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Salaries & Remuneration ‘Commission Ret No: SRC/ADM/CIR/1/13 Vo. (126) 10% December, 2014 ‘Momey General Controle of Budget ua: Genera ‘AlPincipal Secretares/Accounting Offices Cie! Regstar of Judiciary DBeoctor of Pubic Prosecutions Clete. ofthe Senate: Clerk National Assemby Secretaries, Constitutional Commislons Vice: Chancelers of ol Pubic Unvesies Secretaries County Pubic Sevice Boards Secretory, Stale Corporation Advscry Comition (Chief Executives ofA State Cosperations and Statutory Bodies ‘Clerk, County assembly Service Boords ‘County Secretaries, County Governments REVIEW OF ALLOWANCES INTHE PUBLIC SERVICE The Solaies and Remuneration Commision t fulment ofits mandate of reviewing remuneration ond benefit for puble olfess embarked on a study of all olowances, payable in the PuBEe Service, The sivdy was concuded in September 2014 ond the Commison hat anaveed the report ond adopted pastors os way forward The resuls of the study on clowances revealed that there exit soniicont variations on lowences payable across Puble Senice insfiutons in Kenya, The varctens rango fom Supications ond wide cspartias [oof verkcal and hofonts) fo varied eigbiy crtera for payments thot hamper hermonizafon and standordtion, ‘ising ftom the study findings thereore, the Commision adopted the folowing postions: fhe Commision wil congoiate alowonces that parform similar functons bul have Silerent names, abolthalavrances whose vtlonale redundant er he pupose of paying them overops with tna! of the boric slay and restucture alowonces whose cilached economic value/rates are not commensurate Win the intended purpose and opt for ‘eter method of compensation, However fr purposes of rafonalztion, hormanaation, Noncorezation, equity, foiness, compensation for the cost of Iwng cejusiment and ‘equation in te Public Service, some dlowances have been reviewed Ccitical Alowances From tne reuts of he study he folowing ciical allowances with high level of spartiesin the Pubic Service were tenifed for teviow ter hamonize them (both vericaly ond hotzontly| across the Service, to compersato fer the cos of ving that has apprecioled ‘conderably and fo slondorcue ond regulate tek application. ‘hese alowonces Inchide: House Alowonce, Hardship Alowance .and Subsistence ‘Alawancer, Detas of te reviews are cs follows 1. Hardship Allowance Inn otro compensate forthe cost of ving and for attraction of skis to Herdsip orecs Inthe Republe, tho Commisson has reviewed haxcshp alowance fo be paid ota lat role fer al equivalent grades ccros the Public Service both of Notional and Counly Governments. Subsequent, The Commision hos abolshed pegging the allowance os a percentage of base salary. Te approved roles of Herdihip Alowance ore shown i Table Tob New Rts of Hardship Alowance ‘vl Serica Job Groups ond ‘| Rate Therap Alowance Euivaon! Geodes Pm. a. 3000 ‘3000 3300 3700. 30 700. or) ‘3200 12300 as 17100 27300 31:50 33,1090 45,00 T 0000 NE a te or roninaed Sas ocarzhaTnaFBeinecep oF any Herne Atowence lafololelzte|-lal-/=la}nmlolo}el> 2. House Allowance ‘he Commision has reviewed house clowonce payable to al pubic Servants. Tis review has been done fo eliminate the exiting dspories (both vertcaly and haraortely) fn fhe ayinent of house allowance ond to compersle fer the cost of housing that hos ‘Sprecated considerably since fhe lat review of the alowance In the yeor 2001. The: Ube Servant whose exiting rates of howe alowences are cove the rates provided shal retain of exiting levels unfl cr unless ofherito reviewed by the Commision while Public Servants whote exting house allowances ore below tne opproved rates fe adop! the ew rates. he reviewed rates of house allowance are shown In Table 2. 