Beg beg beggar do sth
51 Beyond beyond to be beyond sb's control

political/gender/racial etc bias be

52 Bias bias biased unbiased biased against/towards/in favour of something
biodiversity conservation/loss   components of 
biodiversity a threat to the
53 biodiversity biodiversity biodiversity
to be/feel bitter about sth
to feel/show bitterness to be bitterly
54 Bitter bitterness bitter bitterly disappointed about sth
to boast about/of sth to boast that +
sentence to boast proudly a
55 Boast boast boast proud/empty boast
56 Branch branch branch of a bank branch of a tree
57 Brand brand a leading/top/famous brand
58 Brick brick a brick wall/building

to burn to death to be burnt to death

a nasty/severe burn a first-/second-/third-
59 Burn burn burn burning degree burn a burn mark
to bury sb alive to be buried alive
to be buried in a cemetery buried treasure
to attend a burial to go to a burial
a Christian burial a burial
60 Bury bury burial ceremony/service
61 Buyer and seller seller a potential/prospective buyer
62 Cabinet cabinet cabinet member/minister
to campaign actively/strongly to
campaign for/against sth
a big/huge/long campaign to start/run/organize
campaign a campaign an
63 Campaign campaign campaigner effective/successful campaigner


breast/lung/skin cancer to suffer from/have

cancer to die from/of cancer cancer
64 Cancer cancer victim
65 Candidate candidate
Capable capability capable be capable/incapable of (doing) something a
66 incapability incapable very capable lawyer
67 Capacity capacity to have/increase capacity
68 Cape cape
69 Cardboard cardboard cardboard box
70 cast cast supporting cast
on a casual basis casual clothes
a casual manner casually dressed
71 casual casual casually people
72 Cattle cattle cattle farm
considerable/great caution to be/become
73 Caution caution cautious cautiously cautious
celebration a big/special celebration to have/hold a
74 Celebrate celebrate celebrity celebration
censorship of the press strict censorship 
75 censor censor censorship impose/abolish censorship
76 Chain chain chain a chain reaction
great/natural charm to have/possess
charm to be extremely charming to look
77 Charm charm charm charming charmingly very charming
78 Chase chase chase to chase after car/police chase

chemical chemistry to produce chemicals to be exposed to

79 Chemical chemist chemical chemicals
80 Chest chest chest of drawers treasure chest
81 Chimney chimney
82 chunk chunk a chunk of text a substantial chunk of profit
favourable/difficult/unforeseen circumstances
under/in circumstances due to
83 Circumstance circumstance circumstances
law-abiding citizen good/responsible
citizen full/dual citizenship to
citizen have/hold citizenship to apply for/lose
84 Citizen citizenship citizenship


to falsely/rightly claim false claim

to make a claim to
85 Claim claim claim accept/deny/reject a claim
86 Clarify clarify clarification to fully clarify clarification of sth
to classify by/according to sth
to classify into groups classified
87 Classify classify classification classified material/information
88 Client client
89 Close close close close closely closely related listen closely
coherence coherent
90 Coherent/ Incoherent incoherence incoherent to have/lack coherence to be coherent
a series of strange/amazing coincidences            
91 coincidence coincidence by coincidence
92 collective collect collection collective a collective decision
column newspaper/daily column a weekly column on
93 Column columnist sth
to combine successfully perfect/right
94 Combine combine combination combination in combination with sth
come up with a plan come up with
ideas come up with the cash
95 come up with come up with come up with an excuse

to command sb to do sth to give command

to be under the command of sb
command to be in command army/navy/police
96 Command command commander commander
to comment critically/unfavourably to
comment about/on sth to sb
to have/make a comment about/on sth
97 Comment comment comment a brief/favourable/negative/critical comment
international/national commission
to set up/establish a commission
98 Commission commission the commission for/on sth
to commit suicide/a crime to show/lack
commitment complete/full/lifelong
commitment to be/feel
committed to sth to be deeply/highly
99 Commit commit commitment committed committed
companion a good/entertaining/constant companion
100 Companion companionship to seek/need/enjoy companionship


great/extreme complexity to be/look complex

101 Complex complexity complex to be extremely/highly complex
to complicate greatly/enormously to
be/look/seem complicated to be
102 Complicate complicate complicated very/highly/incredibly complicated
103 Component component

composition to write a composition to compose music

104 Composition compose composer a famous/leading/successful composer
to fully concentrate on/upon sth
deep/great concentration to require
concentration to lose concentration to
105 Concentrate concentrate concentration concentrated be totally concentrated
to understand/grasp a concept
106 Concept concept abstract concepts
107 Conclude conclude conclusion come to a conclusion / in conclusion
to conduct survey/research to conduct
108 Conduct conduct independently
to attend/go to/organize a conference
109 Conference conference (inter)national/annual/press conference
to confess freely/openly to confess to sth
detailed/full/honest/signed confession
110 Confess confess confession to sign/make/obtain a confession
to congratulate warmly to congratulate
for/on sth congratulations on/upon sth
congratulations to sb on sth
to express/extend/give congratulations
111 Congratulate congratulate congratulations deepest/sincere/hearty congratulations
112 Conquer conquer conquest military conquest
to lose/regain consciousness to be
conscious consciously highly/very conscious of sth
113 Conscious /unconscious consciousness unconscious unconsciously to be/seem/become conscious
to have
consequences to have/lead
114 Consequence consequence consequent consequently to/suffer consequences
conserve energy/strength energy,
115 conserve conserve conservation environmental, forest conservation


to consist of to consist
116 Consist (of) consist entirely/mainly/largely of sth

railway construction construction work

to begin massive construction
117 Construct construct construction constructive constructive advice/criticism
to protect/satisfy consumer to
consumer boost/increase/reduce consumption
consumption high/low consumption
118 Consume consume consumerism alcohol/cigarette/food consumption
119 Contemporary contemporary contemporary music
120 Contrary contrariness contrary contrarily on the contrary
121 Convert convert conversion to convert into sth conversion chart
to cooperate fully/closely close/full
122 Cooperate cooperate cooperation cooperative cooperatively cooperation ask for/call for cooperation

