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1. Potato tuber is considered as a stem. Give two reasons. (1)

2. Rearrange the following events of sexual reproduction in the sequence

in which they occur in a flowering plant:
embryogenesis, fertilisation, gametogenesis, pollination. (1)

3. Give the scientific name of a plant which came to India as a contaminant

with imported wheat and causes pollen allergy. (1)

4. What do the ovary and ovule of a flower develop into after fertilisation?

5. Honey bees produce their young ones only by sexual reproduction. Despite
of this, in a colony of bees we find both haploid and diploid individuals.
Name the haploid and diploid individuals in the colony. (1)

6. Study the relationship between first two words and suggest a suitable
word for fourth place.
(i) Birds : oviparous : Primates : .................................
(ii) Chlamydomonas : Zoospores :: Penicillium : .................................
(iii) Ginger : Rhizome : Agave : .................................
(iv) Male lower : Stamens : Female flower : ................................. (2)

7. Fill the blank spaces a, b, c, and d given in the following table. (2)

Organism Organ Gamete

a Testes Spermatozoa

Human female b Ovum

Plant (Angiosperm) c Pollen grains

Plant (pteridophytes) Antheridium d

1 [XII – Biology]
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______

8. Distinguish between gametogenesis and embryogenesis. (3)

9. Define : (a) zoospore, (b) zygospore and (c) zygote (3)

10. (A) Explain why meiosis and gametogenesis are always interlinked?

(B) Define external fertilization. Mention its disadvantages. (3)

[XII – Biology] 2
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1. Note the relationship between the first two words and suggest a suitable
word. (5)

(a) Root system : Stock :: Shoot system : ......................

(b) Asexual reproduction :: Uniparental :: Bisexual reproduction :


(c) Chlamydomonas : Zoospore :: Penicillin : ........................

(d) Eyes : Potato :: ......................... : Ginger

(e) Leaf bud of Bryophyllum :: Offset : ......................

2. If the chromosome numbers in the gametes of Apple and maize are 17

and 10, respectively, what will be the numbers in meiocytes of these
organism? (2)

3. Choose the correct answer : (3)

(a) Bulbils are employed for multiplication of :

(i) Bryophyllum (ii) Crocus

(iii) Agave (iv) Strawberry

(b) A plant flowered once in 12 years in the month of September –

October 2006. Its mass flowering transformed large tracks of hilly
areas in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu into blue stretches. The
name of the plant is :

(i) Bamboo species (ii) Strobilanthus kurthiana

(iii) Aloevera (iv) Agave

(c) The cause of “Terror of Bengal” was due to enormous vegetative

growth of :

3 [XII – Biology]
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______

(i) Bryophyllum (ii) Water hyacinth

(iii) Hydrilla (iv) Ceratophyllum

4. Identify each part in a flowering plant and write whether it is haploid (n)
or diploid (2n) (5)

(a) Ovary (b) Pollen

(c) Zygote (d) Egg

(e) Anther

[XII – Biology] 4
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1. Offspring formed by asexual method of reproduction are referred to as

clones, why? (1)

2. Both cotyledons and nucellus perform a common function, what is that? (1)

3. In case of polyembryony, if an embryo develops from the synergid and

another from the nucellus which is haploid and which diploid? (1)

4. What is the function of the two male gametes produced by each pollen
grain in angiosperm? (1)

5. Outer envelop of pollen grain made of a highly resistant substance. What

is that substance? At which particular point the substance is not present?

6. Why does the zygote begin to divide only after the division of Primary
edosperm cell (PEC)? (2)

7. Among the animal, insects particularly bees are the dominant pollinating
agents. List any four characteristic features of the insect pollinated flower.

8. Continued self pollination lead to inbreeding depression. List three devices,

which flowering plant have developed to discourage self pollination? (3)

9. Differentiate between microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis. What type

of cell division occurs during these events. Name the structure formed at
the end of these two events. (3)

10. Draw the embryo sac of a flowering plants and label : (5)

(a) (i) Central Cell (ii) Chalazal end (iii) Synergids

(b) Name the cell that develops into embryo sac and explain how this
cell leads to formation of embryo sac.

(c) Mention the role played by various cells of embryo sac.

(d) Give the role of filiform apparatus.

