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Faculty Engineering and Technology

Assignment –BSc (Batch 02 A/B)


Module Structural Design I Module CE 2323

Title Code
Assignment Design of a Two Storey Shopping Assignment 01
Title Complex Number
Student’s Student’s
Name Number
Lecturer’s Mrs. Anuradha Silva Issued Date 07/12/2020
I confirm that:
 I have been given a copy of the assessment criteria relating to this assignment
 I understand the meaning of the terms Cheating, Collusion and Plagiarism
 All the work submitted is my own work
Date of 24/12/2020


Assignment Feedback comments:

Signed :………………………………………….. Print Name :………………………………...................

Date: ……………………………………………. Unconfirmed Mark ……………………………………..
Students are supposed to stick to the following Instructions

 The work breakdown of all group members should be indicated clearly on a separate page
 The design report should be consisted of following components:
I. Introduction
II. Architectural drawings
III. General arrangement drawing*
IV. Design of structural elements
V. Detailed drawings of structural elements
VI. Annexes (not compulsory)

(* provide necessary references/calculations for the selection of preliminary dimensions.

Please refer to the Table 7.4 in the EC2 and get the approximate l/d ratio based on ρ=0.5%.
The calculate the initial d value)

 Provide all design calculations and checks with the assumptions you make. The report shall
be in the standard format.
 Provide whatever necessary information in annexes.
Suppose that you are the structural design engineer assigned for the proposed mini-shopping
complex project located at Peliyagoda. The proposed project has several shopping buildings and
each of them are two-storey reinforced concrete structures with identical dimensions.

The plan view and the front elevation view of those buildings are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2,
respectively. The roof of the building is to be built using a set of reinforced concrete slab panels
in order to use as roof top restaurant.




i) Provide design reports for the first-floor level reinforced concrete slabs. Check whether the
slabs are safe from shear and excessive deflection. Consider the following loads when
Imposed load of 4.5 kN/m2
Weight of partitions 1.25 kN/m2
Weight of finishes 1 kN/m2
Weight of services 0.5 kN/m2
(15 marks)

ii) Design the first-floor level beams considering the ultimate limit state loading profile. Provide
design reports for the followings;
a) Flexure
b) Shear
c) Deflection

(30 marks)

iii) Design for the reinforcement requirement of each column and provide design reports. Consider
the following loads are to be on the roof slab;
Imposed load 6 kN/m2
Weight of partitions 1 kN/m2
Weight of finishes 0.5 kN/m2
Weight of services 0.5 kN/m2
(25 marks)

iv) Suppose the building is to be supported by pad footings. Arrange yourself a suitable layout for
the foundation. Describe the reasons for your selection.
Provide detailed design reports for the proposed foundation design considering flexural and
shear aspects.

(30 marks)

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