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Geli, Samantha & Maldan, Rodney


Basic Characteristics of Humans Rights

a. Human rights are inherent to or part of the human person.

b. Human rights are inalienable; thus, they cannot be taken away from anybody.

c. Human rights are universal; they are not limited by boundaries but are
recognized by all humankind.

Human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated. These

rights are fundamental freedoms are the birth right of all human beings. It is the prime
responsibility of the government to protect and promote these rights.

Human rights are also laws or rules that bind citizens in a particular country or
members of the international community that have consented to be bound to global
treaties such as the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN
Covenants on Civil and Political, Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights.

In the Philippines, the legal framework for the protection of human rights is
established, among others, by the Constitution, the Civil Code, the revised penal Code
and the Child and Youth Welfare Code. The Commission on Human Rights has also
established protective legal measures. The Ombudsman, meanwhile, functions to
prevent the abuse of power by government officials and employees.

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