123 Cope (with) cope cope with to cope well/easily

124 Copper copper to mine/produce copper
corn ripe/green corn to grow/harvest
125 Corn sweet corn corn
126 Council council council meeting/member
127 Counter (argument) counter-argument a have counter-argument
to cover objectives
newspaper/press/media coverage
128 Coverage cover coverage to have/receive coverage
129 Coward cowardice cowardly
to crash into sth to
hear a deafening/loud/terrible crash
a crash of thunder the crash of the
waves to cause a serious/fatal crash
130 Crash crash crash crash happens/occurs crash kills sb
economic/financial/family crisis
mid-life crisis to be faced with a
131 Crisis crisis crisis to go through a crisis
132 Crisp crisp crispy a packet of crisps crisp apple/pastry
Criteria (pl)
133 Criteria Criterion(sg)


to criticize bitterly/severely to be widely

criticized harsh/heavy criticism to
criticism express/make criticism about/against sth
134 Critic criticize critic critical critically to be/become critical
to prove/become crucial
135 Crucial crucial crucially crucial for/to
to be/become cruel
extremely/very/deliberately cruel
to show cruelty towards/to sth or sb
136 Cruel cruelty cruel extreme/great/animal cruelty
domestic/foreign currency to change currency
137 Currency currency currency rise/fall
a sharp/tight curve to make/form a
138 Curve curve curve curve
139 Damp dampness damp to be/smell/look damp
to deal with sth to deal
quickly/effectively with sth a
business deal to do/make a deal
140 Deal deal deal a deal between sb and sb
Debate debate about / on debate between
141 debate debate debatable have a debate

debt to have/owe debt big/huge/serious

142 Debt debtor debt to go/get into debt
dental/tooth decay signs of decay
a smell of decay to
143 Decay decay decay cause/stop/reverse decay
to deceive easily to be
144 Deceive deceive deception deceptive very deceptive
to decline politely to decline in
importance/size steep/steady/sharp
145 Decline decline decline decline in sth
degrade into something degrade air/water
146 degrade degrade quality
147 Delay delay delay to cause/lead to delay long delay
148 Deliberate deliberate deliberately a deliberate attempt
to be/seem delightful
delightful to be/feel/look delighted at sth
149 Delight delight delighted to be greatly/highly delighted


western democracy believe in democracy make

150 democracy democracy democratic progress towards democracy
to clearly demonstrate to sb
to peacefully demonstrate against/for sth
to give sb a demonstration to organize/hold a
street demonstration a
big/peaceful/protest demonstration
demonstration to clash with/disperse demonstrators
151 Demonstrate demonstrate demonstrator an anti-government demonstrator
dense forest high/low density measure
152 dense density dense density

to deny firmly/strongly/consistently
153 Deny deny denial in denial firm/strong denial
154 Deposit deposit give/leave/pay a deposit
to descend from sb/sth
to be descended from sb/sth
distant/remote descendant to be a descendant
155 Descend descend descendant of sb
to greatly desire sth
to have/express a desire for sth
a burning/strong desire to be/become/seem
desirable desirable a desired
156 Desire desire desire desired effect/result

to feel sheer/growing desperation about/at sth

to be in desperation to do sth out of
desperation to
157 Desperate desperation desperate desperately be/look/feel desperate

158 Detect detect detective
a balanced/good/healthy diet
to have a diet strict/weight-loss
diet to follow/go on a diet to be on a
159 Diet diet diet diet


to differ considerably/enormously/greatly
to differ from sth to differentiate
clearly to differentiate between sth and sth
to be/appear different to be
very/significantly different
differ big/huge/political difference between sth/sb
160 Differ differentiate difference different differently difference in sth
be in a dilemma face a dilemma
resolve a dilemma create a
dilemma put somebody in a
161 Dilemma dilemma dilemma
to add a new dimension to sth
162 Dimension dimension essential/important dimension
to dip into to dip into now and
163 Dip (into) dip then
to impose/enforce discipline
to have/lack discipline strong/harsh
164 Discipline discipline disciplined a disciplined army
to have/suffer/experience discomfort
to complain of discomfort great/severe
165 Discomfort discomfort discomfort
166 disorder disorder mental/ a blood disorder
to cause/lead to a growing dissatisfaction
among people
dissatisfaction about/over sth
deep/increasing/public dissatisfaction
to feel/have satisfaction complete/deep/great
dissatisfy dissatisfaction dissatisfied to be/feel dissatisfied with sth
167 Dissatisfy/Satisfy satisfy satisfaction satisfied to be/feel satisfied with sth
to distinguish clearly/easily to distinguish
between sth and sth to be
distinguishable clearly distinguishable a
168 Distinguish distinguish distinguished distinguished writer
to distribute fairly/equally equal/regional
169 Distribute distribute distribution distribution


serious/major/considerable disturbance
to cause disturbance to be/become
disturbing disturbing very/extremely/slightly disturbing
170 Disturb disturb disturbance disturbed to be/become/seem seriously disturbed
great/wide/immense diversity
ethnic diversity to create/protect
171 Diverse diversity diverse diversity to be/become diverse

172 Domestic domesticate domestic domesticated domestic market/ economy/pets

173 donate donate donation make a donation donate something to charity

174 dose-dosage dose-dosage recommended dosage
175 Dot (punctuation) dot a pattern of dots
176 Dozen dozen dozens of sth
177 draught draught a severe draught
drawback of/to (doing) something
main/major/real/serious drawbacks
minor/slight drawbacks potential
178 drawback drawbacks

a powerful/strong drug to be on/take drugs

illegal/dangerous drugs to inject drugs
179 Drug drug drug user/addict
a dull place/person to
appear/be/seem/look dull
180 Dull dull extremely/disappointingly dull

