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Lesson Plan in Health Education 6

At the end of this lesson the learners should be able to:
1. Explain why self-management is important
2. Identify everyday activities that helps in preventing health issues
3. Demonstrate self-management skills in the prevention and management
of personal health issues and concerns
A. Topic: Developing self-management skills

B. Reference: CG pg. 54, TG pp. 6 – 9

C. Materials: Pictures, Visual Aids, Manila paper, Marker

D. Values Integration: Healthy living and to be physically fit

Teachers Activity Learners Activity

III. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
Everyone please stand-up for a short In the name of the Father, the
prayer Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen
b. Greetings
Good Morning Class! Good Morning Ma’am!

c. Checking of Attendance
Leader of each group kindly report who (The leader of each group will
is absent among your members. then report the attendance of
their group)
Thank you, Leaders!

d. Assignment
Yesterday I ask you to list down at least
5 personal health issues common in
your community/family in a one whole
sheet of paper.

Kindly pass your assignments. (The learners will pass their

IV. Lesson Proper
a. Review
Yesterday, what did we discuss? Yesterday, we discuss about
health issues
That’s right! Very good! You still

I have here pictures illustrating different

health issues.
I want you to identify what health issue is
being illustrated.

Do you understand class? Yes, ma’am

First Picture Obesity

Ver Good!

Second Picture Scoliosis


Third Picture Stunted growth


Fourth Picture Vision

That’s right
Last Picture Blisters

Very good!

Everyone got the correct answer

Now, let’s begin our new topic

b. Motivation
(Sung to the tune of Row, Row, Row
Your Boat)

Wash, wash, wash your hands

Be sure to use the soap!
Rub and scrub and scrub and rub
Germs go down the drain. HEY!

1. Do you like the song? Yes, ma’am

2. How will you wash your hands Wash our hands using soap,
according to the song? then rub and scrub to wash
away the germs

3. Did you wash your hands the Yes, ma’am

same manner in the song?

c. Activity
Okay Class today we are going to have
an activity.

I have here different pictures. Identify

what is illustrated in the picture and tell
how often you do the things in the
d. Analysis
Now, let’s analyze the answers of


Why do you think we do these activities? Because it helps us avoid being


And why is it important to avoid being Ma’am because if we get sick,

sick? we cannot do the things we want

Yes, that’s right. If we get sick, we can’t

go to school, play outside and spend
time with our family.

e. Abstraction
That’s why we need to have self-
management skills in order to prevent
different health issue such as getting

• Brushing your teeth
• Washing our hands
• Taking a bath every day
• Exercising
• Sleeping Early
• Eating healthy foods such as
fruits and vegetable
• Trimming nails
• Cleaning ears
• Taking food supplements or
f. Application
Let us have an activity. Divide the class
into two groups and accomplish the
Semantic web below. What will you do to
prevent the health issues?

V. Evaluation
To know further if you truly understand our
topic for today, using a piece of paper write
all the things that you have learned about
self-management skills. Do it at exactly 10

VI. Assignment
In a short bond paper, construct a colorful
and creative poster showing self-
management to prevent personal health

Prepared by:

Patricia Gail C. Suarez


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