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Volume 6 Issue 1
Dr. Katz holding
Spring 2011 the hand of a
pediatric Haitian
patient, telling
her "It's going to
be okay."


"There are many unknowns about the future of
healthcare and our profession. One thing is 13 GRATEFUL PATIENT
certain; the quality of our endeavors will continue
to be of eminent importance to the patients we
care for and the individuals we train.

Whether it is direct clinical care, education, or in

basic and translational research, our excellent CHAIRMAN - THOMAS MAUGER, MD
staff, volunteers, faculty, residents, and fellows
will allow us to meet our goals despite the many PROGRAM COORDINATOR - CHRISTINA STETSON
challenges that face us."
- Thomas Mauger, MD PHONE | (614) 293-8760
Department Chairman EMAIL | EYE@OSUMC.EDU

Artistic rendering of the OSU Medical Center Expansion

EXPANDING ACCESS multiple locations. To facilitate family support "We are a large university with a rich diversi-
in the healing process, every critical care pa- ty of programs, especially in health sciences,"
One in three of us will get cancer in our life- tient room will have adjoining comfort zones said Dr. Gabbe. "This will bring all of that
time. With the new James Cancer Hospital where loved ones can stay, sleep, and shower. rich diversity in closer collaboration with the
and Solove Research Institute, part of OSU Medical Center. We will develop programs of
Medical Center’s $1 billion expansion project, The new Chlois G. Ingram Spirit of Women care here that will become the standards for
more people than ever will have access to Park and the Phyllis G. Jones Legacy Park will future health care in medical centers around
some of the world’s leading experts in cancer offer beautiful green spaces where patients, the country and around the world."
prevention, detection, treatment, and cure. visitors and staff can meet, rest, and reflect. Ad-
Together, we’re creating a cancer-free world. ditionally, roof top terraces on the new building EXPANSION IMPACT
will also be available to patients and visitors.
Caring for our patients and the environment The OSU Medical Center expansion will
certified under the Leadership in Energy and INTEGRATED RESEARCH generate 5,000 new construction jobs and an
Environmental Design (LEED) Green Build- additional 10,000 new full-time jobs upon
ing Rating System™ for its use of sustainable The new facility will be linked to research completion, nearly doubling the Medical
and eco-friendly material, technologies and buildings, allowing investigators to translate Center’s economic impact on central Ohio.
building practices, the new building will use their lab work to clinical trials, which may
20 percent less energy than standard buildings. help patients heal more quickly. Every patient "This is precisely the right moment to lever-
floor will also include spaces to support age the strength and momentum of Ohio
"The OSU Medical Center expansion is a healthcare education, enabling teams of fac- State’s Medical Center for the benefit of Ohio
unique opportunity to improve people’s lives," ulty and students to interact in patient care. and our patients," said OSU President Dr. E.
said Dr. Steven Gabbe, CEO of the OSU Med- Gordon Gee. "The new configuration and
ical Center. "Ohio State has the opportunity to The expansion is a concrete example of Ohio technologically advanced facilities will ease
do something no other university has done." State’s expansion in the area of Life Sciences. collaborations among researchers, physicians,
This new space will bring together areas of and patients, reshaping hands-on care and
Fully equipped rooms will allow patients to study and research that may not have col- making possible transformational discoveries,
receive nearly all of their treatment in the laborated before to find ways to prevent, treat therapies, and treatments."
comfort of their own room, rather than visiting and cure disease.

Stephanie, a Haitian
orphan with a large
orbital tumor

Stephanie, after having the tumor removed, with

Project MediShare's PJ Pitts


Haiti was already the poorest country in the very shy and did not interact with other kids. "When you weren't operating, then you were
in the western hemisphere, with most of its She was afraid to look at anyone because acting as a scrub nurse or helping to clean
population living on less than $2 per day. she was worried about what they might think the operating room between cases or the next
Most citizens did not have access to running about her. Through an interpreter, Stephanie case wouldn't happen," said Dr. Katz. "You
water or basic medical care. When the 7.1 communicated the difficulties she faced liv- had to leave your ego at the door. When I was
magnitude earthquake hit in January of 2010, ing in an orphanage and that she hoped to get operating, I had multiple surgeons assisting
it left 316,000 dead, 300,000 injured, and married some day. me. When I wasn't operating, I might be
over 1,000,000 homeless. fetching blood product or trying to find the
right instrument. All of us had to do what-
With the large number of fractures, amputa- ever was needed."
tions, and other earthquake-related injuries,
the immediate need for trauma surgeons When they were not performing surgery or
and doctors was evident. Most of the major seeing eye patients, they were assisting in the
buildings and hospitals were not function- general medicine clinic. The group treated
ing, but volunteers came from all over the many patients, but Stephanie was the one pa-
world to treat patients anywhere they could in tient Dr. Katz went specifically to see. They
makeshift hospital tents. Back Row: Drs. Criden and Katz were able to successfully remove her tumor
Front Row: Drs. Grant, Agnone, and Bryan and her vision and eye movements improved
Dr. Steven Katz, a neuro-ophthalmologist dramatically. Since returning home, Dr. Katz
from OSU Havener Eye Institute, was at first Her story struck a chord with Dr. Katz and received photographs of her laughing, smil-
hesitant to go, not really sure how he could within the next couple of months, a group from ing, and playing with the other kids in the
be of assistance. Columbus was formed. The group included Dr. orphanage.
Katz, Dr. Agnone, her husband Brad Bryan,
“I knew a number of people that had gone to MD (a general surgeon), Ian Grant, MD (an "We were very impressed with the beauty and
Haiti to help out in the relief effort, one of otolaryngologist), Don McNeal, MD (an strength of the Haitian people, as well as the
whom was a former residency classmate of internist), and Dr. Katz's former neuro-ophthal- incredible sacrifices of many of the volun-
mine, Charlotte Agnone. She had been there mology fellow, Marc Criden, MD, now on the teers," said Dr. Katz. "The small contribution
twice and started to email me photographs faculty of the University of Texas Houston. that we made in four days was overshadowed
of children and young adults with orbital by the volunteers who had been there for up
tumors. She wanted me to come back with They arrived at Port-au-Prince and settled to eight months."
her to help with the surgery on these cases. into the new Project MediShare compound.
They weren't acute injuries, but patients who They were immediately struck with the Dr. Katz has promised Stephanie to return to
had been overlooked or considered too dif- physical difficulties of the extreme humid- Haiti. He hopes to take a few ophthalmology
ficult for someone to attempt in a less than ity, over 100 degree temperatures, and lack residents and fellows with him to perform the
adequate hospital.” of running water. While the hospital was no additional eye muscle surgery she needs as
longer being run out of a tent, it was always well as to assist in the care of other patients.
During that time, Dr. Agnone sent him a short on supplies, pharmaceuticals, and per-
photo of Stephanie. Stephanie was an or- sonnel. They lacked many of the instruments For more info on supporting resident inter-
phaned, 12-year-old Haitian girl with a large that would normally be used for such delicate national missions call Barbara at (614) 293-
orbital tumor behind her left eye. She was orbital surgeries. 8760 or visit


