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Shopping Simplified Ecommerce


Submitted by:

Bishwas Bhattarai (15922/074)

Submitted to:
Asian School of Management and Technology
Gongabu, Kathmandu

Under the supervision of

Mr. PrawinSilwal

E-commerce means using the Internet and the web for business transactions or commercial
transactions, which typically involve the exchange of value (e.g., money) across organizational or
individual boundaries in return for products and services. Here we focus on digitally enabled
commercial transactions among organizations and individuals. E-business applications turn into e-
commerce precisely, when an exchange of value occurs. Digitally enabled transactions include all
transactions mediated by digital technology and platform; that is, transactions that occur over the
Internet and the web. This Internet business plan gives details of the proposed venture, along with
expected needs and results taking into account the unique nature of electronic commerce. The
business plan outlines how the company can take advantage of  e-commerce to allow it to gain
greater efficiencies of scale in management, marketing, and other business processes. Electronic
Commerce in its broadest form incorporates the integration of public and private sector
computer systems through the use of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Electronic Funds Transfer
(EFT),Electronic Mail (E-Mail) and the Internet. The implementation of e-commerce creates an
environment where a supplier can provide more value added services and all parties concerned can
give a higher level of customer service.


Viewing the latest e-commerce sites implemented in Nepal there does not contain the product
reviews, marketing for the products and the sites as well as search engine optimization which
ultimately drive visitors to the site and increase the chances that visitors will buy from the same site
and not from the competitor. The products found online in Nepal are not up to the quality that a
consumer expects. Mostly, Nepali online portals are filled with a cheap quality product. Also, in
sites like Daraz, the same products have multiple listings with very similar pricing. This makes the
shopping experience feel clustered.Also, Nepali online shopping websites lack customer reviews
and ratings. In order to persuade more customer interaction, these portals could offer some discount
or coupon codes for each review provided.
E-Commerce is not only a matter of technology. It is primarily, because it is commerce,
a matter of management and organization. The following questions have to be

• Is our business processes standardized enough – at least harmonized among the

• Who is allowed to participate? Are all participants trustworthy? Who makes the
decision which person or organization is allowed to participate?
• How much E-Commerce do we need to keep competitive? How do we have to
change our business model?
• How can we measure the success of our E-Commerce activities? Will costs be
compensated through revenues? Will we make profit?
• How do we have to develop our relationship with customers, suppliers and
other business partners to be able to realize the advantages of E-Commerce for
our organization and avoid the disadvantages? How do we have to develop and
change our business relationships?
• How do we have to redesign our business processes? How do the roles of our
employees change? Are our employees qualified for these new roles?


The main objectives of the e-shopping are given below:

1. To provide information about various products in different categories.

2. Customers can purchase Products Online.
3. Customers can login and get various information about products and can purchase the
suitable product with price and quality comparison.
4. Customers can pay online, so security must therefore e-shopping provide secure
5. After sale e-shopping also provides after sales service in which customer problems are
6. Data security is maintained to a relatively high level by implementing it at Database level,
so as to ensure that only authorized users have access to confidential client information.


E-Commerce and the various aspects of it remained as a heavily researched topic, however, most of
the study references are for developed economy countries and regions and there are very little
studies for developing countries like Nepal. Ecommerce market is worth of 25 million net worth in
our country Nepal[1].As Internet user is increasing day by day in our country Nepal, as per the
source active internet user is about 63%[2].Daraz ,Sastodeal,Hamrobazar, are the leading
ecommerce business in nepal, that facilitates the Nepalese people. They are not the first but the
most popular ecommerce sites in our country Nepal[3]. These Leading Ecommerce sites
Study disclosed that E-commerce practices in Nepal are still at infant stage[4]. The
obstacles and constraints are poor internet connectivity, heavy charges by private connections.
According to the article of Central Bureau of statistics, In context of Kathmandu 80% of people are
willing to buy the products online if the option is given[5]. The barriers in case of E-commerce in
Nepal are economic,social,linguistic,infrastructure market size and E-business cost. We found that
there are still logistical deficiencies such as billing and shipping.The big barriers we found that is
credit card payment which is still in practicable in our country . The so called big e-commerce sites
(Daraz,Sastodeal) are even incapable of the international payment[6]. Our government also should
suggest Government to Business (G2B) model focusing the rural parts.
We also reviewed the report based on the Daraz as a part of secondary sources. We also reviewed
how Daraz analysis the market, check the upcoming problems and also solve the problems.We also
got to know the environment or the surrounding markets that got affected by Daraz[7]. It also
helped us to identify Daraz target group for customer and also how they were able to bring the
customer .Alibaba is the top ecommerce business in the world . Alibaba is now trying to enter to
the nepali ecommerce market by acquiring mutually with Daraz[8]. Esewa also promotes it’s first
step into ecommerce site as it allows the payment through it since last year [9].
The literature also supported on how their strategies changed after acquisition by Daraz.
How they change their operation activities and their planning method due to change in the
investment[7]. The information collected are later all verified.
With the problems addressed above we are making the e-shopping site removing the problems and
the technological feasibility of this project is that we are using known technologies as well as open
source codes like the PYTHON and Django and the operational feasibility is that we can be able to
do as per the business requirement, and the economic feasibility is that we are preparing the project
as per the partial fulfillment of the BCIS so the economic feasibility is fulfilled.

In this stage we gather the information from the different sources for project development. The
methods of collecting information are:

1. Interviewing
2. Observations
3. Viewing of documents and manuals from different e-commerce sites

In this phase, we design the output of the project and its format, inputs and procedures etc. In this
stage, we design

1. PayPal implementation (transactions through PayPal)

2. Product creation and recommendations
3. Product attributes
4. Creating own shopping cart
5. Implementing Ajax features
6. Searching the catalog and catalog administration
7. Search engine optimization
8. Advertisement with affiliation and other media

9. Lead management and Customer Relationship management.


In this stage, we convert the system design to the final project using programming language. In this
stage format error and logic error are eliminated and make a complete project without any error.
After completion of coding, the project will be tested to find out that all individual programs
perform correctly. The implementation of E-wallets, affiliation programs and other services are
performing correctly or not is tested.


By the completion of our proposed project we will get a system that will allow the customer to
buy the merchandise online through their own computer sitting on their couch. This Dynamic
Project maintains the authenticity, integrity and security of the customer. Customers can pay
Through the online (E-wallets) . Customer data integrity is preserved by using the Password
Hashing Algorithm. Customers can login and get various information about products and can
purchase the suitable product with price and quality comparison as well as review their bought

1.  "The e-commerce market in Nepal is worth $25 million: Daraz

Nepal".  ekantipur. Retrieved  9 December  2018.
2. "Internet Users In Nepal Increases Rapidly, Penetration Reaches 63
Percent".  nepal_telcom. Retrieved 9 December 2018.
3.  "Top 5 Online Shopping Sites In Nepal". Retrieved  7 December  2018.
4.  "IWorld's Poorest Countries". 7 December 2018. Retrieved 7
December  2018.
5.  Online Shopping in Nepal.
6.  "Online Payment Gateway in Nepal". Retrieved 7 December 2018.
7.  "300% growth of user achieved by Daraz".  ekantipur. Retrieved 9
December  2018.
8.  "Alibaba acquires Daraz to expand its ecommerce platform in South Asia;
Nepalese looking forward to a new online experience". Share Sansar. 7 Dec
9. ↑ "Esewa Steps Into Ecommerce Business With EsewaPasal". KTM2DAY. 7
Dec 2018.

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