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Entender, hablar, leer y escribir en inglés sobre hábitos y rutinas.

 Past simple
 Past simple; short answers
 Regular verbs in the past simple
 Regular past simple endings


 Listening
 Reading and listening
 Pronunciation
 Reading stories
 Writing strategy
 Grammar Strategy



Affirmative Sentences
Other Verbs Verb To be
Subjec Verb Complement Pronoun Ver Complemen
t b t
Marco went to China I was 3 years old
He saw Kublai Khan You wer my friend
He asked many questions e
Marco travele all over the country He / she / was my partner
d it
He visited the largest city in We / they wer classmates
China e

Negative Sentences
Other Verbs Pron. To be+not Complement
Subj. Aux+not Verb Complem. I was not 3 years old
Marco did not see his father for You were not my friend
9 years He / she / was not my partner
He did not trave when he was It
l a child We / they were not classmates
He did not trave by bus

Yes/No Question

Other Verbs To be Subject Complement

Aux Subjec Verb Complem Was I 3 years old?
. t . Were You my friend?
Did Marco work Was He / she / my partner ?
? it
Did Marco have children? Were we / they classmates?
Did he like his job?


Other Verbs WH word To be Subject

WH-word Au Sub. Verb Where was I?
x What kind of were you?
What di Marc study? person
d o How many chairs were there?
How many di he use? Who was he?
horses d When was it?
What habits di he have? What color was it?
d How tall were we?
What kind of di Marc do in China? Why were you
things d o here?
How old were they?



be was / were Been ser, estar
become Became Become convertirse en, hacerse
begin Began Begun empezar, comenzar
bite Bit Bitten morder
blow Blew Blown Soplar
break Broke Broken romper
bring Brought Brought llevar, traer
build Built Built construir
buy Bought Bought comprar
can Could been able Poder
catch Caught Caught coger, atrapar, tomar
choose Chose Chosen elegir, escoger
come Came Come Venir
cost Cost Cost Costar
cut Cut Cut Cortar
do Did Done Hacer
draw Drew Drawn Dibujar
drink Drank Drunk Beber
drive Drove Driven conducir
eat Ate Eaten Comer
fall Fell Fallen Caer
feel Felt Felt Sentir
fight Fought Fought pelear, luchar
find Found Found encontrar
fly Flew Flown Volar
forget Forgot Forgotten olvidarse
forgive Forgave Forgiven perdonar
freeze Froze Frozen congelar
get Got got / gotten recibir, conseguir, llegar, etc
give Gave Given Dar
go Went Gone Ir
grow Grew Grown Crecer
hang Hung Hung Colgar
have Had Had Tener
hide Hid Hidden esconder
hit Hit Hit pegar, golpear
hold Held Held sostener
hurt Hurt Hurt hacer daño
keep Kept Kept guardar, continuar
know Knew Known conocer, saber
lead Led Led liderar, guiar, conducir
leave Left Left irse, dejar
lend Lent Lent dejar prestado
let Let Let permitir, alquilar
lose Lost Lost Perder
make Made Made Hacer
mean Meant Meant significar, querer decir
meet Met Met conocer, reunirse, encontrarse
pay Paid Paid Pagar
put Put Put poner, colocar
read /ri:d/ read /red/ read /red/ Leer
ride Rode Ridden montar (en transporte)
ring Rang Rung llamar, sonar
rise Rose Risen levantarse, alzarse, subir
run Ran Run correr
say Said Said decir, contar
see Saw Seen ver
sell Sold Sold vender
send Sent Sent enviar, remitir
set Set Set poner, colocar
show Showed Shown mostrar, enseñar
shut Shut Shut cerrar
sing Sang Sung cantar
sink Sank Sunk hundirse
sit Sat Sat sentarse
sleep Slept Slept dormir
speak Spoke Spoken hablar
spend Spent Spent gastar dinero, pasar tiempo
steal Stole Stolen robar
swim Swam Swum nadar
take Took Taken tomar, llevar
teach Taught Taught enseñar
tell Told Told decir, contar
think Thought Thought Pensar
throw Threw Thrown lanzar, tirar, arrojar
understand understood Understood entender, comprender
wake Woke Woken Despertarse
wear Wore Worn llevar puesto
win Won Won Ganar
write Wrote Written Escribir

Regular verbs in the past simple

Regular verbs in the past simple end in –ed.

 If the verb ends in –e (e.g. decide) add –d

They decided to go to China.
 If the verb ends in a consonant + vowel + consonant (e.g. travel) double the last
letter and add –ed
They travelled all over the Mediterranean.
 If the verb ends in vowel + y (e.g. study) –y becomes –ied
He studied the country carefully.
 If the verb ends in to or more consonants (e.g. ask) add –ed
He asked them many questions.