In the 1960s, Dr. Andrew joined a group of
Dr. James & Elaine Andrew
ophthalmologists who constructed a building
on East Town Street that was conducive to
practicing ophthalmology.

At that time, laser treatment for diabetic

retinopathy was in its infancy and Dr. Andrew
had a patient, the wife of a Nationwide Insur-
ance executive, who was losing her sight due
to diabetes. Dr. Christian Zweng of Stanford
University, a classmate and friend of Dr.
Andrew, was a pioneer for laser treatment for
diabetes and was using a new technique utiliz-
ing an Argon laser. He invited Dr. Andrew
and Dr. Frederick Davidorf, an OSU retina
specialist, to observe the treatment firsthand.

A trip to California was no easy task in 1970,

ANDREW SURGICAL SKILLS LAB but Dr. Andrew, Dr. Davidorf, the patient,
and her husband made the 2500 mile trip in a
FAMILY CREATES A LASTING LEGACY prop plane. They observed the new proce-
dure and brought knowledge of the technique
We are proud to announce the dedication of 12 years. He was a very energetic, dynamic back to Ohio. No one in Ohio had an Argon
the James M. Andrew, MD Resident Surgical person who was just a lot of fun to be around.” laser because of the cost, but Dr. Andrew and
Skills Lab. This is the first space in the new Dr. Davidorf were able to convince the pa-
Eye and Ear Institute to be named. Dr. Andrew trained many ophthalmology tient's husband to donate the first argon laser
residents throughout his career. Most Mon- in Ohio to OSU.
Dr. Andrew was an OSU Ophthalmology day nights, he would open his home to the
community faculty member and benefac- ophthalmology residents so they could watch Dr. Andrew never got the chance to retire.
tor for over 30 years. His family is proud to slide shows and 16mm film of surgeries and His life was cut short at age 66. In 1987,
support the naming including his son Mark, eyes disorders. while making an ophthalmic presentation in
who lives in Granville, son Blair, who lives in South Africa, he experi-
Baltimore, Maryland, son Craig and daughter “He had a passion for education and really enced chest pains and had
Peggy Bellows, who both live in Columbus. enjoyed training residents,” said Peggy. to be hospitalized. During
his hospital stay, they found
Dr. Andrew graduated from Dartmouth and In the early 50s, when he began his practice, that he had pericardial fluid
received his medical degree at the Long cataract surgery patients would have the natu- around his heart which they
Island School of Medicine. He completed his ral lens inside their eye removed after which later analyzed and found
residency at Kresge Eye Institute in Detroit they would have to wear very thick glasses. cancer cells. He lived ten
and afterwards, was stationed at Wright- Dr. Andrew was one of the first ophthalmolo- more months, but finally
Dr. Andrew
Patterson Air Force Base. gists in the community to use artificial lens succumbed to his illness in
implants after cataract removal. July of 1988.
In 1951, he arrived in Columbus and took
over a practice on State Street. He had many “In those days, cataract patients had to be “I remember Jim as a long-time ophthalmolo-
partners over the years including OSU alumni hospitalized and Dad always sent them a get- gist, resident teacher, and outdoorsman,” said
Bob O’Dair, Sandy Farber, and Jack Dingle. well bouquet,” said Peggy. “I remember that Dr. Davidorf, a former student and colleague.
the little old ladies would get so excited when “But most of all, I remember him as an in-
“Jim was an all-round great ophthalmologist,” the flowers would come because now they novative surgeon which makes naming the
said Dr. Dingle. “We practiced together for could see them.” surgical skills lab in his honor so appropriate.”


Join us in welcoming Will Kuhlman, our new Now, Will is happy to call the Buckeye State
Development Officer. Will hails from Wash- home and he is looking forward to settling in,
ington State where he graduated with a Bach- watching some good football, and fundraising
elor of Arts Degree from Eastern Washington to ensure a brighter future in ophthalmic care.
University in Communications & Journalism.
"The Havener Institute is known for its supe-
Over the next two decades he built a solid rior residency, treatment, and research pro-
reputation in fundraising working for Wash- grams," said Will. "Philanthropy will play an
ington State University, University of Idaho, increasingly important role in maintaining and
Washington's Pullman Memorial Hospital enhancing these excellencies. I am pleased
Will with OSU donor Foundation, and Anchorage, Alaska's Provi- and honored to have the opportunity to help
Thom Robinson dence Health System. advance the Department any way that I can."