44— ‘able 2:New House Alowance Rates z z EES ae Sa ‘CouRly Hecdavaters | Counly Headquctan | — ae Seb ‘thes county So | Nyasa Heodeuarter ‘Mombasa, Kumi, | Keieho, Koxamega, | Headguates Mating Ki Lary, | Kis, Emu, Namyaw,_| 24.8 2m wale & Natasha Nekurutedwara | 769% 0b Gn gen id | Casa ara Group | Conent[-New=|Corent[-—— New | Curent [New| Come [NEW ‘a | 3000 [376012300 | auas | 2000 | 200 | amo | 260 8 3000 [3760 S25 [2000 [2800 | 200 | 250 “| 3.000 [350-1 7500 [3.125 | zon0 | 9.500 | 1.900 | ae {sao [anas-| —270 | ga75— | 2.00 270.900 | 2a | 3.500 —[-asoo-| 2900 [3790] 2500 | —a9e0 | 2.100 [2700 [3.500 —[-asoo-| 2900 [730] 2300 | s00__| 2.100 [200 [$00 —[-4760-| 3.500 —[—asoo—| sano | —s.ps0__— [2300-3200 |“ s000 [6760-1300 [aso 3000 _|—sasso__| 2300 | $00. | -s000—|a000"| 500 | 7.600 | ss00 | 5.800 | 3.000 [-az00 | to.o00 [1400/1 2000 | agoo™ | gon0 | 9.400 | 5.000700 | -z5.000 [a a00-| 15.000 —|-—aaipoo—|-17,000-| 16800 10000 [00 ‘M__| 0.900 [-zma0o | 5.000 | —2a000_—_|-1.000-| 16.600 | 1000013000 N—|- 24000 [900117000 —|-—a5s00_—| 13,000-| — 18.000 | 1,000 | 15400. | “so. o00 [a5 00 | 20,000 |" as}o00 [1 c00-|—at,900 | 2.0 eo “| “s0.000 [46000 | 20000 | 28.000 [1000 | —at.000 [12.000 | 6800 | «000 [s0a00-| 2.000 | 35.000" [15000 | as000 [12.000 [2000 S| -eo.000 [soto | 56000 —[-—s4000_—| 57.000 | — 5000, —|-.000 eo a00 z : i TE Tiree doer na op fae cor 3. Dally Subsistence Allowance (Local Travel) The Commision noted trom the resis of study that there were diferent crcults in the Puble.Sawiee providing ‘ferent rater for subdslence alawance, Subsequent, for purposes of stancorazation and regulation af the anpicaton of hs facitave alowence In the Pubic Senco, ihe Commisson has decided that ail he alowances in the Pubic Sonice that ore paid to facilitate officer fo attend to official asignments away from thek {uty stators wan the country be renamed Daly Subsistence Alewance (Local aval] ond bbe paid af tha rates shown Table 3. Table 3: New Rates of Daly Subsistence Alowonce (Local rave) [ seg Grou hor iar canes [es | se oncen [RS Nombos. —| Wet EBor Keisha | ay | cer | aon Matra it_| Kregel Emo sence | “erases ee euvsera erortwaee [nent nons cave | & evan este es 22,000 9,000. 12,000 pane 18,200 12,600 10500 = B, Tea00 a re | eos Taoo0 iz ea of tt 709 ra 0 — a aa 400 2.100. Oy 4. bailySubustence Allowance (Foreign Travel) Silay. he Commasion has decided that ol he allowances in the PU Service that re paid 1s facie officers fo attend fo officiel asignmonts out of he counly be renamed red called Daly Subsistence Alowance (Foreign Travel] ond Be Paid atthe rates shown in Tables Table &: Now Rates of Dally Subsistence Allowance (Foreign Travel) [epi new ites at Toeign rave (USD) lei sevice srednot/ noe io a [eer aan jouw [2851 [168 [cen [sc Flic At z i et Ite oncer raging’ | ra| essa | 5 | 4 ‘County z “Roles (USS). ‘Alghansian ws _| se | 39 | ms | 23 [oe [i ‘xaris S72 | s20[-ae [ont [zee [ a9 [oz ‘Ageia ee | eee —| a7 | 950 [20a [26 ase ‘angele Jeg | “rie |g | 456386 [300 | 305 ‘nique & Barba ez7—| 570 | aan | 367348 [1 [200 igenin eis —| s99 [as | see [352 [oa [amen ap | aaa [sas | a86 [ao [a9 [30 ‘ub Yar |e [aoe] ang [345 ag0 [0 uso 730—| 663 [aa [sar] a. usa Terris |sie | aaa 98 | 300 ‘Asean ap [a9 | 578 | 434386 [31011 ‘ohomes [eT iain cn Bangiodea co Barbados Fa —| eee | ame |p| [a9 [ape Belen 12 [ss | aoe | 954 [292 Ps os Belg Baer sot sae faa ae are else Sxo[ ae [a5 | 996 [zat 00 | aor Benin sis—|-s9 [96 [318 [anes | a0. Bermae 773—| ros sts—| a ass [05 [a [uion $00 | aaa | pe sar Th oa ass [aig [829 aor ee Bostis AHenenomna — 611 s5r—|-303 [aes fais [ies [166 oiswono S67 —[-sie_[a7a | sor} 23 200 zz rosi ag —[ sas [ara [ate | a7 sso nel oor | 94 | 608 [ae 55 [905 [ars sul a96—[ aig 3sa_[ sa [901 | apr ar Buna Fai 01 [sar 367s 257— | a0 90 Bunch ‘ssa [ sonar [sa are 259 oer ‘Comboaia aye | [995 | arte fas fa ‘Comeroon on ‘Conada Tz —| 92 |e | as [ane 2 verde Soy | aes [570 | 305 | 2957s Cental afican Republi | 6431604 [aig [a1 baer za [ar ho a [ ais [ae | ae | aos ses er hie, Fa a ‘Chin aes [ se | as [99g | sea 17 | 901 | ‘Colonia Seas [ant _[ siz | 270 as Pa Comates 79a | 3_| se | 37 | a0 200 ‘ona tar [ 899 ao [ss [aaa Ts Page 212 (opexee new res for oveign Wave USD) Ici Series grodingt 4 as souw [2681 [a6r-n [36x] s6 Fs [16 a| ea, ‘stele otter Gracng? ra_loies| esse | “os | pe ‘County (USSD Cova fica se [af 32 | 270 Fea Cole svar 4s3_[ soa as_[ 550 [ aoe 231 rosie ri 310 ube 457 [aig 3s5—[ 295 [are 26. e aoa [ant [309 [ger 1 a0 280 ‘Czech Repub a a7 Dermat | 96 | 8 _| a0 | 992 a ibaut ‘sra_[ soa] S04 [ 314 | a7 2a Domine 473 [90 a6 | aaa 2 ‘Deminioan RepuBiS a = Za ‘DRC Cenao [a CZ 26 Ecvador ‘si [ass [37 [986 [252 2a aye Fo 268 lsavoder 457_—[ 16-395 [279 [359 Ze Equlofal GuBee 00 4sa are [sas [ata 28 ‘ses Ta | asa [505 [as [77 nr ‘stone esa sta 2a Ehopie op [735836 [ ass | a6 288 5 ‘sas [496359 [259 [250 25 Sriond Sia [ast] eoe | a9 | ae 221 Fronce 76 | ree | 806 | sir | a0 a7 French Guin 2a —| “569 | 017 | a1 | Be ‘Gabon, Ce Bi [coma —— sia | a1} ses | 0 [90 20 Georais 909 [saa sal_[ an [295 28 ‘Gemany 320 | a9 | ig [ se | aa 341 ‘Shane 505 —| 489 | sa | 266 [250 5 Greece set | a | eas [ots ae ‘Grenade Sop | “44s | ane [08 | er Gudelouse = ‘s1_[ ais [asta ae Gusemas Sop | 44s | 309 [arr [2a 208 ‘Gunes as —| “sie 369 | s10_[ 259 sr ‘Gunes aiza0 7 | ~s70| «16 | sat | 25 7 uy aoe | 440 | 925 [26a [252 “at ai 49 | “ear [356 [at ze endo 572 | “ssa | 92 | 20 mF ago Jal—| ers | 506 | 92 | 360 | iesiond 3s [ se | ot gee ins 26 | 59 [60 | set [aa 9 indonea eis —|-s99 [396 [91627 | oe on $69 | aaa [ ass [sat [eas aa | boa Teas [ge [ees | 0s saa sion Zz —| 461 | 092 106 1361s [39 it Tos [tone | as [ate | s05 | ast aah iy [ear | 509 [are fa somalia ‘65a | sao | sat [ape oa Sopan Tolo| 749 —[ 619] soe [aro | oe Serdar 77 [7s _{-si9 | eat 355 eo iroroenion a oor Fo—| 70 -ase [ss | 26a baa a Korea 00 a6 [aes [530 ao oe Kesove 12 | 357 [aor | ss [a7 | 02 Page of3 new navel SO) [ew Sorvce gredngt, er a aoe jouw | 2651 [sa [ioen [iorilioat Ba, |sote omncer Grading! | _ra_|ra.res| esea | ps | ow ‘County, uss) awa ga 1056 [rar | aso [59 ase [ans ays 99 | aa? [520 | 350 [240 [1018 Looe 1 [ assess [207 ze aa Loi i [ 857 [a2 | see aes aor | 27 eeanoa a Lesotho aig [aos [a7 | ais aL sata [sta |e [ae | see [a Pant ae eye asa _[ 77 | sig | ass | 999 seas Uschiensia Tn} ore | 79s 105 fas [aie nwa 62| $57 | 00 | sa) a | 2a | 2a Lxembous 8 ‘eis [ sap sos 278 [ee Macedonia 770 | ~7e0 | 440} 909 | p40 [201 [i Masegascer eo | exe | 458 [369 [ 810 [267 | as Maio Se1_|-soe| 308350 [ 298 | a7e aes Malia 79 | 0 | sol} aos [39 | o96 Maio ae) [a1 | p09 | 725 | 206 ‘Mat is | “se | aa“ a56 [310 [a8 Mati 79 [esi | ape} ep [ste [aie [0 Marna Wonde 77o—| 70 | aes | as [28s [asa Bigurtono S77—| ss [se | 314206 [a1 07 Mess S09 | aes [90 [us| 3es oa | 8 exico S72 | sas | as0 [ase [0 as Meroned 771709 st4| 490365 [ 90 |. Moldova. aia | sr [aa | sua a5 7 fr | Monaco. 100-1000 | “73 [st | “505 [ass aor} Mongol 398 [ a3 | sas | soe ass [21a ie Monteneais aia [ser ass | aoe [370 st ses Moroseo yas [ uel | sor ate | sae [31 Mozambiaue sage ea [20 2a is aoe rar zo amis za Naw ro -700 [ar | 290 | at [ess Nepal oases [tes | aoe fs ss Nstneionge yar [69 sia | ase [ 395 | 370 as New Zeotond yeaa asp [sr [a1 ano ae Neoroava 7 —| 570 | aap [sao [36 ae 0 | s73_| aap | soar [ase | Riga 7e—| yaa | 826 | aor 570 59| 300 [Noth rea: 0 | se 377 | a90 [aes ar Nery os—[ss1—[ 420 [95431799620 ‘Oran se—[ a7 [ws | sar Ls Potion 10 | S54 ana [396 [2a [25620 Fo a ZT Fonama: ‘Sel_—| ava [ sre [ate ane [a3 [58 Papua New Gaines 70—| 709 | st} 413-349 | 300208 Faron Ser [ ss s7e | o96 ass 250 [217 Fe 7o2—| 698 [ae | 970312279 | 20h Pipa 466—| as [a3 | su} 29 a0 2a Foi ‘a7—|s70_| a9 | 369 [00 | 298 ome Fora 7 TED Poeta RS. aa [aoe 3 [ons | 2a pee ase [aot fas [are] ape | se | 26 2a y Page doe a (oposed new rfes or ToreignWavel (SO) ‘Gil Series grodinat uvalen! sou | 8 eon sae [tate oftcerGrosing? flares] ess | os. ‘County ales (USS) ein se] sa soo [96 Ton) [ais Remon ‘97 -ass [381302 0 Russo asa | as9 | 556 | oor | ass [ae ond 3597 | sae | a9 ae oer Somoo. a7 [3a | 305 [264 aa Lar Son Ming. agar [56 [a0 [aes Late [soo Tome aPincpe 90_[sa | asf tee Pie ie Saul abo fas ea2 | soe | ase [ae ae Senegal a a TD Ser ‘sor 399 | 390 [ara ae [oer holes e742 | ag | soe 96s ae Siro Leone: Bisa] aes [ats 30 sie [Singapore Ta_[-em [ess gra [ast | aes Sovak ‘s97—[-ast_| spe [33 | aoe air Sovenia $37—[ 0 [367 [gn | [er Solomon Wane 700 | 4511306959 [7an [97 somata 490] | 250 [tay [16s a South Aca: 469 [3846—| 500 | 270 as aa South Suden ss fant | se [sas fas oe f soap [sia | ase | arn a Stanko 77 | sate 317 | 18s | 1. ss ond Nev ‘sro [369 [a8 | aoe ar 31s ‘S708 | 356 [sa | as Laas ‘Sk Vnecent and Sienasines o_| smo | ae | an | aye | 90 | aw ‘Sudan 7i9¢—| es [a7 | 901305 [293 | are Sune ose —1-963—|719|-s87—[ 502 | a36 [ae ‘Swaaiond ‘509 [499369 —| soe | 267 | aus bo ‘Sweden 29 [75a fsa [at sas ae Swed Tin ote 7a9 sis sap [ao as ya—| yo | 510} ala 380 [301 | a Tapesion 349 [ea [sis [se [a0 | 00 Tonzanie eas | eo | axa} 392 | 202 [253 | ass Thalone eases [aoe [see [aoe |e ae Timor Ler rea —| “yoo —|e59 | 09259 [200 16 ‘oboe i Togo. ‘ssa [soe | 365 [297 [a9 [as [ae Tongs gy | ~a25 | -s10 9591s tab[ 75 ‘irigad 4a | 438 [369 [36308 [ase [a Tins 462 | ara —[ p14} 261 [zat [2s a0 Tse a 7 Tstmrisian 347 [gaa | 09 [ 366 | ar 0 | a Twas 71 | yoo | aaa | 66 [902i | 15] igen 77 | eis | 429 [995 [285 [253 | a8 esine 12 “887 | 08} 954 [200 [2a | 20 tes Arab Emaar Sea | asa | 656555 aat [a | sted Kingsor a uruguay tig | s78—| sat | 307 [200 [27 | 0 Usa Fea aes [saan oo ion, 909 | baa | 509 | 992 [200 [190 | ar Veruals I Venenela a Pages ofS (pated new rates for toregn aval UD) (cw Service grodngt| Te 5 fees seu | 151 [scr [IGKN|.cralicae TE state ottcer Gr tales esza | “bs | ow ny (WSs Venom [20 [ao | 300 250 [ai [aor [90 Yemen Bis] 79 [sa | 98 a7 30 | ar Tomo 4 | ae aga | gaara | Timbobwe: ga 830 [27520 [a8 [08 5. Scope ot Application 1. The reviews shal apely 10 al State and other Public offcers both at Notional ond County Government ax appropriate. 