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Elasticity Problem Solving

1. A spring has a k = 28 hangs at 85.4 cm above the tabletop. How high above the table will the bottom
of the spring be if 6.5 N are applied to the spring?

2. The bottom of a spring with a k = 24.5 N/m is 0.125 m above a tabletop when 12.5 N are attached. If
the weight is removed, how far above the tabletop will the spring hang?

3.A 250 g mass is hung from a spring that stretches from 93.4 cm to 62.2 cm. What is the k for the

4. A spring with a k = 15.3 N/m hangs 3.5 cm above a tabletop when a 400 g mass is hung from it. If the
mass were removed, how far above the tabletop will be the bottom of the spring?

5. The heels on a pair of women’s shoes have a radius of .5 cm at the bottom. If 30% of the weight of a
woman 480N is supported by each heel, find the stress on each heel.

6. Find the diameter of an 18 m (L) long steel wire that will stretch no more than 0.009 m(∆L) when a
load (stress) of 3800 N is hung on the end of the wire. The Young’s Modulus for steel wire is 200 x 109

7. For safety in climbing mountaineers use a nylon rope that is 50 m long (L) and 0.01 m in diameter.
When supporting a 900 N climber the rope stretches 1.6 m (∆L) under tension. Find the Young’s
Modulus (Y) for the rope.

8. The elastic limit of steel is 5.0 Pa (N/m2 ), find the minimum diameter a steel wire can to support a
700 N weight without exceeding its elastic limit

9. The distortion of the earth’s crust is an example of sheer on a large scale. A particular rock has a sheer
modulus of 1.5 x1010 Pa (N/m2 )(Shear Modulus, S). What shear stress is applied when a 10 km layer (h)
of rock is sheared a distance of 5 m (∆x).

10.A mass of 2.00 kg is supported by a copper wire of length 4.00 m and diameter 4.00 mm. Determine
(a) the stress in the wire and (b) the elongation of the wire.
Vibratory Motion Problem solving

1. A spring is hung with an object and vibrated. For the vibration frequency to double the original
vibration frequency, then the mass of the object is changed to..

2. A spring with a constant k = 1000 N / m is hung with an object with a mass of 400 grams. The object is
pulled to the right as far as 5 cm, then released, so the object is simple oscillating harmonics. Determine
the amplitude and frequency of the object oscillation.

3. when a tire pressure gauge is pressed against a tire value as figure 10.2, the air in the tire pushes
against a plunger attached to a spring. Suppose the spring constant of the spring is k= 320 N/m and the
bar indicator of the gauge extends 2.0 cm when the gauge is pressed against the tire valve. What force
does the air in the tire apply to the spring?

4. A block of Jell-O is resting on a plate. The Jell-O stands 0.03 m tall and in the shape of a square that is
0.07 m in length. You are bored, waiting for dinner and push tangentially across the top surface with a
force of 0.45 N. The top surface moves a distance of ∆x = 6.0 x 10-3 m relative to the bottom surface.
What is the shear modulus of Jell-O?

5. A 1.6 m long steel piano wire has a diameter of 0.2 cm. How great is the tension in the wire if it
stretches 0.25 cm when tightened? Young modulus for steel is 2.00 x 1011 m/m2

6. Determine the change in volume of a 1.00 m3 block of granite when it is submerged about 3 km in the
ocean, where the pressure on all surfaces is about 300 times ordinary atmospheric pressure of 1.013 x
105 Pa. The bulk modulus of granite is 5x 10 Pa.
7. During a tensile strength experiment, a small-diameter fiber is elongated by a force of 0.0250 N. The
fiber has an initial length of 0.200 m and stretches a distance of 4.00 × 1024 m. The Young’s modulus for
the material being tested is 7.60 × 1010 Pa. Determine the diameter of the fiber

8. A uniform pressure of 5.00 × 104 Pa is exerted on a copper block having a volume of 10–3 m3. What is
the change in volume of the block?

9. Human bone has a Young’s Modulus of 14.5 x108 N/m2 (Y). Under compression, it can withstand a
stress of about 160 x 106 N/m2 (stress) before breaking. Assuming a human adult thigh bone (femur) is
about .5 m (L) long, how much compression (∆L) can the bone withstand before breaking.

10. A cylindrical aluminum pillar 7.00 high has a radius of 30.0 cm. If a 2000-kg sculpture is placed on top
of the pillar, by how much is the pillar compressed?
Fluids Problem Solving

1. A container filled with water and there is a hole, as shown in the figure below. If acceleration due to
gravity is 10 ms-2, what is the speed of water through that hole?

2. A container filled with water and there is a hole, as shown in figure below. If acceleration due to
gravity is 10 ms-2, what is the speed of water through that hole.

3. A container filled with water and there is a hole, as shown in figure below. If acceleration due to
gravity is 10 ms-2, what is the speed of water through that hole.

4. Water flows through a pipe of varying diameter, A to B and then to C. The ratio of A to C is 8 : 3. If the
speed of water in pipe A is v, what is the speed of water in pipe C.

