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Transportation Research Procedia 45 (2020) 410–417

AIIT 2nd International Congress on Transport Infrastructure and Systems in a changing world
AIIT 2nd International Congress
(TIS ROMA on Transport
2019), 23rd-24th Infrastructure and Rome,
September 2019, Systems in a changing world
(TIS ROMA 2019), 23rd-24th September 2019, Rome, Italy
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) in road construction:
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) in road construction:
Twenty years of Italian experiences
Twenty years of Italian experiences
Felice Giuliani , Federico Autelitano *, Erika Garilli , Antonio Monteparaa
a a, a
Felice Giuliania, Federico Autelitanoa,*, Erika Garillia, Antonio Monteparaa
Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura, Università di Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A, Parma 43124, Italy
Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura, Università di Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A, Parma 43124, Italy

Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a thermoplastic material, derived from pre-expanded polystyrene beads, that combines an extreme
Expanded with versatile
(EPS)strength and thermalmaterial,
is a thermoplastic insulation. These
derived characteristics
from pre-expandedmade EPS anbeads,
polystyrene excellent
that alternative
combines antoextreme
materials forwith
lightweight the feasibility of building
versatile strength andand construction
thermal projects
insulation. thatcharacteristics
These would otherwise madedestined,
EPS anfor excellent
time and implementation costs,
alternative to natural
to be postponed
materials for theor alienated.ofSpecifically,
feasibility building andthis technology
construction has been
projects thatsuccessfully used indestined,
would otherwise road infrastructure
for time andsector in the last twenty
implementation costs,
to in the construction
be postponed of roads,
or alienated. bridge abutments,
Specifically, lightweight
this technology embankments
has been successfully and
usedbackfills, above all for sector
in road infrastructure the rapid restoration
in the of
last twenty
years roads following
in the construction landslide
of roads, bridgeorabutments,
events, representing
embankments an interesting and resilient
and backfills, above allsolution in areas
for the rapid exposed of
restoration to
seismic risk orroads
compromised persistent vibratory
following actions.
landslide Thus, the authors
or calamitous events, want to offer an
representing a critical analysis
interesting and of different
resilient EPS road
solution applications
in areas exposed toin
Italy, considering
seismic benefits
risk or persistent and drawbacks,
vibratory proposing
actions. Thus, technical
the authors wantand economic
to offer considerations
a critical for idealEPS
analysis of different conditions of use and
road applications in
Italy, failure analysis
considering benefits methods and tools.proposing technical and economic considerations for ideal conditions of use and
and drawbacks,
suggesting failure analysis methods and tools.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2020 The Authors.
This is an open accessPublished by Elsevier
article under Ltd. This is license
the CC BY-NC-ND an open(
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific
( committee of TIS
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Transport ROMA 2019 Infrastructure and Systems (TIS ROMA 2019).
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of TIS ROMA 2019
Keywords: Expanded polystyrene; Geofoam; EPS block; Road embankment; Lightweight fill; Bridge abutment
Keywords: Expanded polystyrene; Geofoam; EPS block; Road embankment; Lightweight fill; Bridge abutment

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
The modern conception of the road infrastructure project is based on the analysis of the most suitable technologies
to modern conception
guarantee of the road
the best service infrastructure
to users, project
the reduction is basedand
of energy on the
the most suitable technologies
the management
able to guarantee the best service to users, the reduction of energy and land resource consumption,
of time and generalized costs for the community. In the most effective implementation of the project economic the management
of time and through
assessment, generalized costs for or
the economic thefinancial
community. In the
analysis most
tools, the effective implementation
road designer of the
has to provide projectthat
solutions economic
assessment, through the economic or financial analysis tools, the road designer has to provide solutions that exploit

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +039 0521 905971.