Dr. Christoforidis performing cataract surgery on an
animal subject with Dr. Cedric Pratt, a retina fellow

The image of research as “an ivory tower MAKING A DIFFERENCE them is a part of the problem. Dr. Cebulla
housing statistics and microscopes,” is a believes that if we knew the target proteins, we
popular one. While basic research has tradi- Retinal detachment (a condition where the could develop better medication to prevent or
tionally been far removed from patient clinics, light sensitive tissue inside the eye becomes reduce the scarring as well as try to promote
translational research is bridging the gap separated from the back of the eye) can be healing of damaged retinal tissue.
getting breakthrough discoveries to patients a potentially blinding condition. The worst
faster that ever. outcomes are in those patients who develop Her first step was to compare the proteins
scar tissue in the retina, called proliferative that are increased or involved in a PVR retina
Translational Research is a new initiative of vitreoretinopathy (PVR). with a normal retina in animal models.
the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It
seeks to “translate” basic research discoveries “My research is focused on clinical prob- “I did what’s called iTRAQ labeling of the pro-
into patient care by encouraging collabora- lems,” said OSU's Colleen Cebulla, MD, teins,” explained Dr. Cebulla. “A tag is added
tions between basic scientists and clinicians. PhD. “As a retina surgeon, I see patients that to a protein so the mass spectrometer machine
At the Havener Eye Institute, our physicians are affected by retinal detachments. We want can recognize it. This can tell me if a protein
are taking it one step further by identifying to help them regain their vision either by pro- has increased or decreased in a PVR retina
patient care problems and initiating research moting regeneration of damaged retinal tissue sample compared to a normal retina sample.
themselves based on real-world problems. or eliminating scar tissue formation." I found 567 extra proteins and am very inter-
ested in which are the most important targets to
Retinal damage and scarring problem are study and trying to develop therapeutics.”
not isolated to retinal detachment patients.
Patients with macular degeneration, diabetes, Once the targets are identified in the animal
ocular trauma, some infections, and other model, Dr. Cebulla will conduct similar
retinal conditions can also have scarring. studies with human PVR retina. This will
Depending on where the scars form they can help identify the target proteins involved in
interfere with vision. By understanding how scarring and regeneration. Medication that
scarring develops, Dr. Cebulla hopes to be inhibits these proteins can then be tested and
able to inhibit it in critical vision areas. with success will lead to clinical trials.

While there are many theories on PVR preven- “I see problems every day that affect people,”
tion, in practice the theories have not really said Dr. Cebulla. “It makes me want to go to
held up. Not knowing the critical proteins that the lab and find new treatments that will help
promote the scarring process and how to target my patients and patients everywhere.”


Microscopic view of a retinal scar

Dr. Christoforidis preparing a patient for

an anti-VEGF injection

Dr. Cebulla overseeing a research assistant

ASKING QUESTIONS During his first study into radiolabeling, “We'll have a better understanding of where
he found that while the majority of the medication is going,” said Dr. Christoforidis,
Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor anti-VEGF medication does indeed stay “and how your body reacts to it without
(anti-VEGF) medications such as Avastin® within the eye, a small amount does disperse waiting for basic research to work its way
and Lucentis® inhibit the growth of new through the body. through the entire system. That's the beauty
blood vessels. This is important for patients of conducting translational research at The
with several common retina conditions, but So, is that small amount enough to inhibit Ohio State University.”
might have adverse effects on other parts of wound healing? This question prompted an
the body that are trying to heal. additional research project into what effect DISCOVERIES INTO TREATMENT
the small amount of anti-VEGF would have.
“It's a basic question. We give our patients Dr. Christoforidis found that even the small With the immense research resources avail-
anti-VEGF medication in the eye,” said John amount that enters the bloodstream is statisti- able at Ohio State and the willingness for
Christoforidis, MD. “How do we know that cally significant in inhibiting wound healing. collaboration between departments, clinical
it stays in the eye?” questions can be answered in the lab and start
“This result can be instantly translated to the benefiting our patients in the clinic faster than
Dr. Christoforidis decided to do more than clinic,” said Dr. Christoforidis. “If I have ever before.
ask the pharmacokinetic (the study of what a patient in the clinic that is considering
happens to a drug once it is administered) surgery or has an open wound, I now know “We take questions from the clinic to the lab
question. He met with other retina specialists to suspend the anti-VEGF medication and and bring the answers back to the clinic,” said
to discuss strategies for tracking the disper- consider alternative treatments.” Dr. Christoforidis. “We do it for the patients
sion of anti-VEGF medication once injected. that we see every day.”
A secondary finding of his radiolabeling
Dr. Christoforidis then consulted his brother, a project was that Dr. Christoforidis obtained “There is something to be said for the thrill
radiologist, to discussed gadolinium, a dye used comparable results much faster than other of discovery,” said Dr. Cebulla, “It’s always
in imaging. He learned that gadolinium is not more extensive, long-term pharmacokinetic kind of exciting, like a puzzle that you work
very useful for longterm imaging because after studies. Also, he was also able to use a out. But, what really motivates me most, is
a few days it blends in with the surrounding single animal subject multiple times, while the hope that a discovery we make today will
tissue. Radiolabeling, a process using radioac- the larger studies used many more animals to be able to really help our patients.”
tive isotopes (a decaying chemical element get the same results. This discovery is excit-
that is easy to track) as tracers would be better. ing in itself because it establishes a better To learn how to support these important
Rather than contacting a research scientist, Dr. method for tracking the pharmacokinetics of translational research projects, contact
Christoforidis took matters into his own hands. medications. Barbara Landolfi at (614) 293-8760.