181 Duty duty to have a duty to be on/off duty

182 Dynamic dynamism dynamic a dynamic teacher/leader

strong/weak economy developing/growing

economic economy economic growth/policy
183 Economic economy economical economically to be/seem economical
edition latest/first/limited edition to appear
184 Edition editor in an edition
to make an effort to do sth
physical/mental/intellectual effort
185 Effort effort effortless to be/look effortless


to elect annually/democratically/freely
to be elected fair/democratic
election election takes place
186 Elect elect election election campaign
187 Elsewhere elsewhere
severe/total/slight embarrassment
to feel/hide embarrassment
to blush/flush with embarrassment
embarrassing to be embarrassing to be feel/look
188 Embarrass embarrass embarrassment embarrassed embarrassed about sth
to increase employment
employment opportunities/possibilities/prospects
unemployment full-time/part-time employee
employer employed to recruit an employee to be
189 Employ employ employee unemployed temporarily/permanently employed
190 Enclose (attach) enclose enclosure enclosed to enclose completely/fully/totally
to be likely to encounter a
191 Encounter encounter encounter chance/unexpected encounter
to be highly endangered endangered
192 Endanger endanger endangered species/plants
193 Enhance enhance enhancement
enquire enquiry to enquire about to carry
194 Enquire (about)/ Inquire inquire inquiry out/conduct enquiry
195 Entire entire entirely
to envy greatly to show extreme
196 Envy envy envy envious envy to be envious

to equip with sth to be equipped with

197 Equip (with) equip equipment equipped sth office/scientific equipment well equipped
the problem of soil erosion
serious/severe erosion the
rate of erosion
198 Erosion erosion cause/lead to erosion
199 Estate real estate real estate agency/agent
200 Ethics ethics ethical/unethical (un)ethically personal/ business medical ethics
to fully/carefully/thoroughly evaluate
201 Evaluate evaluate evaluation evaluation process
202 Eventually eventual eventually


to look for/have evidence clear/strong

203 Evidence evidence evidence
204 Evil evil evil to be/look/seem evil

205 Evolution evolve evolution to evolve gradually/rapidly to evolve from sth

to exaggerate greatly great/slight
206 Exaggerate exaggerate exaggeration exaggerated exaggeratedly exaggeration exaggerated reports
fully/ properly examine careful/
207 Examine examine examination detailed/ full examination
208 Exclude exclude to be excluded from sth
to be exclusive to sth an exclusive
209 Exclusive exclusive private club
really/still exist to continue to exist
210 Exist exist existence to deny/doubt existence
expected great/high/low expectations
211 Expected expect expectation unexpected to have/hold expectations expected result
export export
212 Export/Import import import the export/import of sth
to be directly exposed to sth
to clearly/fully expose sth
213 Expose expose exposure high/massive/excessive exposure
to express well/fully/clearly a
clear/effective/powerful expression
214 Express express expression to use a common/outdated/slang expression
215 Extent extent to some extent to a great extent
216 External/Internal internal externally internally
a brief/short/long extract from sth
217 Extract extract natural/herbal extract extract of sth
to appear/be/look extraordinary
218 Extraordinary extraordinary extraordinarily to find sth extraordinary

to be/seem/sound extreme very/a bit/a

little/quite extreme in
219 Extreme extreme extremely extreme cases extreme pain/wealth
a main/significant/crucial factor
220 Factor factor to consider a factor
221 Faint faint to be about to faint


to have faith in sth to lose faith

absolute/complete/total faith
222 Faith faith faithful faithfully to be very faithful
223 Fancy fancy fancy fancy dress
body fat to break down/lose
body fat to cut down
fatty on fat to be high/low in fat to
224 Fat fatten fat fattening fat be/feel/look fat

225 fatal fatal fatally injured fatally fatal disease/accident/mistake

a dreadful/terrible/cruel fate
a common/usual fate to hold/have sb's
fate in your hands to
226 Fate fate leave/put your fate in sb's hands
suffer from fatigue extreme/severe/mental
227 fatigue fatigue fatigue
to be all/entirely your fault a faultless
228 Fault fault faultless performance

deep/great/terrible fear to
experience/have/feel fear
the fear of sth
to really fear to be/appear/look
fearful fearful to be extremely/very fearful about
229 Fear fear fear fearless fearfully sth to be/seem fearless

230 Feather feather to be as light as a feather feather pillow

to regularly/rarely feature
essential/important/key/main features
231 Feature feature feature to have features
the federal government federal
232 Federal federal agency/agent/employee
to breast-feed to feed
233 Feed feed food properly/well to feed with

234 Fence fence a garden/electric fence to build a fence

fertile land remain fertile a
235 fertility fertility fertile highly fertile soil fertility rate


to figure that + sentence

to figure out according to the
figures a dominant/legendary figure
236 Figure figure figure to have/keep a good/beautiful figure

237 Finance finance finance financial financially to finance largely/partially a financial adviser
to flash sth at sb to notice/see a
238 Flash flash flash bright flash
to have flexibility to have
considerably/enormous/great flexibility
flexible to be/seem flexible to be
239 Flexible/ Inflexible flexibility inflexible extremely/highly flexible
240 Flour flour
to forbid strictly
241 Forbid forbid forbidden to be forbidden from doing sth
to formulate plan/legislation
242 Formulate formulate formulation to formulate carefully
243 Forthcoming forthcoming to be forthcoming

to have ill/good fortune to bring sb fortune

to make a fortune fortune-teller
to be fortunate to do sth It is/was fortunate
fortunate fortunately that + sentence to be/seem
244 Fortunate/ Unfortunate fortune unfortunate unfortunately fortunate
to be founded in + year original founder
founder to set up/establish foundation
245 Founder found foundation a charitable/private foundation
246 fragment fragment fragments of something
to frame sth a picture/window
247 Frame frame frame frame
to really frighten to frighten sb to
death to be shaking with fright to
frightening be/look/seem frightening/frightened to be
248 Fright frighten fright frightened very/terribly frightened
fulfill responsibilities/requirements derive
249 fulfill fulfill fulfillment fulfillment from sth
to fund largely/partially to have limited
funds to allocate/raise funds
250 Fund fund fund government/private/public funds
251 Furthermore furthermore


to gamble on sth a
gamble big/huge/desperate gamble
gambling compulsive/illegal gambling a
252 Gamble gamble gambler compulsive/heavy gambler
253 Gear gear fishing/camping gear
gender differences/inequality gender
254 Gender gender identity/role
genetically modified food genetic
255 gene gene genetics genetic genetically disorder/defect/inheritance
generation to generate electricity electricity/gas
256 Generate generate generator generation electrical generator

to show extraordinary/great/unusual generosity

to take advantage of generosity
to be/become/seem generous
257 Generosity generosity generous generously bly generous
to be/look genuine to be
completely/perfectly genuine
to show genuine interest
258 Genuine genuine genuinely to be genuinely interested in sth
259 gesture gesture make a gesture

across the globe around the globe

globe global language global warming
260 Global globalisation global globally to compete globally
261 Glory glory glorious gloriously the glory of sth
to believe in God to
god worship/pray to/thank God
262 God goddess to have faith in God

