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“Online Fitness Trainer”



The fitness industry has been lying to you about how to get in the best shape
of your life.

The media and women themselves have been lying to you about what really
makes females attracted to you.

Supplement companies have been lying to you about how effective their
supplements really are. I know that’s a bold statement but stick with me
because as you continue reading I’m going to expose the real truth to you.
(The truth might be hard to digest, so if you’re weak-minded I suggest you
stop reading now..)


The worst part is that so many big “fitness influencers” have lied to you.
WHY? Why would they lie to you? It’s because there’s no money to be made
in any of them telling you the truth. Studies show the fitness, supplement and
dating industry collectively generate more than 270 Billion Dollars per year,
I really doubt they would make that much if you knew what it really takes to
get in the best shape of your life and if you understood true female nature. (I’ll
share more on this in a moment)

Now if it’s not obvious, this booklet is definitely not for everyone. It’s NOT for
people who are radical feminists, liberals,

anti-government, criminals or people who are under the age of 18 and above
the age of 60. I wrote this booklet specifically for men between the ages of 18
to 60 years old that want to get in shape for the purpose of self improvement
and being more attractive to women.



It was June 2008, and we were weeks away from graduating highschool. I
was sitting in class during a lesson. And out of nowhere a guy named Mike
who was sitting behind me in class, grabbed my tricep and without a care in
the world told me “Wow dude… You’re REALLY fucking skinny”. Instantly the
girls in the class BURSTED out in laughter. Laughing at me about how skinny I

I had never felt less masculine in my entire life.

Mike calling me out like that was by far one of the most eye opening events
of my life at the time...but I am GRATEFUL he did that because it lit my chair
on FIRE forcing me to get off my ass and do something about being so
fucking skinny...


Maybe you’ve been bullied, maybe you’ve felt ashamed of your physical
appearance, maybe you’ve felt not good enough, maybe you’ve felt not strong
enough or maybe even not good looking enough to land a smokeshow of a
woman. If you have, I know what that’s like, because like you, I have a lot of
reasons I wanted to get in the best shape of my life.

It wasn’t just because I felt powerless when I was bullied by other guys. It was
also so I could sleep with 8’s, 9’s and 10’s, I mean what guy doesn’t want that?
It was also so that I could have a body that women would NEVER laugh at

I never wanted to feel like less of a man ever again. I was going to have the
dating life that I wanted, I wasn’t going to remain a beta male that women
laugh at.

But as much as I wanted to get in the best shape of my life to attract hot
women to me like bees to honey. I had a gut feeling that getting in kickass
shape might inspire others to make a change in their life as well.

I also wanted to inspire my kids (IF I ever decide to have any), my peers,
friends, and family members with my fitness journey.

I wanted to get laid to prove a point to Mike, to others, to those girls who
laughed at me, and to everyone else who doubted me. I wanted to gain
confidence, look better, meet, and sleep with beautiful girls. Because honestly
I felt like a loser. And the worst part was - I was a virgin up until prom night.


So, as soon as the school year was over, I walked on down to the local gym,
got my ass signed up for the entire year, and started “banging out that iron”.

Now, I gotta tell you…IT WAS NOT EASY.

Those first handful of months at the gym really sucked. I tried so many
cookie cutter programs made by the big fitness “gurus”. You know what I’m
fucking talking about. Those cheap-ass programs that guarantee you’ll get
into sick shape if you just follow their “tried and true” training program for a
few months. Give me a break.

But back then, I had no idea, so I struggled for months to put on weight and
the girls who laughed at me back in class kept laughing for the rest of the
school year.

Come on man, I already felt like such a loser for being laughed at by these
women, for being so skinny, now I can’t even put on an ounce of muscle? I felt
so disappointed in myself.

I kept thinking to myself. “Wasn’t hitting the gym and eating a lot supposed
to help you gain muscle? Am I training hard enough? Maybe I’m not meant to
get jacked”. I was swallowing the blue pill lies and I had no clue at the time.
So I kept trying to figure it out. I tried the keto diet, carb cycling, and [INSERT
FAD DIET HERE]. You name it, I tried it.

Can you guess what I tried next? Supplements...Yup, you got it right,
supplements. Whey protein, BCAAs, creatine,HMB, all of that bullshit stuff
that claims they’ll help you gain CRAZY lean muscle, waterboard abs and
whatever BS claims they like to sell you.