5 [XII – Biology]
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1. Complete the following flow chart : (1)

Vegetative cell
Pollen mother cell Pollen tetrad  Pollen grain
2. Indicate the stage where meiosis occurs is the given flow chart :– (1)

Megaspore mother cell  Megaspores 
Embryo sac
 (3)

3. In the T-S of a mature anther given below, identify ‘a’ and ‘b’ and mention
their function. (2)


4. If the diploid number of chromosomes of an angiospermic plant is 20, what

would be the number in embryo and endosperm? (2)

5. (i) Pollination by bat is called..............................

(ii) Pollination by birds is called.......................... (2)

[XII – Biology] 6
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______

6. Choose the correct option :

(a) Ubisch bodies are found in :

(i) Endothecium (ii) Middle layers
(iii) Tapetum (iv) Sporogenous tissue (1)
(b) Germ pore is the region where the exine is
(i) Thin (ii) Absent
(iii) Uniform (iv) Thick (1)
(c) The outermost layer of maize endosperm is called
(i) Perisperm (ii) Aleurone
(iii) Tapetum (iv) Endothecium (1)
7. In the given figure, label the part which is protective in function and that
which is responsible for producing new plant. (4)

7 [XII – Biology]
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1. Given below are the events in human reproduction, Write them in correct
order :

Insemination, gametogenesis, fertilisation, parturition, gestation, implantation


2. Both vaccine and colostrum produce immunity. Name type of immunity

produced by these. (1)

3. What is the significance of ampullary–isthmic junction in the female

reproductive tract. (1)

4. Mention the importance of LH surge during menstrual cycle. (1)

5. In ovary which structure transforms as corpus luteum and name the

hormone secreted by corpus luteum? (1)

6. Why doctors recommend breast feeding during initial period of infant growth?

7. Give a schematic labelled diagram to represent oogenesis (without

descriptions) (2)

8. T.S. of mammalian testis revealing seminiferous tubules show different

types of cell.

(i) Name the two types of cells of germinal epithelium.

(ii) Name of cells scattered in connective tissue and lying between


Differentiate between them on the basis of their functions. (3)

9. What is foetal ejection reflex? Explain how it leads to parturition? (3)

10. Draw a neat diagram of the female reproductive system and label the parts
associated with the following (a) production of gamete, (b) site of fertilisation
(c) site of implantation and, (d) birth canal.

[XII – Biology] 8
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1. Female reproductive organs and associated functions are given below in

Column A and Column B. Fill in the blank boxes. (2)

Column A Column B

Ovaries Ovulation

Oviduct A

B Pregnancy

Vagina Birth

2. Study the figure and answer the questions. (5)

Inner Cell Mass

(a) Name the stage of human embryo the figure represents

(b) Identify ‘a’ and give its function

(c) Mention the fate of the inner cell mass after implantation in the

(d) Where are stem cells located in this embryo.

3. What is the number of chromosomes in the following cells of a human


(i) Spermatogonial cells (ii) Sertoli cells

(ii) Spermatids (iv) Primary spermatocyte

9 [XII – Biology]
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______

4. Complete :

(1) Estrogen : Graffian follicle :: Progesterone : ......................

(2) Sertoli cells : Testes :: Leydig cells : .......................

(3) Male : Vasectomy :: Female : .........................

(4) Fertilisation : Fallopian Tube :: Implantation : ........................

[XII – Biology] 10
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______


1. Name the oral contraceptive developed by CDRI, Lucknow. (1)

2. Give technical name of female used to bring up in vitro fertilized egg to

maturity. (1)

3. Males in whom testes fail to descend to the scrotum are generally infertile.
Why? (1)

4. Mention two advantages of lactational amenorrhea as a contraceptive

method. (1)

5. Give the term for rapid population growth. (1)

6. Copper ions-releasing IUDs are more efficient than non-medicated methods.

Why? (2)

7. Comment on the essential features required for an ideal contraceptive.


8. Brief explain IVF and ET. What are the conditions in which these methods
are advised? (3)

9. Differentiate between Vasectomy and Tubectomy. (3)

10. Briefly explain the various reproductive technologies to assist an infertile

couple to have children. (5)

11 [XII – Biology]
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1. Give the full form of MTP (1)