government to govern well to elect governor

263 Govern govern governor governmental a governmental decision about sth
a gradual change/improvement to
264 Gradual gradual gradually gradually change sth
265 Grant grant to grant sb sth
to be/feel/look grateful to be
grateful to sb for sth to be
266 Grateful grateful gratefully deeply/enormously/extremely grateful
267 Grave grave a grave mistake


pure/sheer greed to be driven by

268 Greed greed greedy greedily greed
to be overwhelmed with guilt
to feel/look guilty about sth
to feel extremely/incredibly guilty
269 Guilt guilt guilty guiltily to find sb guilty of sth
gunfire to be armed with a gun to
270 Gun gunshot carry/have a gun
271 Hammer hammer to hit sth with hammer
272 Handful handful a handful of sth
273 Handle handle to handle sth
to harm seriously/deliberately/physically
to cause/do harm
considerable/great/serious harm
to be/become harmful extremely/very
harmful harmful to be/appear/look/sound
274 Harm harm harm harmless harmless

275 Heaven heaven heavenly to go to heaven a heaven on earth

to hesitate a little/a moment
to hesitate about sth a
brief/slight/momentary hesitation
276 Hesitate hesitate hesitation a moment of hesitation
277 Highly height high highly
278 hint hint hint a clear/strong hint give sbd a hint
279 Homeless homelessness homeless to be/become/end up homeless
to be/feel honoured
honoured deeply/greatly/truly honoured
280 Honour honour honour honourable to be very/completely honourable
281 Horn horn
to contain humour to be/look
humorous extremely/very/quite/slightly
282 Humour humour humorous humorously humorous
the arrival of a hurricane
283 Hurricane hurricane hurricane+blow


to ignore completely/totally/consistently
to be widely ignored to ignore the
fact that + sentence
complete/total ignorance ignorance
about sth to show ignorance
to live in ignorance
to be ignorant of sth to
be/appear/seem ignorant
284 Ignore ignore ignorance ignorant completely/entirely/totally ignorant
to illustrate well/nicely
good/excellent/perfect illustration
285 Illustrate illustrate illustration to give/provide an illustration
to create a positive/negative/macho image
286 Image image to improve image
287 Immediate immediate immediately immediate response/effect

immigration policy/control illegal

immigration to control
immigration an
illegal/foreign immigrant to
accept/deport immigrants
immigrant population illegal/ foreign immigrant
immigration illegal/ large-scale/ immigration
immigrate immigrant immigration rules/ officer/ service
migrate migrant immigrate from / to
288 Immigrant emigrate migration
to protect/strengthen morality
traditional/social morality moral
morality moral standards/values to be/seem/sound immoral
289 Immoral /moral immorality immoral to consider sth as immoral

be immune to sth become immune/remain

290 Immune immunity immune immune have immunity to sth
to impact on sth to have/create
an impact to have a
291 Impact impact impact big/considerable/dramatic/enormous impact


to implement fully/properly to be
forced/obliged to implement
to implement successfully/effectively
to implement a law/system/plan
Implement (a effective/successful/complete/full
292 law/system/plan) implement implementation implementation
to clearly/usually imply to have a
clear/obvious implication
the implication is/was that + sentence
to have/understand/assess implications
to have serious implications for sth
to have considerable/crucial/enormous
293 Imply imply implication implications
to impose sth to impose on sb
294 Impose impose to impose a ban/tax
to impress sb with sth to really
impress an attempt to impress
to form/gain/get/have a strong impression
about sth/sb to have the
impression that + sentence
to make a bad/good/wrong/right impression
to make/create/leave a lasting impression
impressive an impressive performance/view to
295 Impress impress impression impressed impressively be/feel/seem impressed about sth
Incident Incident , incidence
296 incidental incidentally major, serious incident
a steep incline to be inclined towards
297 Incline incline inclined sth
to have/receive income
high/large/low/small income
298 Income income to depend on income

to complete on schedule/on time

to complete successfully
completion date
complete to be/seem complete to be/remain
299 Incomplete/ Complete complete completion incomplete completely incomplete to leave sth incomplete
to cause inflation to raise
inflation high/moderate/low
300 Inflation inflation inflation rising inflation


inheritance from sb large/

301 Inherit inherit inheritance small inheritance
302 Initial initial initially
to injure badly/severely/seriously
to cause injury to suffer from
injury bad/terrible/severe
injury a risk of injury
to be/lie injured to be
303 Injure injure injury injured badly/slightly/fatally injured
304 Innate innate innately an innate quality/ability
to be convinced of sb's innocence
to be innocent to be
305 Innocent innocence innocent innocently completely/entirely innocent of sth
to receive/get input to provide input
306 Input input data/computer input
to inspect carefully/closely/thoroughly
inspection to conduct careful/close/detailed inspection
307 Inspector inspect inspector school/tax inspector

great/sheer inspiration to
find/get/gain inspiration to give
sb inspiration to lack inspiration
an inspirational talk to
be/seem inspiring to be
inspirational deeply/very/really inspiring to
inspiring be/feel inspired to feel
308 Inspiration inspire inspiration inspired inspired to do sth
an instant success instant
coffee instant
309 Instant instant instantly messaging
first instinct have a deep/powerful/strong instinct
310 Instinct instinct instinctive instinctively for sth totally instinctive
a mental institution a
financial/research/educational institution
311 Institution institution institutional the institution of marriage
312 Insufficient/Sufficient insufficient/sufficient insufficiently/ sufficiently prove insufficient


to insult publicly a
bad/terrible/deliberate insult to sb
to be/seem/sound insulting to
be very/highly/quite insulting
insulting an insulting remark to be/feel
313 Insult insult insult insulted deeply insulted

to insure sb/sth against sth to ensure that +

sentence to get
sth insured to be fully insured
long-term/short-term insurance
314 Insure/Ensure insure/ensure insurance insured to have/obtain insurance insurance policy
315 Intellectual intellect intellectual intellectually intellectual capacity human intellect
to have/demonstrate/show intelligence
considerable/great/high intelligence
intelligence test a child of low
intelligence to be/look/seem
intelligent to be extremely/highly
316 Intelligence intelligence intelligent intelligently intelligent