2. The rates thal have been set by the Commission for Daly Subssionce Alowance [local and Foreign travel) shall apply to al State ond other Publ ates In al pubic Sevice rsttvions in Kenya, Al other eng Crculas onthe some bec trator, Coase fo opply forhulin and the respective Accounting officers parsonaly ‘responsible for prudent management of his fociave alowance. 3, The new rates of Howse Alowonce shall apply fol pubic offcers other than Stole Officer of the Notional and Counly Government inclcing State Corporations ftom ‘ne scheduled effective date of plementation, 4. The respective employers in the cil service should Inlate Colective Bargaining ‘Agteements wih the rolovant Unions in the Implementation of the toviewed/harmonlzed allowances hersin. 4, Implementation Schedule Pleate note that subjact to budgetery provislons, Implementation ofall tho reviowed dlowances tates effect as fotos (Daily Subsslence Allowance (Local & Foreign Travel to be implemented with elect from the date ofthis Creuir and (At the other Aowances reviewed wil be implemented in @ phased approach ‘Commencing in the Fnancal Yeor 2015/2016 a: guided by the Natlonal Treasury tough Budgetary provisions. ‘Your Office is hereby requested to ensure comlance wit the contents ths Creular ond ‘ng 0 the fenton of al employees in your organization for intormatcn Bh Se1ah J.C. Serem (Ws), BS (CHAIRPERSON Pages ce: [Al Cabinet Secretroe Chiafof Sta and Head of Publ Service (Charperons, Constiuional Commisions (Chatpesion, Counct of Govemers ‘Cherpersons Couniy Pubic Service Boards Regis, Industal Court of Kenya ‘Glerk National Asem} [Al County Governor ‘Al Speakers, County Assombles Inspector Geneva. inspectorate of state Corporations Secretary, State Corporations Advisory Comnvtiee Page of? APPENDIX the Grading and Equivalent Job Groups of Al Sloe offices shal be used when applying ‘General Goverrment Crucis os Shown in Table 5 Table 6: The grades and Equivalent Job Groups for al State Oficor Speaker ofthe National Assembly Speake ofthe Senate, Cue usice Deputy Creuse, Cabinet Secretary, Secretary tothe Cabinet, Deputy pester ofthe Senate, Deputy Speaker ofthe Hatera Assan, AOMe} Genera, Autor General, dpe ofthe Supreme Cour, Cran, TERC, Chatman, CIC Prindpal Secretary, Conver of Budget Judge ofthe Court of pest County Governor Director of Public Prosccutn, Vie Car IEBC,Vioe Chair ic Chairpersons, other Consttusonal Commision Merber of te National Assembly, ember of the Senate, Members of Independent Costitienal Common, Judge ofthe High Cur, Register of alta parties ‘Secretaries of Independent Constitutional Commissions, Depty County Governor Chie Magistrate ‘Senior Principe Residence Magistrate Prinpal Resience Magistrate Speaker, County Assembly, County Executive Commies Member Senior Reside Magistrate slo] = |o Resident Magistrate Member of County Assembly A rage sos

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