E-mail address:author.
* Corresponding
Tel.: +039 0521 905971.
E-mail address:
2352-1465 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
2352-1465 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of TIS ROMA 2019
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of TIS ROMA 2019

2352-1465  2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Transport Infrastructure and Systems (TIS ROMA 2019).
Felice Giuliani et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 45 (2020) 410–417 411
2 Giuliani et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000

the best consolidated existing technical knowledge and that represent the natural synthesis of the functional and
performance work requirements. Thus, complex geomorphological situations, areas characterized by limited load-
bearing capacity (construction over poor or soft soils), construction or restoration schedules incompatible with the
normal timing require non-traditional approaches to the road design, especially regarding the study and the
construction of the roadway. Expanded polystyrene (EPS) technology, born for insulation and pavement frost damage
mitigation, was soon used as an attractive alternative to natural materials for several road engineering projects. EPS,
also commonly called EPS geofoam, is a lightweight (normal density range of 11 to 46 kg/m 3) and rigid closed-cell
polystyrene foam obtained after a molded bead process. In international specifications, EPS is labelled using a suffix
number which designate the density expressed in kg/m 3 (ASTM D6817/D6817M − 13a) or the compressive stress at
10% deformation expressed in kPa (EN 13163). It combines several engineering properties, such as strength, thermal
efficiency, moisture resistance and durability (Imad, 2001; Ghotbi Siabil et al., 2019; Horvath, 1994). These
characteristics make EPS blocks suitable materials for the construction of road embankments above all in areas with
strong constraints on opening new quarries (or extending existing ones) or with extreme climate conditions,
representing a very interesting solution for the feasibility of building and construction projects that would otherwise
destined, for time and implementation costs, to be postponed or alienated (NCHRP, 2004a; Thompsett et al., 1995).
Moreover, EPS geofoam qualifies as an excellent time-saving and cost-effective method in a wide range of
transportation-related applications: road embankments, temporary access road for strategic projects, bridge abutments,
lightweight filling, landslide areas with weak soils (Arellano et al., 2019; Lin et al., 2010; Autelitano et al., 2017; Luo
et al., 2014).
The introduction of this construction material in Europe, USA and Japan dates back to the early 1980s (Chazal
1985; NCHPR, 2004b; Sanders, 1996), on the basis of the first pioneering Norwegian projects for road insulation in
1965 and road embankment in 1972 (Aabøe and Frydenlund, 2011). Since then block-molded EPS found, in the
subsequent continental conjunction between the favorable trend of the crude oil price and the greater general attention
to the safeguard of the supply sites of natural building materials, a significant increase in the number of implemented
projects (Bainbrech and Hillmann, 1997; Perrier, 1997) and a scientific investigation recovery (Dušcov, 1997 and
2000; Farnsworth et al., 2008; Horvath, 2008). The Italian experience, with reference to the most significant works,
goes actually back to the early 2000s, in a time when the market of natural building materials was strongly
characterized by a large demand of earth-fill components for road embankments (construction of the high-
capacity/high-speed railway line) and a supply limited by the implementation of policies intended to reduce the land-
use impacts of mining, powered by the growing and consolidated public awareness of environmental issues. The first
instrumented pilot projects and the first science communications of the Italian research on the use of EPS for road
embankments (Montepara and Giuliani, 2000) found much interest in a context of works on difficult soils, where the
requirement of lightness was obtained also using lightweight expanded clay aggregates (Dondi et al., 2003). That
period saw the development of works characterized by large volumes of EPS blocks which, together with the technical
curiosity and spectacularity of the arrangements, also combined the development of new construction solutions with
operational details that became part of the know-how of many Italian companies. With the crisis of investments in
construction and the reduction of economic resources, those works, now almost twenty years old, were not followed
by other significant projects. However, the time that has passed allows to draw up an initial evaluation on the technical
effectiveness of those pioneering projects and to rethink, with greater awareness, the enormous potential for using
ultra-light structures for main purposes such as the rapid restoration of compromised roads following landslide or
calamitous events, representing an interesting and resilient solution in areas exposed to seismic risk or persistent
vibratory actions. Italian research has supported the most significant realizations, for different potential use, through
emblematic examples.

2.1 Lightness on unstable slopes. The experimental road embankment at Passo del Brattello (2001/2002)

The experimental road embankment at Passo del Brattello (Province of Parma), perhaps one of the most
representative Italian experiences, was made for the restoration of a landslide that has affected, sharply cutting, the
Provincial Road SP 20. The hydraulic protection and the re-modelling of the side slope involved an earth moving of
15,200 m3 and the use of 6,550 m3 of EPS and 1,200 m3 of reinforced earth (Fig. 1). The work was carried out by
412 Felice Giuliani et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 45 (2020) 410–417
Giuliani et al / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000 3

superimposing up to 34 layers of EPS 25 (nominal density: 25 kg/m3, according to ASTM standard), with a block size
3.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 m, for one side of the rehabilitated slope approximately 17 m in height (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1. Design cross section of EPS road embankment at Passo del Brattello (Province of Parma)