2. Explain the term GIFT (1)

3. Differentiate between tubectomy and vasectomy (2)

4. Briefly outline the reasons for human population explosion (2)

5. Describe chemical methods of birth control. (2)

6. Explain the Zygote Intra Fallopian Transfer technique (ZIFT). How is Intra
Uterine Transfer technique (IUT) different from it? (2)

7. What are STDs? Name some STDs. How can they be prevented? (3)

8. How can zero population growth be achieved. (3)

9. Write a short note on test tube baby. (3)

10. Cu-T prevents pregnancy by preventing :–

(a) Fertilization (b) Ovulation

(c) Implantation of Fertilized egg (d) None of the above. (1)

[XII – Biology] 12
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______


1. A haemophilic man marries a normal homozygous woman. What is the

probability that their daughter will be haemophilic? (1)

2. A test is performed to know whether the given plant is homozygous dominant

or heterozygous. Name the test and phenotypic ratio of this test for a
monohybrid cross. (1)

3. Name the disorder with the following chromosome complement. (1)

I. 22 pairs of autosomes + XXY

II. 22 pairs of autosomes + 21st chromosome + XY.

4. In our society a woman is often blamed for not bearing male child. Do you
think it is right? Justify. (1)

5. Discuss the genetic basis of wrinkled phenotype of pea seed. (1)

6. Can a child have blood group O if his parents have blood group ‘A’ and ‘B’.
Explain (2)

7. What is Down’s syndrome? Give its symptoms and cause. (2)

8. With the help of an example differentiate between incomplete dominance

and codominance. (3)

9. In Mendel’s breeding experiment on garden pea, the offspring of F2

generation are obtained in the ratio of 25% pure yellow pod, 50% hybrid
green pods and 25% green pods State (i) which pod colour is dominant
(ii) The Phenotypes of the individuals of F1 generation, (iii) Workout the
cross. (3)

10. (a) In humans, males are heterogametic and females are homogametic.
Explain. Are there any examples where males are homogametic and females

(b) Also describes as to, who determines the sex of an unborn child?
Mention whether temperature has a role in sex determination. (5)

13 [XII – Biology]
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1. What do you understand by terms allele and genotype? (1)

2. Aa Bb was crossed with aa bb. What would be the phenotypic ratio of

Progeny? Mention the term to denote this kind of cross. (1)

3. How many genes are responsible for

(i) ABO system of blood group

(ii) Skin colour in human (2)

4. Name the type of inheritance in which genotypic ratio is the same as the
phenotypic ratio. Also give the ratio. (2)

5. What is crossing over? In which stage of cell division it taken place?


6. What are liked genes? How can a pair of liked genes be identified?

7. Explain the sex determination mechanism in humans. How is it different in

birds? (3)

8. A woman with blood group O married a man with AB group show the
possible blood groups of progeny list the alleles involved in this inheritance.

9. State and explain Mandel’s Law of independent assortment. (4)

[XII – Biology] 14
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1. Name the factors for RNA polymerase enzyme which recognises the start
and termination signals on DNA for transcription process in Bacteria.

2. During translation what role is preformed by t RNA? (1)

3. RNA viruses mutate and evolve faster than other viruses. Why? (1)

4. Mention the dual functions of AUG. (1)

5. Write the segment of RNA transcribed from the given DNA. (1)

3’. A T G C A G T A C G T C G T A - 5’ - Template Strand

5’ . T A C G T C A T G C A G C A T - 3’ - Coding Strand

6. Complete the blanks a, b, c and d on the basis of Frederick Griffith

Experiment. (2)

S Strain  inject into mice  (a)

R Strain  inject into mice  (b)

S Strain (heat killed)  inject into mice  (c)

S Strain (heat killed) + R strain (live)  inject into mice  (d)

7. State the 4 criteria which a molecule must fulfill to act as a genetic material.

8. Explain the process of splicing, capping and tailing which occur during
transcription in Eukaryotes. (3)

9. Give any six features of the human genome. (3)

10. ‘There is a paternity dispute for a child’. Which technique can solve the
problem. Discuss the principle involved. (5)

15 [XII – Biology]
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(A) Give one word for the following :–

(i) Positively charged basic proteins found in Nucleosome....................

(ii) Enzyme used in DNA Replication............................

(iii) Size of haploid Human Genome............................

(iv) Proof of DNA to be the genetic material given by............................

(v) The strand in DNA which transcribes the RNA............................

(vi) Loosely packed chromatin in a Nucleus............................