I felt like I was never going to reach my fitness goals and never look good
enough to sleep with the women I want. I was worried i’d I end up being
an involuntary celibate, I’d continue to get made fun of by my peers and I’d
continue to lack confidence.

Honestly, one day I had enough. I was about to make the decision to quit and
throw in the towel but then I remembered my father (an alpha male I look up
to) “didn’t raise no little bitch”. I remembered WHY I started this in the first
place. My “why” was because I was never going to allow myself to feel so
emasculated ever again, especially not because of women laughing at my

And maybe you’ve felt this urge to give up too, but you kept going. You
studied more, you worked harder until you got the results you wanted. Maybe
that’s how you found this book, you’re studying to find a solution to your
fitness and dating problems.

So that’s exactly what I did too. I spent hours every single night studying the
science of gaining muscle. I got dressed into my gym clothes almost every
single day. Ate smart every single day.

Trained HARD day after day and FINALLY, things started working.

Within 6 months, I blew up to 215 pounds! This was all the way from 164lbs. I
couldn’t recognize myself anymore. Women would eye me down like they do
to their favorite meal. Suddenly my old thin clothes didn’t fit me anymore and
I couldn’t fit in my old shirts.


I remember girls that wouldn’t give me the time of day came up to me and
said with an impressed look on their face “Myron, you’re looking REALLY
good…Keep it up!”

I even started to get laid more because of my new physique.

Now, every day, I wake up with complete confidence in my ability to get shit
done. Women flock to me like bees to honey. Men have no choice but to
respect me, even if they don’t like me.

And all of this is thanks to training techniques I use that are backed by
science. I call them the non-negotiable training techniques. You see, I
discovered science backed training techniques that have been tested in
research studies. This is the boring, unsexy stuff that the fitness industry
and supplement companies don’t want you to know about. Because it’s way
cheaper and more effective than anything they could ever sell you on. And
there’s no margins for them.

And unlike those useless trainings from the “gurus” this boring and unsexy
science shit WORKS. Go see for yourself. The research is all online and cited
in my Youtube videos. Not to mention there are so many documented case
studies -including my clients- of this boring unsexy science stuff working.

They can’t make money by telling you that you need to sleep 8 to 10 hours a
night, count macros, minimize stress and do specific exercises. All of this is
responsible for 99% of results but there’s basically NO money in them telling
you this harsh truth. Which is why they’ve been lying to you about how to truly
get in the best shape of your life.


That’s why I wrote this booklet. If enough people read this booklet and learn
this truth then the fitness and supplement industry are likely going to lose a
lot of profit but I don’t care because that means that more amazing people
like you, are going to wake up to the truth and hopefully take action on
becoming the absolute best version of yourself.

I care about YOU, your results and the TRUTH. Don’t you? So fuck those
companies and their lies. Fuck those cookie cuter training programs. Fuck
those supplements.

You see, it’s not even your fault that you’re not in the best shape of your life.
They lied to you, sold you scams, quick fixes and other stuff that just didn’t
work. You were misinformed on how to get in the best shape of your life. I
really don’t see how it could be your fault, do you? I sure hope not because
you’ve been wanting to get in the best shape of your life for a long time.
You’ve tried so many different things like my clients and I have.

The truth is, the 3% of men are using the exact principles I teach in my “Simps
To Pimps System” and they’ve been getting kick ass results. I didn’t write
this booklet just to teach you how to get in shape. No, I wrote this book to
hopefully wake you up. Wake you up to the fact that you’ve been lied to, that
it’s not your fault, and there’s men out there like my clients and I who are all
getting the results you want and YOU CAN DO IT TOO with the right system.


Maybe you’ve heard of the red pill community, maybe you haven’t. Either way,
within this small community there’s about 3% of us who don’t just have game,
but we’ve also got the status, the muscles AND the women. All because of
the “Simps To Pimps System”. Now if you’ve read this far then you know for a
fact it wasn’t always this way for me. I’m just a guy who figured some things
out along my path in life and happens to help others like you to do the same.