Betsy Kent having her blood pressure
monitored for a clinical trial



Are you receiving monthly injections for wet
AMD? If you are, you could help discover
a way to require fewer injections by using
alternative eye drops.


Are you concerned about post-surgical
inflammation? Help us evaluate a new eye
It has been almost a year since Betsy During a clinical trial the patient’s health drop that may reduce ocular swelling after
Kent was diagnosed with wet age-related is always a first priority. Participants are cataract surgery.
macular degeneration (AMD). She had monitored more, not less, than normal
been writing an autobiography when she patients and often have additional testing
noticed that her vision was "going bad". that exceeds the normal standard of care. KERATOCONUS PATIENTS
The result of abnormal blood vessels When surveyed, most study patients report Do you have keratoconus or corneal thin-
growing and leaking in the back of the good to excellent care and remark that ning after laser vision correction surgery?
eye, wet AMD can result in permanent they were treated with dignity and respect.
blindness. Something had to be done. Vitamin B2 eye drops and exposure to UV
“The care is way beyond my expectations, light may strengthen the front surface of the
For treatment, Betsy was referred to way beyond,” said Betsy. “I’ve never had eye (cornea) and improve visual acuity.
retinal specialist John Christoforidis, MD. a problem, either before during or after. I
He told her about a new clinical trial feel privileged.”
called HARBOR for patients with wet SEVERE HEADACHE PATIENTS
AMD. Clinical trials study the safety and Study participants often have the advan-
Do you often have severe headaches accom-
effectiveness of medications or therapies tage of the latest innovations in care, some
on a chosen set of patients before it is of- receive the study medication or procedures panied with vision changes, double vision,
fered to the general public. The informa- free of charge, and some are even compen- or a “whooshing” sound? These may be
tion collected helps improve medical care, sated for their time. In addition, they are
signs of idiopathic intracranial hypertension
as well as our understanding of diseases. helping achieve breakthroughs in care that
would not be possible any other way. (or pseudotumor cerebri). Help us evaluate
Typically, wet AMD is treated with the current treatment for newly diagnosed
monthly injections of anti-VEGF (Vascu- “The conclusions that we make from
patients with this condition.
lar Endothelial Growth Factor) medica- clinical trials go such a long way towards
tion which inhibits the growth of abnor- helping thousands of patients who have
mal blood vessels in the back of the eye. the same condition as our participants," SOME STUDIES OFFER:
The HARBOR clinical trial studies dif- said Dr. Cebulla. "And, clinical trials in
• Free Medication
ferent concentrations (0.5mg - 2.0mg) of the United States are so well done that the
anti-VEGF injections. One of the benefits implications affect patient care worldwide.” • Free Office Visits
participating is that every HARBOR pa- • Free Dietary Counseling
tient gets the "gold standard" medication, Not every patient gets the opportunity to
• Time Compensation
some just get a higher concentration of it. affect so many lives, but Betsy Kent feels
like she’s doing just that. By joining a
Some patients are hesitant to participate clinical trial, she’s found a way to make
in clinical trials because of a common a lasting difference in the lives of others.
misconception that participants are And if anyone asked her if they should
merely “guinea pigs”, but not Betsy. join a research clinical trial? TRIALS OFFICE AT
“I was never really scared,” said Betsy. “I’d say, ‘You are the luckiest person in (614) 293-5287
“There was never a question of not par- the world,’” said Betsy. “‘Go for it.’ I
ticipating.” really would.”


The Forbidden City in Beijing, China

Professor Qiushi Ren between Dr. Roberts and
Dr. Katz and the Shanghai research team

Dr. Katz performing optic nerve

surgery on an animal subject COLLABORATIVE STUDY PROJECT
provide some level of visual perception. “It was difficult to communicate while
An optic nerve stimulation device bypasses engaged in a delicate surgical procedure,”
the entire eye which makes it a good solution said Dr. Katz. “They were very gracious
for ocular trauma patients. and everywhere we went there was someone
helping us communicate or someone who
“The problem is,” said OSU researcher Dr. spoke English."
Cynthia Roberts, “most Chinese surgeons do
not actually operate on the optic nerve. It is Once he had determined the best surgical
sort of a forbidden area for them.” method, Dr. Katz was able to perform live
surgery on an animal model to expose the
Because of this social stigma, Professor Ren optic nerve and train local surgeons who were
approached Dr. Roberts and Dr. Steven Katz, observing the procedure. Photographs were
Vision is a complex and fragile process. Light an OSU neuro-ophthalmologist, to discuss then taken of the microelectrode array sitting
enters through the front of the eye and is pre- an international collaboration for the China on the optic nerve to serve as a size reference.
cisely focused onto the retina, the back, inside Eye Project. His interest stemmed from Dr.
layer of the eye. The retina translates it into Roberts' expertise in biomedical engineering “The key issues are what kind of exposure
electrical signals so it can travel through the and the large volume of optic nerve surgeries we can get to the optic nerve,” said Dr. Katz.
optic nerve to the brain. If any of these parts that Dr. Katz has performed. “How do we fabricate the device so it can be
are damaged, your vision could be severely easily implanted, and how do we attach it to
affected. What would you do then? “I understood anatomically what he wanted,” minimize movement.”
said Dr. Katz. “I could also explain why
Artificial eyesight sounds like something some of the things they previously tried In the initial phase, researchers are using a
straight out of the movies, but for people who weren’t working and what I thought they penetrating electrode. Future plans include
have lost their sight it is an idea that brings should do to be successful.” the use of an electromagnetic field that can
hope. OSU ophthalmologists are collaborat- stimulate the individual axons in the optic
ing with scientists on the other side of the Dr. Katz and Dr. Roberts traveled to China in nerve. Dr. Katz is currently developing
globe to restore vision loss in their patients. January and gave presentations to the Depart- new surgical instruments that are smaller
ment of Biomedical Engineering at Peking and more delicate for the purpose of this
Qiushi Ren, PhD the Chairman of Biomedical University in Beijing and the Department of procedure. Two sets of instruments will be
Engineering at Peking University in Beijing Ophthalmology at the People’s Number One manufactured, one for Columbus and one for
is pioneering an artificial vision initiative Hospital in Shanghai. Shanghai. Another trip to China is planned
known as the China Eye Project, which uses for late June, where the first device will be
a direct optic nerve stimulation device. The Dr. Katz spent time in the lab trying to dem- implanted in an animal subject. Ultimately,
device is a tiny electrode which translates onstrate a minimally invasive approach to the Dr. Katz will use the successful animal trials
images from a remote camera into electrical optic nerve for the China Eye Project. This to seek approval for implanting the device
signals which travel through living fibers of enabled him to demonstrate how to expose into humans. Once approved, he will per-
the optic nerve to the brain. While it does the optic nerve so the device could be at- form the human studies at Ohio State.
not bring the vision back to normal, it can tached without having to go through bone.