(vii) Enzyme which join DNA fragments............................

(viii) Coding sequence present in a mature RNA............................

(ix) Process of making DNA from RNA............................

(x) Site where DNA Replication begins............................

(B) Fill in the crossword using the clues given below :


3 10


[XII – Biology] 16
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______

Across Down

1. DNA double helical structure 3. Enzyme involved in Transcription

given by

5. Semi-conservative mode of 7. Site where the enzyme binds to

DNA Replication given by start transcription.

2. Removal of Introns from RNA 8. Purine absent in DNA

6. Alec Jeffrey developed the 10. Factor necessary for Transcription

technique to begin in prokaryots.

9. Change in the base pair 11. Lac operon is switched on in the

Sequence of DNA presence of inducer

4. Process of making polypeptide

from RNA

(c) Label the Diagrams :–






2. 1.
3´ 3. 5´
Template Strand

5´ 3´

17 [XII – Biology]
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1. ________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________

Name the Diagram – _______________________________________

Read the following passages and answers the questions :

(i) “Griffith observed that when heat killed S – Strain bacteria and line R –
strain bacteria were mixed and injected into the mice, the mice died”.

(a) What is the name of the experiment which Griffith performed?


(b) Why did the mice died?


(ii) “For initiation, the ribosomes bind to the mRNA at the start coden, the
ribosomes proceeds to the elongation phase, the complexes composed of
amino acid linked to tRNA sequentially bind to the appropriate codon in
mRNA by forming complementary base pair with tRNA. At the end release
factor bind to tRNA and steps the process.”

(a) Which process is explained in the above stanza?


(b) What is the end product of this process?


(iii) “In the first step DNA is isolated and then digested by Restriction
endonuclease. The fragments are separated by electrophorosis and are
then transferred to nitrocellulose membrane where they are hybridised
using VNTR probe which are visualized by Autoradiography.”

(a) Name the above mentioned process?


(b) Write two applications of this process?


[XII – Biology] 18
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1. In a certain population, the frequency of three genotypes is as follows:

Genotypes : BB, Bb, bb frequency : 22%, 62%, 16% (1)

2. Among the five factors that are known to affect Hardy – Weinberg
equilibrium, three factors are gene flow, genetic drift and genetic
recombination. What are the other two factors. (1)

3. What is founder effect? (1)

4. Who among the Dryopithecus and Ramapithecus was more man-like?


5. What is the most important pre-condition for adaptive radiation? (1)

6. It is said : “survival of the fittest”, does it mean that (2)

(a) those which are fit only survive, or

(b) those that survive are called fit?


7. We are told that evolution is a continuing phenomenon for all living things.
Are humans also evolving? Justify your answer. (2)

8. Distinguish between convergent and divergent evolution giving one example

of each. (3)

9. Industrial Melanism in peppered moth is an excellent example of Natural

selection. Justify the statement. (3)

10. How do Darwin and Hugo de Vries after regarding Mechanism of Evolution?

19 [XII – Biology]
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1. Fill in the blanks. (1)

(a) The systematic study of fossils is called_______________

(b) _______________proposed that life comes from pre-existing life.

(c) _______________is the ancestor of modern amphibian.

(d) _______________is single step large mutation.

(e) Archaeoptryx is connecting link between _______________ and


(f) Charles Darwin visited_______________islands.

2. Note the relationship between the first two words and suggest a suitable
word for the fourth place.

(i) Flipper of whole : Wing of bird :: thorn of : ___________Bougainvillea

3. In a certain population, the frequency of three genotypes is as follows:


Genotype BB Bb bb

Frequency 22% 62% 16%

What is the likely frequency of B and b alleles.

4. Name the five factors which affect Hardy Weinberg principle (5)

[XII – Biology] 20
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______


1. The immune system of a person is suppressed. In the ELISA test, he was

found positive to a pathogen.

a. Name the disease the patient is suffering from.

b. What is the causative organism? 1

2. What are interferons? 1

3. Breast fed babies are more immune to disease than the bottle fed babies.
Why? 1

4. Name the pathogen which causes malignant malaria. 1

5. Which microorganism is used to produce hepatitis B Vaccine? 1

6. Where are B-cells and T-cells formed? How do they differ from each other?

7. What is the role of histamine in inflammatory response? Name few drugs

which reduce the symptoms of allergy. 2

8. What are Cannabinoids? From which plant Cannabinoids are obtained?

Which part of the body is affected by consuming these substances? 3

9. What is cancer? How is a cancer cell different from the normal cell? How
do normal cells attain cancerous nature? 3

10. Represent schematically the life cycle of a malarial parasite. 5


In your locality, if a person is addicted to alcohol, what kind of behavioural

changes do you observe in that person? Suggest measures to over come
the problem.

