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LESSON -13 OUR WATER RESOURCES Q/A Q1. Why is water essential for life? Ans1. Water is used for drinking, cooking food, washing clothes and growing crops. Q2. List five sources of water. Ans 2. Sources of water are- a) Rain b) Groundwater c) Ponds and lakes d) Rivers e) Seas and oceans Scanned with CamScanner Q3. What are the different means of irrigation used in India? Ans3. Different means of irrigation used in India are- a) Wells and tubewells b) Canals c) Tanks d) Sprinklers e) Dams Q4. How are dams useful to us? Ans4. Dams are called multipurpose projects and are useful to us in many ways- a) It provides water for irrigation b) It controls floods c) It generates hydroelectricity. Scanned with CamScanner THINK AND ANSWER Q. What will happen to the groundwater reserves in an area where it a) rains heavily? b) does not rain much? Ans. a) In an area where it rains heavily water will seep into the ground and raise the groundwater reserves. b) In an area where it does not rain much the ground water reserves will be at low level. Scanned with CamScanner

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