“I always appreciated the
importance of tradition and
legacy that one passes to
When Andrew Wherley, MD graduated from
the OSU ophthalmology residency program the next generation. When
in 1998, he knew that he had some large I was in training, I would
shoes to fill. His father Benjamin, another
walk down the hallway and
OSU ophthalmology alumni, and his grand-
father Harold, an Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat look at my father's picture
(EENT) specialist, were both legends in the hanging on the wall. It was
small town of Dover, Ohio where he grew up.
always a special feeling to
Thankfully, his training at OSU had readied
him for the challenge. have that connection with
the past and with some
“I feel the training I received at OSU was ex-
of the finest physicians in
cellent and prepared me well for my practice,
said Andrew. “I had, and continue to have, Benjamin and Andrew in front of ophthalmology.”
the utmost respect for the attending physi- their new office, built on the site of
Harold Wherley's 1951 office.
Andrew Wherley, MD
cians who gave of their time to train me and
my fellow residents.”
Benjamin graduated from the OSU Ophthal- After a couple of years, he decided that he
Harold Wherley, MD was trained in Buf- mology Residency program in 1968, and like had a different calling: to help people.
falo, NY, back before ophthalmology and his father before him, served in the Army
otolaryngology were separate specialties. for several years before joining his father’s “I went to med school thinking I would be
When he completed his EENT training he practice in Dover. He took over the ophthal- a small town family doctor,” said Andrew.
returned to his hometown of Coshocton, Ohio mology side of the practice so Dr. Harold “During years when you rotate through the
to start his practice. Two years later, he was Wherley could focus on ENT. different clinical areas, I started with Psychia-
called to duty for WW2 and spent some time try, General Surgery, and Pediatrics. None of
in England at an Allied military base. With Between 1970 and 1980, Dr. Benjamin Wher- them quite fit and by this time my wife was
the war at an end, he returned Ohio. In 1951, ley was the only ophthalmologist for Tuscara- pretty worried.”
he built the office building where he, his was County with a population of 90,000. He
son, and then his grandson would practice was very available to his patients. Before It was then that Andrew completed an oph-
ophthalmology. The building was in continu- OSHA had a lot of safety regulations, patients thalmology elective and knew instantly that
ous use until 2010 when a new facility was would call routinely with foreign bodies in was where he wanted to be.
constructed in its place. their eyes. He would get a call from a nearby
factory and would put clothes on over his "When he said he wanted to go into Ophthal-
Benjamin Wherley, MD studied at Heidel- pajamas and meet them at his front door. mology," said Benjamin. "I told him that was
berg University in Tiffin, OH and completed terrific, and when he said he was going to do
his medical degree at Buffalo State Universi- “He had a slit lamp built into a closet in the it at Ohio State, I was thrilled."
ty of New York. He then came to Ohio State living room,” said Andrew. “Patients would
for his ophthalmology residency. come over and he would treat them right “I was drawn towards medicine by seeing
there in the living room.” how patients appreciated my dad and how he
“My training at Ohio State was absolutely made a difference in their lives,” said Andrew.
wonderful," said Benjamin. "I was very fortu- Andrew Wherley, MD went to college with
nate to get a residency position there.” an interest in soil and water conservation. Andrew frequently hears stories from his
dad's patients who traveled to Cleveland or
Drs. Benjamin and Andrew Wherley as far as Chicago to see an ophthalmolo-
gist. They would be asked 'Why are you
here when you have the best ophthalmologist
around right in your hometown?'”

"Patients still tell me how much they love my

Dad," said Andrew. "I know I’ll never live
up to his legacy. Of course, that’s what my
Benjamin Wherley, MD
Dad would say about his father as well."

What does his dad think?

"Well, when Andy came into town, I thought,

‘What am I doing here?'" said Benjamin.
"He’s smarter than I am. He’s a better sur-
geon than I am. And from the feedback I get
from everyone, I know they just love him. I
Andrew Wherley, MD couldn't be more proud."


day I still see people he took care of years
ago and they still tell me what a wonderful
doctor he was. How he saved the sight of
their child, their spouse, or themselves. I
hear that all the time.”

Dr. Letson wanted to maintain some aca-

demic ties to Ohio State and stay current with
ophthalmology advances. In the early 1950s,
he began staffing the resident clinic in Star-
ling Loving Hall. Every Monday for the next
twenty years he would make the trip from
Zanesville to Columbus to train the OSU
residents. One of the most exciting times for
him was the medical mission trip he and OSU
residents took to Algeria for several months.