intentional intentionally to intend to do sth intention

317 Intend intend intention unintentional unintentionally to do sth intention of doing sth
intensive training/course
318 Intensive intensive intensively intensive care
to interfere directly/seriously to
interfere with/in sth to have a
right/no right to interfere
government/political interference
319 Interfere interfere interference to prevent/tolerate interference
interior design
320 Interior interior interior designer/decorator
to interpret correctly/wrongly/differently to
be hard/difficult to interpret
to make a interpretation
interpretation correct/right/valid/false/wrong interpretation
321 Interpret (understand) interpret interpreter to speak through an interpreter


to invest in sth to decide to

invest to be willing to invest
to invest time/energy in sth
investment good/excellent/profitable investment
322 Invest invest investor a big/large/potential/prospective investor
to investigate carefully/closely to
investigation carry out/conduct an investigation
323 Investigate investigate investigator careful/close/detailed/extensive investigation
ironing to produce iron rusty iron
324 Iron iron iron to need ironing ironing board
powerful sense of irony seem ironic
325 Ironic irony ironic ironically ironically speaking
the rationale behind sth
rational a rational argument/debate/explanation
326 Irrational / Rational rationale irrational rationally to be/seem/appear irrational

to really irritate to slightly/easily

irritate to be/feel/look irritated
irritating deeply/visibly/a little irritated
327 Irritate irritate irritation irritated irritatingly an irritating habit
to raise/discuss an issue a
328 Issue (topic/subject) issue burning/critical/crucial issue
to judge sth correctly/rightly/wrongly
Don't judge a book by its cover.
to make a judgement about sth
to have good/bad judgement
judgement snap judgement an
329 Judge judge judge judgemental experienced judge
to ask for/want justice to get justice
to escape justice to bring sb to
330 Justice justice justice
to really/truly justify to give (sb)
justification to provide (sb with)
considerable/sufficient justification
to be/seem justifiable to consider sth
justifiable to be
331 Justify justify justification justifiable economically/ethically/entirely justifiable


great/natural/unexpected kindness
to show sb kindness to receive
kindness kind kindly to be (un)kind to sb to kindly offer
332 Kindness unkindness unkind unkindly sth
333 Kneel kneel knee to kneel down
334 Latter /Former latter/former latterly/formerly the former president/wife/employer
335 Launch launch launch the launch of the space shuttle
336 Lay lay to lay eggs to lay the table
to lead to sth to lead the way
a born/natural/charismatic leader
lead leader leading to show/provide effective/strong leadership
337 Lead mislead leadership misleading misleading information/statements
to fight to protect liberty to lose/win
338 Liberty liberty liberty
339 Literary literature literary
live a lively conversation/debate a lively
340 Lively liveliness lively child
to loan sth to sb a bank loan
to apply for/ask for loan a
341 Loan loan loan large/massive/long-term/short-term loan
to locate accurately/precisely the
precise/exact/specific location
locate location to show the location to dislocate
342 Locate dislocate dislocation a shoulder
logical logically to understand the logic behind sth
343 Logic logic illogical illogically to be/seem/sound (il)logical
Loyal extremely, very loyal show loyalty to, for,
344 loyalty loyal from
345 Lung lung lung cancer

mail to mail to sb
346 Mail mail e-mail junk mail voice mail
to maintain order to be difficult
to maintain to maintain
annual/regular/routine maintenance
to carry out/need/require maintenance
347 Maintain maintain maintenance preventative/careful maintenance


manual labour/work
instruction manual to
348 Manual manual manual manually check/consult a manual
to manufacture products to start to
manufacture large-scale/industrial
manufacture manufacturing
manufacturing big/large/leading manufacturer
349 Manufacture manufacture manufacturer car/food manufacturing

mass of sth
enormous/great/huge/large mass of sth
mass production/destruction mass
mass murderer a massive
350 Mass mass massive massively building massive debts
351 Mayor mayor to elect sb as mayor local mayor
media coverage/reports/interest
local/national media
media news/print/visual media the medium
352 Media medium of instruction
modern/traditional medicine
to take medicine
powerful/strong medicine
353 Medical medicine medical medically medical advice/books
mental health/illness a mentally ill
354 Mental mental mentally person

The Ministry of Education/Defence/Agriculture

ministry prime/chief minister to appoint sb as
355 Ministry minister minister
356 Minor/ Major majority minor/major to be/seem minor
a woman with a mission dangerous mission
357 mission mission complete a mission
358 mobility mobility mobile limited/increased mobility job/social mobility
to be in a good/bad mood cheerful/happy
mood to create a mood
359 Mood mood moody to be moody
360 Moonlight moonlight bright/clear/pale moonlight


361 mortgage mortgage take out/pay off mortgage big/small mortgage

to make a motion circular
motion to be/remain
362 Motion motion motionless motionless
motor a large/powerful motor motor
motorist racing a busy
motorway motorway a powerful motorbike
motorbike/motorcycl police motorbike to
363 Motorist e ride a motorbike
to murder brutally to murder in cold
blood mass murder
terrible/vicious murder to
commit murder murder witness
364 Murder murder murder murderer mass/serial murderer
to nail sth to sth nail polish
to bite your nails
365 Nail nail nail sharp/long/manicured nails
to be/appear/feel naked
almost/completely/entirely naked
to be seen with the naked eye
366 Naked naked to be invisible to the naked eye
a nationwide campaign to carry out
367 Nationwide nationwide nationwide nationwide
368 Native native native Native American
to have/build a navy strong navy
369 Navy navy to join the navy

