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Conclusion: IF Swift is not replaced with another vendor, there will be serious health consequesnces for
K students.


Student don’t like swift’s low-fact, low-calorie meal


1. Another vendor will provide some tasty food

a. The low budget is not suffecient to provide tasty food.
b. May be the food is tasty to other students.
2. Less tasty food will encourage student to bring food of their own and they are not healthier.
a. Normally student don’t have enough money to buy costly food.
b. There might not be any shop in the vicinity to buy them easily.
c. May be the authoriyt impose restiction to bring food from outside

Sensitivity: Open
In the letter to the principle of a private school, the partent of the students pesented / concluded that
without the replacement of Swift, the private vendor of cafeteria, there will be an unavoidable
deterioration of physical condition of the students - despite the fact that they provide healthy foods in
term of low-calorie and low-fat.The parent has come to this conclusion based on the fact that students
don’t consider it delicious- which was substantiated by his son and his friends-and it may encourage
them to bring less healthy food instead of eating cafetaria food.However, before this argument can be
properly evaluated, two questions need to be answered.

First of all, in order to ratify the claim whether the replacement of Swift will change the food quality,it is
necessary to evaluate/answer the question-whether the current aggrement between Swift and
Kensington Academy enforce them to follow strict budget limit, and whether they are guided to follow a
strict menu. - whether the other vedor are ready to comply with the agreement. while it is possible that
the current vendor are capable enough to serve some delicious food, there may be stricted buget limit
to prepare thier food which may prevent them from adding more ingredient to make it tasty, and may
be they are guided to follow the strictguidline to maintain food menu and ingredient.For instance, there
are some tasty food like burger or sandwitch whcih could be prepared within the budget, but they are
guided to avoid preparing heavy calorie food.Further, we need to response to the query - whether the
other vendors are ready to comply with the agreement. There is a possibility that they are not capable
of preparing tasty food with the strict budget limit or with the provided guideline. if either of these
condition is true, then the conclusion drawn in the original argument is significantly weakened.

Or if that is what is occuring here, then the assertion in the original letter is at best premature and at
worst entirely invalid. Thus, before a proper evaluation of the argument can proceed, this question must
be answered.

Secondly, will the less tasty food encourage the students to bring their own food? There is a possibility
that they dont have enough money to buy costly food, and even if some of them are capable enough to
buy those food,there is a possibility that those shops are suited outside the vicinity.For instance, the
chain shops are normally suited in the city centre or bisides the busy stree, and they normally avoided
campus area. Futher, there is a possibility that the authority has imposed restriction to bring food
otherthan cafeteria to enforce the students to take healthier food. If this is the case,then the conclusion
drawn by the strongly-worded letter does not hold water and be thus dismissied by the school’s

Sensitivity: Open

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