He also loved gadgets. Even in retirement,

he was up-to-date with laptops and wireless
routers and scanners. Throughout his life he
was always playing with the newest technol-
ogy, whether computers, cameras, ophthalmic
equipment, music, cars, or airplanes.

Dr. Alan Letson with Dr. Holton Letson He had a natural curiosity about people,
places, and cultures. An avid world traveler
all his life, he circumnavigated the globe at

least three times and traveled to nearly every
country and environment on the planet.

JANUARY 23, 1925 - DECEMBER 29, 2010 In 1989, he and Betty moved to Hilton Head
Island and in his retirement he worked for
his church, St. Luke's Episcopal Church, was
Professor. Military doctor. Electronics Mellinger, a nurse who was working in Uni- active in Rotary, and volunteered as a reading
junkie. World traveler. Ophthalmologist. versity Hospitals. They were married in May tutor for children in the Hilton Head schools.
Photographer. Dad. How do you describe 1949.
Holton Letson, MD who spent his entire life He was a very giving, kind person; and he
dedicated to helping people, whether with He had finished two years of residency in was always happy. He was very humble;
ophthalmic care or just being a good person? Detroit at the Kresge Eye Institute when the would never brag about his accomplishments
Korean War began. He was called back into or philanthropic work.
Born in Red Cloud, Nebraska, a child of the service and was stationed first in Panama then
dust bowl depression, Holton came from a in Puerto Rico. When the war ended, he and When his son, Alan, who shared his father’s
very humble background. As a teenager, he Betty returned to Detroit so he could com- love of teaching, began training ophthalmology
worked in the Kansas wheat fields in the sum- plete his residency. residents full-time at OSU, Dr. Letson created
mer. Although his family did not have much, a fund to support his efforts in education and
they believed in education. That is a value that “He was always grateful and thankful for his research. He looked at that as a way to “pay
he passed down to his son Alan Letson, MD, army experience,” said his son Alan. “He forward” for the training that he had received.
OSU Ophthalmology Residency Director. always felt fortunate and lucky.”
He was very social and engaging. He could
“I think that’s been the key concept for my fam- After residency, Dr. Letson started a practice walk into a room of 50 strangers and would
ily,” said Alan, “the importance of education.” in Zanesville, Ohio. He was a comprehensive walk out two hours later with 25 new friends.
ophthalmologist, which back then, meant that
He was a National Merit Finalist which he did everything from retinal detachments “He could connect and communicate with
provided scholarship money for him to attend and cataracts to glaucoma surgery and oph- people,” recalled Alan. “He was kind and
Doane College in Crete, Nebraska where he thalmic plastics, all this in a pre-microscopic generous, a wonderful husband, father and
studied pre-medicine. At 18, he was drafted surgery and pre-laser era. grandfather, an outstanding physician, and a
for WWII. There was a great need for Army true gentleman with a delightful sense of hu-
doctors and he scored very high on the As one of only a few ophthalmologists be- mor, which he retained even in his last days.
aptitude test. After boot camp, he was sent tween Columbus and Pittsburgh at the time, In his mind, life's glass was always 90% full."
to Stanford. When he completed his under- Dr. Letson had a very busy, successful oph-
graduate degree, he transferred to Nebraska thalmology surgical practice. He often went An article can barely scratch the surface of
Medical School. He finished his medical to work at 6:00 am and came home for family what an incredibly dedicated, productive, and
degree in time to see the end of WWII. dinner at 8:00 pm. He worked 6 days a week thorough life Dr. Letson led. His son Alan
and made rounds every Sunday after church. said it best, “His life set a high standard for
He interned in surgery at The Ohio State me to live up to.” And really, it’s a challenge
University Hospitals where he met Betty “His patients loved him,” said Alan. “To this for us all to live such a full life.

In September of Dr. Mundy, our
2011, our new newest Clinical
glaucoma spe- Assistant Profes-

cialist, Clinical sor at the Havener
Assistant Profes- Eye Institute, is
sor Shelly Gupta, an optometrist
MD, will be avail-
able for patient
specializing in low
vision and contact
lens fitting. FELLOWS
(Fellows listed from left to right)
Dr. Gupta obtained a Bachelor of Science Dr. Mundy received her undergraduate
in Natural Sciences/Chemistry cum laude education at The Ohio State University, SUNDAY OLATUNJI, MD
from the University of Akron. She went receiving her Bachelor of Science. She RETINA
on to study medicine at Northeastern Ohio continued her education at The Ohio State
Universities College of Medicine. Fol- University College of Optometry, where Medical School: Chicago Medical School
lowing graduation, she spent a year at the she earned her Doctoral Degree. Upon
Residency: Kresge Eye Institute, Wayne State
Good Samaritan Hospital, TriHealth for graduation, she completed a residency at
an Internal Medicine internship. After the Cincinnati Eye Institute focusing on
completing an ophthalmology residency at the management of ocular disease.
University of Alabama at Birmingham, she CEDRIC PRATT, DO
was chosen to complete a glaucoma fellow- She has participated in humanitarian trips RETINA
ship at Wills Eye Institute in Philadelphia. with Student Volunteers for Optometric
Medical Degree: University of North Texas
Service to Humanity (SVOSH) to Nicara-
Health Science Center
Dr. Gupta is a caring, civic-minded physi- gua. She also participated in an optometric
cian who spends much of her time improv- mission trip in Tanzania and is involved Residency: OSU Havener Eye Institute
ing the lives of others by volunteering with in educating the local community on the
the Foundation to Prevent Blindness, Unite importance of eye health.
for Sight, Sight Savers America, Eye Care
Alabama, and an ophthalmology clinical Dr. Mundy is a member of the American
and surgical mission trip to Honduras. Optometric Association and Ohio Opto- Medical Degree: Case Western Reserve
metric Association. She is certified by the University
She is a member of the American Academy National Board of Examiners in Optom-
of Ophthalmology, and the Association for etry in the treatment and management of Residency: Case Western Reserve University
Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. ocular disease.
Medical Degree: University of North Texas
TO SET UP AN APPOINTMENT CALL (614) 293-8116 Health Science Center
Residency: Grandview Hospital (Dayton, OH)