370 Needle needle long/sharp needle to use a needle

social network
371 Network network television/computer network
372 Neutral neutral remain/stay neutral
373 Nevertheless nevertheless
374 Nonetheless nonetheless
to talk nonsense
375 Nonsense nonsense absolute/complete/pure/utter nonsense
376 Northern north northern
377 novice novice novice pilot/teacher/user


to object to sth objection

to/against sth to have/make objection
378 Objection object objection serious/strenuous/strong objection
observation to observe carefully/closely
379 Observe observe observer careful/close/detailed observation
380 Obstacle obstacle to overcome a main/major obstacle
381 Obtain obtain obtainable to obtain a degree
to remember occasions a special
382 Occasion occasion occasional occasionally occasion

to occupy the city

continuing/military occupation
to take up an occupation full-
time/dangerous occupation
occupied territory to be occupied
383 Occupy occupy occupier occupation occupied with sth to keep sb occupied with sth

to occur commonly/frequently to
be likely to occur a common
384 Occur occur occurrence occurrence to predict an occurrence
to be/feel/seem odd It's odd that +
385 Odd odd oddly sentence to find sth odd
to offend deeply/gravely/greatly to be
likely to offend major/serious offence
to cause/give offence a
persistent offender to
appear/be/seem offensive
offence offensive extremely offensive to feel/look
386 Offend offend offender offended offended
to offer kindly/generously
a job offer to refuse/accept
387 Offer offer offer an offer
a dangerous/main opponent
388 Opponent opponent a political opponent

to oppose firmly/strongly to oppose doing sth

to express considerable/strong opposition
opposition the opposite of sth just/quite the
389 Oppose oppose opposite opposed opposite


to originate in + place to be
extremely/highly original
origin to have/display originality
390 Origin originate originality original originally great/startling originality in sth
391 Ornament ornament ornamental to be highly/very ornamental
392 Outcome outcome major outcome
to be outstanding to consider sth
outstanding particularly/really
outstanding to be
393 Outstanding outstanding outstandingly outstandingly successful
to overcome completely/successfully
394 Overcome overcome to overcome a main/major obstacle
an overseas student to live/work
395 Overseas overseas overseas overseas
to owe sb an apology/explanation to
396 Owe owe owe money
the pace of sth to
397 Pace pace increase/decrease/maintain pace
398 parade parade hold a parade fashion/colorful parade
parliament to approve sth current
399 Parliament parliament parliament
to be partial partially
400 Partial partial partially cooked
401 Particular particular particularly
402 Passage passageway long/short/narrow passage
to arouse/awaken passion grand/great
passionate passion to be passionate about sth
403 Passion passion passionless passionately a passionless marriage
to pause briefly to pause for a
moment to take a
404 Pause pause pause brief/momentary/short/long pause
405 Peak peak peak to reach a peak high/rocky peak
to live on state pension to get/receive a
406 Pension pension pension
to perceive clearly /easily/readily
to have/gain perception
407 Perceive perceive perception clear/common/widely-held perception
to be permanent to make sth
408 Permanent permanent permanently permanent


to permit legally to have/gain

permissive permission to be highly/extremely
409 Permit permit permission permissible permissive to be permissible
different/new/broader perspective
410 Perspective perspective to see things from a different perspective
during a phase to go through a
411 Phase phase phase
to investigate a phenomenon phenomenon to
phenomenon (SG) common/universal/widespread phenomenon
412 Phenomenon phenomena (PL) phenomenal to be/become phenomenal
413 Pint (of beer/milk) pint pint of beer/milk
a portion of sth a generous/large
414 Portion portion portion to divide sth into portions
correct/exact position to change
position (un)comfortable/sitting position
to strengthen/achieve/reach position
415 Position position business/economic/financial position
the presence of sb/sth to be/remain
416 Presence presence present present
417 Previous previous previously
primary responsibility primary
418 Primary primary primarily school
419 primitive primitive primitively primitive tools/living conditions /society
basic/central principle to be against
420 Principle principle your principles
medical/teaching profession
the lack of professionalism to lack
professionalism to be
profession strictly professional to deal with sth
421 Profession professionalism professional professionally professionally
to progress well/rapidly
slow/rapid progress to make
progress progress gradual/slow
422 Progress progress progression progressive progressively progression to be highly/very progressive
Prohibit Prohibit prohibit from impose, abolish ,
lift prohibitions prohibition
423 prohibition prohibitory against, of
424 Property property private/public property


425 pros and cons pros and cons pros and cons of sth pros of living in a big city
the prospect of sth
426 Prospect prospect prospective a prospective buyer
to punch hard/lightly to throw a
powerful/knockout punch a punch on the
427 Punch punch punch nose
428 Punctual punctuality punctual punctually to be punctual
to purchase sth to purchase
429 Purchase purchase purchase sth in advance cash/credit purchase
430 Pure purify purification pure purely to purify water/the air purity of voice
to pursue a career in + a field
to pursue effectively/successfully
431 Pursue pursue pursuit the pursuit of happiness
to have/hold a qualification
formal/recognized qualification
to improve quality
qualification excellent/good/low/poor quality
432 Qualify qualify quality qualified to be qualified
to quarrel about/over sth to quarrel
to have a quarrel about sth to have a quarrel
with sb a serious/violent/family
433 Quarrel quarrel quarrel quarrelsome quarrel
434 Quote quote quotation to take a quotation
to range from X to Y to range
enormously/widely to have range
broad/enormous/extensive range
435 Range range range a wide range of sth
to be/seem rapid
436 Rapid rapid rapidly rapid change/growth
437 Rarely rare rarely to be rare
438 Rate rate rate to go at a tremendous rate

439 Razor razor to shave with a razor electric razor

440 Rear rear rear rear door/window


to recover completely/fully/partially
to make a recovery
amazing/full/fast/slow recovery
to make a recovery from sth
441 Recover recover recovery to show signs of recovery
to reflect on sth
to reflect back
to gaze/stare at a reflection
clear/fain reflection to be highly
442 Reflect reflect reflection reflective reflective
a refugee camp be a refugee
443 refugee refugee arrive in a country as a refugee
444 Region region regional regionally a regional accent/dialect/newspaper
to regret doing sth to regret that +
sentence to regret deeply/greatly
to have/feel regret
regretful regretfully big/deep/great regret a regretful
445 Regret regret regret regrettable regrettably glance/smile
regulation to regulate carefully/closely
446 Regulation regulate regulator strict/tight regulation
447 Reject reject rejection to reject firmly
to release quickly/eventually/accidentally
448 Release release release early release from prison
relevance relevant to have/lack/lose relevance to
449 Relevant /Irrelevant irrelevance irrelevant be/seem/become relevant
to rely heavily/strongly on sth
to assess/ensure reliability
reliable high/poor reliability to be very
450 Reliable /unreliable rely reliability unreliable reliably reliable
451 Remain remain remains remaining the remains of sth
452 Remarkable unremarkable remarkably
an effective remedy for sth to
453 Remedy remedy need/take remedy
454 Reproduce reproduce reproduction reproductory reproductory organs
to have a worldwide reputation for sth
to destroy a reputation to have
reputable a good/bad reputation
455 Reputation reputation disreputable reputably to be highly/very reputable


