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B.Sc. Industrial Chemistry (Vocational)
(Semester- 3 ) EXAMINATION
19th NOVEMBER 2013, Tuesday
Course No. : US03CICV02
(Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer)
Total Marks: 70 Time: 2:30 to 5:30pm
�·' Answer the given multiple choice questions. [10]
1. A flow ,in which the volume and thus the density of the flowing fluid changes ·

during the flow is called

a) Incompressible c)Compressible flow
b) Steady flow d)Streamline flow
2. A fluid is a substance which is
a) capable to flow c)no definite shape
b) Undergoes deformation when subjected to shear force d) All of the above
3. The branch of engineering science which deals with the behaviors of gaseous
fluids at rest is called
a)Aerodynamics b)Hydrodynamics c)Hydrostatic d)Aerostatic
4. Which of the following valve permits flow of fluid only in one direction.
a)Gate valve b) Globe valve c)Check valve d) Diaphragm valve
5. Conduction is restricted to flow of heat in ...........
a)Solids b) Liquids c) Gases d) Both solids and liquids
6. Pipe fitting employed in pipeline for changing cross section of the pipe
a).Elbow b) Reducer c) union d) cork
7. Equipment which removes latent heat with the help of a suitable cooling medium
is ....................
a )Condenser b) cooler c) boiler d) heater.
8. The metal pipe employed to extended the heat transfer surface are known as�---

a)Heater b) fins c) surface area d) cooler.

9. The shortest distance between two tube is called as the .................... .

a)Pitch b) clearance c) space d) Distance.

10. Heat transfer in a body which are not in contact with each other is known
as ......... .
a)Conduction b) Convection c) Radiation d) All of the above

Q.2 Attempt any Ten. [20]

I. Def ine : Critical velocity , Turbulant flow
ii.. Explain Newtonian fluid and Nonnewtonian fluid.
iii. Draw neat sketch of inclined manometer
iv. What are pipe fittings ? List them.
v. Give classification of pumps.
vi. Write the function of foot valve.
vii. Enlist the various characteristics of a thermal insulator

viii. Write the statement of Fourier's Law of heat conduction

ix What do you mean by thermal conductivity?
x Give classification of shell and tube heat exchanger.
xi What do you understand by plate exchanger?
XII When graphite heat exchanger is useful?
Q.3a) What is fluid mechanics? Write classification of fluid mechanics. Discuss about [5]
different types of fluid in detail.
b) Write a note on: U tube manometer [5]
Q.3a) Derive an equation for Bernoullie's theorem [5]
b) Derive continuity equation. [5]
Q.4a). Write notes on: i) Gate Valve [10]
ii) Reciprocating Pump
Q.4a) Write notes on: i) Gear pump [10]
ii) Globe Valve
Q . 5a ) A furnace is constructed with 200 mm of fire brick, 100 mm of insulating brick [5]
and 200 mm of building brick. The inside temperature is 650 C and the outside
temperature is 165 C.Find the heat loss per unit area and the temperature at the
junction of the fire brick and insulating brick.
Data: Type of brick 'K' Kcal /hr m°C
Fire Brick 5.2
Insulating Brick 0.5
Building Brick 2.0
b) Derive an equation for heat flow through a cylinder. [5]
Q.5 a) Derive the equation of heat flow through a composite wall. [5]
b) Write a detailed note on modes of heat transfer giving industrial examples. [5]

Q.6 a) Write a note on Extended surface heat exchanger. [5]

b) Discuss Shell and tube heat exchanger [5]
Q.6 a) Discuss Graphite heat exchanger [5]
b) Write notes on:Double pipe heat exchanger. [5]

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