Santos Krizza Bstm2-3 Quiz#4

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1. Breathing is important in swimming because it helps you to swim faster.

Many scientific
tests have proven that breathing relieves stress. This makes you calmer, and improves
your mental clarity, focus, and concentration.
Coordination is important because it balances inequalities and restores teamwork.
Swimming requires a lot of coordination. While each swimming is different, they all
require simultaneous movement from your arms and legs in different directions.

2. Kick stroke allows swimming to be a more complete workout. Additionally it eases

excessive stress on any one set of muscles. Learning kick stroke adds more variety to
swimming routine and makes swimming more fun.

3. Freestyle Stroke
It’s the fastest stroke, using a combination of alternating arm strokes and leg flutter-
kicks to achieve a superior level of speed. It gives you a full body workout. It works the
muscles in your arms, legs, core and back.
Breaststroke Stroke
Breaststroke is swum with the body facing down. The arms perform semi-circular
movements, and the legs perform a frog kick. Breaststroke is the most popular
swimming stoke. For every 30 minutes of doing breaststroke, you will burn
approximately 300 calories.
In the backstroke, the arm performs alternating and opposite movements. One arms
pulls backward in the water, from an extended forward position to outside the shoulder
and then to the hip performing an S-shaped movement and providing propulsion.
Backstroke can help improve your posture. It will also work your arm, leg and core

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