21 [XII – Biology]
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1. Write the names of Casual organisms of the following :–

(a) Typhoid (b) Pneumonia

(c) Elephantiasis (d) Amoebiasis (1)

2. Expand the following :–

(a) AIDS (b) ELISA

3. “Madhav suffered from measles at the age of 10 years. There are rare
chances of his getting injected with the same disease for the rest of his
life”. Give reason for the statement.

4. When does a human body elicit an anamnestic response?

5. Name the diagnostic test which confirms typhoid.

6. Name the two major groups of cells required to attain specific immunity.

7. Which microorganism is used to produce hepatitis B vaccine?

8. “You have heard of many incidences of chickengunya in our country”.

Name the vector of this disease.

9. Lymph nodes are secondary lymphoid organs. Describe the role of lymph
nodes in our immune response.

10. What is source of :–

(a) Cocaine (b) Cannabinoids

11. In the given figure, structure of an antibody molecule is shown. Observe

it and give the answer of the following questions :

[XII – Biology] 22
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______





s B

s-s C

s s
s s

(a) Label the parts A, B and C.

(b) Which cells produce these chemicals?

(c) State the function of these molecules.

12. In the given flow diagram, the replication of retrovirus in a host cell is
shown. Examine it answer the following questions :

Retro virus
Virus infects
normal cells.

Viral RNA introduced into host cell



Viral genetue material in nucleus of the cell

Viral DNA incorporates into host genome


New viruses are produced.

23 [XII – Biology]
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______

(a) Why is virus called retrovirus?

(b) Fill in (1) and (2).

(c) Can infected cell survive while viruses are being replicated and
released by host cell?

13. Kiran participated in a group discussion in her school on “The ill effects of
Tobacco on Human Health”. In the evening, she goes with her family for
dinner and insists on sitting in the “Non-Smoking Area” to which her father
(a heavy smoker) objects.

(a) In this situation, who wins your support – Kiran’s concern for heath
& environment or her father’s objection? Justify giving two reasons.

(b) Suggest any three effective propaganda compaigns for anti-tobacco


[XII – Biology] 24
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______


1. In animal husbandry, if two closely related animals are mated for a few
generations, it results in loss of fertility and vigour. Why is this so? 1

2. Name a man-made cereal? Trace how it was developed and where is it

used? 1

3. A person who is allergic to pulses was advised to take capsule of Spirulina

daily. Give the reasons for the advice. 1

4. What is aquaculture? Give example of an animal that can be multiplied by

aquaculture. 1

5. Name two fungal diseases of Crop plants. 1

6. A new breed of sheep was developed in Punjab by crossing two different

breeds of Sheep. Name the two breeds which were crossed and the new
breed developed. 2

7. Differentiate between inbreeding and outbreeding in animals. 2

8. How is somatic hybrid different from a hybrid?

9. “Give me a living cell of any plant and I will give you a thousand plant of
the same type” Is this only a slogan or is it scientifically possible? Write
your comments and justify them. 3

10. You are a Botanist working in the area of plant breeding. Describe the
various steps that you will undertake to release a new variety.

25 [XII – Biology]
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1. Choose the correct option :

(i) Mule is produced by
(a) Selection (b) Inbreeding
(c) Interspecific hybridisation (d) Cross-breeding
(ii) Which is correctly matched?
(a) Apiculture – Honeybee (b) Pisciculture–Silk moth
(c) Sericulture – Fish (d) Aquaculture-Mosquitoes

(iii) The new varieties of plants are produced by :

(a) Selection and hybridisation (b) Mutation and selection
(c) Introduction and mutation (d) Selection and introduction
2. Fill in the blanks
(a) The crossing of F1 hybrid with either of the parents is known
(b) An organised mass of parenchymatous cells produced in a culture
is called________________
(c) For process of hybridisation, selfing of parents is done to reduce
3. To which process of hybridisation, selfing of parents is done to reduce
(i) Crop plants (a) _____________

