CamScanner 09-01-2021 21.34.34

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LESSON -11 OUR NATURAL RESOURCES Q/A Q1. Which are the two types of resources? Write two examples of each. Ans1. Two types of resources are- 1) Natural Resources-Eg-Air,Water 2) Man- made resources-Eg- Buildings,Roads Scanned with CamScanner Q2. What is the difference between exhaustible and inexhaustible resources? Ans 2. Exhaustible resources- a) Natural resources that cannot be created once exhausted are called exhaustible resources.Eg-Coal, Petroleum. b) They are also called non- renewable resources. Inexhaustible resources- a) Natural resources that do not get exhausted are called inexhaustible resources.Eg- Solar energy,Air. b) They are also called renewable resources. Q3. List the uses of coal. Ans3.a) Coal is an important source of power. b)It is used to cook, heat and to generate electricity. c) It is also used to run steam engines and factories. Scanned with CamScanner Q4. Write the names of three inexhaustible resources from which electricity is generated. Ans4. Three inexhaustible resources from which electricity is generated are solar energy ,wind energy and energy of falling water. Q5. How can you conserve natural resources? Ans5. We can conserve natural resources by- a)not polluting air water and soil b) planting more trees c) not hunting wild animals d) saving electricity THINK AND ANSWER Q. In some states it is compulsory for new buildings to install solar heaters on rooftops. Why is it so? Ans. Solar heaters use an inexhaustible resources that is solar energy which is easily available. This would lower the demand for electricity in the state. Scanned with CamScanner

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