Budget Quotation OPP00001706-EV-BQR4

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Budget Quotation

Project Golder NASA Project - Tailings Disposal, Peru

To Golder Associates Perú S.A

Attention Ing. Guido Huillca

Reference Your inquiry with respect to subject project

Date March 20, 2020

Weir Project No. PRJ-00001912

Weir Quotation No. OPP00001706-EV-BQR4

Pump description GEHO® triplex, single-acting, crankshaft driven, piston diaphragm pump

Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v. Any information written in or that can be derived from this budget
P.O. Box 249, 5900 AE Venlo, the Netherlands quotation shall not be revealed or disclosed to third parties unless
T: +31-77-3895200, F: +31-77-3824844, Weir Minerals Netherlands prior written consent thereto is
E: weir@weirminerals.com, www.weirminerals.com/geho obtained.

Weir Quotation No.: OPP00001706-EV-BQR4 1 of 3

Dear Mr. Huillca,

We are delighted to confirm our budget proposal for your pumping requirements for your Golder NASA
Project - Tailings Disposal Project.

This should be a reflection of the requirements that you shared with us during our recent discussions.

If something is not clear, missing or not correctly translated please don’t hesitate to let us know.

We will contact you shortly to follow up and to discuss next steps.

Model and size GEHO® TZPM2000

Qty. of pumps 14 (13 operating, 1 standby)
Duty Tailings Disposal
Slurry to be pumped Tailings Slurry
Slurry density kg/m 1,770
Solid density kg/m 3
3,200 – 3,400
Solid concentration % w/w 50 - 62.5
Slurry viscosity cP 10
Slurry yield stress Pa 10
Maximum particle size mm Assumed 3-4
Particle size distribution µm d80= 183.2 to 281.9; d50= 64.8 to 91.1
Pumping temperature °C Assumed 20
pH 9 to 11
Weir Minerals Netherlands assumes slurry to be free from chlorides,
homogenous and pump-able.
Outdoor, 4,200 m.a.s.l. in a ambient temperature between –0.1 and
Pump location
Total flow m3/h 8,195
Flow each pump m³/h 630.38
Discharge pressure bar 73.3
Stroke rate min-1 51
P pump shaft kW 1,370
Pump efficiency % 93
Total price EURO 32.800.000,00
(Prices are +/-10%)

NPSH required : 3.7 bar abs

Recommended suction pressure * :
- short term duration : 5.2 bar abs
- continuous duty 7.9 bar abs

* Remarks:
 The suction pressure value as indicated above does not include the liquid vapour pressure of the subject
slurry, nor does it include the recommended calculation safety margin of 27,6 kPa (4 psi).
 All pressures are shown for the maximum pump operating conditions.
 When operating at the short term conditions no immediate damage will occur to the equipment, however
as indicated, not for continuous duty.

Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v. Any information written in or that can be derived from this budget
P.O. Box 249, 5900 AE Venlo, the Netherlands quotation shall not be revealed or disclosed to third parties unless
T: +31-77-3895200, F: +31-77-3824844, Weir Minerals Netherlands prior written consent thereto is
E: weir@weirminerals.com, www.weirminerals.com/geho obtained.

Weir Quotation No.: OPP00001706-EV-BQR4 2 of 3

Commercial conditions:

All prices quoted are net in Euro.
Subject proposal prices are for budgetary purposes only and reflect the current manufacturing cost level.
Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v. reserves the right to modify prices to cover inflation and additional contract
requirements. We would be delighted to submit a detailed and firm proposal at your request.

Payment schedule
Manufacturing progress related.

Delivery time
The current delivery time of the equipment proposed is approximately 12 months. This delivery time is
depending on the plant load at the time of award. Please feel free to ask for the actual delivery time of the
quoted pumps for your project at any time.

Trade (shipping) terms

Our point of delivery is FCA Venlo, The Netherlands, and will be governed by the provisions of Incoterms
2010. The equipment will be suitable packed for road / sea transport.

Pricing includes
 Pump with ductile iron / carbon steel wet-end components (to be confirmed)
 Gearbox drive assembly on separate base frame
 Speed adjustable medium voltage AC drive motor
 Medium voltage variable frequency converter
 Phase shift controller for synchronization of multiple pumps in case of 2 operating pumps or more
 One set of special tools
 Synertrex™ Remote Monitoring

Pricing excludes
 Pre-operational testing, commissioning, start-up and training of operators and mechanics (available upon
 Spare parts for commissioning and start-up and wear and maintenance parts (available upon request)

In addition to GEHO® PD pumps, we are also able to offer complementary Weir products such as centrifugal
pumps, valves, etc. and can even design and supply the complete slurry mixing and pumping plant.

Thank you for the opportunity to offer a budget quotation for this project. Please do not hesitate to contact
me should you have any questions.

Yours sincerely,
Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v.

Erik Vlot Tom Rossen

Global Sales Manager GEHO and Warman Q pumps Sales Engineer
T: +31 (0)77 3895 108 T: +31 (0) 77 3272 924
E: Erik.Vlot@mail.weir E: Tom.Rossen@mail.weir

 Typical GA drawing
 Reference list

Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v. Any information written in or that can be derived from this budget
P.O. Box 249, 5900 AE Venlo, the Netherlands quotation shall not be revealed or disclosed to third parties unless
T: +31-77-3895200, F: +31-77-3824844, Weir Minerals Netherlands prior written consent thereto is
E: weir@weirminerals.com, www.weirminerals.com/geho obtained.

Weir Quotation No.: OPP00001706-EV-BQR4 3 of 3

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