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10 cess, and boil to expel excess NH3, as shown by color change in liq-
AOAC Official Method 922.05 uid and partial precipitation. Add 3–4 mL CH3COOH (4 + 1), boil
Copper in Pesticide Formulations 1–2 min, cool, add 10 mL 30% KI solution (w/v), and titrate with
First Action 1922 standard Na2S2O3 solution until brown color becomes faint. Add
Final Action starch indicator, 922.03A(f) (see 7.1.05), and continue titration cau-
tiously until blue color due to free I2 entirely disappears. From mL
(Applicable to such preparations as Bordeaux–lead arsenate, Bor- standard Na2S2O3 solution used, calculate percent Cu in test portion.
deaux–zinc arsenite, Bordeaux–Paris green, and Bordeaux–calcium Thiosulfate standard solution.—Prepare solution containing 39 g
arsenate.) Na2S2O3⋅5H2O/L. Accurately weigh 0.2–0.4 g pure electrolytic Cu
and transfer to 250 mL Erlenmeyer roughly marked at 20 mL inter-
A. Electrolytic Method vals. Dissolve Cu in 5 mL HNO3 (1 + 1), dilute to 20 or 30 mL, boil to
Evaporate filtrate and washings from PbSO4 precipitation, 922.04 expel red fumes, add slight excess saturated Br2–H2O, and boil until
(see 7.1.09), to fuming; add few mL fuming HNO3 to destroy or- Br2 is completely removed. Cool, and add 10 mL NaCH3COO solu-
ganic matter, and continue evaporation to ca 3 mL. Take up with ca tion (574 g trihydrate/L). Prepare 42 g/100 mL KI solution made
150 mL H2O, add 5 mL HNO3, and filter if necessary. Wash into very slightly alkaline to avoid formation and oxidation of HI. Add
250 mL beaker, adjust volume to 200 mL, and electrolyze, using ro- 10 mL of the KI solution and titrate with Na2S2O3 solution to light
tating anode and weighed gauze cathode with current of 2–3 amp. yellow. Add enough starch indicator, 922.03A(f) (see 7.1.05), to
After all Cu has apparently deposited (ca 30 min), add 15–20 mL produce marked blue. As end point nears, add 2 g KSCN and stir un-
H2O to electrolyte and continue electrolysis few min. If no further til completely dissolved. Continue titration until precipitate is per-
deposition occurs on newly exposed surface of electrode, wash with fectly white. 1 mL Na2S2O3 solution = ca 10 mg Cu.
H2O without breaking current either by siphoning or quickly replac- It is essential for Na2S2O3 titration that concentration of KI in so-
ing beaker with electrolyte successively with 2 beakers of H2O. In- lution be carefully regulated. If solution contains <320 mg Cu, at
terrupt current, rinse cathode with alcohol, dry few moments in completion of titration 4.2–5 g KI should have been added for each
oven, and weigh. Calculate percent Cu in test portion. 100 mL total solution. If greater amounts of Cu are present, add KI
solution slowly from buret with constant agitation in amounts pro-
B. Volumetric Thiosulfate Method
portionately greater.
Proceed as in A to point at which filtrate and washings from
PbSO4 precipitation are treated with fuming HNO3 and evaporated Reference: JAOAC 5, 398(1922).
to volume of ca 3 mL. Take up in ca 50 mL H2O, add NH4OH in ex- CAS-7440-50-8 (copper)


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