family/close/obvious resemblance between sbd

456 resemble resemble resemblance and sbd closely resemble
457 resistant resist resistance resistant be resistant to sth couldn't resist sth
to restore confidence
to restore antiques
458 Restore restore restoration to be closed for restoration
to reveal that + sentence to be
459 Reveal reveal revealing deeply/highly revealing
to seek/want revenge to
get/have revenge sweet revenge
revenge attack/killing an act of
460 Revenge revenge revengeful revenge
to carry out/conduct revolution
successful/bloody/violent revolution
revolution breaks out/spreads
461 Revolution revolution revolutionary revolutionary changes
to reward generously/well for sth
to gain/get considerable reward
great/high/huge reward to be
rewarding to find sth
462 Reward reward reward rewarding rewarding
463 Ripe ripeness ripe to be/look/smell/taste ripe
to risk losing sth to take a
big/considerable/great/high risk
464 Risk risk risk risky to be very risky
465 Role role model to have/play a central/crucial/key role
rotate around sth the rotation of the Earth
466 rotate rotate rotation job rotation
467 Rotten rotten rotten fruit
468 Rough roughness rough roughly
469 Rub rub rub to rub hard
to ruin completely/totally an ancient
470 Ruin ruin ruin ruined ruined castle
to rule justly to impose rule
rule to follow/observe/obey the rules
471 Rule misrule rule to break the rules
472 Rusty rust rusty rusty nails
473 Sack sack sack to get the sack
474 Sacred sacred a sacred object


to make sacrifice animal/human

475 Sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice
476 Sake sake for the sake of sb/sth for sb's sake
477 Sample sample a sample of sth
to feel/gain/get satisfaction
satisfied complete/deep/great satisfaction
dissatisfied to be/feel/appear satisfied to be
satisfaction satisfying deeply/extremely satisfying
478 Satisfy satisfy dissatisfaction satisfactory satisfactorily to be/look satisfactory
safe saving
479 Saving save safety savings safely to save the planet to save money
480 Scale scale a large-scale investigation
481 Scent scent scented to lose the scent
be highly/deeply sceptical about something
482 Sceptical/Skeptical sceptical/skeptical sceptically/skeptically have a sceptical attitude towards something
483 Secretary (of state) secretary

secure security measures/precautions

484 Secure /Insecure security insecure securely security alert national security
485 segment segment segment of the population
486 Seldom seldom
to select carefully to make
selection to be very/extremely
487 Select select selection selective selective
488 semi semi semi-final semi-detached semi-professional
sensitive to be/become sensitive
489 Sensitive insensitive sensitively deeply/extremely/highly sensitive
490 sensory sensory sensory problems/systems
to have/employ a servant
491 Servant servant devoted/faithful servant
to be filled with shame to
bring/cause shame deep shame
shameful shamefully to be shameful/shameless
492 Shame shame shameless shamelessly shameful scenes
493 shareholder shareholder shareholder of a company
494 Shell shell sea shell
495 Silk silk silk dress/shirt
496 Silver silver
497 Simply simplify simplification simple simply


498 Slide slide slide to slide slowly/easily to show slide

499 Slope slope a steep slope
500 Smash smash smash
501 Smooth smoothness smooth smoothly to be/feel/look smooth
502 Somewhat somewhat
503 Source source the source of income/information
504 Southern south southern
505 Spare spare spare spare parts
to specialize in sth
local/regional speciality to be
506 Speciality specialize speciality specialized specialized in sth
507 Specify specify specification specifically to specify clearly/fully

to be spiced with sth heavily/highly

spiced to be/smell/taste spicy
508 Spicy spice spice spicy to be very/mildly/quite spicy
509 Spirit spirit
to spoil completely to spoil a child
with sth a
510 Spoil spoil spoiled spoiled child

511 sponsor sponsor sponsor(ship) major sponsor a sponsor for sth sponsor sbd
512 Spray spray sprayer hair spray

to be badly/heavily/slightly stained
513 Stain stain stain stainless stubborn/dark stain stainless steel
starve to death face starvation/die of
514 starve starve starvation starvation starvation wage/diet

to state clearly/exactly to be in a
good/healthy state a
state state of shock to make
515 State state statement statement brief/short statement
516 Statue statue a statue of sth
steady to be/seem steady
517 Steady /unsteady steadiness unsteady remarkably/very steady
518 Steam steam steam steaming to generate/produce steam


stainless steel to
519 Steel steel produce/manufacture steel
steep hill steep rise
to be/look steep to rise
520 Steep steepness steep steeply steeply
521 Steer steer to steer a car
to make/take/follow a step
522 Step step step big/considerable/huge/small step
to be stocked to stock
523 Stocks stock stocks plentifully/well/fully
heavy/hard stone precious
524 Stone stone stone
525 Straightforward straightforward to be/look straightforward
to strain hard to
526 Strain strain strain strained be/feel strained
to be/feel/seem strange a
complete stranger to behave
527 Stranger stranger strange strangely strangely
effective/good/successful strategy
528 Strategy strategy strategic strategically strategic planning
529 Stream stream stream

to strike hard/firmly
It struck me that + sentence
to be struck by lightning to go
on strike to be striking
530 Strike strike strike striking a striking resemblance
to have/suffer a stroke
531 Stroke stroke serious/minor/fatal stroke
to struggle with sth to struggle
desperately/hard to
struggle badly great/life-and-
532 Struggle struggle struggle death struggle
533 Studio studio a recording studio
534 subjective subjective a subjective idea
to submit formally
535 Submit submit submission complete/total submission
to substitute for sth a substitute
536 Substitute substitute substitute teacher
537 subtract subtract subtraction subtract sth from sth


to suit fine/well to be
suitable for sb to be/look
suitable to be
538 Suitable suit suitable suitably suitably dressed
to survey carefully to carry
out/conduct a survey
detailed/extensive survey survey to
539 Survey survey survey find out sth
to suspect that + sentence to be
widely suspected
to have a suspicion that + sentence
the prime suspect to be/feel
suspicion suspicious to be suspicious about sth
540 Suspect suspect suspect suspicious suspiciously a suspicious-looking car/van
541 Sustain sustain sustainability sustainable environmentally sustainable
542 Swallow swallow to swallow quickly/accidentally
543 swap swap swap places
to swear at sb to use a
swear word a bad/strong/mild
544 Swear swear swear word swear word
sweat to sweat a lot/heavily to make sb
sweats sweat to drip /pour with sweat
sweatshirt heavy/cold sweat to be/feel/look
545 Sweat sweat sweater sweaty sweaty
546 Sweep sweep sweep up

an artificial sweetener
sweetness to be/smell/taste sweet to be
547 Sweet sweeten sweetener sweet very/extremely sweet to look terribly sweet
to switch easily/readily a
sudden/immediate switch
548 Switch switch switch to make a switch
to sympathize really/deeply to
feel/have/express sympathy
deep/great/genuine sympathy
549 Sympathy sympathize sympathy sympathetic sympathetically to be sympathetic