Now as you keep reading I’m going to introduce you to the 3% of us that have
been dominating all areas of the The Attraction Triangle and how you can
do the same so you can have the confidence to get the money you want, the
body you want, and women you want. The best part is, you don’t get friend
zoned, used financially, or jerked around by women looking for free attention.
If that sounds like what you want, then keep reading.



A few short years after I left high school I got accepted into Northeastern
University in Boston, Massachusetts. One of the most prestigious cities for
universities and parties… Don’t hate, you and I both know you liked to party in
college/university too.

Little did I know that I was about to level up my game with women to the
next level. I joined the Northeastern Rowing Team, and became a Division
1 athlete. I found my first coach who’s now quite famous (Brogan Graham,
founder of November Project).

So a couple of weeks before all of those cool things happened, I knew that
if I was going to seriously level up my game with women, NEVER have them
laugh in my face again then I would need to prepare. So I spent a few days


looking for answers, for methods to be able to dominate “Game” with women
on campus.

I found 2 books. “The Mystery Method” was one and “Conquer Your Campus”
was the other. These 2 books broke it all down for me. Game, step by step on
how to hook up with college girls and taught me the social hierarchies of the
school’s students.

Honestly, I had NO clue if these 2 books would have even made a difference
but what did I have to lose?

Nothing, I already had women laugh in my face back in high school.

I knew that if I was going to go all in with dominating the dating scene that I
was going to have to make some changes. For example, you may not know
this but I was a NERD!

Not just your average nerd either….

No, I was playing Halo 2 semi-professional tournaments and most days I’d be
playing video games 8 to 10 hours a DAY!

Though these books explained the WHAT, they were not the best at explaining
the HOW. The best I had gotten was a few phone numbers, and casual sex
here and there from 5s. So obviously as you’ve been learning about me, I’m
extremely stubborn.


So I kept getting a little bit better with my “game” every single day. Eventually
it started to become effortless. Women were starting to become attracted
to me like bees to honey. This is when life started to get REALLY good. I had
status, I looked incredible, and I had game. The party invites started coming
in. My physique continued to look better. The dating and sex life became

This was an entire new life to me at the time. I don’t say this to brag, gloat or
boast about myself. No, I say this because I believe any guy -including you-
can go from “Simp” to “Pimp”. No I don’t mean a legit pimp who has women
working for him that he beats and treats like shit. I mean an alpha, a man
who’s in great shape, gets women, and dominates in life.

Little did I know I had built what I now call “The Attraction Triangle”. We’ll talk
about “The Attraction Triangle” more in chapter 5, but all you need to know for
now is that it’s the key to unlocking your door to being a 3% man.

There was this super hot 18 year old girl on the rowing team that I started
to hangout with. I would take this girl out for nice dinners and she’d always
come over to my place afterwards. Obviously I wanted to hook up with her
so it was awesome. But here’s where it sucked. We’d make out, things would
get intimate but as son as she got excited she would turn me down for sex,
every single time. What was this BS? Now she claimed she was a virgin which
I honestly think was BS. My point with this story is that I was so beta and blue
pilled that I tried for MONTHS to hook up with this girl..


I would tolerate being rejected every single time and STILL keep trying with
this girl. Now if that’s not beta behavior then I don’t know what is and as I’m
about to explain in a moment, it got worse. The methods in these books
weren’t enough and I was learning this the hard way.

There was another smokeshow that I was interested in on the track team.
We hung out, went for dinners, hung out at my place, made out but no matter
how turned on she was she would ALWAYS turn me down. That’s still not the
worse part..

She banged TWO of my friends but for whatever reason she wouldn’t bang
me. This obviously made me feel like a bag of shit because at the time I had
no idea why both of these smokeshows were turning me down.

I mean, I was a division 1 athlete, I had “game” and being on the rowing team
gave me some social status. I thought I had fully developed “The Attraction
Triangle” but the truth is I had a lot of internal work to do.

Here’s the problem with those books I told you about. Yes, they both teach
you “Red Pill Principles” but they don’t teach you about female nature....
how women REALLY think and the true behaviors you must have in order to
master “Game” which I teach you in the “Simps To Pimps System”.

You see, the reason people like the author of “The Mystery Method” are
actually terrible role models is because they’re still beta, blue pilled, and never


They haven’t taken the red pill, fully digested it and accepted all of the truth
that I am sharing with you in this short booklet.