(ii) Fish production (b) _____________

[XII – Biology] 26
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______

4. Study the flow chart given below : (2)

Cow is administered with FSH Hormone


6-8 eggs per cycle are produced

Artificially inseminated

Fertilised eggs at 8-32 cells are recovered


Identify (1) and (2)

27 [XII – Biology]
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______


1. Why does ‘Swiss cheese’ have big holes? 1

2. Give any two microbes that are useful in biotechnology. 1

3. What is the source organism for EcoRI, restriction endonuclease?

4. An antibiotic called. Wonder Drug was used to treat the wounded soldiers
of America during World War-II, Name the drug and the scientist who
discovered it. 1

5. Name the plant whose sap is used in making Todday.. Mention the process
involved in it. 1

6. Why are flows important in biological treatment of waste water? 2

7. How has the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis helped us in controlling

caterpillars of inset pests? 2

8. What roles do enzymes play in detergents that we use for washing clothes?
Are these enzymes produced from some unique microorganisms?

9. What is biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) test? At what stage of Sewage

treatment this test is performed? BOD level of three samples of water
labelled as A, B and C are 30 mg/L, 10 mg/L and 500 mg/L respectively.
Which sample of water is most polluted? 3

10. How does primary sludge differ from activated sludge? What type of changes
in the sludge are carried out in anaerobic sludge digester? Give the
composition of biogas produced in the sewage treatment plant. 5

[XII – Biology] 28
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______


1. Complete the table : (2)

S.No. Molecule Source organism Use

(i) ____a____ Trichoderma polysparum Immuno suppressive
(ii) Statin ____b____ Blood cholesterol
lowering agents

2. Identify a, b, c, d in the table (4)

S.No. Organic acid Microbe Type of microbe

(i) Citric acid ____a____ Fungi
(ii) ____b____ Acetobactor aceti Bacteria
(iii) Butyric acid Clostridium butylicum ____c____
(iv) Lactic acid ____d____ Bacteria

3. Complete the table : (3)

S.No. Enzyme Uses

(i) a In detergent formulations
(ii) Pectinases & Protease b
(iii) c Clot buster

4. Name two free living nitrogen fixing microbes (1)

29 [XII – Biology]
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______


1. A restriction enzyme digests DNA into fragments. Name the technique

used to check the progression of this enzyme and separate DNA fragments.

2. Name two commonly used vectors in genetic engineering. 1

3. A linear DNA fragment and a plasmid has three restriction sites for EcoRI.
How many fragments will be produced from linear DNA and plasmid
respectively? 1

4. What is the significance of adding proteases at the time of isolation of

genetic material (DNA)? 1

5. While doing a PCR, ‘denaturation’ step is missed. What will be its effect on
the process?

6. A recombinant DNA molecule was created by ligating a gene to a plasmid

vector. By mistake, an exonuclease was added to the tube containing the
recombinant DNA. How does this affect the next step in the experiment i.e.
bacterial transformation? 2

7. What would happen when once grows a recombinant bacterium in bio-

reactor but forget to add antibiotic to the medium in which the recombinant
is growing? 2

8. How will you obtain purified DNA from a cell? 3

9. A selectable marker is used in the section of recombinants on the basis

of their ability to produce colour in presence of chromogenic substrate.

(a) Mention the name of mechanism involved.

(b) Which enyme is involved in production of colour?

(c) How is it advantageous over using antibiotic resistant gene as a

selectable marker?

[XII – Biology] 30
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______

10. The development of bio-reactors is required to produce large quantities of

products. 5

(a) Give optimum growth conditions used in bio-reactors.

(b) Draw a well labelled diagram of simple stirred tank bio-reactor.

(c) How does a simple stirred tank. Bio-reactor differ from sparged
stirred tank bio-reactor?

31 [XII – Biology]
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______


1. The technique used in making copies of a specific segment of DNA involves.


(i) Ligase chain reaction (ii) Transcription

(iii) Polymerase chain reaction (iv) Translation

2. Name the first plasmid used as vector (1)

3. ____________are non coding sequences in eukaryotic DNA (1)

4. ____________technique is used in solving paternity disputes (1)

5. Give reason :– (2)

“To act as a vector, DNA molecule should bear origin of replication (Ori).