5. If the speed of water in pipe with a diameter of 12 cm is 10 cm/s, what is the speed of water in a pipe
with a diameter of 8 cm?

6. Water flows through a pipe of varying diameter, as shown in figure below. If area 1 (A1) = 8 cm2, A2 =
2 cm2 and the speed of water in pipe 2 = v2 = 2 m/s then what is the speed of water in pipe 1 = v1.

7. If the diameter of the larger pipe is 2 times the diameter of smaller pipe, what is the speed of fluid at
the smaller pipe.

8. A pipe with a radius of 15 cm connected with another pipe with a radius of 5 cm. Both are in a
horizontal position. The velocity of the water flow in the large pipe is 1 m/s at a pressure of 105 N/m2.
What is the water pressure on the small pipe (1 g cm-3).

9. Water flows through a rubber Water flows through a rubber hose 2 cm in diameter at a velocity of in
diameter at a velocity of 4 m/s. What must be the diameter of the nozzle in What must be the diameter
of the nozzle in order that the water emerge at order that the water emerge at 16 m/s.

10. Water flows through a Water flow through a rubber hose rubber hose 2 cm in diameter at a velocity
of in diameter at a velocity of 4 m/s. What is the. What is the rate of flow rate of flow in m3/min?
Temperature and Heat Problem Solving

1. A metal rod heated from 30oC to 80oC. The final length of the rod is 115 cm. The coefficient of linear
expansion is 3.10-3 oC-1. What is the initial length of the metal rod?

2. The initial length of a brass rod is 40 cm. After heated, the final length of the brass is 40.04 cm and the
final temperature is 80oC. If the coefficient of linear expansion of the brass is 2.0 x 10-5 oC–1, what is
the initial temperature of the brass rod.

3. Two metal rods with the same size but different type, as shown in figure below. The thermal
conductivity of metal I = 4 times the thermal conductivity of metal II. What is the temperature between
both metals.

4. How much heat is absorbed by a 20 g granite boulder as energy from the sun causes its temperature
to change from 10°C to 29°C? (Specific heat capacity of granite is 0.1 cal/g.°C)

5. If a 3.1 g ring is heated using 10.0 calories, its temperature rises 17.9°C. Calculate the specific heat
capacity of the ring.

6. The temperature of a sample of water increases from 20°C to 46.6°C as it absorbs 5650 calories of
heat. What is the mass of the sample? (Specific heat of water is 1.0 cal/g.°C)

7. The temperature of a sample of iron with a mass of 10.0 g changed from 50.4°C to 25.0°C with the
release of 47 calories of heat. What is the specific heat of iron?

8. When 3 kg of water is cooled from 80°C to 10°C, how much heat energy is lost? (specific heat of water
Cw= 4.179 J/g 0C)

9. When heated, the temperature of a water sample increased from 15°C to 39°C. It absorbed 4300
joules of heat. What is the mass of the sample?

10. The temperature of a sample of water increases from 20°C to 46.6°C as it absorbs 5650 Joules of
heat. What is the mass of the sample?
Wave and Motion Problem Solving

1. If the frequency of tuning fork is 400Hz and the velocity of sound in air is 320 m/s, find how far the
sound travels while the tuning fork makes 30 vibrations.

2. A body vibrating with certain frequency sends waves 1.5 m long through a medium A and 2.0 m long
through medium B. The velocity of waves in A is 120 m/s. Find the velocity in B.

3. A wire of length 4.35 m and mass 137 g is under a tension of 125 N. What is the speed of a wave in
this wire? If the tension is doubled, what is the speed? If the mass is doubled?

4. If a tuning fork vibrates with a frequency of 512 Hz to produce sound waves which travel with a
velocity of 330 m s−1, find the wavelength?

5. A tuning fork produces sound waves of wavelength 68 cm. If the velocity of sound is 340 m/s. What is
the frequency of tuning fork?

6. The velocity of radio waves is 3 × 108 m s−1. Find the wavelength of radio waves being broadcast at a
frequency of 500 KHz.

7. A tuning fork makes one complete vibration in 1/200 second and the velocity of sound waves is 340
m/s. Find the wavelength of the sound given out by the tuning fork.

8. The average range of frequencies at which human beings can hear sound waves varies from 20 Hz to
20 kHz. Calculate the wavelength of the sound wave in these limits. (Assume the speed of sound to be
340 m s-1.

9. A man saw a toy duck on a wave in an ocean. He noticed that the duck moved up and down 15 times
per minute. He roughly measured the wavelength of the ocean wave as 1.2 m. Calculate the time taken
by the toy duck for going one time up and down and also the velocity of the ocean wave.

10. A wave on a string has the formula y = 0.030sin(0.55x − 62.8t + π/3). What is the wavelength,
frequency, period, phase constant, and speed of the wave. The string has a linear density μ = 0.020
kg/m. What is the tension in the string? What is the rate of energy flow of the wave? Sketch the
reference circle, the snapshot graph at t = 0, and the history graph at x = 0.

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