Rules: Regular past endings are pronounced differently depending on the last
sound of the verb.
1. When the verb ends in the sounds: /p/ /k/ /f/ /th/ /s/ /sh/ /ch/ = /t/
/p/ /k/ /f/ /th/ /s/ /sh/ /ch/
helped cooked laughed bathed closed finished watched

2. When the verb ends in the sounds: /b/ /g/ /v/ /z/ /l/ /m/ /n/ /r/ and vowel sounds =
/b/ /g/ /v/ /z/ /l/ /m/ /n/ /r/
robbed jogged lived apologized called formed cleaned answered

/a/ /e/ /i/ /o/

played freed died showed

3. When the verb ends in the sounds: /d/ /t/ = /id/

/d/ /t/

added invited
decided visited
divided acted
needed corrected

Listen to the pronunciation-audio in order to practice

A. Complete with the verb in past.

1. Mary ________ the homework at school. (do)

2. I _________ class yesterday. (not/attend)
3. They________ together. (study)
4. Jenny and Peggy_________ Mathematics. (not/like)
5. I _________ Andrew’s friend. (be)
6. Paula_______ with Peter at high school. (dance)
7. The boys _________ irresponsible with their assignments. (not/be)
8. He________ soccer at high school. (play)
9. The teacher_____________ their lessons very well. (not/prepare)
10. The school _____________ full of girls and boys. (be)
B. Choose the correct form of the verb BE.

1.She is 30 now, so last year she _____ 2. When I ____ a child we lived in Rome.
29. a. was
a. was b. were
b. were
3. _____ it a good film? 4. Where _____ you yesterday afternoon?
a. was a. was
b. were b. were
C. Write questions.

Example: (you / where / go?)

Where did you go?
1. (she / Where / stay at?)
2. (be / the weather / nice?)
3. (he / What / do / in the evenings?)
4. (be / Why / you / there?)


Past simple

Past Simple: Interrogative and negative form

Past of verb to be


A.Listen to the conversation. People are talking about what they did last night.
Complete with the verbs in past.


1. Josh: Let me think. I ______home, _______ a video game and ______ to a new CD.
That’s it!
2. Mari: I _______ to study for a math exam while my roommate ________her flute.
3. Peter: Well, my wife _________ a DVD, so we _______ a movie. But I didn’t like it
4. Melissa: I didn’t want to go out, so I _______ a couple of friends over and we _____
5. Rachel: Oh, I just ______late and then _________ the house. You know – the usual.
6. Stephen: I __________ online with my friend Jay. He’s living in Italy.
B. Listening to these people’s extraordinary lives and check the right answer to
each question.
Who is it?
1. John F Kennedy was president of USA in:
a. the 1950s b. the 1960s c. the 1970s
2. The scientist Marie Curie was born in:
a. Paris b. Warsaw c. Geneva
3. Laurent and Hardy were:
a. singers b. businessmen c. comedians
4. The Beatles were originally from:
a. London b. Manchester c. Liverpool
5. The composer Beethoven was:
a. blind b. deaf c. both
6. The Chinese communist Mao Ze Dong was born:
a. in 1973 b. 1893 c. 1993

7. Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky and Chekhov were Russian:

a. composers b. writers c. ballet dancers
8. Galileo was an Italian:
a. mathematician and scientist b. opera singer c. footballer

Read the information about Marco Polo.

Where did the Polo family come from? They were a rich family and they lived in
Italy over 750 years ago. They travelled all over the Mediterranean. They bought
and sold things like gold and silver. Marco was born in 1254 in Venice.
Marco was only six years old when his father and uncle went on their first journey
to China. In China, they met the king of the Mongols, Kublai Khan.
Marco didn’t see his father again for nine years. He was 15 when his father and
uncle returned from China. The next time his father and uncle decided to go to
China they took Marco with them. This was in 1271, they went by ship to Turkey
and then used horses. It was a long journey.
In 1275 they arrived in Khanbalik (modern Beijing) and saw Kublai Khan, he talked
to them and asked them many questions. He liked Marco and so he gave him a
job. What did Marco do in china? Well, he traveled all over the country. He saw that
the Chinese used paper money and used a machine to print books.
He visited the largest city in China, called Kinsai, many times. He said that the
people in Kinsai wore beautiful clothes and ate good food. There were ten big
markets in Kinsai and they sold everything people wanted.
Marco stayed in China for 17 years. The journey home took Marco and his family
two years. In Italy, Marco decided to write a book about his life in China. Many
people didn’t believe Marco’s stories at first. Later, they believed him. Marco died in
Reading Comprehension
Based on Marco Polo information. Are the following sentences right or wrong? If there is
no information, write ‘doesn’t say’.

1. Marco first went to China when he was six years old. _____
2. It took Marco and his family along time to get to China. _____
3. Marco travelled to China by boat and on a horse. _____
4. Marco spoke to Kublai Khan. _____
5. Marco liked Kublai Khan very much. _____
6. Kinsai had twelve markets. _____
7. Marco took a long time to write his book about China. _____
8. Marco died a poor man. _____


Based on the parts of the paragraph and the important elements in a writing exercise, write
a paragraph about your last vacation.


Reporte Escrito del taller-3, unidad-3. Desarrollar el taller-3 y elaborar un reporte sobre
las actividades prácticas. El reporte se debe elaborar en computador y subirlo al
Classroom. Fecha límite de entrega jueves 29 de abril.

Lectura de cuentos. Leer el cuento 3: The Locked Room. Escuchar el audio del cuento
para aprendizaje y práctica de vocabulario. Aprender palabras nuevas que se encuentre
en el texto e inclúyalas en su vocabulario de manejo en inglés. Debe preparar la lectura
y presentar un reporte oral el día jueves 6 de mayo.

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