6. For producing a recombinant protein in large scale, which vector would

you choose – a low number or high copy number? Why? (2)

7. Identify (A) and (B) illustration in the following : (2)

5´–G –3´
3´ G T T A A G–5´


[XII – Biology] 32
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1. Name two pest resistant plants produced by using recombinant DNA

technology. 1

2. Name the technique based on the principle of antigen-antibody interaction

used in detection of a virus (HIV). 1

3. Expand GMO. How is it different from a hybrid? 1

4. Name the first transgenic cow. Which gene was introduced in this cow? 1
5. For which variety of Indian rice, the patent was filed by a USA Company?

6. When a foreign DNA is introduced into an organism, how is it maintained

in the host and how is it transferred to the progency of the organism?

7. What are the two methods for correcting ADA deficiency in a child? 2

8. Some multinational companies and other organisations are using

bioresources for commercial benefits, without proper authentication and
compensation to concerned authorities.

(a) Give the term for this unauthorised act.

(b) Suggest any two ways to get rid of this. 3

9. A bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis produces a toxic protein named. cry

protein. That is lethal to certain insects but not to bacterium.

(a) Why this toxin does not skill the bacteria?

(b) What type of changes occur in the gut of insects on coming this

(c) How man has exploited this protein for his benefit? 3

10. Highlight five areas where biotechnology has influenced our lives.

33 [XII – Biology]
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______


1. Fill in the blanks

(a) Plants, bacteria, fungi and animals whose genes have been altered
by manipulation are called___________

(b) ___________toxin is produced by bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis.

(c) In GM plants, genetic modifications enchances___________value

of food.

(d) In insulin, chain A and B are linked by___________bridges

(e) ___________therapy is a collection of methods that allow correction

of a gene defect that has been diagnosed in child/embryo

(f) ___________mice are being used to test the safety of polio vaccine.

(g) Source of cry gene is___________

(h) ___________ was first transgenic cow

(i) ___________ is a circular extra-chromosomal DNA molecule

present in the bacterial cell.

2. What is GEAC and what are its objectives? (3)

3. Expand GMO. How is it different from hybrid? (3)

[XII – Biology] 34
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______


1. Fresh water animals are unable to survive for long in sea water. Give two
reason. 1

2. Define diapause. Which organisms exhibit it?

3. An organism has to overcome stressful condition for a limited period of

time. Which strategies can it adopt to do so? 1

4. Write what do phytophagous insects feed on? 1

5. What is commensalism? 1

6. Why do all the fresh water organisms have contractile vacuoles whereas
majority of marine organisms lack them? 2

7. Define heliophytes and sciophytes. Name a plant from your locality that is
either heliophyte or sciophyte. 2

8. How will you measure population density in following cases? 3

(i) Fish in a lake

(ii) tiger census in a national park

(iii) Single huge banyan tree with large canopy.

9. Species facing competition might evolve mechanism that promotes

coexistence rather than exclusion. Justify this statement in light of Gauses
competitive exclusion principle, citing suitable examples. 3

10. Give one example for each of the following: 5

(i) Eurythermal plant species________________

(ii) A hot water spring organism______________

(iii) An organism seen in deep ocean trenches__________

35 [XII – Biology]
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______

(iv) An organism seen in compost pit________________

(v) A parasitic angiosperm _______________

(vi) A stenothermal plant species____________

(vii) Soil organism____________

(viii) A benthic animal________________

(ix) Antifreeze compound seen in antarctic fish___________

(x) An organism which can conform

[XII – Biology] 36
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______


1. What is meant by carrying capacity of the environment.

2. Between amphibians and birds, which will be able to cope with global
warming? Why?
3. Species that tolerate wide range of salinity are called__________
4. What would be the growth rate pattern when the resources are unlimited?
5. What does sigmoid curve of a population indicate?
6. Complete the table

Species A Species B Name of Interaction

+ + Mutualism
– – ---------------
+ – ---------------
+ 0 ---------------
– 0 ---------------

