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Week Five Assignment—Revision Practice

After reviewing the essay on The Dark Knight the changes I would make to revise
it is that in the first paragraph I would have made the last sentence into two sentences as
follows: Ultimately that honor was not bestowed on the film. Its popularity and ability to
elevate the comic book film remains, which is rarely associated with quality storytelling.
They also used it’s with an apostrophe when it should not have one. In the second
paragraph the fourth sentence is a run on sentence. I feel it should be broken up into two
different sentences. “The director Christopher Nolan, the writer David S. Goyer, and the
stars such as Christian Bale, Gary Oldmand, and Michael Caine all played a role in both
of the films, the only exception being Maggie Gyllenhall who replaced Katie Holmes.
Heath Ledger playing the Joker in one of his last roles will be remembered as an
excellent performance and one which earned him an academy award after he passed
away.” In the fourth paragraph successful was misspelled. The fifth paragraph, second
sentence started with “It” and it should have started with The Dark Knight. When using
“It” this can confuse the reader. Also Wikipedia is not an authoritative source it is a
compilation of information submitted by Internet users (who may not be correct). Using it
is allowed in lower division courses as a way of introducing new students to online
research, but with progress in the academic experience, cease to use this resource.

The conclusion should have been a lot longer. I would have wrote, The Dark
Knight was a very popular film and a box office hit. I would suggest if you want to see a
great movie then The Dark Knight is a great suggestion. The twists and turns in the plot
provide for an entertaining and thrilling two and half hours. I can safely say that this is by
far the best superhero movie that I have seen. On a scale of 0-5, I would give it a 5.Take
the opportunity to see the movie soon as you will enjoy it as much as I did.

Part 2

In the essay The Dark Knight the student had used plagiarism. It was in the fifth
paragraph. He should have put the sentence in quotation marks to prevent the plagiarism.
Other ways to prevent plagiarism is to give credit whenever you use another person’s
idea, opinion, or theory; any facts, statistics, graphs, drawings, any pieces of information
that are not common knowledge. You also need to give credit to a paraphrase of another
person’s spoken or written words. Strategies to avoid plagiarism can be to put in
quotations everything that comes directly from the text especially when taking notes.
Paraphrase but be sure you are not just rearranging or replacing a few words. Check your
paraphrase against the original text to be sure you have not accidentally used the same
phrases or words, and that the information is correct. If the student had use the plagiarism
checked they would have seen that plagiarism was present in their essay and they could
have corrected it before turning in their paper. Plagiarism checker promotes originality in
student work and improves student writing and research skills. A paper can usually be
processed within minutes. If the checker indicates that another writer’s material has been
used, then the students are expected to add appropriate citation and quotation marks or
rewrite their paper using original material. The best thing you can do is to develop the
ability to evaluate and synthesize information from a wide range of different services and
express your finding in your own words with due acknowledgment of all sources.

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