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Academy of Journalism & Communication

Subject: Introducing Language

Student’s name: Cao Xuan Tung Class: ETE40
Article’s name: Australia had 'deep and grave' concerns about French submarines'
capabilities, PM says

Paragraphs Types of word formation

(1) Australia was (1)concerned the (1) Affix (V + suffix)
(2)conventional (3)submarines it (2) Affix (N + suffix)
(4)ordered from France would not meet its (3) Affix (prefix + N +
(5)strategic needs before it (6)canceled the suffix)
(7)multibillion defense deal in favor of (4) Affix (V + suffix)
an (8)agreement with the United States and (5) Affix (N + suffix)
the United Kingdom (9)earlier this week, (6) Affix (V + suffix)
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Sunday. (7) Affix (prefix + N )
(8) Affix (V + suffix)
(9) Affix (Adj. + suffix)
(2) Seeking to explain the sudden (1)U-turn (1) Inventing word
that caused huge anger in Paris, Morrison (2) Affix (V + suffix)
said that while he (2)understood France's (3) Affix (V + suffix)
(3)disappointment over the issue, (4) Affix (N + suffix)
"Australia's (4)national interest comes
(3) "It must come first and did come first and (1) Affix (N + suffix)
Australia's (1)interests are best (2)served (2) Affix (V + suffix)
by the trilateral (3)partnership I've been (3) Compound (N + N)
able to form with President Biden and Prime
Minister Johnson," he said at a news
conference on Sunday.
The (1)decision by Australia to ditch the (1) Affix (V + suffix)
French deal and attain (2)nuclear-powered (2) Affix (N + suffix)
(3)submarines through a new (3) Affix (prefix + N +
(4)agreement with the United States and suffix)
the United Kingdom (5)appeared to have (4) Affix (V + suffix)
taken France by surprise (6)earlier this (5) Affix (V + suffix)
week. (6) Affix (Adj. + suffix)
(4) French government (1)spokesperson (1) Compound (V + N)
Gabriel Attal said on Sunday that President
Emmanuel Macron will hold a phone call
with the US President Joe Biden in the next
few days "to move forward."
(5) (1)Speaking to the France 2 TV channel on (1) Affix (V + suffix)
Saturday, French foreign minister Jean- (2) Affix (V + suffix)
Yves Le Drian said the (2)decision to scrap (3) Affix (V + suffix)
the deal that had been in the works since (4) Affix (V + suffix)
2016 amounted to a "crisis." (5) Affix (V + suffix)
"There has been (3)lying, (4)duplicity, a
major breach of trust and contempt. This
will not do. Things are not (5)going well
between us, they're not going well at all," he
(6) In a sign of just serious the (1)escalation (1) Affix (V + suffix)
was, France had (2)recalled its (2) Affix (V + suffix)
(3)ambassadors to the US and Australia for (3) Affix (N + suffix)
(4)consultation in response to the (4) Affix (V + suffix)
(5)announcement, the (6)diplomatic (5) Affix (V + suffix)
equivalent of slamming the door shut (6) Compound (Adj. +
(7)following an (8)argument. N)
(7) Affix (V + suffix)
(8) Affix (N + suffix)
(7) The (1)cancellation of the deal has real (1) Affix (V + suffix)
(2)economic consequences for France. (2) Compound (Adj. +
French (3)submarine builder Naval Group N)
said 500 of its (4)employees in Australia (3) Compound (N + N)
and a 650 in France are (5)affected by the (4) Affix (N + suffix)
(6)breakdown of the (7)agreement. (5) Affix (V + suffix)
(6) Compound (V +
(7) Affix (V + suffix)
(8) The company said Sunday it (1)suspended (1) Affix (V + suffix)
its (2)recruitment efforts in order to (2) Compound (N + N)
(3)prioritize the (4)needs of those (3) Affix (N + suffix)
(5)affected by the contract coming to an (4) Affix (N + suffix)
end. (5) Affix (V + suffix)
But Morrison (6)defended the (7)decision (6) Affix (V + suffix)
on Sunday, saying there had been (7) Affix (V + suffix)
(8)concerns about the deal with France (8) Affix (V + suffix)
even before it was (9)canceled. (9) Affix (V + suffix)
(9) "We had deep and (1)grave concerns that (1) Compound (Adj. +
the (2)capability being (3)delivered by the N)
(4)Attack-class submarine was not going (2) Affix (N + suffix)
to meet our (5)strategic interests and we (3) Affix (V + suffix)
had made very clear that we would be (4) Compound (Adj. +
making a (6)decision based on our N)
(7)strategic national interest," he said. (5) Compound (Adj. +
(6) Affix (V + suffix)
(7) Compound (Adj. +
Adj. + N)
(10) Le Drian also (1)criticized the UK for its (1) Affix (V + suffix)
role in the deal, saying: "Great Britain, there (2) Compound (Adj. +
is no need, we know their (2)permanent N)
opportunism, so there is no need to bring
our ambassador to explain it to us. In fact, in
this matter, Great Britain is a bit of a fifth
(11) (1)UK's new Foreign Secretary Liz Truss (1) Initialisms
said the UK was (2)seeking to build (2) Affix (V + suffix)
(3)partnerships with "(4)like-minded (3) Affix (N + suffix)
countries." (5)Writing in the Sunday (4) Compound (Adj. +
Telegraph (6)newspaper, she said the new N)
deal with Australia and the (7)US shows (5) Affix (V + suffix)
Britain's "(8)readiness to be (9)hard- (6) Compound (N + N)
headed in (10)defending our (11)interests (7) Initialisms
and (12)challenging (13)unfair practices (8) Affix (Adj. + suffix)
and (14)malign acts." (9) Compound (Adj. +
(10) Affix (V + suffix)
(11) Affix (N + suffix)
(12) Affix (V + suffix)
(13) Compound (Adj. +
(14) Compound (Adj. +

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