te Un rsity •
o A Davidorf Lectureship Event, "Complex PVR Managment"

ology • The O


Gary Abrams, MD - Wayne State University, Chair
Eye Instit

Dal Chun, MD - Walter Reed Army Medical Center



h •
partment of Op

Join us Thursday, May 19, 2011 for

a complimentary CME & dinner event
at the OSU Eye & Ear Institute located
at 915 Olentangy River Road. RSVP
to or
call (614) 293-8760
Elson Craig, MD Dr. Craig examining specimens


NOVEMBER 27, 1932 - JANUARY 1, 2011
“Dr. Craig was a renaissance man,” said long- Dr. Craig became one of two researchers in During this time, Dr. Craig also established
time friend and colleague Paul Weber, MD.  Ohio who were trained in this procedure for his patient practice which specialized in
“He did everything and did it well.  Not just in biological tissues. During this time, he ob- uveitis, retinal diseases, orbital tumor, and
ophthalmology, but in life.  He rehabbed homes, tained a masters degree in histopathology. ophthalmic pathology.
was an excellent chef, a fantastic musician.  As
for ophthalmology, I still have patients that ask Dr. Craig entered medical school at OSU and “I spent my career with an office next to
about him because of his high quality of care.” was elected class president his junior year. He Elson,” said Dr. Frederick Davidorf, a former
was the first African American to receive this classmate and colleague. “He was a lot of
Elson Craig grew up in Columbus, Ohio. He honor. During medical school, he continued fun to have around and one of the smartest
attended East High School and was active in his work in pathology. His first introduction people I have ever met. Whenever I didn’t
the Science Club as well as several musical to ophthalmology was when he was asked to know something, I’d ask Elson. He was like
productions. He was elected by his senior study ocular tissue by Ophthalmology Chair- a textbook. He’d tell you the origin of the
classmates to be the “most likely to succeed.” man Dr. Torrence Makley who later became disease and all about it.”
his mentor, colleague, and friend.
Dr. Craig enrolled at The Ohio State Univer- Dr. Craig had a passion for education and spent
sity with a major in biology and a minor in After completing his internship at Mount over 40 years sharing the knowledge that he
mathematics. While at Ohio State, he joined Carmel Hospital, he trained under Dr. Makley had amassed to residents, fellows, and medical
the ROTC and met his future wife, Joanne. in the OSU Ophthalmology Residency Pro- students. To honor his legacy, the Elson Craig,
gram and served as Chief Resident in 1970. MD Ophthalmic Pathology Fund (#482067)
After graduation, he was commissioned as a has been created to support research and pro-
Second Lieutenant and was stationed in Ger- Dr. Craig was awarded a Heed Fellowship in grams involving ophthalmic pathology.
many, which allowed him to travel extensively Ophthalmic Pathology at the University of
throughout Europe. Dr. Craig received several California in San Francisco. MAKLEY-CRAIG SYMPOSIUM
citations for his service and was given a full-
dress parade at the end of his tour of duty. Dr. Craig returned to Ohio to start his practice A new educational event, the Makley-Craig
at Ohio State in 1971. In 1973, he was asked to Symposium, was held on January 8, 2011. It
He returned to Ohio and obtained a posi- become the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. will serve as an annual tribute to Dr. Craig and
tion as a research assistant at OSU. He was He served in this position for thirteen years and Dr. Makley and their untiring commitment to
given the opportunity to learn techniques in during his tenure obtained a one million dollar education. The conference will allow faculty to
transmission electron microscopy from the federal grant to recruit and retain minority present their research and education initiatives
physicist who co-developed this instrument. students at Ohio State Medical Center. in all areas of ophthalmology.

First Annual Makley-Craig Symposium Dr. Torrence Makley Dr. Elson Craig

Drs. Cate Olson, Sireesha Clark,
William Terrell, and Honey Herce Drs. Richard Lembach and Robert Lembach

Comprehensive ophthalmology is a diverse area of medicine. It includes
aspects of all subspecialty areas in ophthalmology, including cornea, ex-
ternal disease, cataract, glaucoma, retinal disease, neuro-ophthalmology,
oculoplastics, and pediatric ophthalmology.

The 54th Annual Postgraduate Symposium in Ophthalmology re-

viewed comprehensive ophthalmic problems and exposed the sig-
nificant changes that have occurred in the last decade. Held in early
March, Course Directors Julie Meier, MD and Amit Tandon, MD
Drs. Tom Dingle,
designed a program that covered changes in a practice patterns, new
David Rogers, and
surgical techniques, and understanding the disease process. Julie Lange

Among the dynamic national and international speakers were Edward

Buckley, MD (Duke University), David Dueker, MD (Medical Col-
lege of Wisconsin), Dennis Han, MD (Medical College of Wisconsin),
Gary Lelli Jr., MD (Weill Cornell Medical Center), Mujtaba Qazi, MD
(Pepose Vision Institute), Donald Tan, MD (Singapore National Eye
Centre and Singapore Eye Research Institute), and Jonathan Trobe,
MD (University of Michigan).