7. Which plant/flower shows phenomena of “sexual deceit”?

37 [XII – Biology]
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______


1. Arrange the following as observed in vertical stratification of a forest:


2. Name an omnivore which occurs in both grazing food chain and the
decomposer food chain. 1

3. Who are generally the pioneer in a Xerarch succession and in a Hydrarch

succession? 1

4. Which metabolic process causes a reduction in the Gross Primary

Productivity? 1

5. What does the base tier of the ecological pyramid represent? 1

6. Differentiate between primary succession and secondary succession. Which

one occurs faster? 2

7. What is effect on decomposition rate if: 2

(a) Detritus is rich in lignin and chitin

(b) Detritus is rich is nitrogen and sugars

8. Name any four ecosystem services. Who gave the price tags on nature’s
life support services? Which is the most important ecosystem service
provider? 3

9. What is an incomplete ecosystem? Explain with the help of suitable example.


10. The biodiversity increase when one moves from the pioneer to the climax
stage. What could be the explanation?

[XII – Biology] 38
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______


1. In an ecosystem dominated by trees, the pyramid (of number) is_______type


2. Energy flow is an ecosystem is____________ (1)

3. A simplified model of phosphorous cycling in a terrestrial ecosystem is

given below. Identify a, b, c, d

Consumer (c)

Detritus Litter fall

uptake run off

Rock Minerals

4. Fill in the missing stages in the given primary hydrastic succession (2)

Phyto plarkton A B C

Forest stage D Submerged

free floating

39 [XII – Biology]
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______


1. What characteristics make a community stable? 1

2. What does ‘Red’ indicate in the IUCN Red list (2004)? 1

3. Define gene pool. 1

4. What is the reason for genetic variation shown by medicinal plant Rauwolfia

5. Explain co-extinction with a suitable example 1

6. Define cryopreservation. Why is it useful in conserving biodiversity? 2

7. Which region is considered as the one with highest biodiversity on earth?

What is the name given to such region/forests? 2

8. Hot spots are the regions of exceptionally high biodiversity. But they have
become regions of accidental habitat loss too. Name the three hot spots
of our country. Why are they called. Hot spot.? 3

9. Discuss one example, based on your day-to-day observations, showing

how loss of one species may lead to the extinction of another. 3

10. How can you, as an individual, prevent the loss of biodiversity? 5

[XII – Biology] 40
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______


1. Fill in the blanks :–

(a) IUCN stands for________________

(b) First Earth summit was held at _________ and aimed at__________

2. Name the unlabelled areas ‘a’ and ‘b’ of the pie charts given below
representing the biodiversity of invertibrate and vertebrate respectively
showing thin proportionate number of species of major terms.

Biodiversity of

Biodiversity of a
vertebrates Reptiles

3. What is cryopreservation? (2)

4. What is Red data book? (2)

41 [XII – Biology]
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______


1. Jhum cultivation has been in practice from earlier days, but its considered
more problematic these days. Why? 1

2. A radiation causes ageing of skin, skin cancer, and inflammation of cornea

called snow blindness. It also damages DNA. Name the radiation.

3. What is the noise level that can cause permanent impairment of hearing
ability of human beings? 1

4. Use of lead-free petrol or diesel is recommended to reduce the pollutant

emitted by automobiles. Why? 1

5. List any two adverse effects of particulate matter on human health. 1

6. Mention any two examples of plants used as wind breakers in the agricultural
fields. 2

7. Name an industry which can cause both air and thermal pollution and as
well as eutrophication. 2

8. Deforestation is creating a lot of problems in the environment. List the

consequences of deforestation. 3

9. Write a short note on electronic waste. List the various sources of

e-wastes and the problems associated with its disposal. 5.

[XII – Biology] 42
Name ________________________ Roll No. _______


1. The figure given below shows the relative contribution of four greenhouse
gases to global warming.


(i) Identify A and C

(ii) Why are these 4 gases called as greenhouse gases? (2)

2. It is common practice to plant tree and shrubs near the boundary walls of
building. What purpose do they serve? (2)

3. Suppose sewage water is disposed off in the river. Show its effect on BOD
and dissolved oxygen. (2)

4. What is difference between bad Ozone and good Ozone? (2)

43 [XII – Biology]

Submitted by :

1. Alka Panwar (Lect. Biology)

2. B.C. Tiwari (Lect. Biology)
RPVV, Gandhi Nagar, New Delhi
3. Sita Ram Jangid (Lect. Biology)
GBSSS, Bindapur, Delhi
4. Sonia Gautam (Lect. Biology)
SKV, Gokal Puri
5. Hima Sood (Lect. Biology)
S.K. Kailash Enclave, Delhi

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