Why else do you think that the author of “The Mystery Method” wanted to
commit suicide when he and his girlfriend broke up?!

Listen I’m not saying it’s not okay to have emotions, to feel sad, to feel down.
What I am saying is that as a man if you’d rather die than live without your
woman then I believe you need to gain some serious clarity on your life’s

A study came out in 2019 that showed about 25% of americans reported
celibacy. Can you guess who the majority of those people were? They were
young men in their 20s! Meanwhile, 20 year old girls are partying on boats
with multi millionaires and entertaining sugar daddies.

In dating, it’s commonly accepted to take girls out on diners and to movies on
the first date when in reality that’s the worst thing you could do. Many dating
coaches (especially women) give men incorrect information because the
things that TRULY TURN WOMEN ON are politically incorrect. Teaching these
tactics makes people call you a misogynist when all you’re doing is using
PRIMAL attraction triggers that women can’t resist.

The reason you suck with girls is that society tells you a bunch of BS about
women being perfect..

That women can do no wrong…


That women are sugar spice and everything nice...

You and I both know that it couldn’t be farther from the truth.

The truth is women can be savage if they want to be. On top of that, 8’s, 9’s
and 10’s are not going to settle for anything less than they know they can get.
There is a way to become the type of man that women desire, anyone can.

You MUST become a high value man to get women in 2020. There is NO
shortcut. I will teach you exactly how to become a high value man because
you see, it’s not even your fault. It’s society’s fault. It’s not your fault you don’t
have the “game” that

you want. It’s not your fault you’re not sleeping with the ladies you want, it’s
not your fault you don’t have the sex or dating life you want.

It’s because of 2 things. Number one, no one helped you master the 3
principles of the Attraction Triangle that the top 3% of men have. Muscle,
Money(social status) and Game. Number two, society has been brainwashing
you through movies, TV shows, certain laws like women getting half of your
stuff if you get divorced and them getting priority for custody of the kids.

You see, to get the women, body, and life that you want, you must become a
“High Value” man which you’re about to learn about.



Are you ready for the raw, naked truth about what women are attracted to?
Good, keep reading then. The truth is, women are instinctively attracted to
High-Value men. Why? It’s because

High-Value men trigger PRIMAL attraction in women. Women can NOT resist
being attracted to a High-Value man, even if they don’t like him, chances are
they will be attracted to him. Like bees to honey. And this is WHY...

You see, since many hundreds of thousands of years ago, women have been
hard-wired to seek security in men because they couldn’t protect themselves
and their babies from saber tooth tigers, and other threats. The man’s job was
to fend off any threats to the tribe. Now although there may no longer be the
threat of saber tooth tigers, the human brain hasn’t changed and it’s not going


to for a very long time. So it’s ingrained into women’s “reptilian brain” to be
attracted to alpha men. Alpha men are men of high value.

Now at this point, you’re probably wondering what the heck you need to do to
become a High-Value man. In previous years this may have been challenging
but there’s literally never been a better time in history to stumble upon this.

And you’re in luck because I’ve broken this down to a literal science. Now the
way to become High Value is by developing the 3 pillars of the “Attraction
Triangle”. This is the secret 3% that you’ve been missing all along that you
need so you can have the confidence to get the money you want, the body
you want and women you want. The best part is that when you have all 3
pillars of the Attraction Triangle stacked on top of one another, you don’t get
friend zoned, used financially or jerked around by women looking for free

Let me show you because if you’ve read this far, then like us, the attraction
triangle is the missing ingredient to your attraction recipe. Now let’s feed your
inner lion.




(Social Status)


The Attraction Triangle

Now look, let me just tell you right now, becoming a 3% man is not easy. It
takes daily work, commitment, and consistent ACTION to internalize more
importantly become a 3% man who sleeps with 80% of the attractive women.
You need to develop all 3 pillars of the attraction triangle.


Although these 3 pillars are the secret to becoming a 3% man, they’re in no

particular order of importance.

Let me give you an example of a 3% man. My client and now friend Scott
worked with me for ONLY 2 months, he implemented EVERYTHING I taught
him about The Attraction Triangle using my Simps To Pimps System. Now
he has MULTIPLE GIRLFRIENDS! That’s right, not one, but multiple. The best
part? The women want him even more because of it.