"It's great to be a part of a meeting that has drawn some of the great-
est ophthalmology minds from all over the world," said Dr. Tandon.
"Hopefully, we can all use their experience and knowledge to help our
practices and help our patients." Drs. Chantelle Mundy Drs. Julie Meier
and Carrie Lembach and Amy Kopp


The postgraduate meeting also debuted the
newest educational initiative from the Havener
Eye Institute. The innovative EYESI Surgical
Simulator provides cataract and vitreoretinal
surgery practice for residents in a 3D, physics-
based, virtual environment.

"This simulator is critical to training resi-

dents," said Dr. Mauger. "It will give them
realistic experience before they ever operate on a patient."
Drs. Andrew Hendershot
Donations have already been made toward this simulator which is and Adam Cloud discuss
valued at $176,000, but we have not yet reached our goal. To make a the new surgical simulator
with Dr. David Adams
donation, contact Barbara Landolfi at (614) 293-8760.



“Sight is an important part

of life. I couldn’t see my
daughter or granddaughter.
You get a whole different
perspective when you almost
go blind.” Joy Dawson
View of a resolving subretinal hemorrhage in the eye

On October 4th, 2010 at 5:00pm, Joy Dawson Mireille noticed that none of her other a surgery to remove the blood from her eye.
was preparing to meet friends. She was still functions seemed disabled. Joy recognized With the eye clear of the hemorrhage, Dr.
at work at Nationwide Insurance where she familiar voices, had conversations with Cebulla was able to see to the back of the eye
works as an IT specialist and stepped into the people, and demonstrated a good memory. and examine the retina, and central vision
restroom for a moment. She does not remem- area, the macula.
ber anything about the next five weeks. Joy “To me it wasn’t consistent, everything seemed
had an aneurysm in her brain which ruptured. all there,” said Mireille. “That was when they “We were very happy to find out that her mac-
The emergency squad was called. Joy’s brought someone to take a look at her eyes.” ula looked good,” said Dr. Cebulla. “There
daughter, Mireille Tussing arrived in time was a subretinal hemorrhage, but it looked
to travel with her mother to the emergency Dr. Cedric Pratt, the ophthalmology fellow like it was not affecting her central vision.”
room. who examined Joy, found blood which had
pooled in the back of her eyes. Dr. Colleen The day after the surgery Mireille brought
The next five weeks Mireille watched her Cebulla, a retina specialist at the OSU Ha- her nine-year-old daughter Chloe in to see her
mother undergo multiple tests, procedures, vener Eye Institute, confirmed the diagnosis: grandmother. Chloe had been very worried
and surgeries. When doctors had successfully Terson's Syndrome. about her Grandmother and had even said
managed the aneurysm, and she was beyond that all she wanted for Christmas was for
the risk of seizures, she was transferred to the "Gamma" to see her.
rehabilitation center at OSU’s Dodd Hall.
“I didn’t tell her that grandma had had sur-
“I would say that that first week in Dodd gery and I didn’t tell my mom I was bringing
was when I recognized that mom was finally her. When my daughter walked in, Mom was
coming back and starting to be herself again,” in the middle of a conversation with one of
said Mireille. “The following Monday, I the nurses. She stopped and said 'Chloe!' and
wheeled her down to her first rehab session. my daughter responded, 'You saw me!' It still
All of the other vision tests that she had brings tears to my eyes."
previously failed, I had blamed on sedation.
This time I realized, ‘She really can’t see.’” A few weeks later, Dr. Cebulla was able to
Back row: Mireille, Dr. Cebulla, and Dr. Pratt perform surgery on Joy's other eye. Again, a
During her sessions, the rehabilitation spe- Front row: Joy and Dr. Honey Herce, a resident very dense hemorrhage was removed from the
cialist kept trying to have Joy stand up and vitreous. Unfortunately, she had a lot of hem-
walk with assistance, but Joy kept insisting “I Terson's Syndrome is a rare condition caused by orrhage under the retina in the macula. They
don’t want to run into that wall,” or “I’ll hit intraocular bleeding due to intracranial bleed- were not sure how good the vision would be,
that chair”. They could not convince Joy that ing and high intracranial pressures, most often but over time that sub-retinal hemorrhage im-
there was no wall or chair in her way. She resulting from a ruptured aneurysm of the brain. proved. Her vision in both eyes had improved
was seeing things that were not there. The “hallucinations” were caused by Joy's brain from light perception to almost 20/20.
interpreting the blood as familiar shapes.
“I was describing things that didn’t exist,” “I am so thankful,” said Joy. “Without
said Joy, “and no one really argued with me This was the first bit of good news for Joy. sight the physical therapy would have been
because they assumed I had brain damage It meant there was potential to improve her nothing. I’m back to work now and live by
from the aneurysm.” vision. Dr. Cebulla performed a vitrectomy, myself. It's almost as if nothing happened.”

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Golf Classic



JOIN US JUNE 6, 2011
Plan to attend the 6th Annual Havener Eye Institute
BuckEYE Golf Classic to be held at the OSU Scarlet Golf
Course. Proceeds from the BuckEYE Golf Classic benefit
the OSU ophthalmology residency program.

Over the past five years, this event has provided

ophthalmology residents with textbooks and equipment.
This year, proceeds will go toward purchasing the
innovative EYESI Surgical Simulator (valued at $176,000)
which provides cataract and retinal surgery practice for
residents in a 3D, physics-based, virtual environment.


He is passionately dedicated to endangered animals. For more than 30 years, he has
been the public face of zoos worldwide, bringing the conservation message to millions
of people.


• 18 holes of golf at Scarlet Golf Course • Gift package & Ohio State polo shirt
• Photo opportunity with Jack Hanna • Lunch and dinner
• Challenge hole competitions • Prizes, awards, and trophy presentation


Visit us online at to view a
brochure or contact Barbara Landolfi at (614) 293-8760.

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