550 Tail tail long/short tail to wag/wave tail


to target carefully/deliberately/particularly
to target sb to aim at a
target obvious/potential
551 Target target target target

to taste strongly/slightly to taste like

sth to taste
to have a distinctive/pleasant/refreshing taste
tasty to be tasty/tasteless
tasteless to be very tasteful to be
552 Taste taste taste tasteful tastefully tastefully dressed/decorated
to tear badly/easily to burst into
tears to be in tears
553 Tear tear tear tearful tearfully to be/look tearful
to have a technique
effective/successful/simple technique
to be very/extremely technical
554 Technique technique technical technically technically advanced weapons

a bad temper to
555 Temper temper bad-tempered have/control/lose temper to be bad-tempered
a temporary job temporary
556 Temporary temporary temporarily housing
to tend to do sth to have a
557 Tendency tend tendency tendency to do sth
a tender kiss/look to feel/show
tenderness extreme/great/infinite
558 Tender tenderness tender tenderness

559 Terminal terminal terminally terminal cancer terminally ill

560 Thanks to thanks to somebody/something
561 Thesis thesis to work on/write a thesis
a thirst for sth to quench your
thirst to feel
562 Thirst thirst thirsty thirstily thirsty
563 Thorough thorough thoroughly a thorough investigation
Threat Threaten Threatening threaten to do something threaten
somebody with something life-
564 threat threatening pose a threat


565 Throughout throughout

566 Tide tide high/low tide
tin a tin of beans/soup a biscuit/paint
567 Tin tin opener tin
568 Tone tone the tone of the author
569 Tornado tornado like a tornado
be on the track of sb/sth get off the track
570 Track track track track smth/sb down
to transfer sth from X to Y to make a
transfer massive/successful
571 Transfer transfer transfer transfer

572 Transform transform transformation to undergo a dramatic/amazing transformation

transparent plastic to be/look
573 Transparent transparency transparent transparent
574 Tray tray tea tray, food tray
575 Treasure treasure buried treasure
tremendous amount of sth tremendous
576 tremendous tremendous tremendously help/achievement
fair trial to bring sb to trial
577 Trial trial trial and error
578 Triangle triangle triangular
579 Trunk trunk tree trunk, the trunk of a car

to trust completely trust to exist

580 Trust trust trust trustworthy to be trustworthy
tuition fee
afford/pay the tuition
581 Tuition tuition school tuition
582 Typical typical typically to be typical of sb
583 Ultimate ultimate ultimately the ultimate aim/solution
584 Uncover /cover cover to uncover evidence
585 Underneath underneath
586 Undo undo
forgettable to forget completely/entirely
587 Unforgettable forget unforgettable to be truly unforgettable
588 unintelligible unintelligible/intelligible intelligibly intelligible handwrting&speech
589 Union union The European Union


a unique opportunity
590 Unique uniqueness unique uniquely to be unique to sth
likely to be (un)likely to do sth It's likely that +
591 Unlikely unlikely sentence
to predict accurately/successfully to
predict that + sentence to make correct
predictable prediction to
592 Unpredictable predict prediction unpredictable be/seem predictable
suitable to be suitable for sb
593 Unsuitable unsuitable suitably to be suitably dressed
to be sure that + sentence to be unsure
sure about sth to be unsure of yourself
594 Unsure unsure surely to make sure that + sentence
595 Unwanted want unwanted to want badly/desperately
596 Upright upright to sit/stand upright
597 Upside (down) upside down upside down to turn sth upside down
a matter of great urgency
an urgent message to be increasingly
598 Urgent urgency urgent urgently urgent to be in urgent need of sth
599 Valid invalid a valid argument
to vary widely to offer
great/huge variety
variety extreme/great/wide variability
600 Various vary variability various variously various reasons
601 verbal verbal verbal abuse/agreement
602 Victim victim helpless/innocent victim
famous/glorious/historic victory
603 Victory victory victorious a victorious army
clear/good/excellent visibility
visibility visible visibly to be barely/hardly visible to be visible
604 Visible invisibility invisible invisibly to the naked eye
605 Volume volume volume of sth
to volunteer to do sth unpaid
volunteer voluntary
work/organizations to leave
606 Volunteer volunteer volunteer voluntary voluntarily voluntarily
vote to vote for sb to vote against
607 Vote vote voter sth to persuade voter


608 Wander wander wanderer to wander slowly/aimlessly
to warn clearly/firmly to warn
constantly/repeatedly to warn that +
sentence to warn to do sth
to give (sb) a strong warning
609 Warn warn warning to receive a warning
to have/possess wealth
great/enormous wealth to be/look
610 Wealth wealth wealthy wealthy
a lethal/powerful weapon to use/carry
a weapon to be armed with a weapon
611 Weapon weapon nuclear weapons
to promote/improve welfare
612 Welfare welfare child/community welfare
613 Western west western
614 Wheat wheat to grow wheat

to whistle softly/cheerfully dog/police

615 Whistle whistle whistle whistle to blow whistle
willingness willing willingly to show/express willingness
616 Willing/ Unwilling unwillingness unwilling unwillingly to be (un)willing to do sth
617 Wipe wipe to wipe out sth
to wire properly
618 Wire wire wire wireless electrical wire
wise deep/great wisdom to be/look
619 Wisdom wisdom unwise wisely wise
620 Withdraw withdraw withdrawal
to witness sth
eyewitness crucial/key
621 Witness witness witness witness
to wound badly
622 Wound wound wound bad/deep/serious wound


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