Scott is in incredible shape, his dating life is on point and Scott is dominating
in his life now because he’s become one of the 3% of men that sleep with
80% of the attractive women. These are cool, normal women that just want
a top tier male, which is what Scott has become. You just need to implement
the right system for you in order to have the same.

All men are capable of becoming a 3% man but not all are willing to do what
it takes. Society sucked them down too deep into the blue pill rabbit hole. The
3% men are red-pilled. They’ve accepted the truths about the fitness industry,
the truths about the supplement industry, and the truths about women.

They do not get handed any fish from anyone else so that they can only eat
once. No, these men eat like kings and pimps because they’ve been taught
HOW to fish so that they can eat every day for the rest of their lives.

One of my clients, Giuseppe is a perfect example of a man who doesn’t just

get to eat for one meal because someone handed him a fish. No, Giuseppe
can eat everyday because he was taught how to fish for himself. This is a
part of what we do in the


Simps To Pimps System. I teach you my methods so you can dominate your
physique goals for the rest of your life without ever having a coach again.

While Giuseppe was being coached by me he worked like a machine. He

implemented the attraction methods on his wife and now she can’t keep her
hands off of him.

He went from 232lbs to 180lbs in 8 months losing 52lbs! He learned HOW to

fish so that he could go on to dominate life for the rest of his life. So much
so that he’s lost another 21lbs in 4 months. The man did whatever it took so
now he’s down 73lbs in 12 months, pimping it out with his wife and has more
confidence than ever at his job.

Anyone can do this, even you. Most of us 3% men have been beta’s in the
past. I was a hardcore beta, most of my clients used to be straight up betas.
Why can’t you? We’ve re-created ourselves through taking immediate action,
hard work, hiring coaches, consistency and patience. Like I said earlier, all
men are capable of becoming a 3% man but not all are willing to do what it

You might be thinking “That’s so easy for you to say

Myron you’re killing it in life.”

In February 2019, less than 2 years ago...I was in a BAD SPOT…

I’m not at liberty to discuss it, but here’s a hint to show the severity of the

There was a chance I could be arrested and do FEDERAL TIME in PRISON

and become a FELON...

It was at that point I realized I had to make a chance to be self-reliant.

With nowhere else to turn, I saw an ad for Brandon Carter’s fitness summit in
Miami. Brandon Carter is a youtuber I’ve been following for the better part of
a decade. I always enjoyed his motivational rants, my favorite being “Excuses
are for Bitches”.

I met Brandon and found out his coaching was $6,000 US DOLLARS! I
thought it was crazy but I also knew this man would help me level up my
financial life while making an impact on other men with their fitness & game.

At the time, I did NOT have that kind of money but I was going to find a way to
hire Brandon no matter what it took. I worked my ass off day and night for a
few months and stopped going out so I could save my money.

While laying in bed one day, I clicked open my savings account to see if my
paycheck had come through, to see if I finally had

$6,000 saved up to hire Brandon. With a proud grin on my face I saw that I
had more than $6,000 ready to go and be invested into coaching.

I immediately contacted Brandon and hired him on the spot without

hesitation. Within mere minutes Brandon was my coach. I did not wait
for a better day, I didn’t need to think about it, I didn’t make any excuses.
The craziest part was that I was TERRIFIED inside because I had doubts. I
thought to myself “Man there’s no way that this Youtuber is going to teach

me how to run a 6 figure fitness business.” I have ZERO personal training


But the truth is, I knew he could help me, I just didn’t know if I was good
enough to make it happen because he can’t do the work for me. That’s on me.
Just like you with your money, muscle and game goals. YOU need to make
this happen for you.

As usual, when starting something new it didn’t work right away. I was
playing a completely different game. A game that I’ve never played before.
On top of that the fitness coaching industry is flooded with bad trainers so
lots of fitness coaches get reputations like “oh you’re a sellout, you just want
people’s money, online coaching is a scam”.

All of that to say that the first few months of working with Brandon were
rough. I was working day and night on my fitness business for months and
it seemed as though nothing was happening. I was yet again, facing more
obstacles. But you know how it is, both your dad and mine “didn’t raise no
little bitch”. So just like everything else in my life. I kept working, working, and

My business finally started to gain traction.