Fig. 2. Road embankment with EPS-blocks at Passo del Brattello during the construction phase (2002) and at present (2019)
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The work was unusual not for the volumes of EPS used, which were not modest in any case, but above all for the
ease of bocks lifting and handling in an extremely difficult area in terms of accessibility and complexity of the
hydrogeological framework. The solution has seen the EPS stack regularly interrupted by the insertion of lightened
reinforced concrete horizons, integral with the slope stabilization systems. The multi-layered pavement consisted of a
reinforced concrete slab, functional for the anchorage of the road restraint systems, completed with an asphalt concrete
wearing course in continuity with the existing flexible pavement of the SP 20. Following the 2019 inspection, the slope
is completely grassed along the gabions of the outer face of the EPS body, the planting of which was conceived during
the construction works with geomats and hydroseeding of about 1,950 m 2. The side slope, re-modelled and stabilized,
is now fully integrated into the wooded slope. The completely destroyed by the landslide and rebuilt roadway,
considering a two-line highway road type (extension for about 100 m), has not been subjected to extraordinary
maintenance: it shows the original AC wearing course (2002), without cracking and discontinuities at the change of
embankment materials typology.

2.2 Soil consolidation and negative skin friction on piles. The bridge abutment on the Adriatica variant in
Savio (2002/2003)

The construction of large road embankments on foundation soils with poor mechanical properties is a sensitive and
thoroughly investigated operation. In addition to the instability problems, there are also those related to non-negligible
deferred displacements, which significantly affect the functionality of the work. The problem is much more serious
and common for road embankments on piled bridge abutments, where earth subsidence causes additional loads on the
same deep foundations, especially for axially loaded piles (negative skin friction on piles). The works of the
government-owned company ANAS (acronym for Azienda Nazionale Autonoma delle Strade - National Autonomous
Roads Corporation) for the variant of the Adriatica State Road SS 16 in Savio (Province of Ravenna), have seen the
passage of the new route on alluvial deposits alternating in a random way by clayey and clayey-silty layers with the
intercalation of organic sediments, which were characterized by point resistance of the static penetrometer values
lower than 300 kPa, typical of normally consolidated soils (Dondi et al., 2003). The long-term expected vertical
displacements, estimated to be around 70 centimeters for the construction of a 9 meters high embankment, was reduced
by more than a third lightening the bridge abutments and access ramps by introducing blocks of EPS 25 (size 4.0 x1.0
x 0.5 m) (Fig. 3). The road overpass, which is into operation for over 18 years, has not shown any problems of surface
regularity of pavement at the joints, despite major seismic events which struck this area and daily traffic levels of more
than 32,000 vehicles in the tourist season.

Fig. 3. Design cross section of EPS bridge abutment on the Adriatica variant in Savio (Province of Ravenna)
414 Felice Giuliani et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 45 (2020) 410–417
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2.3 Permanent static loads. Works along the Grande Raccordo Anulare of Rome (2004/2005)

The dual function of EPS as light filling and road embankment material is explicitly found in the Italian works of
ANAS for the three-lane adjustment of the North-West quadrant of the motorway Grande Raccordo Anulare of Rome.
Approximately 14,000 m3 of EPS 25 blocks initially constituted the lightweight over-filling (about 10 m high) of a
cut-and-cover artificial tunnel, re-modelled with a temporary covering in earth of about 5 m. In the project, this filling
would have assumed after a few months additional loads transmitted by the construction at the top of another road
(Figs. 4 and 5).

Fig. 4. Design of the lightweight fill over an artificial tunnel along the Grande Raccordo Anulare of Rome: plan and typical cross section

Fig. 5. Comparison between the construction phase at 2007 and the present configuration at 2018

The knowledge of the mechanical properties of the expanded polystyrene are essential in the project stage as they
condition the internal and the whole work stability and the subsequent pavement design. The followed approach, on
the basis of the literature references, was the control of the elastic behavior limit of the EPS blocks, defined by the
compressive stresses (σe) that did not generate compressive deformations greater than 1%. The Laboratoire Central
des Ponts et Chaussées (1990) suggests the application of an operating stress not exceeding 40% of the plasticization
stress, with a range of allowable deformations of around 0.2%. For the prediction of the vertical displacements, the
adopted simplified model of the viscous deformation (Horvath, 1994) was associated to the relation:

ε = ε 0 + εc (1)
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where ε is the total deformation at time t; ε0 the instantaneous deformation at loading; εc the time-dependent
deformation at time t (creep). The component εc , which depends on time, is calculated using the Findley equation,
derived from the rheology of polymeric materials:
σ σ t nF
εc = ε'0F · sinh ( ) + m'F · sinh ( )·( ) (2)
σeF σmF t0

where nF, m'F and ε'0F are the dimensionless Findley’s parameter; σeF and σmF the Findley’s stress parameter (kPa), t the
load application time (h); t0 equal to 1 h (functional to time normalization) and σ the applied load (kPa). The five
parameters of the Findley model are function of the material density, temperature, moisture content and are
independent from the stress-strain state and loading time. The selection of the materials used in the 2004 works
required compression (static creep) tests to be carried out on samples of different size (scale effect) and density (15,
25 and 35 kg/m3) (Montepara et al., 2004). The results of these laboratory tests have allowed to calibrate the model,
through the resolution of the system of non-linear equations based on the hyperbolic sinh function, and to obtain the
parameters useful to predict the viscous deformations of EPS blocks. Representing the experimental curves (strain vs
loading time) in a bilogarithmic plot, the linear regressions, at the same density, substantially showed the same slope
varying the applied load, confirming the Findley’s assumptions (Fig. 6). Table 1 summarizes the values of each
parameter, considering the three different EPS densities.

Fig. 6. Static creep curves of EPS 25 (a) and EPS 35 (b): creep strain vs loading time

Table 1. Values of Findley’s parameters obtained from static creep tests

Material class
EPS 15 EPS 25 EPS 35
nF 0.66 0.47 0.24
m'F 0.16·10-2 0.40·10-3 0.10·10-3
ε'0F 0.37·10-2 0.31·10-2 0.15·10-2
σeF [kPa] 16.23 38.10 41.28
σmF [kPa] 66.84 60.06 40.82

2.4 Dynamic loads. Road network Rome/Fiumicino Litorale (2012)

The need to predict the evolution of EPS behavior not only at static loads but also at the dynamic creep induced by
the vehicle traffic, has seen a complete example in the most recent projects for the construction of the auxiliary road
network of the Rome-Fiumicino Airport motorway (Fig. 7).
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Fig. 7. Design cross section of the auxiliary road network of the Rome-Fiumicino Airport motorway

Fig. 8. Dynamic creep curves of EPS 25 (a) and EPS 35 (b): higher and lower envelopes of deformations

The proximity of EPS fillings to the road pavement required a deeper investigation of dynamic creep phenomena
for the blocks most directly exposed to cyclical actions, i.e. for the top blocks, that, from an analysis of the expected
tensional state, could still be affected by the action of vehicular traffic. Dynamic creep tests were set up applying a
sinusoidal load at a frequency of 1 Hz (Montepara et al., 2004). Figure 8 displays in the same plot the envelope curves
of the deformations relative to the dynamic and static creep tests. The measured deformations were constant over time
and quite similar (EPS 25) or lower (EPS 25) than those recorded with the same static load. Specifically, the
deformations for EPS 35 were very limited under dynamic actions. Thus, EPS qualifies as a material that, under cyclic
loading, stores small deformations that do not appreciably develop over time.

3 Conclusions

The construction of road embankments in expanded polystyrene is an extremely effective solution for
infrastructural problems where lightness represents an essential requirement. The ease of installation and the versatility
of EPS blocks allow the construction of solids with a daring geometry, suitable to face to the expected stress inside
the road solid on difficult soils or to structures potentially exposed to static or permanent dynamic actions. The Italian
projects dating back to the early 2000s made it possible to answer many questions about the performance
characteristics of EPS for road embankments. Moreover, they were useful to calibrate models for analyzing the
resistance of this material, characterized by different density values, and for estimating the viscous deformations of
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structures subjected to static and dynamic loads, representing a still effective tool for the road designer. The most
recent international economic framework and, in general, lower investments in major infrastructure projects, have
limited the number of significant solutions for this building material in large volumes in Italy; but, the renewed
attention to seismic risk and the increase in financial resources for the protection of earthworks in hydrogeological
sensitive areas can lead to predict for EPS new growth prospects over the next years.

4 References

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