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Aloe vera is well known for its succulent

Aloe vera
leaves and the many uses of the gel ob-
tained from them. This species is widely
cultivated and, along with other members
of the genus Aloe, is also the subject of in-
tense scientific study with regard to the
many claimed therapeutic properties. Aloe
vera produces two substances used for
medicine: The gel is obtained from the cells
in the center of the leaf, and the latex is ob-
tained from the cells just beneath the leaf
skin. Most people use aloe gel as a remedy
for skin conditions, including
burns, sunburn, frostbite, psoriasis and
cold sores, but there is a host of other aloe
vera benefits.
Aloe gel is used for treating osteoarthritis, bowel diseases, fever, itching and inflammation. t’s also
used as a natural remedy for asthma, stomach ulcers, diabetes and for soothing side effects of radi-
ation treatment. Aloe latex is used to naturally treat depression, constipation, asthma and diabe-
Lemongrass also called ‘fever grass’, is
a perennial plant with thin, linear leaves
and is indigenous to many Asian coun-
tries. As the name implies, lemongrass

smells like lemon, but it tastes milder
and sweeter. This fragrant healer also
finds much use in aromatherapy, particu-
larly to combat stress and uplift mood.
Every part of the plant from its leaves to
its stems and bulb possesses health-
promoting properties that can be incor-
porated in various treatments. Propo-
nents claim that it has beneficial medici-
nal properties including analgesic, anti-
inflammatory, antidepressant, antipy-
retic, antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal,
astringent, carminative, diuretic, febri-
fuge, galactagogue, insecticidal, sedative,
and anticancer properties.
Tamarind leaves are small and oblong with
rounded edges, averaging 10-20 pairs of fern-
like leaflets that are 1-3 centimeters in length
and 5-6 millimeters in width. The dense, feath-
ery, foliage is bright green on the surface and
dusty red-brown on the underside. Tamarind
leaves grow pinnately and have the unique
characteristic of folding at night. The tree is
known to be evergreen, but depending on the
climate it may briefly shed leaves. Tamarind
leaves has a myriad of benefits chief of them
being providing relief from malaria. Its medi-

cal benefit though is not confined to just that
as it can also cure jaundice and diabetes,
helps cure scurvy, treats ulcer, inhibits genital
infections, protects the whole body from in-
fections and provides relief from hyper ten-

sion. It has anti-inflammatory properties and
can also be used to provide relief from men-
strual cramps.
Called guyabano, or babana or sikopana in
the Philippines, it is a small tree about 5 to
7 meters in height. The leaves are alternate,
oval in shape, pointed at both ends,
smooth and shining, 7 to 20 centimeters
long and with petioles about 5 millimeters
long. The flowers are large, yellowish or
greenish yellow and solitary. There are six
large, fleshy or leathery petals in two se-

They are heart-shaped, with pointed tip, and up to 5 centi-
meters in length and 3 centimeters in breadth. In the center
of the flower is a cone-shaped mass of many carpels which
will form the fruit, and below this are very numerous sta-

mens. Guyabano is considered to be one of the healthiest
fruit. While guyabano leaves tea also contains powerful
health benefits for the body.
Oregano is a popular herb that many peo-
ple think of as merely a spice to improve
or enhance the flavor of their food, but in
reality, this perennial herb has a treasure

of health benefits that most people don’t
realize at all. Native to southwest Eurasia
and the Mediterranean area, oregano has
been a valuable part of both culinary
and alternative medicine treatments for
thousands of years.
Health benefits of oregano include:
Boosts Immunity, Anti-cancer Potential,
Antibacterial Activity, Aids in Digestion,
Improves Heart Health, Detoxifies the
Body, Improves Bone Health and Increas-
es Energy Levels.

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