I was finally coaching 20 clients with their fitness and game to help them lay
down their foundation of The Attraction Triangle. My social media presence
started to grow. With Brandon’s help, I made over $165,000 since starting
(within the first 13 months in operation) my business, part-time.


My status and money increased, I’ve become aesthetic AF, and I’ve never had
better game in my life.

Again, I do not say this to brag. I say this because I want you to realize that
you too can have 8s, 9s and 10s. You can have money and status. You can
get in the best shape of your life.

Although you’ll need to do whatever it takes just like I did. Because had I
not done whatever it took. Had I not hired Brandon to help me, I would still
be struggling because of living paycheck to paycheck. Hiring a coach was
the best decision I’ve ever made in my life. Now I party and workout with
millionaires, top tier influencers, and high net worth people.

Obviously, I’m not a millionaire yet but that’s not my focus. My focus is
helping men get in the best shape of their lives while dominating their dating
life. I want financial success to be a byproduct of providing massive value to
millions of people worldwide and changing their lives for the better. Including

All this is possible because I hired a coach. I’m not saying this will happen
for you, I’m just saying it’s happened for me, my friends and clients of mine. I
believe that anyone who does whatever it takes, will make it happen (keeping
things legal, ethical and moral of course). Success loves speed.

That is why when I was laying in bed that night I saw that my paycheck
came through. That I had more than $6000 saved, I contacted and hired
immediately. I was working with Brandon within mere minutes. Success loves
speed. Success rewards immediate action.

That’s how fast I take action on this stuff. This book that you’re reading right
now? I had the idea two days ago. I don’t fucking wait. I’m immediately taking
action. I outline what I want to talk about, and the passion just rips through
me because when you get an idea, that’s when the passion is hot. That’s
when you’ve got to take action on it.

You know that passion goes cold after a couple of days. The idea goes cold
after a couple of days. You have to put it into action immediately. Otherwise, it
will slip through your fingers forever. I want to end this chapter with a parable
that I love…and want to share with you...

There’s this lioness, and it’s jumping from one hill to another, and while
jumping from one hill to another, she gives birth to a child.

Now the child falls down the road, where a big crowd of sheep is passing.
Naturally, this baby lion mixes in with the sheep, lives with the sheep, talks like
a sheep. Now the lion has no idea, not even in his dreams, that he was a lion.
How could he, right? He grew up, and all he saw were sheep, and there were
sheep all around him. He’s never roared like a lion because a sheep doesn’t

He’s never been alone like a lion because a sheep is never alone. This lion is
always in the crowd, with the sheep, where it’s cozy and it’s safe and secure.
All the sheep just hang out together. If you see sheep walking, you know they
walk so close together, they’re almost like stumbling on one another. They’re
afraid to be alone.


Then the lion starts growing up, and the lion starts identifying mentally with
being a sheep, but biology doesn’t care about your identification. Nature
isn’t going to follow your mind. You can’t outsmart nature. Nature gets the
last laugh. So this lion becomes this really powerful young lion, but because
things happen so slowly, the sheep become accustomed to him.

They become accustomed to the sheep. They think, like, he’s a little weird.
He looks a little different. He behaves a little differently. He’s growing a little
bigger, but maybe he’s just pretending to be a lion. They don’t know. They
know he isn’t a lion, right? Because they’d seen him since his birth. They
brought him up.

They’d given milk to him. He eats what they eat. He’s a vegetarian like them.
They just accept the differences. He’s a little bit bigger. He looks a little
different, and a very wise sheep in the colony even says, “It’s just a freak of
nature. It happens once in a while.” So the lion himself accepts it as true. His
color is different. His body is different. He just must be abnormal. He just
must be a fucking freak, but the idea that he is lion?

That’s impossible. All the sheep surround him, and all the sheep
psychologists give him explanations. “You’re just a freak of nature. Don’t be
worried. You’re one of us. We’re going to take care of you. Don’t you worry
your pretty little head about it.” Then one day an old lion passes by the sheep,
and it sees the young lion standing far above the crowd of the sheep.

This old lion could not believe his eyes. He’s never seen such a thing, nor has
he ever heard that in the history of the world, a lion can be in the middle of a
crowd of sheep, with no sheep afraid.


Yet this lion is walking exactly like the sheep, grazing on grass. The old lion
rubs his eyes. He couldn’t believe it. He forgets he was even going to catch a
sheep for breakfast. He just forgets breakfast.

It’s something so strange that he is determined to catch hold of the young

lion and find out what the fuck is happening here, but he’s old, and the lion’s
young, and the lion runs away. Because he believes he’s a sheep and there’s
this much danger of the identification, like, he, the young lion, just runs like
a lion, and the old lion could barely catch him. Finally though, the lion gets
hold of him, and the young lion is crying and weeping like a sheep and saying,
“Just forgive me. I am a poor sheep.

Please, please let me go.” The old lion says, “You idiot. You simply stop this
nonsense, and you come to me. You come with me to the pond.” There’s a
pond nearby, and he takes the young lion there. The young lion doesn’t want
to go. He goes reluctantly, but you know, what can you do, right? Against the
lion, you’re only a sheep. He may kill you if you don’t follow him, so the young
lion goes.

The pond’s silent. No one’s there. No ripples—it’s like a mirror. The old lion
says to the young lion, “Just look. Look at my face, and look at your face.
Look at my body, and look at your body in the reflection.” In a second,
there comes a great roar, and the hills echo this roar. The sheep disappear,
and the young lion is a totally different being. He recognizes himself. The
identification with the sheep was not a reality. It was just a mental concept.


Now the young lion has seen the truth. The old lion says, “I don’t have to say
anything anymore, do I? You have understood now.” The young lion could feel
a strange energy he’d never felt before coming up through him, as if it had
been dormant, waiting to be unlocked and unleashed and activated.

He could feel this tremendous power coming through him, and it’s weird
because he has always been a weak, humble sheep, he told himself, and it’s
like all that humbleness, all that weakness—all of it just simply evaporates in
an instant for him.

Is it possible that you could be a lion surrounded by a bunch of sheep that are
leading you to believe that you are much less than

you really, truly are? Sheep wait. Lions act. Fuck waiting. Take action.



That is gonna wrap up this book. Now I have one last thing that I wanna
share, and this is not for everybody. But if you have been reading this entire
booklet and you have come to the conclusion that there is an inner lion inside
of you. An inner ladies man that is dying to come out. An inner badass inside
of you who’s ready to get in the best shape of his life. Maybe you finally
believe that you too can have the confidence to get the money you want, the
body you want, and the women you want.

The best part is once you become a 3% man, you don’t get friend-zoned, used
financially or jerked around by women looking for free attention.

If there’s a part of you that realizes hey “ Myron and his clients weren’t always
alpha males. They weren’t always in great shape. They weren’t always
sleeping with 8s, 9s, and 10s.


If you’re thinking to yourself “Myron, I want to become a 3% man, I need a

system to help me get the body and women I want.

Maybe even The Simps To Pimps system”. Maybe you’ll get in the best shape
of your life, sleep with 9s and 10s. Who knows what levels of confidence
you’ll develop from there? If you are feeling like that, then the timing is fucking
perfect right now because I am actively looking to create 1000 pimps I
already have almost 100. (So my work is cut out for me.)

I’m looking for people I can mentor personally, under my wing, and train them
on everything they need to dominate their dating and fitness goals. If you
want to be one of these pimps, you need to say “fuck it” right now and stop
letting fear hold you back, and you need to go to— so you can book a call and dating
consultation where you can learn where you’re going wrong with your game
and fitness goals.

I hope you get this in time. If you’re reading this and it’s 2022, you are very
likely too late. If you’re reading this in 2021, it is very likely you are too late as
well. If you are reading this in 2020, you may still have time. Hit this link and let’s fucking do this together.

And please remember above all… FUCK being blue pilled!

FUCK being beta.


FUCK the lies the media have told us about women. FUCK trashy

FUCK fad diets.

FUCK being laughed at by women. FUCK giving up.

And most of all—our life philosophy—let’s go for what we want.

Let’s take massive action. Let’s do what scares us. Let’s grow every day, and
when we see something we want, when we get that spark inside of us, when
we know the time is right, let’s just say, “Fuck it” and take action.

I am Myron Gaines. You are a pimp. I look forward to seeing you and pimping
you out soon. It’s gonna be baller together. Until then, peace.


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